@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ public final class yacy {
mkdirsIfNeseccary ( appHome ) ;
File f = new File ( dataHome , "DATA/" ) ;
mkdirsIfNeseccary ( f ) ;
if ( ! ( f . exists ( ) ) ) {
System . err . println ( "Error creating DATA-directory in " + dataHome . toString ( ) + " . Please check your write-permission for this folder. YaCy will now terminate." ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! ( f . exists ( ) ) ) {
System . err . println ( "Error creating DATA-directory in " + dataHome . toString ( ) + " . Please check your write-permission for this folder. YaCy will now terminate." ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
// set jvm tmpdir to a subdir for easy cleanup (as extensive use file.deleteonexit waists memory during long runs, as todelete files names are collected and never cleaned up during runtime)
// keep this as earlier as possible, as any other class can use the "java.io.tmpdir" property, even the log manager, when the log file pattern uses "%t" as an alias for the tmp directory
// keep this as earlier as possible, as any other class can use the "java.io.tmpdir" property, even the log manager, when the log file pattern uses "%t" as an alias for the tmp directory
try {
tmpdir = java . nio . file . Files . createTempDirectory ( "yacy-tmp-" ) . toString ( ) ; // creates sub dir in jvm's temp (see System.property "java.io.tempdir")
System . setProperty ( "java.io.tmpdir" , tmpdir ) ;
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ public final class yacy {
f = new File ( dataHome , "DATA/LOG/" ) ;
mkdirsIfNeseccary ( f ) ;
f = new File ( f , "yacy.logging" ) ;
final File f0 = new File ( appHome , "defaults/yacy.logging" ) ;
if ( ! f . exists ( ) | | f0 . lastModified ( ) > f . lastModified ( ) ) try {
Files . copy ( f0 , f ) ;
final File f0 = new File ( appHome , "defaults/yacy.logging" ) ;
if ( ! f . exists ( ) | | f0 . lastModified ( ) > f . lastModified ( ) ) try {
Files . copy ( f0 , f ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
System . out . println ( "could not copy yacy.logging: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ public final class yacy {
ConcurrentLog . config ( "STARTUP" , "Maximum file system path length: " + OS . maxPathLength ) ;
f = new File ( dataHome , "DATA/yacy.running" ) ;
final String conf = "DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" . replace ( "/" , File . separator ) ;
if ( ! f . createNewFile ( ) ) ConcurrentLog . severe ( "STARTUP" , "WARNING: the file " + f + " can not be created!" ) ;
try { new FileOutputStream ( f ) . write ( Integer . toString ( OS . getPID ( ) ) . getBytes ( ) ) ; } catch ( final Exception e ) { } // write PID
f . deleteOnExit ( ) ;
FileChannel channel = null ;
FileLock lock = null ;
try {
channel = new RandomAccessFile ( f , "rw" ) . getChannel ( ) ;
lock = channel . tryLock ( ) ; // lock yacy.running
channel = new RandomAccessFile ( f , "rw" ) . getChannel ( ) ;
lock = channel . tryLock ( ) ; // lock yacy.running
} catch ( final Exception e ) { }
final String conf = "DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" . replace ( "/" , File . separator ) ;
try {
sb = new Switchboard ( dataHome , appHome , "defaults/yacy.init" . replace ( "/" , File . separator ) , conf ) ;
} catch ( final RuntimeException e ) {
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public final class yacy {
sb . setConfig ( "htTemplatePath" , "htroot/env/templates" ) ;
double oldVer ;
try {
try {
String tmpversion = sb . getConfig ( Seed . VERSION , "" ) ;
if ( tmpversion . isEmpty ( ) ) { // before 1.83009737 only the svnRevision nr was in config (like 9737)
tmpversion = yacyBuildProperties . getVersion ( ) ;
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public final class yacy {
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
oldVer = 0.0d ;
final double newRev = Double . parseDouble ( yacyBuildProperties . getLongVersion ( ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( Seed . VERSION , yacyBuildProperties . getLongVersion ( ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "applicationRoot" , appHome . toString ( ) ) ;
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public final class yacy {
final int port = sb . getLocalPort ( ) ;
try {
// start http server
YaCyHttpServer httpServer ;
YaCyHttpServer httpServer ;
httpServer = new Jetty9HttpServerImpl ( port ) ;
httpServer . startupServer ( ) ;
sb . setHttpServer ( httpServer ) ;
@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ public final class yacy {
/ * YaCy main startup process must not hang because browser opening is long or fails .
* Let ' s open try opening the browser in a separate thread * /
new Thread ( "Browser opening" ) {
public void run ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
Browser . openBrowser ( ( "http://localhost:" + port ) + "/" + browserPopUpPage ) ;
} . start ( ) ;
// Browser.openBrowser((server.withSSL()?"https":"http") + "://localhost:" + serverCore.getPortNr(port) + "/" + browserPopUpPage);
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ public final class yacy {
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} finally {
try {
br . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "Could not close " + tmplang + " version file" ) ;
try {
br . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "Could not close " + tmplang + " version file" ) ;
if ( currentRev = = null | | ! currentRev . equals ( sb . getConfig ( Seed . VERSION , "" ) ) ) {
@ -420,35 +420,35 @@ public final class yacy {
} catch ( final Exception e ) { } // was once stopped by de.anomic.net.ftpc$sm.checkExit(ftpc.java:1790)
/ * *
* @param f
* /
private static void delete ( final File f ) {
if ( ! f . delete ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "STARTUP" , "WARNING: the file " + f + " can not be deleted!" ) ;
/ * *
* @see File # mkdir ( )
* @param path
* /
private static void mkdirIfNeseccary ( final File path ) {
if ( ! ( path . exists ( ) ) )
if ( ! path . mkdir ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "could not create directory " + path . toString ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* @see File # mkdirs ( )
* @param path
* /
public static void mkdirsIfNeseccary ( final File path ) {
if ( ! ( path . exists ( ) ) )
if ( ! path . mkdirs ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "could not create directories " + path . toString ( ) ) ;
/ * *
/ * *
* @param f
* /
private static void delete ( final File f ) {
if ( ! f . delete ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "STARTUP" , "WARNING: the file " + f + " can not be deleted!" ) ;
/ * *
* @see File # mkdir ( )
* @param path
* /
private static void mkdirIfNeseccary ( final File path ) {
if ( ! ( path . exists ( ) ) )
if ( ! path . mkdir ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "could not create directory " + path . toString ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* @see File # mkdirs ( )
* @param path
* /
public static void mkdirsIfNeseccary ( final File path ) {
if ( ! ( path . exists ( ) ) )
if ( ! path . mkdirs ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "STARTUP" , "could not create directories " + path . toString ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Loads the configuration from the data - folder .
* FIXME : Why is this called over and over again from every method , instead
* of setting the configurationdata once for this class in main ?
@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ public final class yacy {
final Properties config = new Properties ( ) ;
FileInputStream fis = null ;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream ( new File ( homePath , "DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" ) ) ;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream ( new File ( homePath , "DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" ) ) ;
config . load ( fis ) ;
} catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( mes , "could not find configuration file." ) ;
@ -480,13 +480,13 @@ public final class yacy {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( mes , "could not read configuration file." ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
} finally {
if ( fis ! = null ) {
try {
fis . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
if ( fis ! = null ) {
try {
fis . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return config ;
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ public final class yacy {
final HTTPClient con = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent ) ;
// con.setHeader(requestHeader.entrySet());
try {
/* First get a valid transaction token using HTTP GET */
/* First get a valid transaction token using HTTP GET */
con . GETbytes ( "http://localhost:" + port + "/" + path , adminUser , encodedPassword , false ) ;
if ( con . getStatusCode ( ) ! = HttpStatus . SC_OK ) {
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public final class yacy {
final Header transactionTokenHeader = con . getHttpResponse ( ) . getFirstHeader ( HeaderFramework . X_YACY_TRANSACTION_TOKEN ) ;
if ( transactionTokenHeader = = null ) {
throw new IOException ( "Could not retrieve a valid transaction token" ) ;
throw new IOException ( "Could not retrieve a valid transaction token" ) ;
/* Then POST the request */
@ -554,13 +554,13 @@ public final class yacy {
if ( con . getStatusCode ( ) > = HttpStatus . SC_OK & & con . getStatusCode ( ) < HttpStatus . SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES ) {
ConcurrentLog . config ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "YACY accepted steering command: " + processdescription ) ;
} else {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "error response from YACY socket: " + con . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "error response from YACY socket: " + con . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
try {
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e1 ) {
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e1 ) {
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
RemoteInstance . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
@ -570,20 +570,20 @@ public final class yacy {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "could not establish connection to YACY socket: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e1 ) {
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e1 ) {
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
RemoteInstance . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
try {
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
RemoteInstance . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
// finished
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public final class yacy {
ConcurrentLog . config ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "YACY accepted steering command: " + processdescription ) ;
} else {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "error response from YACY socket: " + con . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "COMMAND-STEERING" , "error response from YACY socket: " + con . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
@ -618,10 +618,10 @@ public final class yacy {
try {
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HTTPClient . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
RemoteInstance . closeConnectionManager ( ) ;
// finished
@ -678,11 +678,11 @@ public final class yacy {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( ex ) ;
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "Startup" , "cannot read " + configFile . toString ( ) + ", please delete the corrupted file if problem persits" ) ;
} finally {
try {
fis . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "Startup" , "Could not close file " + configFile ) ;
try {
fis . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "Startup" , "Could not close file " + configFile ) ;
@ -696,68 +696,68 @@ public final class yacy {
* /
public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
try {
// check assertion status
boolean assertionenabled = false ;
assert ( assertionenabled = true ) = = true ; // compare to true to remove warning: "Possible accidental assignement"
if ( assertionenabled ) System . out . println ( "Asserts are enabled" ) ;
// check memory amount
System . gc ( ) ;
final long startupMemFree = MemoryControl . free ( ) ;
final long startupMemTotal = MemoryControl . total ( ) ;
// maybe go into headless awt mode: we have three cases depending on OS and one exception:
// windows : better do not go into headless mode
// mac : go into headless mode because an application is shown in gui which may not be wanted
// linux : go into headless mode because this does not need any head operation
// exception : if the -gui option is used then do not go into headless mode since that uses a gui
boolean headless = true ;
if ( OS . isWindows ) headless = false ;
if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) headless = false ;
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , headless ? "true" : "false" ) ;
String s = "" ; for ( final String a : args ) s + = a + " " ;
yacyRelease . startParameter = s . trim ( ) ;
File applicationRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.dir" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) ) ;
File dataRoot = applicationRoot ;
//System.out.println("args.length=" + args.length);
//System.out.print("args=["); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) System.out.print(args[i] + ", "); System.out.println("]");
if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-startup" ) | | args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-start" ) ) ) {
// normal start-up of yacy
if ( args . length > 1 ) {
dataRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! dataRoot . isAbsolute ( ) ) {
/* data root folder provided as a path relative to the user home folder */
dataRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.home" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
try {
// check assertion status
boolean assertionenabled = false ;
assert ( assertionenabled = true ) = = true ; // compare to true to remove warning: "Possible accidental assignement"
if ( assertionenabled ) System . out . println ( "Asserts are enabled" ) ;
// check memory amount
System . gc ( ) ;
final long startupMemFree = MemoryControl . free ( ) ;
final long startupMemTotal = MemoryControl . total ( ) ;
// maybe go into headless awt mode: we have three cases depending on OS and one exception:
// windows : better do not go into headless mode
// mac : go into headless mode because an application is shown in gui which may not be wanted
// linux : go into headless mode because this does not need any head operation
// exception : if the -gui option is used then do not go into headless mode since that uses a gui
boolean headless = true ;
if ( OS . isWindows ) headless = false ;
if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) headless = false ;
System . setProperty ( "java.awt.headless" , headless ? "true" : "false" ) ;
String s = "" ; for ( final String a : args ) s + = a + " " ;
yacyRelease . startParameter = s . trim ( ) ;
File applicationRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.dir" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) ) ;
File dataRoot = applicationRoot ;
//System.out.println("args.length=" + args.length);
//System.out.print("args=["); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) System.out.print(args[i] + ", "); System.out.println("]");
if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-startup" ) | | args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-start" ) ) ) {
// normal start-up of yacy
if ( args . length > 1 ) {
dataRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! dataRoot . isAbsolute ( ) ) {
/* data root folder provided as a path relative to the user home folder */
dataRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.home" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
preReadSavedConfigandInit ( dataRoot ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , false ) ;
} else if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) {
// start-up of yacy with gui
if ( args . length > 1 ) {
dataRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! dataRoot . isAbsolute ( ) ) {
/* data root folder provided as a path relative to the user home folder */
dataRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.home" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , false ) ;
} else if ( args . length > = 1 & & args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-gui" ) ) {
// start-up of yacy with gui
if ( args . length > 1 ) {
dataRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! dataRoot . isAbsolute ( ) ) {
/* data root folder provided as a path relative to the user home folder */
dataRoot = new File ( System . getProperty ( "user.home" ) . replace ( '\\' , '/' ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
preReadSavedConfigandInit ( dataRoot ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , true ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-shutdown" ) ) | | ( args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-stop" ) ) ) ) {
// normal shutdown of yacy
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
shutdown ( applicationRoot ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-update" ) ) ) {
// aut-update yacy
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
update ( applicationRoot ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-version" ) ) ) {
// show yacy version
System . out . println ( copyright ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , true ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-shutdown" ) ) | | ( args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-stop" ) ) ) ) {
// normal shutdown of yacy
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
shutdown ( applicationRoot ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-update" ) ) ) {
// aut-update yacy
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
update ( applicationRoot ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-version" ) ) ) {
// show yacy version
System . out . println ( copyright ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( Locale . ROOT ) . equals ( "-config" ) ) ) {
// set config parameter. Special handling of adminAccount=user:pwd (generates md5 encoded password)
// on Windows parameter should be enclosed in doublequotes to accept = sign (e.g. -config "port=8090" "port.ssl=8043")
@ -805,15 +805,15 @@ public final class yacy {
System . out . println ( ) ;
} else {
if ( args . length = = 1 ) {
applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( args . length = = 1 ) {
applicationRoot = new File ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
preReadSavedConfigandInit ( dataRoot ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , false ) ;
} finally {
ConcurrentLog . shutdown ( ) ;
startup ( dataRoot , applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal , false ) ;
} finally {
ConcurrentLog . shutdown ( ) ;