/ * *
* ResumptionToken
* Copyright 2009 by Michael Peter Christen
* First released 31.10 .2009 at http : //yacy.net
* This is a part of YaCy , a peer - to - peer based web search engine
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21 . txt
* If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
package net.yacy.document.importer ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.text.Collator ;
import java.text.ParseException ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Locale ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser ;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.ISO8601Formatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes ;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException ;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler ;
public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap < String , String > {
private static final long serialVersionUID = - 8389462290545629792L ;
// use a collator to relax when distinguishing between lowercase und uppercase letters
private static final Collator insensitiveCollator = Collator . getInstance ( Locale . US ) ;
static {
insensitiveCollator . setStrength ( Collator . SECONDARY ) ;
insensitiveCollator . setDecomposition ( Collator . NO_DECOMPOSITION ) ;
private int recordCounter ;
private final DigestURL source ;
public ResumptionToken ( final DigestURL source , final byte [ ] b ) throws IOException {
super ( ( Collator ) insensitiveCollator . clone ( ) ) ;
this . source = source ;
this . recordCounter = 0 ;
new Parser ( b ) ;
/ * *
* truncate the given url at the '?'
* @param url
* @return a string containing the url up to and including the '?'
* /
public static String truncatedURL ( final DigestURL url ) {
String u = url . toNormalform ( true ) ;
final int i = u . indexOf ( '?' ) ;
if ( i > 0 ) u = u . substring ( 0 , i + 1 ) ;
return u ;
/ * *
* while parsing the resumption token , also all records are counted
* @return the result from counting the records
* /
public int getRecordCounter ( ) {
return this . recordCounter ;
/ * *
* compute a url that can be used to resume the retrieval from the OAI - PMH resource
* @return the computed url
* @throws IOException in case that no follow - up url can be generated ; i . e . if the expiration date is exceeded
* /
public DigestURL resumptionURL ( ) throws IOException {
// decide which kind of encoding strategy was used to get a resumptionToken:
final String token = getToken ( ) ;
if ( token = = null ) throw new IOException ( "end of resumption reached - token == null" ) ;
if ( token . isEmpty ( ) ) throw new IOException ( "end of resumption reached - token.isEmpty()" ) ;
final String url = truncatedURL ( this . source ) ;
// encoded state
if ( token . indexOf ( "from=" , 0 ) > = 0 ) {
return new DigestURL ( url + "verb=ListRecords&" + token ) ;
// cached result set
// can be detected with given expiration date
final Date expiration = getExpirationDate ( ) ;
if ( expiration ! = null ) {
if ( expiration . before ( new Date ( ) ) ) throw new IOException ( "the resumption is expired at " + ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . format ( expiration ) + " (now: " + ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . format ( ) ) ;
// the resumption token is still fresh
final String u = url + "verb=ListRecords&resumptionToken=" + escape ( token ) ;
return new DigestURL ( u ) ;
private StringBuilder escape ( final String s ) {
final int len = s . length ( ) ;
final StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder ( len + 10 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
final int ch = s . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( ch = = '/' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%2F" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '?' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3F" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '#' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%23" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '=' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3D" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '&' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%26" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ':' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3A" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ';' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3B" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ' ' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%20" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '%' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%25" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '+' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%2B" ) ;
} else {
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
return sbuf ;
/ * *
* See :
* < a href = "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-repository.htm#CachedResultSet" > Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives < / a >
* @return an expiration date of a resumption token that addresses how long a cached set will
* stay in the cache of the oai - pmh server
* /
public Date getExpirationDate ( ) {
final String d = get ( "expirationDate" ) ;
if ( d = = null ) return null ;
try {
return ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . parse ( d , 0 ) . getTime ( ) ;
} catch ( final ParseException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return new Date ( ) ;
/ * *
* The completeListSize attribute provides a place where the estimated number of results
* in the complete list response may be announced . This is likely to be used for
* status monitoring by harvesting software and implementation is recommended especially in
* repositories with large numbers of records . The value of completeListSize can be reliably
* accurate only in the case of a system where the result set is cached .
* In other cases , it is permissible for repositories to revise
* the estimate during a list request sequence .
* An attribute according to
* < a href = "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-repository.htm#completeListSize" > Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives < / a >
* @return the completeListSize attribute
* /
public int getCompleteListSize ( ) {
final String t = get ( "completeListSize" ) ;
if ( t = = null ) return 0 ;
return Integer . parseInt ( t ) ;
/ * *
* The cursor attribute is the number of results returned so far in the complete list response ,
* thus it is always "0" in the first incomplete list response .
* It should only be specified if it is consistently used in all responses .
* An attribute according to
* < a href = "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-repository.htm#completeListSize" > Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives < / a >
* @return the cursor attribute
* /
public int getCursor ( ) {
final String t = get ( "cursor" ) ;
if ( t = = null ) return 0 ;
return Integer . parseInt ( t ) ;
/ * *
* See :
* < a href = "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-repository.htm#StateInResumptionToken" > Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives < / a >
* @return a token of the stateless transfer in case that no expiration date is given
* /
public String getToken ( ) {
return get ( "token" ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
return "source = " + this . source + ", expirationDate=" + ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . format ( getExpirationDate ( ) ) + ", completeListSize=" + getCompleteListSize ( ) +
", cursor=" + getCursor ( ) + ", token=" + getToken ( ) ;
private static final ThreadLocal < SAXParser > tlSax = new ThreadLocal < SAXParser > ( ) ;
private static SAXParser getParser ( ) throws SAXException {
SAXParser parser = tlSax . get ( ) ;
if ( parser = = null ) {
try {
parser = SAXParserFactory . newInstance ( ) . newSAXParser ( ) ;
} catch ( final ParserConfigurationException e ) {
throw new SAXException ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
tlSax . set ( parser ) ;
return parser ;
// get a resumption token using a SAX xml parser from am input stream
private class Parser extends DefaultHandler {
// class variables
private final StringBuilder buffer ;
private boolean parsingValue ;
private SAXParser saxParser ;
private Attributes atts ;
public Parser ( final byte [ ] b ) throws IOException {
this . buffer = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
this . parsingValue = false ;
this . atts = null ;
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( b ) ;
try {
this . saxParser = getParser ( ) ;
this . saxParser . parse ( stream , this ) ;
} catch ( final SAXException e ) {
// some received xml are not valid, common error is '&' sign in xml text
// causing a fatal sax error before <resumptionToken> entry is reached
// this patch tries to extract the <resumptionToken> only to allow loading
// the next oai-pmh xml.
// extract and parse only resumptionToken line
String in = UTF8 . String ( b ) ;
final int istart = in . lastIndexOf ( "<resumptionToken" ) ;
if ( istart > = 0 ) {
final int iend = in . indexOf ( "</resumptionToken" , istart ) ;
if ( iend > = 0 ) {
in = in . substring ( istart , iend ) + "</resumptionToken>" ;
stream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( UTF8 . getBytes ( in ) ) ;
try {
this . saxParser . parse ( stream , this ) ;
ResumptionToken . this . recordCounter + + ;
} catch ( final SAXException e2 ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (invalid resumption token): " + in ) ;
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "ResumptionToken" , "input file with error: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} else {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (parser error):\n" + UTF8 . String ( b ) ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (IO error)" ) ;
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} finally {
try {
stream . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
/ *
< resumptionToken expirationDate = "2009-10-31T22:52:14Z"
completeListSize = "226"
cursor = "0" > 688 < / resumptionToken >
* /
/ *
< resumptionToken expirationDate = "2010-05-03T19:30:43Z"
completeListSize = "578"
cursor = "0" > 1518323588 < / resumptionToken >
* /
public void startElement ( final String uri , final String name , final String tag , final Attributes atts ) throws SAXException {
if ( "record" . equals ( tag ) ) {
ResumptionToken . this . recordCounter + + ;
if ( "resumptionToken" . equals ( tag ) ) {
this . parsingValue = true ;
this . atts = atts ;
public void endElement ( final String uri , final String name , final String tag ) {
if ( tag = = null ) return ;
if ( "resumptionToken" . equals ( tag ) ) {
put ( "expirationDate" , this . atts . getValue ( "expirationDate" ) ) ;
put ( "completeListSize" , this . atts . getValue ( "completeListSize" ) ) ;
put ( "cursor" , this . atts . getValue ( "cursor" ) ) ;
put ( "token" , this . buffer . toString ( ) ) ;
this . buffer . setLength ( 0 ) ;
this . parsingValue = false ;
public void characters ( final char ch [ ] , final int start , final int length ) {
if ( this . parsingValue ) {
this . buffer . append ( ch , start , length ) ;