// ContentScraper.java
// -----------------------------
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.document.parser.html ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.CharArrayReader ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.Writer ;
import java.lang.reflect.Array ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.nio.charset.Charset ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.text.ParseException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.regex.Matcher ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.ISO8601Formatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.AnchorURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ClusteredScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.SizeLimitedMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.SizeLimitedSet ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.NumberTools ;
import net.yacy.document.SentenceReader ;
import net.yacy.document.VocabularyScraper ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.htmlParser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.Evaluation.Element ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.io.CharBuffer ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.ISO639 ;
public class ContentScraper extends AbstractScraper implements Scraper {
private final static int MAX_TAGSIZE = 1024 * 1024 ;
public static final int MAX_DOCSIZE = 40 * 1024 * 1024 ;
private final char degree = '\u00B0' ;
private final char [ ] minuteCharsHTML = "'" . toCharArray ( ) ;
// statics: for initialization of the HTMLFilterAbstractScraper
private static final Set < String > linkTags0 = new HashSet < String > ( 12 , 0.99f ) ;
private static final Set < String > linkTags1 = new HashSet < String > ( 15 , 0.99f ) ;
private static final Pattern LB = Pattern . compile ( "\n" ) ;
public enum TagType {
singleton , pair ;
public enum TagName {
html ( TagType . singleton ) , // scraped as singleton to get attached properties like 'lang'
body ( TagType . singleton ) , // scraped as singleton to get attached properties like 'class'
img ( TagType . singleton ) ,
base ( TagType . singleton ) ,
frame ( TagType . singleton ) ,
meta ( TagType . singleton ) ,
area ( TagType . singleton ) ,
link ( TagType . singleton ) ,
embed ( TagType . singleton ) , //added by [MN]
param ( TagType . singleton ) , //added by [MN]
iframe ( TagType . singleton ) , // scraped as singleton to get such iframes that have no closing tag
source ( TagType . singleton ) , // html5 (part of <video> <audio>) - scaped like embed
a ( TagType . pair ) ,
h1 ( TagType . pair ) ,
h2 ( TagType . pair ) ,
h3 ( TagType . pair ) ,
h4 ( TagType . pair ) ,
h5 ( TagType . pair ) ,
h6 ( TagType . pair ) ,
title ( TagType . pair ) ,
b ( TagType . pair ) ,
em ( TagType . pair ) ,
strong ( TagType . pair ) ,
u ( TagType . pair ) ,
i ( TagType . pair ) ,
li ( TagType . pair ) ,
dt ( TagType . pair ) ,
dd ( TagType . pair ) ,
script ( TagType . pair ) ,
span ( TagType . pair ) ,
div ( TagType . pair ) ,
article ( TagType . pair ) ,
// tags used to capture tag content
// TODO: considere to use </head> or <body> as trigger to scape for text content
style ( TagType . pair ) ; // embedded css (if not declared as tag content is parsed as text)
public TagType type ;
private TagName ( final TagType type ) {
this . type = type ;
public static class Tag {
public String name ;
public Properties opts ;
public CharBuffer content ;
public Tag ( final String name ) {
this . name = name ;
this . opts = new Properties ( ) ;
this . content = new CharBuffer ( MAX_TAGSIZE ) ;
public Tag ( final String name , final Properties opts ) {
this . name = name ;
this . opts = opts ;
this . content = new CharBuffer ( MAX_TAGSIZE ) ;
public Tag ( final String name , final Properties opts , final CharBuffer content ) {
this . name = name ;
this . opts = opts ;
this . content = content ;
public void close ( ) {
this . name = null ;
this . opts = null ;
if ( this . content ! = null ) this . content . close ( ) ;
this . content = null ;
public void finalize ( ) {
this . close ( ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
return "<" + name + " " + opts + ">" + content + "</" + name + ">" ;
// all these tags must be given in lowercase, because the tags from the files are compared in lowercase
static {
for ( final TagName tag : TagName . values ( ) ) {
if ( tag . type = = TagType . singleton ) linkTags0 . add ( tag . name ( ) ) ;
if ( tag . type = = TagType . pair ) linkTags1 . add ( tag . name ( ) ) ;
//<iframe src="../../../index.htm" name="SELFHTML_in_a_box" width="90%" height="400">
// class variables: collectors for links
private final List < AnchorURL > anchors ;
private final LinkedHashMap < DigestURL , String > rss , css ;
private final LinkedHashMap < AnchorURL , EmbedEntry > embeds ; // urlhash/embed relation
private final List < ImageEntry > images ;
private final Set < AnchorURL > script , frames , iframes ;
private final Map < String , String > metas ;
private final Map < String , DigestURL > hreflang , navigation ;
private LinkedHashSet < String > titles ;
private final List < String > articles ;
private final List < Date > startDates , endDates ;
//private String headline;
private List < String > [ ] headlines ;
private final ClusteredScoreMap < String > bold , italic , underline ;
private final List < String > li , dt , dd ;
private final CharBuffer content ;
private final EventListenerList htmlFilterEventListeners ;
private double lon , lat ;
private AnchorURL canonical , publisher ;
private final int maxLinks ;
private final VocabularyScraper vocabularyScraper ;
private final int timezoneOffset ;
private int breadcrumbs ;
/ * *
* { @link MultiProtocolURL } to the favicon that belongs to the document
* /
private MultiProtocolURL favicon ;
/ * *
* The document root { @link MultiProtocolURL }
* /
private DigestURL root ;
/ * *
* evaluation scores : count appearance of specific attributes
* /
private final Evaluation evaluationScores ;
/ * *
* scrape a document
* @param root the document root url
* @param maxLinks the maximum number of links to scapre
* @param classDetector a map from class names to vocabulary names to scrape content from the DOM with associated class name
* /
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
public ContentScraper ( final DigestURL root , int maxLinks , final VocabularyScraper vocabularyScraper , int timezoneOffset ) {
// the root value here will not be used to load the resource.
// it is only the reference for relative links
super ( linkTags0 , linkTags1 ) ;
assert root ! = null ;
this . root = root ;
this . maxLinks = maxLinks ;
this . vocabularyScraper = vocabularyScraper ;
this . timezoneOffset = timezoneOffset ;
this . evaluationScores = new Evaluation ( ) ;
this . rss = new SizeLimitedMap < DigestURL , String > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . css = new SizeLimitedMap < DigestURL , String > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . anchors = new ArrayList < AnchorURL > ( ) ;
this . images = new ArrayList < ImageEntry > ( ) ;
this . embeds = new SizeLimitedMap < AnchorURL , EmbedEntry > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . frames = new SizeLimitedSet < AnchorURL > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . iframes = new SizeLimitedSet < AnchorURL > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . metas = new SizeLimitedMap < String , String > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . hreflang = new SizeLimitedMap < String , DigestURL > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . navigation = new SizeLimitedMap < String , DigestURL > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . script = new SizeLimitedSet < AnchorURL > ( maxLinks ) ;
this . titles = new LinkedHashSet < String > ( ) ;
this . articles = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
this . startDates = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
this . endDates = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
this . headlines = ( List < String > [ ] ) Array . newInstance ( ArrayList . class , 6 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . headlines . length ; i + + ) this . headlines [ i ] = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
this . bold = new ClusteredScoreMap < String > ( false ) ;
this . italic = new ClusteredScoreMap < String > ( false ) ;
this . underline = new ClusteredScoreMap < String > ( false ) ;
this . li = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
this . dt = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
this . dd = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
this . content = new CharBuffer ( MAX_DOCSIZE , 1024 ) ;
this . htmlFilterEventListeners = new EventListenerList ( ) ;
this . lon = 0.0d ;
this . lat = 0.0d ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . url , root . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
this . canonical = null ;
this . publisher = null ;
this . breadcrumbs = 0 ;
public void finish ( ) {
this . content . trimToSize ( ) ;
public void scrapeText ( final char [ ] newtext0 , final String insideTag ) {
// System.out.println("SCRAPE: " + UTF8.String(newtext));
if ( insideTag ! = null & & ( "script" . equals ( insideTag ) | | "style" . equals ( insideTag ) ) ) return ;
int p , pl , q , s = 0 ;
char [ ] newtext = CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( new String ( newtext0 ) ) . toCharArray ( ) ;
// match evaluation pattern
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . text , newtext ) ;
// try to find location information in text
// Opencaching:
// <nobr>N 50o 05.453'</nobr><nobr>E 008o 30.191'</nobr>
// N 52o 28.025 E 013o 20.299
location : while ( s < newtext . length ) {
pl = 1 ;
p = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , s , this . degree ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) { p = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , s , "°" . toCharArray ( ) ) ; if ( p > = 0 ) pl = 5 ; }
if ( p < 0 ) break location ;
q = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , p + pl , this . minuteCharsHTML ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) q = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , p + pl , "'" . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) q = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , p + pl , " E" . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) q = CharBuffer . indexOf ( newtext , p + pl , " W" . toCharArray ( ) ) ;
if ( q < 0 & & newtext . length - p = = 7 + pl ) q = newtext . length ;
if ( q < 0 ) break location ;
int r = p ;
while ( r - - > 1 ) {
if ( newtext [ r ] = = ' ' ) {
r - - ;
if ( newtext [ r ] = = 'N' ) {
this . lat = Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , r + 2 , p - r - 2 ) ) +
Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , p + pl + 1 , q - p - pl - 1 ) ) / 60.0d ;
if ( this . lon ! = 0.0d ) break location ;
s = q + 6 ;
continue location ;
if ( newtext [ r ] = = 'S' ) {
this . lat = - Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , r + 2 , p - r - 2 ) ) -
Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , p + pl + 1 , q - p - pl - 1 ) ) / 60.0d ;
if ( this . lon ! = 0.0d ) break location ;
s = q + 6 ;
continue location ;
if ( newtext [ r ] = = 'E' ) {
this . lon = Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , r + 2 , p - r - 2 ) ) +
Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , p + pl + 1 , q - p - pl - 1 ) ) / 60.0d ;
if ( this . lat ! = 0.0d ) break location ;
s = q + 6 ;
continue location ;
if ( newtext [ r ] = = 'W' ) {
this . lon = - Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , r + 2 , p - r - 2 ) ) -
Float . parseFloat ( new String ( newtext , p + 2 , q - p - pl - 1 ) ) / 60.0d ;
if ( this . lat ! = 0.0d ) break location ;
s = q + 6 ;
continue location ;
break location ;
break location ;
// find tags inside text
String b = cleanLine ( stripAllTags ( newtext ) ) ;
if ( ( insideTag ! = null ) & & ( ! ( insideTag . equals ( "a" ) ) ) ) {
// texts inside tags sometimes have no punctuation at the line end
// this is bad for the text semantics, because it is not possible for the
// condenser to distinguish headlines from text beginnings.
// to make it easier for the condenser, a dot ('.') is appended in case that
// no punctuation is part of the newtext line
if ( ( b . length ( ) ! = 0 ) & & ( ! ( SentenceReader . punctuation ( b . charAt ( b . length ( ) - 1 ) ) ) ) ) b = b + '.' ;
//System.out.println("*** Appended dot: " + b.toString());
// find http links inside text
s = 0 ;
String u ;
while ( s < b . length ( ) ) {
p = find ( b , dpssp , s ) ;
if ( p = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) break ;
s = Math . max ( 0 , p - 5 ) ;
p = find ( b , protp , s ) ;
if ( p = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) break ;
q = b . indexOf ( " " , p + 1 ) ;
u = b . substring ( p , q < 0 ? b . length ( ) : q ) ;
if ( u . endsWith ( "." ) ) u = u . substring ( 0 , u . length ( ) - 1 ) ; // remove the '.' that was appended above
s = p + 6 ;
try {
this . anchors . add ( new AnchorURL ( u ) ) ;
continue ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) { }
// append string to content
if ( ! b . isEmpty ( ) ) {
this . content . append ( b ) ;
this . content . appendSpace ( ) ;
private final static Pattern dpssp = Pattern . compile ( "://" ) ;
private final static Pattern protp = Pattern . compile ( "smb://|ftp://|http://|https://" ) ;
private static final int find ( final String s , final Pattern m , final int start ) {
final Matcher mm = m . matcher ( s . subSequence ( start , s . length ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! mm . find ( ) ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
final int p = mm . start ( ) + start ;
//final int p = s.indexOf(m, start);
return ( p < 0 ) ? Integer . MAX_VALUE : p ;
private AnchorURL absolutePath ( final String relativePath ) {
try {
return AnchorURL . newAnchor ( this . root , relativePath ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
return null ;
private void checkOpts ( Tag tag ) {
// vocabulary classes
final String classprop = tag . opts . getProperty ( "class" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
this . vocabularyScraper . check ( this . root , classprop , tag . content ) ;
// itemprop
String itemprop = tag . opts . getProperty ( "itemprop" ) ;
if ( itemprop ! = null ) {
String propval = tag . opts . getProperty ( "content" ) ;
if ( propval = = null ) propval = tag . opts . getProperty ( "datetime" ) ; // html5 example: <time itemprop="startDate" datetime="2016-01-26">today</time> while each prop is optional
if ( propval ! = null ) {
if ( "startDate" . equals ( itemprop ) ) try {
// parse ISO 8601 date
Date startDate = ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( propval , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ;
this . startDates . add ( startDate ) ;
} catch ( ParseException e ) { }
if ( "endDate" . equals ( itemprop ) ) try {
// parse ISO 8601 date
Date endDate = ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( propval , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ;
this . endDates . add ( endDate ) ;
} catch ( ParseException e ) { }
public void scrapeTag0 ( Tag tag ) {
checkOpts ( tag ) ;
if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "img" ) ) {
final String src = tag . opts . getProperty ( "src" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
try {
if ( src . length ( ) > 0 ) {
final DigestURL url = absolutePath ( src ) ;
if ( url ! = null ) {
// use to allow parse of "550px", with better performance as Numberformat.parse
final int width = NumberTools . parseIntDecSubstring ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "width" , "-1" ) ) ; // Integer.parseInt fails on "200px"
final int height = NumberTools . parseIntDecSubstring ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "height" , "-1" ) ) ;
final ImageEntry ie = new ImageEntry ( url , tag . opts . getProperty ( "alt" , EMPTY_STRING ) , width , height , - 1 ) ;
this . images . add ( ie ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { }
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . imgpath , src ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "base" ) ) {
try {
this . root = new DigestURL ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "href" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) { }
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "frame" ) ) {
final AnchorURL src = absolutePath ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "src" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "src" , src . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
src . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
//this.anchors.add(src); // don't add the frame to the anchors because the webgraph should not contain such links (by definition)
this . frames . add ( src ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . framepath , src . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "body" ) ) {
final String classprop = tag . opts . getProperty ( "class" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . bodyclass , classprop ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "meta" ) ) {
final String content = tag . opts . getProperty ( "content" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
String name = tag . opts . getProperty ( "name" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . metas . put ( name . toLowerCase ( ) , CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( content ) ) ;
if ( name . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "generator" ) ) {
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . metagenerator , content ) ;
name = tag . opts . getProperty ( "http-equiv" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . metas . put ( name . toLowerCase ( ) , CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( content ) ) ;
name = tag . opts . getProperty ( "property" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . metas . put ( name . toLowerCase ( ) , CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( content ) ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "area" ) ) {
final String areatitle = cleanLine ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "title" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
//String alt = tag.opts.getProperty("alt",EMPTY_STRING);
final String href = tag . opts . getProperty ( "href" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( href . length ( ) > 0 ) {
tag . opts . put ( "name" , areatitle ) ;
AnchorURL url = absolutePath ( href ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "href" , url . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
url . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
this . anchors . add ( url ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "link" ) ) {
final String href = tag . opts . getProperty ( "href" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
final AnchorURL newLink = absolutePath ( href ) ;
if ( newLink ! = null ) {
tag . opts . put ( "href" , newLink . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
String rel = tag . opts . getProperty ( "rel" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
final String linktitle = tag . opts . getProperty ( "title" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
final String type = tag . opts . getProperty ( "type" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
final String hreflang = tag . opts . getProperty ( "hreflang" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "shortcut icon" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "icon" ) ) { // html5 -> rel="icon")
final ImageEntry ie = new ImageEntry ( newLink , linktitle , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) ;
this . images . add ( ie ) ;
this . favicon = newLink ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "canonical" ) ) {
tag . opts . put ( "name" , this . titles . size ( ) = = 0 ? "" : this . titles . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ) ;
newLink . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
this . anchors . add ( newLink ) ;
this . canonical = newLink ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "publisher" ) ) {
this . publisher = newLink ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "top" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "up" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "next" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "prev" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "first" ) | | rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "last" ) ) {
this . navigation . put ( rel , newLink ) ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "alternate" ) & & type . equalsIgnoreCase ( "application/rss+xml" ) ) {
this . rss . put ( newLink , linktitle ) ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "alternate" ) & & hreflang . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . hreflang . put ( hreflang , newLink ) ;
} else if ( rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "stylesheet" ) & & type . equalsIgnoreCase ( "text/css" ) ) {
this . css . put ( newLink , rel ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . csspath , href ) ;
} else if ( ! rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "stylesheet" ) & & ! rel . equalsIgnoreCase ( "alternate stylesheet" ) ) {
tag . opts . put ( "name" , linktitle ) ;
newLink . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
this . anchors . add ( newLink ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "embed" ) | | tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "source" ) ) { //html5 tag
final String src = tag . opts . getProperty ( "src" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
try {
if ( src . length ( ) > 0 ) {
final AnchorURL url = absolutePath ( src ) ;
if ( url ! = null ) {
final int width = Integer . parseInt ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "width" , "-1" ) ) ;
final int height = Integer . parseInt ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "height" , "-1" ) ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "src" , url . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
final EmbedEntry ie = new EmbedEntry ( url , width , height , tag . opts . getProperty ( "type" , EMPTY_STRING ) , tag . opts . getProperty ( "pluginspage" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
this . embeds . put ( url , ie ) ;
url . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
// this.anchors.add(url); // don't add the embed to the anchors because the webgraph should not contain such links (by definition)
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { }
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "param" ) ) {
final String name = tag . opts . getProperty ( "name" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "movie" ) ) {
AnchorURL url = absolutePath ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "value" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "value" , url . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
url . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
this . anchors . add ( url ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "iframe" ) ) {
final AnchorURL src = absolutePath ( tag . opts . getProperty ( "src" , EMPTY_STRING ) ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "src" , src . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
src . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
//this.anchors.add(src); // don't add the iframe to the anchors because the webgraph should not contain such links (by definition)
this . iframes . add ( src ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . iframepath , src . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "html" ) ) {
final String lang = tag . opts . getProperty ( "lang" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( ! lang . isEmpty ( ) ) // fake a language meta to preserv detection from <html lang="xx" />
this . metas . put ( "dc.language" , lang . substring ( 0 , 2 ) ) ; // fix found entries like "hu-hu"
// fire event
fireScrapeTag0 ( tag . name , tag . opts ) ;
public void scrapeTag1 ( Tag tag ) {
checkOpts ( tag ) ;
// System.out.println("ScrapeTag1: tag.tagname=" + tag.tagname + ", opts=" + tag.opts.toString() + ", text=" + UTF8.String(text));
if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "a" ) & & tag . content . length ( ) < 2048 ) {
String href = tag . opts . getProperty ( "href" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
href = CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( href ) ;
AnchorURL url ;
if ( ( href . length ( ) > 0 ) & & ( ( url = absolutePath ( href ) ) ! = null ) ) {
if ( followDenied ( ) ) {
String rel = tag . opts . getProperty ( "rel" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( rel . length ( ) = = 0 ) rel = "nofollow" ; else if ( rel . indexOf ( "nofollow" ) < 0 ) rel + = ",nofollow" ;
tag . opts . put ( "rel" , rel ) ;
tag . opts . put ( "text" , stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ; // strip any inline html in tag text like "<a ...> <span>test</span> </a>"
tag . opts . put ( "href" , url . toNormalform ( true ) ) ; // we must assign this because the url may have resolved backpaths and may not be absolute
url . setAll ( tag . opts ) ;
recursiveParse ( url , tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ;
this . anchors . add ( url ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . apath , href ) ;
final String h ;
if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "div" ) ) {
final String id = tag . opts . getProperty ( "id" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . divid , id ) ;
final String itemtype = tag . opts . getProperty ( "itemtype" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( itemtype . equals ( "http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" ) ) {
breadcrumbs + + ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h1" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 0 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h2" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 1 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h3" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 2 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h4" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 3 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h5" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 4 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "h6" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . headlines [ 5 ] . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "title" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
this . titles . add ( h ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . title , h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "b" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . bold . inc ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "strong" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . bold . inc ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "em" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . bold . inc ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "i" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . italic . inc ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "u" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . underline . inc ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "li" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . li . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "dt" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . dt . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "dd" ) ) & & ( tag . content . length ( ) < 1024 ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . dd . add ( h ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "script" ) ) {
final String src = tag . opts . getProperty ( "src" , EMPTY_STRING ) ;
if ( src . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . script . add ( absolutePath ( src ) ) ;
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . scriptpath , src ) ;
} else {
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . scriptcode , LB . matcher ( new String ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) . replaceAll ( " " ) ) ;
} else if ( tag . name . equalsIgnoreCase ( "article" ) ) {
h = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( h . length ( ) > 0 ) this . articles . add ( h ) ;
// fire event
fireScrapeTag1 ( tag . name , tag . opts , tag . content . getChars ( ) ) ;
public void scrapeComment ( final char [ ] comment ) {
this . evaluationScores . match ( Element . comment , LB . matcher ( new String ( comment ) ) . replaceAll ( " " ) ) ;
private String recursiveParse ( final AnchorURL linkurl , final char [ ] inlineHtml ) {
if ( inlineHtml . length < 14 ) return cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( inlineHtml ) ) ) ;
// start a new scraper to parse links inside this text
// parsing the content
final ContentScraper scraper = new ContentScraper ( this . root , this . maxLinks , this . vocabularyScraper , this . timezoneOffset ) ;
final TransformerWriter writer = new TransformerWriter ( null , null , scraper , null , false ) ;
try {
FileUtils . copy ( new CharArrayReader ( inlineHtml ) , writer ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( inlineHtml ) ) ) ;
} finally {
try {
writer . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
for ( final AnchorURL entry : scraper . getAnchors ( ) ) {
this . anchors . add ( entry ) ;
String line = cleanLine ( CharacterCoding . html2unicode ( stripAllTags ( scraper . content . getChars ( ) ) ) ) ;
StringBuilder altakk = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( ImageEntry ie : scraper . images ) {
if ( linkurl ! = null ) {
if ( ie . alt ( ) ! = null ) altakk . append ( ie . alt ( ) . trim ( ) ) . append ( ' ' ) ;
linkurl . setImageURL ( ie . url ( ) ) ;
AnchorURL a = new AnchorURL ( linkurl ) ;
a . setTextProperty ( line ) ;
a . setImageAlt ( ie . alt ( ) ) ;
a . setImageURL ( ie . url ( ) ) ;
ie . setLinkurl ( a ) ;
// this image may have been added recently from the same location (as this is a recursive parse)
// we want to keep only one of them, check if they are equal
if ( this . images . size ( ) > 0 & & this . images . get ( this . images . size ( ) - 1 ) . url ( ) . equals ( ie . url ( ) ) ) {
this . images . remove ( this . images . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
this . images . add ( ie ) ;
if ( linkurl ! = null ) {
linkurl . setImageAlt ( altakk . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ) ;
scraper . close ( ) ;
return line ;
public List < String > getTitles ( ) {
// some documents have a title tag as meta tag
String s = this . metas . get ( "title" ) ;
if ( s ! = null & & s . length ( ) > 0 ) {
this . titles . add ( s ) ;
if ( this . titles . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
// take any headline
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . headlines . length ; i + + ) {
if ( ! this . headlines [ i ] . isEmpty ( ) ) {
this . titles . add ( this . headlines [ i ] . get ( 0 ) ) ;
break ;
// extract headline from file name
ArrayList < String > t = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
t . addAll ( this . titles ) ;
return t ;
public String [ ] getHeadlines ( final int i ) {
assert ( ( i > = 1 ) & & ( i < = this . headlines . length ) ) ;
return this . headlines [ i - 1 ] . toArray ( new String [ this . headlines [ i - 1 ] . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getBold ( ) {
final List < String > a = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Iterator < String > i = this . bold . keys ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) a . add ( i . next ( ) ) ;
return a . toArray ( new String [ a . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getBoldCount ( final String [ ] a ) {
final String [ ] counter = new String [ a . length ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i + + ) counter [ i ] = Integer . toString ( this . bold . get ( a [ i ] ) ) ;
return counter ;
public String [ ] getItalic ( ) {
final List < String > a = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Iterator < String > i = this . italic . keys ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) a . add ( i . next ( ) ) ;
return a . toArray ( new String [ a . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getItalicCount ( final String [ ] a ) {
final String [ ] counter = new String [ a . length ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i + + ) counter [ i ] = Integer . toString ( this . italic . get ( a [ i ] ) ) ;
return counter ;
public String [ ] getUnderline ( ) {
final List < String > a = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Iterator < String > i = this . underline . keys ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) a . add ( i . next ( ) ) ;
return a . toArray ( new String [ a . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getUnderlineCount ( final String [ ] a ) {
final String [ ] counter = new String [ a . length ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i + + ) counter [ i ] = Integer . toString ( this . underline . get ( a [ i ] ) ) ;
return counter ;
public String [ ] getLi ( ) {
return this . li . toArray ( new String [ this . li . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getDt ( ) {
return this . dt . toArray ( new String [ this . dt . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getDd ( ) {
return this . dd . toArray ( new String [ this . dd . size ( ) ] ) ;
public List < Date > getStartDates ( ) {
return this . startDates ;
public List < Date > getEndDates ( ) {
return this . endDates ;
public DigestURL [ ] getFlash ( ) {
String ext ;
ArrayList < DigestURL > f = new ArrayList < DigestURL > ( ) ;
for ( final DigestURL url : this . anchors ) {
ext = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( url . getFileName ( ) ) ;
if ( ext = = null ) continue ;
if ( ext . equals ( "swf" ) ) f . add ( url ) ;
return f . toArray ( new DigestURL [ f . size ( ) ] ) ;
public boolean containsFlash ( ) {
String ext ;
for ( final MultiProtocolURL url : this . anchors ) {
ext = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( url . getFileName ( ) ) ;
if ( ext = = null ) continue ;
if ( ext . equals ( "swf" ) ) return true ;
return false ;
public int breadcrumbCount ( ) {
return this . breadcrumbs ;
public String getText ( ) {
try {
return this . content . trim ( ) . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return "" ;
public List < String > getArticles ( ) {
return this . articles ;
public List < AnchorURL > getAnchors ( ) {
// returns a url (String) / name (String) relation
return this . anchors ;
public LinkedHashMap < DigestURL , String > getRSS ( ) {
// returns a url (String) / name (String) relation
return this . rss ;
public Map < DigestURL , String > getCSS ( ) {
// returns a url (String) / name (String) relation
return this . css ;
public Set < AnchorURL > getFrames ( ) {
// returns a url (String) / name (String) relation
return this . frames ;
public Set < AnchorURL > getIFrames ( ) {
// returns a url (String) / name (String) relation
return this . iframes ;
public Set < AnchorURL > getScript ( ) {
return this . script ;
public AnchorURL getCanonical ( ) {
return this . canonical ;
public DigestURL getPublisherLink ( ) {
return this . publisher ;
public Map < String , DigestURL > getHreflang ( ) {
return this . hreflang ;
public Map < String , DigestURL > getNavigation ( ) {
return this . navigation ;
/ * *
* get all images
* @return a map of < urlhash , ImageEntry >
* /
public List < ImageEntry > getImages ( ) {
return this . images ;
public Map < AnchorURL , EmbedEntry > getEmbeds ( ) {
return this . embeds ;
public Map < String , String > getMetas ( ) {
return this . metas ;
/ * *
* @return the { @link MultiProtocolURL } to the favicon that belongs to the document
* /
public MultiProtocolURL getFavicon ( ) {
return this . favicon ;
/ *
DC in html example :
< meta name = "DC.title" lang = "en" content = "Expressing Dublin Core in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements" / >
< meta name = "DC.creator" content = "Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath" / >
< meta name = "DC.identifier" scheme = "DCTERMS.URI" content = "http://dublincore.org/documents/dcq-html/" / >
< meta name = "DC.format" scheme = "DCTERMS.IMT" content = "text/html" / >
< meta name = "DC.type" scheme = "DCTERMS.DCMIType" content = "Text" / >
* /
public boolean indexingDenied ( ) {
final String s = this . metas . get ( "robots" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return false ;
if ( s . indexOf ( "noindex" , 0 ) > = 0 ) return true ;
return false ;
public boolean followDenied ( ) {
final String s = this . metas . get ( "robots" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return false ;
if ( s . indexOf ( "nofollow" , 0 ) > = 0 ) return true ;
return false ;
public List < String > getDescriptions ( ) {
String s = this . metas . get ( "description" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = this . metas . get ( "dc.description" ) ;
List < String > descriptions = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return descriptions ;
descriptions . add ( s ) ;
return descriptions ;
public String getContentType ( ) {
final String s = this . metas . get ( "content-type" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return EMPTY_STRING ;
return s ;
public String getAuthor ( ) {
String s = this . metas . get ( "author" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = this . metas . get ( "dc.creator" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return EMPTY_STRING ;
return s ;
public String getPublisher ( ) {
String s = this . metas . get ( "copyright" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = this . metas . get ( "dc.publisher" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return EMPTY_STRING ;
return s ;
private final static Pattern commaSepPattern = Pattern . compile ( " |," ) ;
private final static Pattern semicSepPattern = Pattern . compile ( " |;" ) ;
public Set < String > getContentLanguages ( ) {
// i.e. <meta name="DC.language" content="en" scheme="DCTERMS.RFC3066">
// or <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en">
String s = this . metas . get ( "content-language" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = this . metas . get ( "dc.language" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return null ;
final Set < String > hs = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
final String [ ] cl = commaSepPattern . split ( s ) ;
int p ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cl . length ; i + + ) {
cl [ i ] = cl [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
p = cl [ i ] . indexOf ( '-' ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) cl [ i ] = cl [ i ] . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
if ( ISO639 . exists ( cl [ i ] ) ) hs . add ( cl [ i ] ) ;
if ( hs . isEmpty ( ) ) return null ;
return hs ;
public String [ ] getKeywords ( ) {
String s = this . metas . get ( "keywords" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = this . metas . get ( "dc.description" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) s = EMPTY_STRING ;
if ( s . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return new String [ 0 ] ;
if ( s . contains ( "," ) ) return commaSepPattern . split ( s ) ;
if ( s . contains ( ";" ) ) return semicSepPattern . split ( s ) ;
return s . split ( "\\s" ) ;
public int getRefreshSeconds ( ) {
final String s = this . metas . get ( "refresh" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return 9999 ;
try {
final int pos = s . indexOf ( ';' ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) return 9999 ;
final int i = NumberTools . parseIntDecSubstring ( s , 0 , pos ) ;
return i ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 9999 ;
public String getRefreshPath ( ) {
String s = this . metas . get ( "refresh" ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return EMPTY_STRING ;
final int pos = s . indexOf ( ';' ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) return EMPTY_STRING ;
s = s . substring ( pos + 1 ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( s . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( "url=" ) ) return s . substring ( 4 ) . trim ( ) ;
public Date getDate ( ) {
String content ;
// <meta name="date" content="YYYY-MM-DD..." />
content = this . metas . get ( "date" ) ;
if ( content ! = null ) try { return ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( content , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ; } catch ( ParseException e ) { }
// <meta name="DC.date" content="YYYY-MM-DD" />
content = this . metas . get ( "dc.date" ) ;
if ( content ! = null ) try { return ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( content , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ; } catch ( ParseException e ) { }
// <meta name="DC:date" content="YYYY-MM-DD" />
content = this . metas . get ( "dc:date" ) ;
if ( content ! = null ) try { return ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( content , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ; } catch ( ParseException e ) { }
// <meta http-equiv="last-modified" content="YYYY-MM-DD" />
content = this . metas . get ( "last-modified" ) ;
if ( content ! = null ) try { return ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( content , this . timezoneOffset ) . getTime ( ) ; } catch ( ParseException e ) { }
return new Date ( ) ;
// parse location
// <meta NAME="ICBM" CONTENT="38.90551492, 1.454004505" />
// <meta NAME="geo.position" CONTENT="38.90551492;1.454004505" />
public double getLon ( ) {
if ( this . lon ! = 0.0d ) return this . lon ;
String s = this . metas . get ( "ICBM" ) ; // InterContinental Ballistic Missile (abbrev. supposed to be a joke: http://www.jargon.net/jargonfile/i/ICBMaddress.html), see http://geourl.org/add.html#icbm
if ( s ! = null ) {
int p = s . indexOf ( ';' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) p = s . indexOf ( ',' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) p = s . indexOf ( ' ' ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) {
this . lat = Double . parseDouble ( s . substring ( 0 , p ) . trim ( ) ) ;
this . lon = Double . parseDouble ( s . substring ( p + 1 ) . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( this . lon ! = 0.0d ) return this . lon ;
s = this . metas . get ( "geo.position" ) ; // http://geotags.com/geobot/add-tags.html
if ( s ! = null ) {
int p = s . indexOf ( ';' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) p = s . indexOf ( ',' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) p = s . indexOf ( ' ' ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) {
this . lat = Double . parseDouble ( s . substring ( 0 , p ) . trim ( ) ) ;
this . lon = Double . parseDouble ( s . substring ( p + 1 ) . trim ( ) ) ;
return this . lon ;
public double getLat ( ) {
if ( this . lat ! = 0.0d ) return this . lat ;
getLon ( ) ; // parse with getLon() method which creates also the lat value
return this . lat ;
/ * *
* produce all model names
* @return a set of model names
* /
public Set < String > getEvaluationModelNames ( ) {
return this . evaluationScores . getModelNames ( ) ;
public String [ ] getEvaluationModelScoreNames ( final String modelName ) {
final List < String > a = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final ClusteredScoreMap < String > scores = this . evaluationScores . getScores ( modelName ) ;
if ( scores ! = null ) {
final Iterator < String > i = scores . keys ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) a . add ( i . next ( ) ) ;
return a . toArray ( new String [ a . size ( ) ] ) ;
public String [ ] getEvaluationModelScoreCounts ( final String modelName , final String [ ] a ) {
final ClusteredScoreMap < String > scores = this . evaluationScores . getScores ( modelName ) ;
final String [ ] counter = new String [ a . length ] ;
if ( scores ! = null ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i + + ) counter [ i ] = Integer . toString ( scores . get ( a [ i ] ) ) ;
return counter ;
/ *
* ( non - Javadoc )
* @see de . anomic . htmlFilter . htmlFilterScraper # close ( )
* /
public void close ( ) {
// free resources
super . close ( ) ;
this . anchors . clear ( ) ;
this . rss . clear ( ) ;
this . css . clear ( ) ;
this . script . clear ( ) ;
this . frames . clear ( ) ;
this . iframes . clear ( ) ;
this . embeds . clear ( ) ;
this . images . clear ( ) ;
this . metas . clear ( ) ;
this . hreflang . clear ( ) ;
this . navigation . clear ( ) ;
this . titles . clear ( ) ;
this . articles . clear ( ) ;
this . startDates . clear ( ) ;
this . endDates . clear ( ) ;
this . headlines = null ;
this . bold . clear ( ) ;
this . italic . clear ( ) ;
this . underline . clear ( ) ;
this . li . clear ( ) ;
this . dt . clear ( ) ;
this . dd . clear ( ) ;
this . content . clear ( ) ;
this . root = null ;
public void print ( ) {
for ( String t : this . titles ) {
System . out . println ( "TITLE :" + t ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
System . out . println ( "HEADLINE" + i + ":" + this . headlines [ i ] . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "ANCHORS :" + this . anchors . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "IMAGES :" + this . images . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "METAS :" + this . metas . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "TEXT :" + this . content . toString ( ) ) ;
public void registerHtmlFilterEventListener ( final ScraperListener listener ) {
if ( listener ! = null ) {
this . htmlFilterEventListeners . add ( ScraperListener . class , listener ) ;
public void deregisterHtmlFilterEventListener ( final ScraperListener listener ) {
if ( listener ! = null ) {
this . htmlFilterEventListeners . remove ( ScraperListener . class , listener ) ;
private void fireScrapeTag0 ( final String tagname , final Properties tagopts ) {
final Object [ ] listeners = this . htmlFilterEventListeners . getListenerList ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listeners . length ; i + = 2 ) {
if ( listeners [ i ] = = ScraperListener . class ) {
( ( ScraperListener ) listeners [ i + 1 ] ) . scrapeTag0 ( tagname , tagopts ) ;
private void fireScrapeTag1 ( final String tagname , final Properties tagopts , final char [ ] text ) {
final Object [ ] listeners = this . htmlFilterEventListeners . getListenerList ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listeners . length ; i + = 2 ) {
if ( listeners [ i ] = = ScraperListener . class ) {
( ( ScraperListener ) listeners [ i + 1 ] ) . scrapeTag1 ( tagname , tagopts , text ) ;
public static ContentScraper parseResource ( final File file , final int maxLinks , final int timezoneOffset ) throws IOException {
// load page
final byte [ ] page = FileUtils . read ( file ) ;
if ( page = = null ) throw new IOException ( "no content in file " + file . toString ( ) ) ;
// scrape document to look up charset
final ScraperInputStream htmlFilter = new ScraperInputStream ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( page ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , new DigestURL ( "http://localhost" ) , null , false , maxLinks , timezoneOffset ) ;
String charset = htmlParser . patchCharsetEncoding ( htmlFilter . detectCharset ( ) ) ;
htmlFilter . close ( ) ;
if ( charset = = null ) charset = Charset . defaultCharset ( ) . toString ( ) ;
// scrape content
final ContentScraper scraper = new ContentScraper ( new DigestURL ( "http://localhost" ) , maxLinks , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , timezoneOffset ) ;
final Writer writer = new TransformerWriter ( null , null , scraper , null , false ) ;
FileUtils . copy ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( page ) , writer , Charset . forName ( charset ) ) ;
writer . close ( ) ;
return scraper ;