@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper ;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterImageEntry ;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser ;
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ public class plasmaParserDocument {
private StringBuffer description ; // an abstract, if present: short content description
private Object text ; // the clear text, all that is visible
private Map < yacyURL , String > anchors ; // all links embedded as clickeable entities (anchor tags)
private TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > images ; // all visible pictures in document
private HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > images ; // all visible pictures in document
// the anchors and images - Maps are URL-to-EntityDescription mappings.
// The EntityDescription appear either as visible text in anchors or as alternative
// text in image tags.
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ public class plasmaParserDocument {
protected plasmaParserDocument ( yacyURL location , String mimeType , String charset ,
String [ ] keywords , String title , String author ,
String [ ] sections , String abstrct ,
Object text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
Object text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
this . source = location ;
this . mimeType = ( mimeType = = null ) ? "application/octet-stream" : mimeType ;
this . charset = charset ;
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ public class plasmaParserDocument {
this . sections = ( sections = = null ) ? new LinkedList < String > ( ) : Arrays . asList ( sections ) ;
this . description = ( abstrct = = null ) ? new StringBuffer ( ) : new StringBuffer ( abstrct ) ;
this . anchors = ( anchors = = null ) ? new HashMap < yacyURL , String > ( 0 ) : anchors ;
this . images = ( images = = null ) ? new TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > ( ) : images ;
this . images = ( images = = null ) ? new HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > ( ) : images ;
this . hyperlinks = null ;
this . audiolinks = null ;
this . videolinks = null ;
@ -124,21 +125,21 @@ public class plasmaParserDocument {
public plasmaParserDocument ( yacyURL location , String mimeType , String charset ,
String [ ] keywords , String title , String author ,
String [ ] sections , String abstrct ,
byte [ ] text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
byte [ ] text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
this ( location , mimeType , charset , keywords , title , author , sections , abstrct , ( Object ) text , anchors , images ) ;
public plasmaParserDocument ( yacyURL location , String mimeType , String charset ,
String [ ] keywords , String title , String author ,
String [ ] sections , String abstrct ,
File text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
File text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
this ( location , mimeType , charset , keywords , title , author , sections , abstrct , ( Object ) text , anchors , images ) ;
public plasmaParserDocument ( yacyURL location , String mimeType , String charset ,
String [ ] keywords , String title , String author ,
String [ ] sections , String abstrct ,
serverCachedFileOutputStream text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
serverCachedFileOutputStream text , Map < yacyURL , String > anchors , HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > images ) {
this ( location , mimeType , charset , keywords , title , author , sections , abstrct , ( Object ) text , anchors , images ) ;
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ dc_rights
return this . videolinks ;
public TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > getImages ( ) {
public HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > getImages ( ) {
// returns all links enbedded as pictures (visible in document)
// this resturns a htmlFilterImageEntry collection
if ( ! resorted ) resortLinks ( ) ;
@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ dc_rights
audiolinks = new HashMap < yacyURL , String > ( ) ;
applinks = new HashMap < yacyURL , String > ( ) ;
emaillinks = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
TreeSet< htmlFilterImageEntry > collectedImages = new TreeSet < htmlFilterImageEntry > ( ) ; // this is a set that is collected now and joined later to the imagelinks
HashMap< String , htmlFilterImageEntry > collectedImages = new HashMap < String , htmlFilterImageEntry > ( ) ; // this is a set that is collected now and joined later to the imagelinks
Map . Entry < yacyURL , String > entry ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = i . next ( ) ;
@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ dc_rights
if ( plasmaParser . mediaExtContains ( ext ) ) {
// this is not a normal anchor, its a media link
if ( plasmaParser . imageExtContains ( ext ) ) {
collectedImages. add ( new htmlFilterImageEntry ( url , ( String ) entry . getValue ( ) , - 1 , - 1 ) ) ;
htmlFilterContentScraper. addImage ( collectedImages , new htmlFilterImageEntry ( url , ( String ) entry . getValue ( ) , - 1 , - 1 ) ) ;
else if ( plasmaParser . audioExtContains ( ext ) ) audiolinks . put ( url , ( String ) entry . getValue ( ) ) ;
else if ( plasmaParser . videoExtContains ( ext ) ) videolinks . put ( url , ( String ) entry . getValue ( ) ) ;
@ -374,23 +375,18 @@ dc_rights
// add image links that we collected from the anchors to the image map
Iterator < htmlFilterImageEntry > j = collectedImages . iterator ( ) ;
htmlFilterImageEntry iEntry ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
iEntry = ( htmlFilterImageEntry ) j . next ( ) ;
if ( ! images . contains ( iEntry ) ) images . add ( iEntry ) ;
htmlFilterContentScraper . addAllImages ( images , collectedImages ) ;
// expand the hyperlinks:
// we add artificial hyperlinks to the hyperlink set
// that can be calculated from given hyperlinks and imagelinks
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allReflinks ( images )) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allReflinks ( images .values ( ) )) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allReflinks ( audiolinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allReflinks ( videolinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allReflinks ( applinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( hyperlinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( images )) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( images .values ( ) )) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( audiolinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( videolinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
hyperlinks . putAll ( plasmaParser . allSubpaths ( applinks . keySet ( ) ) ) ;
@ -417,7 +413,7 @@ dc_rights
serverFileUtils . copy ( doc . getText ( ) , ( serverCachedFileOutputStream ) this . text ) ;
anchors . putAll ( doc . getAnchors ( ) ) ;
images. addAll ( doc . getImages ( ) ) ;
htmlFilterContentScraper. addAllImages ( images , doc . getImages ( ) ) ;
/ * *