aded dockerfiles for 32 and 64 bit ARM/Raspberry Pi

Michael Peter Christen 4 years ago
parent 062111a003
commit 13e42c2dd2

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Build a docker image from latest YaCy sources
# Base image : latest Debian stable official jdk 8 image from Docker
FROM arm64v8/openjdk:17-buster
# Install needed packages not in base image
# (curl for sh scripts in /bin, and wkhtmltopdf,imagemagick,xvfb and ghostscript to enable PDF and image snapshot generation)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq curl wkhtmltopdf imagemagick xvfb ghostscript && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# trace java version
RUN java -version
# set current working dir
# All in one step to reduce image size growth :
# - install ant package
# - Compile with ant
# - remove unnecessary and size consuming .git directory
# - remove ant package
# copy sources
COPY . /opt/yacy_search_server/
RUN rm -rf /opt/yacy_search_server/.git && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -yq ant && \
ant compile -f /opt/yacy_search_server/build.xml && \
apt-get purge -yq --auto-remove ant && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set initial admin password: "yacy" (encoded with custom yacy md5 function net.yacy.cora.order.Digest.encodeMD5Hex())
# > java -classpath classes net.yacy.cora.order.Digest -strfhex "admin:The YaCy access is limited to administrators. If you don't know the password, you can change it using <yacy-home>/bin/ <new-password>:docker"
sed -i "/adminAccountBase64MD5=/c\adminAccountBase64MD5=MD5:8cffbc0d66567a0987a4aba1ec46d63c" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
sed -i "/adminAccountForLocalhost=/c\adminAccountForLocalhost=false" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
# Intially enable HTTPS: this is the most secure option for remote administrator authentication
sed -i "/server.https=false/c\server.https=true" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
# Create user and group yacy: this user will be used to run YaCy main process
adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-password yacy && \
# Set ownership of yacy install directory to yacy user/group
chown yacy:yacy -R /opt/yacy_search_server
# Expose HTTP and HTTPS default ports
EXPOSE 8090 8443
# Set data volume: yacy data and configuration will persist even after container stop or destruction
VOLUME ["/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA"]
# Next commands run as yacy as non-root user for improved security
USER yacy
# Start yacy as a foreground process (-f) to display console logs and to wait for yacy process
CMD ["/bin/sh","/opt/yacy_search_server/","-f"]

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Build a docker image from latest YaCy sources
# Base image : latest Debian stable official jdk 8 image from Docker
FROM arm32v7/openjdk:8-jdk
# Install needed packages not in base image
# (curl for sh scripts in /bin, and wkhtmltopdf,imagemagick,xvfb and ghostscript to enable PDF and image snapshot generation)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq curl wkhtmltopdf imagemagick xvfb ghostscript && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# trace java version
RUN java -version
# set current working dir
# All in one step to reduce image size growth :
# - install ant package
# - Compile with ant
# - remove unnecessary and size consuming .git directory
# - remove ant package
# copy sources
COPY . /opt/yacy_search_server/
RUN rm -rf /opt/yacy_search_server/.git && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -yq ant && \
ant compile -f /opt/yacy_search_server/build.xml && \
apt-get purge -yq --auto-remove ant && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set initial admin password: "yacy" (encoded with custom yacy md5 function net.yacy.cora.order.Digest.encodeMD5Hex())
# > java -classpath classes net.yacy.cora.order.Digest -strfhex "admin:The YaCy access is limited to administrators. If you don't know the password, you can change it using <yacy-home>/bin/ <new-password>:docker"
sed -i "/adminAccountBase64MD5=/c\adminAccountBase64MD5=MD5:8cffbc0d66567a0987a4aba1ec46d63c" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
sed -i "/adminAccountForLocalhost=/c\adminAccountForLocalhost=false" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
# Intially enable HTTPS: this is the most secure option for remote administrator authentication
sed -i "/server.https=false/c\server.https=true" /opt/yacy_search_server/defaults/yacy.init && \
# Create user and group yacy: this user will be used to run YaCy main process
adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-password yacy && \
# Set ownership of yacy install directory to yacy user/group
chown yacy:yacy -R /opt/yacy_search_server
# Expose HTTP and HTTPS default ports
EXPOSE 8090 8443
# Set data volume: yacy data and configuration will persist even after container stop or destruction
VOLUME ["/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA"]
# Next commands run as yacy as non-root user for improved security
USER yacy
# Start yacy as a foreground process (-f) to display console logs and to wait for yacy process
CMD ["/bin/sh","/opt/yacy_search_server/","-f"]

@ -21,74 +21,44 @@ cd yacy_search_server/docker
``` ```
Then according to the image type: Then according to the image type:
* for ubuntu-based images: * `yacy/yacy_search_server:latest`: This image is based on latest stable official Debian stable [openjdk]( 8 image provided by Docker. Embed Yacy compiled from latest git repository sources.
``` ```
docker build -t yacy/yacy_search_server:latest -f Dockerfile ../ docker build -t yacy/yacy_search_server:latest -f Dockerfile ../
``` ```
* To build the Alpine variant: * `yacy/yacy_search_server:aarch64-latest`: same as yacy/yacy_search_server:latest but based on
``` ```
docker build -t yacy/yacy_search_server:alpine-latest -f Dockerfile.alpine ../ docker build -t yacy/yacy_search_server:aarch64-latest -f Dockerfile.aarch64 ../
``` ```
## Image variants
* `yacy/yacy_search_server:latest`: This image is based on latest stable official Debian stable [openjdk]( 8 image provided by Docker. Embed Yacy compiled from latest git repository sources.
* `yacy/yacy_search_server:latest-alpine`: This image is based on latest stable official Alpine Linux [openjdk]( 8 image provided by Docker. Embed Yacy compiled from latest git repository sources.
## Default admin account
* login: admin
* password: yacy
You should modify this default password with page /ConfigAccounts_p.html when exposing publicly your YaCy container.
## Usage ## Usage
### First start ### Run the docker image
#### Most basic
docker run yacy/yacy_search_server ```
docker run -d --name yacy -p 8090:8090 -p 8443:8443 -v yacy_data:/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA --log-opt max-size=200m --log-opt max-file=2 yacy/yacy_search_server:latest
YaCy web interface is then exposed at http://[container_ip]:8090 YaCy web interface is then exposed at http://[container_ip]:8090
You can retrieve the container IP address with `docker inspect`. You can retrieve the container IP address with `docker inspect`.
#### Easier to handle #### Default admin account
docker run --name yacy -p 8090:8090 -p 8443:8443 --log-opt max-size=200m --log-opt max-file=2 yacy/yacy_search_server * login: admin
* password: yacy
##### Options detail
* --name: allow easier management of your container (without it, docker automatically generate a new name at each startup). You should modify this default password with page /ConfigAccounts_p.html when exposing publicly your YaCy container.
* -p 8090:8090 -p 8443:8443: map host ports to YaCy container ports, allowing web interface access through the usual http://localhost:8090 and https://localhost:8443 (you can set a different mapping, for example -p 443:8443 if you prefer to use the default HTTPS port on your host)
* --log-opt max-size: limit maximum docker log file size for this container
* --log-opt max-file: limit number of docker rotated log files for this container
Note: if you do not specify the log related options, when running a YaCy container 24hour a day with default log level, your Docker container log file will grow up to some giga bytes in a few days!
#### Handle persistent data volume #### Handle persistent data volume
As configured in the Dockerfile, by default yacy data (in /opt/yacy_search_server/DATA) will persist after container stop or deletion, in a volume with an automatically generated id. As configured in the Dockerfile, by default yacy data (in /opt/yacy_search_server/DATA) will persist after container stop or deletion, in a volume named "yacy_data"
But you may map a host directory to hold yacy data in container:
docker run -v [/your_host/data/directory]:/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA yacy/yacy_search_server
Or just use a volume label to help identify it later
docker run -v yacy_volume:/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA yacy/yacy_search_server
Note that you can list all docker volumes with:
docker volume ls
#### Start as background process
docker run -d yacy/yacy_search_server
### HTTPS support ### HTTPS support
@ -156,8 +126,6 @@ You can upgrade your YaCy container the Docker way with the following commands s
Get latest Docker image: Get latest Docker image:
docker pull yacy/yacy_search_server:latest docker pull yacy/yacy_search_server:latest
docker pull yacy/yacy_search_server:latest-alpine
Create new container based on pulled image, using volume data from old container: Create new container based on pulled image, using volume data from old container:
