@ -261,33 +261,33 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
private boolean handlePersistentConnection ( final httpRequestHeader header ) {
if ( ! keepAliveSupport ) {
this . prop . put ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
this . prop . put ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
return false ;
// getting the http version that is used by the client
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
// managing keep-alive: in HTTP/0.9 and HTTP/1.0 every connection is closed
// afterwards. In HTTP/1.1 (and above, in the future?) connections are
// persistent by default, but closed with the "Connection: close"
// property.
boolean persistent = ! ( httpVersion . equals ( http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) | | httpVersion . equals ( http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_0 ) ) ;
boolean persistent = ! ( httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) | | httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_0 ) ) ;
if ( ( ( String ) header . get ( httpRequestHeader . CONNECTION , "keep-alive" ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "close" ) ! = - 1 | |
( ( String ) header . get ( httpRequestHeader . PROXY_CONNECTION , "keep-alive" ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "close" ) ! = - 1 ) {
persistent = false ;
final String transferEncoding = ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . TRANSFER_ENCODING , "identity" ) ;
final boolean isPostRequest = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) . equals ( http Request Header. METHOD_POST ) ;
final boolean isPostRequest = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) . equals ( http Header. METHOD_POST ) ;
final boolean hasContentLength = header . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH ) ;
final boolean hasTransferEncoding = header . containsKey ( httpHeader . TRANSFER_ENCODING ) & & ! transferEncoding . equalsIgnoreCase ( "identity" ) ;
// if the request does not contain a content-length we have to close the connection
// independently of the value of the connection header
if ( persistent & & isPostRequest & & ! ( hasContentLength | | hasTransferEncoding ) )
this . prop . put ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
else this . prop . put ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , persistent ? "keep-alive" : "close" ) ;
this . prop . put ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
else this . prop . put ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , persistent ? "keep-alive" : "close" ) ;
return persistent ;
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
private boolean handleServerAuthentication ( final httpRequestHeader header ) throws IOException {
// getting the http version that is used by the client
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
// reading the authentication settings from switchboard
if ( this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = = null )
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore . CRLF_STRING +
httpRequestHeader . WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore . CRLF_STRING +
serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Response Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( ! this . serverAccountBase64MD5 . equals ( Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( auth . trim ( ) . substring ( 6 ) ) ) ) {
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore . CRLF_STRING +
httpRequestHeader . WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" +
serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Response Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . flush ( ) ;
return false ;
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// proxy hops must identify with 4 criteria:
// the accessed port must not be port 80
final String host = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) ;
final String host = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) ;
if ( host = = null ) return false ;
int pos ;
if ( ( pos = host . indexOf ( ":" ) ) < 0 ) {
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
if ( Integer . parseInt ( host . substring ( pos + 1 ) ) = = 80 ) return false ;
// the access path must be into the yacy protocol path; it must start with 'yacy'
if ( ! ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "" ) . startsWith ( "/yacy/" ) ) ) return false ;
if ( ! ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "" ) . startsWith ( "/yacy/" ) ) ) return false ;
// the accessing client must identify with user:password, where
// user = addressed peer name
@ -364,12 +364,12 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// the accessing client must use a yacy user-agent
if ( ! ( ( ( String ) header . get ( http Request Header. USER_AGENT , "" ) ) . startsWith ( "yacy" ) ) ) return false ;
if ( ! ( ( ( String ) header . get ( http Header. USER_AGENT , "" ) ) . startsWith ( "yacy" ) ) ) return false ;
// furthermore, YaCy hops must not exceed a specific access frequency
// check access requester frequency: protection against DoS against this peer
final String requester = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP ) ;
final String requester = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP ) ;
if ( requester = = null ) return false ;
if ( lastAccessDelta ( YaCyHopAccessRequester , requester ) < 10000 ) return false ;
YaCyHopAccessRequester . put ( requester , Long . valueOf ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// ask for authenticate
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore . CRLF_STRING +
httpRequestHeader . PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Response Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( http Header. CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . flush ( ) ;
return false ;
@ -469,21 +469,21 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
public Boolean GET ( final String arg ) {
try {
// parsing the http request line
parseRequestLine ( http Request Header. METHOD_GET , arg ) ;
parseRequestLine ( http Header. METHOD_GET , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
final httpRequestHeader header = ( httpVersion . equals ( http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) )
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
final httpRequestHeader header = ( httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) )
? new httpRequestHeader ( reverseMappingCache )
: httpRequestHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handling transparent proxy support
http Request Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
http Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( this . allowServer ) {
if ( this . handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
@ -537,22 +537,22 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
public Boolean HEAD ( final String arg ) {
try {
parseRequestLine ( http Request Header. METHOD_HEAD , arg ) ;
parseRequestLine ( http Header. METHOD_HEAD , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
httpRequestHeader header ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ) header = new httpRequestHeader ( reverseMappingCache ) ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ) header = new httpRequestHeader ( reverseMappingCache ) ;
else header = httpRequestHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handle transparent proxy support
http Request Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
http Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
// return multi-line message
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( allowServer ) {
if ( handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
@ -585,22 +585,22 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
public Boolean POST ( final String arg ) {
try {
parseRequestLine ( http Request Header. METHOD_POST , arg ) ;
parseRequestLine ( http Header. METHOD_POST , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
httpRequestHeader header ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
final String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , http Header. HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_0_9 ) ) header = new httpRequestHeader ( reverseMappingCache ) ;
else header = httpRequestHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handle transfer-coding
final InputStream sessionIn ;
final String transferEncoding = header . get ( http Request Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING ) ;
final String transferEncoding = header . get ( http Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING ) ;
if ( transferEncoding ! = null ) {
if ( ! http Request Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_1 . equals ( httpVersion ) ) {
if ( ! http Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_1 . equals ( httpVersion ) ) {
log . logWarning ( "client " + session . getName ( ) + " uses transfer-coding with HTTP version " + httpVersion + "!" ) ;
if ( "chunked" . equalsIgnoreCase ( header . get ( http Request Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING ) ) ) {
if ( "chunked" . equalsIgnoreCase ( header . get ( http Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING ) ) ) {
sessionIn = new ChunkedInputStream ( this . session . in ) ;
} else {
// "A server which receives an entity-body with a transfer-coding it does
@ -614,13 +614,13 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// handle transparent proxy support
http Request Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
http Header. handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
// return multi-line message
if ( prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
if ( prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( allowServer ) {
if ( handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
if ( sessionIn instanceof ChunkedInputStream ) sessionIn . close ( ) ; // read to end, but do not close the stream (maybe HTTP/1.1 persistent)
//return serverCore.RESUME_CONNECTION;
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
@ -663,10 +663,10 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
httpVersion = arg . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
arg = arg . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , httpVersion ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , httpVersion ) ;
// parse hostname and port
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST , arg ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST , arg ) ;
pos = arg . indexOf ( ":" ) ;
int port = 443 ;
if ( pos > = 0 ) {
@ -675,11 +675,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// setting other connection properties
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD , httpHeader . METHOD_CONNECT ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_EXT , "" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_URL , "" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD , httpHeader . METHOD_CONNECT ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_EXT , "" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_URL , "" ) ;
// parse remaining lines
final httpRequestHeader header = httpRequestHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
@ -716,18 +716,18 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
httpRequestHeader . parseRequestLine ( cmd , s , this . prop , virtualHost ) ;
// track the request
final String path = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_URL ) ;
final String args = this . prop . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS , "" ) ;
final String path = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_URL ) ;
final String args = this . prop . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS , "" ) ;
switchboard . track ( this . userAddress . getHostName ( ) , ( args . length ( ) > 0 ) ? path + "?" + args : path ) ;
// reseting the empty request counter
this . emptyRequestCount = 0 ;
// counting the amount of received requests within this permanent connection
this . prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT , Integer . toString ( + + this . keepAliveRequestCount ) ) ;
this . prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT , Integer . toString ( + + this . keepAliveRequestCount ) ) ;
// setting the client-IP
this . prop . setProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
this . prop . setProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
// some static methods that needs to be used from any CGI
@ -1109,20 +1109,20 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
ByteArrayOutputStream o = null ;
try {
// setting the proper http status message
final String httpVersion = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/1.1" ) ;
final String httpVersion = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/1.1" ) ;
if ( ( httpStatusText = = null ) | | ( httpStatusText . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.0" ) & & http Request Header. http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Request Header. http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.1" ) & & http Request Header. http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Request Header. http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.0" ) & & http Header. http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Header. http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.1" ) & & http Header. http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Header. http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else httpStatusText = "Unknown" ;
// generating the desired request url
String host = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) ;
final String path = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
final String args = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS ) ;
final String method = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ;
String host = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) ;
final String path = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
final String args = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS ) ;
final String method = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ;
int port = 80 ;
final int pos = host . indexOf ( ":" ) ;
@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
String urlString ;
try {
urlString = ( new yacyURL ( ( method . equals ( http Request Header. METHOD_CONNECT ) ? "https" : "http" ) , host , port , ( args = = null ) ? path : path + "?" + args ) ) . toString ( ) ;
urlString = ( new yacyURL ( ( method . equals ( http Header. METHOD_CONNECT ) ? "https" : "http" ) , host , port , ( args = = null ) ? path : path + "?" + args ) ) . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
urlString = "invalid URL" ;
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
// tp.put("host", serverCore.publicIP().getHostAddress());
// tp.put("port", switchboard.getConfig("port", "8080"));
final String clientIP = conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , "" ) ;
final String clientIP = conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , "" ) ;
// check if ip is local ip address
final InetAddress hostAddress = serverDomains . dnsResolve ( clientIP ) ;
@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
tp . put ( "peerName" , ( getAlternativeResolver ( ) = = null ) ? "" : getAlternativeResolver ( ) . myName ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "errorMessageType" , errorcase ) ;
tp . put ( "httpStatus" , Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) + " " + httpStatusText ) ;
tp . put ( "requestMethod" , conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ) ;
tp . put ( "requestMethod" , conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ) ;
tp . put ( "requestURL" , urlString ) ;
switch ( errorcase ) {
@ -1220,11 +1220,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
if ( header = = null )
header = new httpResponseHeader ( ) ;
header . put ( http Response Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PROXY_RESPOND_STATUS , Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
header . put ( http Response Header. DATE , systemDate ) ;
header . put ( http Response Header. CONTENT_TYPE , "text/html" ) ;
header . put ( http Response Header. CONTENT_LENGTH , Integer . toString ( result . length ) ) ;
header . put ( http Response Header. PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
header . put ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PROXY_RESPOND_STATUS , Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
header . put ( http Header. DATE , systemDate ) ;
header . put ( http Header. CONTENT_TYPE , "text/html" ) ;
header . put ( http Header. CONTENT_LENGTH , Integer . toString ( result . length ) ) ;
header . put ( http Header. PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , header ) ;
if ( ! method . equals ( httpHeader . METHOD_HEAD ) ) {
@ -1274,17 +1274,17 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
if ( headers = = null ) headers = new httpResponseHeader ( ) ;
final Date now = new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
headers . put ( http Response Header. SERVER , "AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)" ) ;
headers . put ( http Response Header. DATE , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( now ) ) ;
headers . put ( http Header. SERVER , "AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)" ) ;
headers . put ( http Header. DATE , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( now ) ) ;
if ( moddate . after ( now ) ) {
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG: correcting moddate = " + moddate . toString ( ) + " to now = " + now . toString ( ) ) ;
moddate = now ;
headers . put ( http Response Header. LAST_MODIFIED , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( moddate ) ) ;
headers . put ( http Header. LAST_MODIFIED , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( moddate ) ) ;
if ( nocache ) {
if ( httpVersion . toUpperCase ( ) . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) ) headers . put ( http Response Header. CACHE_CONTROL , "no-cache" ) ;
else headers . put ( http Response Header. PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
if ( httpVersion . toUpperCase ( ) . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) ) headers . put ( http Header. CACHE_CONTROL , "no-cache" ) ;
else headers . put ( http Header. PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
if ( contentType = = null )
@ -1292,11 +1292,11 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
else if ( contentType . startsWith ( "text/" ) & & contentType . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "charset=" ) = = - 1 )
contentType + = "; charset=" + Charset . defaultCharset ( ) . name ( ) ;
headers . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE , contentType ) ;
if ( contentLength > 0 ) headers . put ( http Response Header. CONTENT_LENGTH , Long . toString ( contentLength ) ) ;
//if (cookie != null) headers.put(http Response Header.SET_COOKIE, cookie);
if ( expires ! = null ) headers . put ( http Response Header. EXPIRES , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( expires ) ) ;
if ( contentEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( http Response Header. CONTENT_ENCODING , contentEnc ) ;
if ( transferEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( http Response Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING , transferEnc ) ;
if ( contentLength > 0 ) headers . put ( http Header. CONTENT_LENGTH , Long . toString ( contentLength ) ) ;
//if (cookie != null) headers.put(http Header.SET_COOKIE, cookie);
if ( expires ! = null ) headers . put ( http Header. EXPIRES , DateFormatter . formatRFC1123 ( expires ) ) ;
if ( contentEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( http Header. CONTENT_ENCODING , contentEnc ) ;
if ( transferEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( http Header. TRANSFER_ENCODING , transferEnc ) ;
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , headers ) ;
@ -1327,10 +1327,10 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
try {
if ( ( httpStatusText = = null ) | | ( httpStatusText . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Response Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_0 ) & & httpHeader . http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Response Header. http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Response Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) & & httpHeader . http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Response Header. http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_0 ) & & httpHeader . http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Header. http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( http Header. HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) & & httpHeader . http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = http Header. http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else httpStatusText = "Unknown" ;
@ -1360,9 +1360,9 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler, Cloneable {
responseHeader . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH , "0" ) ;
// adding some yacy specific headers
responseHeader . put ( http Response Header. X_YACY_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUEST_COUNT , conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT ) ) ;
responseHeader . put ( http Response Header. X_YACY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
responseHeader . put ( http Response Header. X_YACY_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( http Request Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PREV_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
responseHeader . put ( http Header. X_YACY_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUEST_COUNT , conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT ) ) ;
responseHeader . put ( http Header. X_YACY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
responseHeader . put ( http Header. X_YACY_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( http Header. CONNECTION_PROP_PREV_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
//read custom headers
/ *