@ -268,6 +268,17 @@ public class MapHeap implements Map<byte[], Map<String, String>> {
return key ;
private byte [ ] removeFillchar ( byte [ ] key ) {
if ( key = = null ) return key ;
int p = key . length - 1 ;
while ( p > = 0 & & key [ p ] = = fillchar ) p - - ;
if ( p = = key . length - 1 ) return key ;
// copy part of key into new byte[]
byte [ ] k = new byte [ p + 1 ] ;
System . arraycopy ( key , 0 , k , 0 , k . length ) ;
return k ;
protected Map < String , String > get ( byte [ ] key , final boolean storeCache ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
// load map from cache
assert key ! = null ;
@ -324,27 +335,62 @@ public class MapHeap implements Map<byte[], Map<String, String>> {
* /
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
// simple enumeration of key names without special ordering
return blob . keys ( up , rotating ) ;
return new KeyIterator ( up , rotating , null , null ) ;
/ * *
* iterate over all keys
* return an iteration of the keys in the map
* the keys in the map are de - normalized which means that the fill - character is removed
* @param up
* @param rotating
* @param firstKey
* @param secondKey
* @return
* @throws IOException
* /
public CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final b yte[ ] first Key) throws IOException {
return keys ( up , false , firstKey , null ) ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final b oolean rotating , final b yte[ ] first Key, final byte [ ] second Key) throws IOException {
return new KeyIterator ( up , rotating , firstKey , secondKey ) ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating , final byte [ ] firstKey , final byte [ ] secondKey ) throws IOException {
// simple enumeration of key names without special ordering
public class KeyIterator implements CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > , Iterator < byte [ ] > {
final boolean up , rotating ;
final byte [ ] firstKey , secondKey ;
Iterator < byte [ ] > iterator ;
public KeyIterator ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating , final byte [ ] firstKey , final byte [ ] secondKey ) throws IOException {
this . up = up ;
this . rotating = rotating ;
this . firstKey = firstKey ;
this . secondKey = secondKey ;
final CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > i = blob . keys ( up , firstKey ) ;
if ( rotating ) return new RotateIterator < byte [ ] > ( i , secondKey , blob . size ( ) ) ;
return i ;
iterator = ( rotating ) ? new RotateIterator < byte [ ] > ( i , secondKey , blob . size ( ) ) : i ;
public byte [ ] next ( ) {
return removeFillchar ( iterator . next ( ) ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return iterator . hasNext ( ) ;
public void remove ( ) {
iterator . remove ( ) ;
public CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > clone ( Object modifier ) {
try {
return new KeyIterator ( this . up , this . rotating , this . firstKey , this . secondKey ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return null ;
public synchronized MapIterator entries ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
return new MapIterator ( keys ( up , rotating ) ) ;
@ -399,11 +445,12 @@ public class MapHeap implements Map<byte[], Map<String, String>> {
public Map < String , String > next ( ) {
final byte [ ] nextKey = keyIterator . next ( ) ;
byte [ ] nextKey = keyIterator . next ( ) ;
if ( nextKey = = null ) {
finish = true ;
return null ;
nextKey = normalizeKey ( nextKey ) ; // the key must be normalized because the keyIterator may iterate over not-normalized keys
try {
final Map < String , String > obj = get ( nextKey , false ) ;
if ( obj = = null ) throw new kelondroException ( "no more elements available" ) ;