@ -205,8 +205,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
setLog ( new serverLog ( "PLASMA" ) ) ;
// load values from configs
plasmaPath = new File ( rootPath , getConfig ( "dbPath" , "PLASMADB" ) ) ;
listsPath = new File ( rootPath , getConfig ( "listsPath" , "LISTS" ) ) ;
this . plasmaPath = new File ( rootPath , getConfig ( "dbPath" , "PLASMADB" ) ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Plasma DB Path: " + this . plasmaPath . toString ( ) ) ;
this . listsPath = new File ( rootPath , getConfig ( "listsPath" , "LISTS" ) ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Lists Path: " + this . listsPath . toString ( ) ) ;
// remote proxy configuration
remoteProxyHost = getConfig ( "remoteProxyHost" , "" ) ;
@ -233,23 +235,31 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
if ( blueList = = null ) {
// read only once upon first instantiation of this class
String f = getConfig ( "plasmaBlueList" , null ) ;
if ( f ! = null ) blueList = kelondroMSetTools . loadList ( new File ( f ) ) ; else blueList = new TreeSet ( ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded blue-list from file " + f + ", " + blueList . size ( ) + " entries" ) ;
File plasmaBlueListFile = new File ( f ) ;
if ( f ! = null ) blueList = kelondroMSetTools . loadList ( plasmaBlueListFile ) ; else blueList = new TreeSet ( ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded blue-list from file " + plasmaBlueListFile . getName ( ) + ", " +
blueList . size ( ) + " entries, " +
ppRamString ( plasmaBlueListFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// load the black-list / inspired by [AS]
urlBlacklist = new plasmaURLPattern ( new File ( getRootPath ( ) , getConfig ( "listsPath" , "DATA/LISTS" ) ) ) ;
File ulrBlackListFile = new File ( getRootPath ( ) , getConfig ( "listsPath" , "DATA/LISTS" ) ) ;
urlBlacklist = new plasmaURLPattern ( ulrBlackListFile ) ;
String f = getConfig ( "proxyBlackListsActive" , null ) ;
if ( f ! = null ) {
urlBlacklist . loadLists ( "black" , f , "/" ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded black-list from file " + f + ", " + urlBlacklist . size ( ) + " entries" ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded black-list from file " + ulrBlackListFile . getName ( ) + ", " +
urlBlacklist . size ( ) + " entries, " +
ppRamString ( ulrBlackListFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// load stopwords
if ( stopwords = = null ) {
File stopwordsFile = new File ( rootPath , "yacy.stopwords" ) ;
stopwords = kelondroMSetTools . loadList ( stopwordsFile ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded stopwords from file " + stopwordsFile + ", " + stopwords . size ( ) + " entries" ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "loaded stopwords from file " + stopwordsFile . getName ( ) + ", " +
stopwords . size ( ) + " entries, " +
ppRamString ( stopwordsFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// read memory amount
@ -279,7 +289,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
File profilesFile = new File ( this . plasmaPath , "crawlProfiles0.db" ) ;
this . profiles = new plasmaCrawlProfile ( profilesFile , ramProfiles ) ;
initProfiles ( ) ;
log . logConfig ( "Loaded profiles from file " + profilesFile +
log . logConfig ( "Loaded profiles from file " + profilesFile . getName ( ) +
", " + this . profiles . size ( ) + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString ( profilesFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
@ -287,7 +297,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
this . log . logConfig ( "Initializing robots.txt DB" ) ;
File robotsDBFile = new File ( this . plasmaPath , "crawlRobotsTxt.db" ) ;
this . robots = new plasmaCrawlRobotsTxt ( robotsDBFile , ramRobots ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Loaded robots.txt DB from file " + robotsDBFile +
this . log . logConfig ( "Loaded robots.txt DB from file " + robotsDBFile . getName ( ) +
", " + this . robots . size ( ) + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString ( robotsDBFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
@ -360,22 +370,37 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
this . log ) ;
// starting message board
log . logConfig ( "Starting Message Board" ) ;
messageDB = new messageBoard ( new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/message.db" ) , ramMessage ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Starting Message Board" ) ;
File messageDbFile = new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/message.db" ) ;
this . messageDB = new messageBoard ( messageDbFile , ramMessage ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Loaded Message Board DB from file " + messageDbFile . getName ( ) +
", " + this . messageDB . size ( ) + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString ( messageDbFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// starting wiki
log . logConfig ( "Starting Wiki Board" ) ;
wikiDB = new wikiBoard ( new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/wiki.db" ) ,
this . log . logConfig ( "Starting Wiki Board" ) ;
File wikiDbFile = new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/wiki.db" ) ;
this . wikiDB = new wikiBoard ( wikiDbFile ,
new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/wiki-bkp.db" ) , ramWiki ) ;
userDB = new userDB ( new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/user.db" ) , 512 ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Loaded Wiki Board DB from file " + wikiDbFile . getName ( ) +
", " + this . wikiDB . size ( ) + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString ( wikiDbFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// Init User DB
this . log . logConfig ( "Loading User DB" ) ;
File userDbFile = new File ( getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/user.db" ) ;
this . userDB = new userDB ( userDbFile , 512 ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Loaded User DB from file " + userDbFile . getName ( ) +
", " + this . userDB . size ( ) + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString ( userDbFile . length ( ) / 1024 ) ) ;
// init cookie-Monitor
log . logConfig ( "Starting Cookie Monitor" ) ;
outgoingCookies = new HashMap ( ) ;
incomingCookies = new HashMap ( ) ;
this . log. logConfig ( "Starting Cookie Monitor" ) ;
this . outgoingCookies = new HashMap ( ) ;
this . incomingCookies = new HashMap ( ) ;
// clean up profiles
log . logConfig ( "Cleaning Profiles" ) ;
this . log. logConfig ( "Cleaning Profiles" ) ;
cleanProfiles ( ) ;
// init facility DB