@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ For this option URL proxy must be enabled==对于这个选项,必须启用URL
#File: AccessGrid_p.html
This images shows incoming connections to your YaCy peer and outgoing connections from your peer to other peers and web servers==这些图像显示了到您的YaCy节点的传入连接以及从节点到其他节点和Web服务器的传出连接
This images shows incoming connections to your YaCy peer and outgoing connections from your peer to other peers and web servers==这幅图显示了到您节点的传入连接,以及从您节点到其他节点或网站服务器的传出连接
Server Access Grid==服务器访问网格
YaCy Network Access==YaCy网络访问
@ -437,20 +437,20 @@ This is a list of requests (max. 1000) to the local http server within the last
#File: Blacklist_p.html
Blacklist Administration==黑名单管理
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==提供代理地址过滤;过滤掉自载入时加入进黑名单的地址.
from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==您可以自定义黑名单并分别激活它们.
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==您也可以提供你自己的黑名单列表给其他人;
collect blacklist entries from other peers==同样,其他人也能将黑名单列表共享给您
Select list to edit:==选择列表进行编辑:
Add URL pattern==添加URL模式
Add URL pattern==添加地址规则
Edit list==编辑列表
The right '*', after the '/', can be replaced by a==在'/'之后的右边'*'可以被替换为
>regular expression<==>正则表达式<
The right '*'==右边的'*'
Blacklist Administration==黑名单管理
Used Blacklist engine:==使用的黑名单引擎:
This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==提供代理URL过滤;过滤掉自载入时加入进黑名单的URL.
from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==您可以自定义黑名单并分别激活它们.
You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==您也可以提供你自己的黑名单列表给其他人;
collect blacklist entries from other peers==同样,其他人也能将黑名单列表共享给您
The right '*', after the '/', can be replaced by a <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html" target="_blank">regular expression</a>.== 在 '/' 后边的 '*' ,可用<a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html" target="_blank">正则表达式</a>表示.
@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ Used Blacklist engine:==使用的黑名单引擎:
Test list:==测试黑名单:
The tested URL was==此链接
It is blocked for the following cases:==由于以下原因,此名单无效:
It is blocked for the following cases:==在下列情况下,它会被阻止:
@ -824,9 +824,9 @@ Your basic configuration is complete! You can now (for example)==配置成功,
just <==开始<
start an uncensored search==自由地搜索了
start your own crawl</a> and contribute to the global index, or create your own private web index==开始您的索引, 并将其贡献给全球索引, 或者创建一个您自己的私有搜索网页
set a personal peer profile</a> (optional settings)==设置私有节点</a> (可选项)
set a personal peer profile</a> (optional settings)==设置个人节点资料</a> (可选项)
monitor at the network page</a> what the other peers are doing==监视网络页面</a>, 以及其他节点的活动
Your Peer name is a default name; please set an individual peer name.==您的节点名称为系统默认,请设置另外一个名称.
Your Peer name is a default name; please set an individual peer name.==您的节点名称为系统默认,请另外设置一个名称.
You did not set a user name and/or a password.==您未设置用户名和/或密码.
Some pages are protected by passwords.==一些页面受密码保护.
You should set a password at the <a href="ConfigAccounts_p.html">Accounts Menu</a> to secure your YaCy peer.</p>::==您可以在 <a href="ConfigAccounts_p.html">账户菜单</a> 设置密码, 从而加强您的YaCy节点安全性.</p>::
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ If you increase a single value by one, then the strength of the parameter double
</body>==<script>window.onload = function () {$("label:contains('Appearance In Emphasized Text')").text('出现在强调的文本中');$("label:contains('Appearance In URL')").text('出现在地址中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Author')").text('出现在作者中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Reference/Anchor Name')").text('出现在参考/锚点名称中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Tags')").text('出现在标签中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Title')").text('出现在标题中'); $("label:contains('Authority of Domain')").text('域名权威'); $("label:contains('Category App, Appearance')").text('类别:出现在应用中'); $("label:contains('Category Audio Appearance')").text('类别:出现在音频中'); $("label:contains('Category Image Appearance')").text('类别:出现在图像中'); $("label:contains('Category Video Appearance')").text('类别:出现在视频中'); $("label:contains('Category Index Page')").text('类别:索引页面'); $("label:contains('Date')").text('日期'); $("label:contains('Domain Length')").text('域名长度'); $("label:contains('Hit Count')").text('命中数'); $("label:contains('Preferred Language')").text('倾向的语言'); $("label:contains('Links To Local Domain')").text('本地域名链接'); $("label:contains('Links To Other Domain')").text('其他域名链接'); $("label:contains('Phrases In Text')").text('文本中短语'); $("label:contains('Term Frequency')").text('术语频率'); $("label:contains('URL Components')").text('地址组件'); $("label:contains('Term Frequency')").text('术语频率'); $("label:contains('URL Length')").text('地址长度'); $("label:contains('Word Distance')").text('词汇距离'); $("label:contains('Words In Text')").text('文本词汇'); $("label:contains('Words In Title')").text('标题词汇');}</script></body>
</body>==<script>window.onload = function () {$("label:contains('Appearance In Emphasized Text')").text('出现在强调的文本中');$("label:contains('Appearance In URL')").text('出现在地址中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Author')").text('出现在作者中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Reference/Anchor Name')").text('出现在参考/锚点名称中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Tags')").text('出现在标签中'); $("label:contains('Appearance In Title')").text('出现在标题中'); $("label:contains('Authority of Domain')").text('域名权威'); $("label:contains('Category App, Appearance')").text('类别:出现在应用中'); $("label:contains('Category Audio Appearance')").text('类别:出现在音频中'); $("label:contains('Category Image Appearance')").text('类别:出现在图像中'); $("label:contains('Category Video Appearance')").text('类别:出现在视频中'); $("label:contains('Category Index Page')").text('类别:索引页面'); $("label:contains('Date')").text('日期'); $("label:contains('Domain Length')").text('域名长度'); $("label:contains('Hit Count')").text('命中数'); $("label:contains('Preferred Language')").text('倾向的语言'); $("label:contains('Links To Local Domain')").text('本地域名链接'); $("label:contains('Links To Other Domain')").text('其他域名链接'); $("label:contains('Phrases In Text')").text('文本中短语');$("label:contains('Position In Phrase')").text('在短语中位置');$("label:contains('Position In Text')").text('在文本中位置');$("label:contains('Position Of Phrase')").text('短语的位置'); $("label:contains('Term Frequency')").text('术语频率'); $("label:contains('URL Components')").text('地址组件'); $("label:contains('Term Frequency')").text('术语频率'); $("label:contains('URL Length')").text('地址长度'); $("label:contains('Word Distance')").text('词汇距离'); $("label:contains('Words In Text')").text('文本词汇'); $("label:contains('Words In Title')").text('标题词汇');}</script></body>
#>Appearance In Emphasized Text<==>出现在强调的文本中<
#a higher ranking level prefers documents where the search word is emphasized==较高的排名级别更倾向强调搜索词的文档
@ -906,8 +906,12 @@ The two stages are separated because they need statistical information from the
#File: ConfigHeuristics_p.html
search-result: shallow crawl on all displayed search results==搜索结果:对所有显示的搜索结果进行浅度爬取
When a search is made then all displayed result links are crawled with a depth-1 crawl.==当进行搜索时,所有显示的结果链接的爬网深度-1。
Heuristics Configuration==启发式配置
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristik">启发式</a> '是一个依赖于经验来解决问题, 学习与发现问题的过程.' (Wikipedia).
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving==<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">启发式</a>是一种“基于经验的技术,有助于解决问题,学习和发现”
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">启发式</a>是一种“基于经验的技术,有助于解决问题,学习和发现”
search-result: shallow crawl on all displayed search results==搜索结果:浅度爬取所有显示的搜索结果
When a search is made then all displayed result links are crawled with a depth-1 crawl.==当进行搜索时,所有显示的结果网址的爬网深度-1。
@ -918,13 +922,12 @@ When a search is made then all displayed result links are crawled with a depth-1
>copy & paste a example config file<==>复制&amp; 粘贴一个示例配置文件<
Alternatively you may==或者你可以
To find out more about OpenSearch see==要了解关于OpenSearch的更多信息,请参阅
20 results are taken from remote system and loaded simultanously, parsed and indexed immediately.==20个结果从远程系统中获取,并同时加载,立即解析并索引
20 results are taken from remote system and loaded simultanously, parsed and indexed immediately.==20个结果从远程系统中获取并同时加载,立即解析并创建索引.
When using this heuristic, then every new search request line is used for a call to listed opensearch systems.==使用这种启发式时,每个新的搜索请求行都用于调用列出的opensearch系统。
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">启发式</a>是一种“基于经验的技术,有助于解决问题,学习和发现”
This means: right after the search request every page is loaded and every page that is linked on this page.==这意味着:在搜索请求之后,就开始加载每个页面上的链接。
If you check 'add as global crawl job' the pages to be crawled are added to the global crawl queue (remote peers can pickup pages to be crawled).==如果选中“添加为全局抓取作业”,则要爬网的页面将被添加到全局抓取队列(远程YaCy节点可以抓取要抓取的页面)。
Default is to add the links to the local crawl queue (your peer crawls the linked pages).==默认是将链接添加到本地爬网队列(您的YaCy爬取链接的页面)。
add as global crawl job==添加为全局抓取作业
add as global crawl job==添加为全球抓取作业
opensearch load external search result list from active systems below==opensearch从下面的活动系统加载外部搜索结果列表
@ -939,14 +942,11 @@ The task is started in the background. It may take some minutes before new entri
located in <i>defaults/heuristicopensearch.conf</i> to the DATA/SETTINGS directory.==位于DATA / SETTINGS目录的<i> defaults / heuristicopensearch.conf </ i>中。
For the discover function the <i>web graph</i> option of the web structure index and the fields <i>target_rel_s, target_protocol_s, target_urlstub_s</i> have to be switched on in the <a href="IndexSchema_p.html?core=webgraph">webgraph Solr schema</a>.==对于发现功能,Web结构索引的<i> web图表</ i>选项和字段<i> target_rel_s,target_protocol_s,target_urlstub_s </ i>必须在<a href =“IndexSchema_p.html ?core = webgraph“> webgraph Solr模式</a>。
20 results are taken from remote system and loaded simultanously==20个结果从远程系统中获取,并同时加载,立即解析并索引
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving==<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">启发式</a>是一种“基于经验的技术,有助于解决问题,学习和发现”
>copy ==>复制&amp; 粘贴一个示例配置文件<
When using this heuristic==使用这种启发式时,每个新的搜索请求行都用于调用列出的opensearch系统。
For the discover function the <i>web graph</i> option of the web structure index and the fields <i>target_rel_s==对于发现功能,Web结构索引的<i> web图表</ i>选项和字段<i> target_rel_s,target_protocol_s,target_urlstub_s </ i>必须在<a href =“IndexSchema_p.html ?core = webgraph“> webgraph Solr模式</a>。
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristik">启发式</a> '是一个依赖于经验来解决问题, 学习与发现问题的过程.' (Wikipedia).
The search heuristics that can be switched on here are techniques that help the discovery of possible search results based on link guessing, in-search crawling and requests to other search engines.==您可以在这里开启启发式搜索, 通过猜测链接, 嵌套搜索和访问其他搜索引擎, 从而找到更多符合您期望的结果.
When a search heuristic is used, the resulting links are not used directly as search result but the loaded pages are indexed and stored like other content.==开启启发式搜索时, 搜索结果给出的链接并不是直接搜索的链接, 而是已经缓存在其他服务器上的结果.
This ensures that blacklists can be used and that the searched word actually appears on the page that was discovered by the heuristic.==这保证了黑名单的有效性, 并且搜索关键字是通过启发式搜索找到的.
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ The search result was discovered by a heuristic, not previously known by YaCy==
When a search is made using a 'site'-operator (like: 'download site:yacy.net') then the host of the site-operator is instantly crawled with a host-restricted depth-1 crawl.==当使用'站点'-操作符搜索时(比如: 'download site:yacy.net') ,主机就会立即抓取层数为 最大限制深度-1 的内容.
That means: right after the search request the portal page of the host is loaded and every page that is linked on this page that points to a page on the same host.==意即: 在链接请求发出后, 搜索引擎就会载入在同一主机中每一个与此页面相连的网页.
Because this 'instant crawl' must obey the robots.txt and a minimum access time for two consecutive pages, this heuristic is rather slow, but may discover all wanted search results using a second search (after a small pause of some seconds).==因为'立即抓取'依赖于robots.txt和两个相连页面的最小访问时间, 所以这个启发式选项会相当慢, 但是在第二次搜索时会搜索到更多条目(需要间隔几秒钟).
Because this 'instant crawl' must obey the robots.txt and a minimum access time for two consecutive pages, this heuristic is rather slow, but may discover all wanted search results using a second search (after a small pause of some seconds).==因为'立即抓取'依赖于爬虫协议和两个相连页面的最小访问时间, 所以这个启发式选项会相当慢, 但是在第二次搜索时会搜索到更多条目(需要间隔几秒钟).
#File: ConfigHTCache_p.html
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ milliseconds==毫秒
Cache Deletion==删除缓存
Delete HTTP & FTP Cache==删除HTTP & FTP 缓存
Delete robots.txt Cache==删除robots.txt 缓存
Delete robots.txt Cache==删除爬虫协议缓存
@ -1077,14 +1077,15 @@ Peer-to-Peer Mode==点对点模式
>Index Distribution==>索引分发
This enables automated, DHT-ruled Index Transmission to other peers==自动向其他节点传递DHT规则的索引
disabled during crawling==在抓取时关闭
disabled during indexing==在索引时关闭
disabled during crawling==关闭 在抓取时
disabled during indexing==关闭 在索引时
>Index Receive==>接收索引
Accept remote Index Transmissions==接受远程索引传递
This works only if you have a senior peer. The DHT-rules do not work without this function==仅当您拥有更上级节点时有效. 如果未设置此项, DHT规则不生效
accept transmitted URLs that match your blacklist==接受与您的黑名单匹配的传输网址
accept transmitted URLs that match your blacklist==接受 与您黑名单匹配的传来的地址
deny remote search==拒绝 远程搜索
#Robinson Mode
>Robinson Mode==>漂流模式
@ -1120,7 +1121,6 @@ thus allowing YaCy peers to use self-signed certificates==从而允许YaCy节点
Note also that encryption of remote search queries is configured with a dedicated setting in the==另请注意,远程搜索查询加密的专用设置配置请使用
deny remote search==拒绝远程搜索
No changes were made!==未作出任何改变!
Accepted Changes==接受改变
Inapplicable Setting Combination==设置未被应用
@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ Show Information Links for each Search Result Entry==显示搜索结果的链接
"searchresult" (a default custom page name for search results)=="搜索结果" (搜索结果页面名称)
"Change Search Page"=="改变搜索页"
"Set to Default Values"=="设为默认值"
The search page can be integrated in your own web pages with an iframe. Simply use the following code:==使用以下代码, 将搜索页能集成在网页框架中:
The search page can be integrated in your own web pages with an iframe. Simply use the following code:==使用以下代码,将搜索页集成在你的网站中:
This would look like:==示例:
For a search page with a small header, use this code:==对于一个拥有二级标题的页面, 可使用以下代码:
A third option is the interactive search. Use this code:==交互搜索代码:
@ -1274,11 +1274,10 @@ A third option is the interactive search. Use this code:==交互搜索代码:
#File: ConfigProfile_p.html
Your Personal Profile==您的个人资料
You can create a personal profile here, which can be seen by other YaCy-members==您可以在这创建个人资料, 而且对其他YaCy节点可见
or <a href="ViewProfile.html?hash=localhash">in the public</a> using a <a href="ViewProfile.rdf?hash=localhash">FOAF RDF file</a>.==或者<a href="ViewProfile.html?hash=localhash">在公共场所时</a>使用<a href="ViewProfile.rdf?hash=localhash">FOAF RDF 文件</a>.
Nick Name==昵称
Homepage (appears on every <a href="Supporter.html">Supporter Page</a> as long as your peer is online)==首页(显示在每个<a href="Supporter.html">支持者</a> 页面中, 前提是您的节点在线).
@ -1306,7 +1305,7 @@ For explanation please look into defaults/yacy.init==详细内容请参考defaul
#File: ConfigRobotsTxt_p.html
>Exclude Web-Spiders<==>拒绝网页爬虫<
Here you can set up a robots.txt for all webcrawlers that try to access the webinterface of your peer.==在这里您可以创建一个robots.txt, 以阻止试图访问您节点网络接口的网络爬虫.
Here you can set up a robots.txt for all webcrawlers that try to access the webinterface of your peer.==在这里您可以创建一个爬虫协议, 以阻止试图访问您节点网络接口的网络爬虫.
>is a volunteer agreement most search-engines==>是一个大多数搜索引擎
(including YaCy) follow==(包括YaCy)都遵守的协议
It disallows crawlers to access webpages or even entire domains.==它会阻止网络爬虫进入网页甚至是整个域.
@ -1491,8 +1490,8 @@ Edit Profile==修改文件
#File: CrawlResults.html
"del & blacklist"=="删除&黑名单"
"del =="删除&黑名单"
"del & blacklist"=="删除并拉黑"
"del =="删除
Crawl Results<==抓取结果<
@ -1502,8 +1501,8 @@ Proxy Use==Proxy使用
Local Crawling</a>==本地抓取</a>
Global Crawling</a>==全球抓取</a>
Surrogate Import</a>==导入备份</a>
>Crawl Results Overview<==>抓取结果一览<
These are monitoring pages for the different indexing queues.==索引队列监视页面.
>Crawl Results Overview<==>抓取结果概述<
These are monitoring pages for the different indexing queues.==创建索引队列的监视页面.
YaCy knows 5 different ways to acquire web indexes. The details of these processes (1-5) are described within the submenu's listed==YaCy使用5种不同的方式来获取网络索引. 进程(1-5)的细节在子菜单中显示
above which also will show you a table with indexing results so far. The information in these tables is considered as private,==以上列表也会显示目前的索引结果. 表中的信息应该视为隐私,
so you need to log-in with your administration password.==所以您最好设置一个有密码的管理员账户来查看.
@ -1943,14 +1942,14 @@ only the local index==仅本地索引
Query Operators==查询操作
only urls with the <phrase> in the url==仅包含<phrase>的URL
only urls with extension==仅带扩展名的URL
only urls from host==仅来自主机的URL
only urls with extension==仅带扩展名的地址
only urls from host==仅来自主机的地址
only pages with as-author-anotated==仅作者授权页面
only pages from top-level-domains==仅来自顶级域名的页面
only resources from http or https servers==仅来自http/https服务器的资源
only resources from ftp servers==仅来自ftp服务器的资源
they are rare==很少
crawl them yourself==您需要crawl它们
crawl them yourself==您需要自己抓取它们
only resources from smb servers==仅来自smb服务器的资源
Intranet Indexing</a> must be selected==局域网索引</a>必须被选中
only files from a local file system==仅来自本机文件系统的文件
@ -2019,7 +2018,7 @@ Cleanup==清理
>Delete Search Index<==>删除搜索索引<
Stop Crawler and delete Crawl Queues==停止爬虫并删除crawl队列
Delete HTTP & FTP Cache==删除HTTP & FTP缓存
Delete robots.txt Cache==删除robots.txt缓存
Delete robots.txt Cache==删除爬虫协议缓存
Delete cached snippet-fetching failures during search==删除已缓存的错误信息
No entry for word '#[word]#'==无'#[word]#'的对应条目
@ -2151,6 +2150,22 @@ this may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not har
delete the reference to this url at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents unresolved references)==删除指向此链接的关联字,(很多, 但是会阻止未解析关联的产生)
#File: IndexDeletion_p.html
>Index Deletion<==>索引删除<
The search index contains==搜索索引包含了
You can delete them here.==你可以在这儿删除它们.
Deletions are made concurrently which can cause that recently deleted documents are not yet reflected in the document count.==删除是同时进行的,这可能导致最近删除的文档尚未反映在文档计数中.
#File: IndexFederated_p.html
>Index Sources & Targets<==>索引来源&目标<
YaCy supports multiple index storage locations.==YaCy支持多地索引储存.
As an internal indexing database a deep-embedded multi-core Solr is used and it is possible to attach also a remote Solr.==内部索引数据库使用了深度嵌入式多核Solr,并且还可以附加远程Solr.
#File: IndexCreateLoaderQueue_p.html
Loader Queue==加载器
@ -2605,18 +2620,20 @@ Configuration of a RSS Search==RSS搜索配置
Loading of RSS Feeds<==加载RSS Feeds<
RSS feeds can be loaded into the YaCy search index.==YaCy能够读取RSS feeds.
This does not load the rss file as such into the index but all the messages inside the RSS feeds as individual documents.==但不是直接读取RSS文件, 而是将RSS feed中的所有信息分别当作单独的文件来读取.
URL of the RSS feed==RSS feed链接
URL of the RSS feed==RSS feed地址
"Show RSS Items"=="显示RSS条目"
Available after successful loading of rss feed in preview==仅在读取rss feed后有效
"Add All Items to Index (full content of url)"=="添加所有条目到索引中(URL中的全部内容)"
>load this feed once now<==>立即读取此feed<
"Add All Items to Index (full content of url)"=="将所有条目添加到索引(地址中的全部内容)"
>load this feed once now<==>读取一次此feed<
>repeat the feed loading every<==>读取此feed每隔<
> automatically.==>.
>List of Scheduled RSS Feed Load Targets<==>定时任务列表<
@ -2930,6 +2947,9 @@ Remote Search:==远端搜索:
<html lang="en">==<html lang="zh">
Performance Settings for Memory==内存性能设置
refresh graph==刷新图表
>simulate short memory status<==>模拟短期内存状态<
>use Standard Memory Strategy<==>使用标准内存策略<
Memory Usage==内存使用
After Startup==启动后
After Initializations==初始化后
@ -3744,15 +3764,18 @@ Steering of API Actions<==API动作向导<
"previous page"=="上一页"
of #[of]#== 共 #[of]#
Recording Date==正在记录 日期
Last Exec Date==上次 执行 日期
Next Exec Date==下次 执行 日期
Last Exec==上次执行
Next Exec==下次执行
>Event Trigger<==>事件触发器<
>no repetition<==>无安排<
>activate scheduler<==>激活定时器<
"Execute Selected Actions"=="执行选中活动"
"Delete Selected Actions"=="删除选中活动"
"Delete all Actions which had been created before "=="删除创建于之前的全部活动"
>Result of API execution==>API执行结果
@ -3771,7 +3794,7 @@ Table Viewer==表格查看
The information that is presented on this page can also be retrieved as XML.==此页信息也可表示为XML.
Click the API icon to see the XML.==点击API图标查看XML.
To see a list of all APIs, please visit the <a href="http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/Dev:API">API wiki page</a>.==查看所有API, 请访问<a href="http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/Dev:API">API Wiki</a>.
>robots.txt table<==>robots.txt 列表<
>robots.txt table<==>爬虫协议列表<
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