// Table.java
// (C) 2008 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 14.01.2008 on http://yacy.net
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.kelondro.table ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException ;
import java.io.FileOutputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Column ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.HandleMap ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Index ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowCollection ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSet ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row.Entry ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.io.BufferedRecords ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.io.Records ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.NaturalOrder ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException ;
/ *
* The Table builds upon the EcoFS and tries to reduce the number of IO requests that the
* EcoFS must do to a minimum . In best cases , no IO has to be done for read operations ( complete database shadow in RAM )
* and a rare number of write IO operations must be done for a large number of table - writings ( using the write buffer of EcoFS )
* To make the Table scalable in question of available RAM , there are two elements that must be scalable :
* - the access index can be either completely in RAM ( kelondroRAMIndex ) or it is file - based ( kelondroTree )
* - the content cache can be either a complete RAM - based shadow of the File , or empty .
* The content cache can also be deleted during run - time , if the available RAM gets too low .
* /
public class Table implements Index , Iterable < Row . Entry > {
// static tracker objects
private final static TreeMap < String , Table > tableTracker = new TreeMap < String , Table > ( ) ;
private final static long maxarraylength = 134217727L ; // that may be the maximum size of array length in some JVMs
private final long minmemremaining ; // if less than this memory is remaininig, the memory copy of a table is abandoned
private final int buffersize ;
private final Row rowdef ;
private final File tablefile ;
private final Row taildef ;
private HandleMap index ;
private BufferedRecords file ;
private RowSet table ;
public Table (
final File tablefile ,
final Row rowdef ,
final int buffersize ,
final int initialSpace ,
boolean useTailCache ,
final boolean exceed134217727 ) throws RowSpaceExceededException {
useTailCache = true ; // fixed for testing
this . tablefile = tablefile ;
this . rowdef = rowdef ;
this . buffersize = buffersize ;
this . minmemremaining = Math . max ( 20 * 1024 * 1024 , MemoryControl . available ( ) / 10 ) ;
//this.fail = 0;
// define the taildef, a row like the rowdef but without the first column
final Column [ ] cols = new Column [ rowdef . columns ( ) - 1 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cols . length ; i + + ) {
cols [ i ] = rowdef . column ( i + 1 ) ;
this . taildef = new Row ( cols , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder ) ;
// initialize table file
boolean freshFile = false ;
if ( ! tablefile . exists ( ) ) {
// make new file
freshFile = true ;
FileOutputStream fos = null ;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream ( tablefile ) ;
} catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
// should not happen
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
if ( fos ! = null ) try { fos . close ( ) ; } catch ( final IOException e ) { }
try {
// open an existing table file
int fileSize = ( int ) tableSize ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , true ) ;
// initialize index and copy table
final int records = Math . max ( fileSize , initialSpace ) ;
final long neededRAM4table = ( records ) * ( ( rowdef . objectsize ) + 4L ) * 3L ;
this . table = ( ( exceed134217727 | | neededRAM4table < maxarraylength ) & &
( useTailCache & & MemoryControl . available ( ) > neededRAM4table + 200 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) ?
new RowSet ( taildef , records ) : null ;
Log . logInfo ( "TABLE" , "initialization of " + tablefile . getName ( ) + ". table copy: " + ( ( table = = null ) ? "no" : "yes" ) + ", available RAM: " + ( MemoryControl . available ( ) / 1024 / 1024 ) + "MB, needed: " + ( neededRAM4table / 1024 / 1024 + 200 ) + "MB, allocating space for " + records + " entries" ) ;
final long neededRAM4index = 2 * 1024 * 1024 + records * ( rowdef . primaryKeyLength + 4 ) * 3 / 2 ;
if ( ! MemoryControl . request ( neededRAM4index , false ) ) {
// despite calculations seemed to show that there is enough memory for the table AND the index
// there is now not enough memory left for the index. So delete the table again to free the memory
// for the index
Log . logSevere ( "TABLE" , tablefile . getName ( ) + ": not enough RAM (" + ( MemoryControl . available ( ) / 1024 / 1024 ) + "MB) left for index, deleting allocated table space to enable index space allocation (needed: " + ( neededRAM4index / 1024 / 1024 ) + "MB)" ) ;
this . table = null ; System . gc ( ) ;
Log . logSevere ( "TABLE" , tablefile . getName ( ) + ": RAM after releasing the table: " + ( MemoryControl . available ( ) / 1024 / 1024 ) + "MB" ) ;
this . index = new HandleMap ( rowdef . primaryKeyLength , rowdef . objectOrder , 4 , records , tablefile . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
HandleMap errors = new HandleMap ( rowdef . primaryKeyLength , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder , 4 , records , tablefile . getAbsolutePath ( ) + ".errors" ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "TABLE" , tablefile + ": TABLE " + tablefile . toString ( ) + " has table copy " + ( ( table = = null ) ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED" ) ) ;
// read all elements from the file into the copy table
Log . logInfo ( "TABLE" , "initializing RAM index for TABLE " + tablefile . getName ( ) + ", please wait." ) ;
int i = 0 ;
byte [ ] key ;
if ( this . table = = null ) {
final Iterator < byte [ ] > ki = new ChunkIterator ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
while ( ki . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = ki . next ( ) ;
// write the key into the index table
assert key ! = null ;
if ( key = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
this . index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} else {
byte [ ] record ;
key = new byte [ rowdef . primaryKeyLength ] ;
final Iterator < byte [ ] > ri = new ChunkIterator ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , rowdef . objectsize ) ;
while ( ri . hasNext ( ) ) {
record = ri . next ( ) ;
assert record ! = null ;
if ( record = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
System . arraycopy ( record , 0 , key , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
// write the key into the index table
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
// write the tail into the table
try {
this . table . addUnique ( taildef . newEntry ( record , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
this . table = null ;
break ;
if ( abandonTable ( ) ) {
this . table = null ;
break ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
// open the file
this . file = new BufferedRecords ( new Records ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize ) , this . buffersize ) ;
// clean up the file by cleaning badly formed entries
int errorc = errors . size ( ) ;
int errorcc = 0 ;
int idx ;
for ( Entry entry : errors ) {
key = entry . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ;
idx = ( int ) entry . getColLong ( 1 ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "Table" , "removing not well-formed entry " + idx + " with key: " + NaturalOrder . arrayList ( key , 0 , key . length ) + ", " + errorcc + + + "/" + errorc ) ;
removeInFile ( idx ) ;
errors . close ( ) ;
assert this . index . size ( ) = = this . file . size ( ) : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", this.file.size() = " + this . file . size ( ) ;
// remove doubles
if ( ! freshFile ) {
final ArrayList < Long [ ] > doubles = index . removeDoubles ( ) ;
//assert index.size() + doubles.size() + fail == i;
//System.out.println(" -removed " + doubles.size() + " doubles- done.");
if ( ! doubles . isEmpty ( ) ) {
Log . logInfo ( "TABLE" , tablefile + ": WARNING - TABLE " + tablefile + " has " + doubles . size ( ) + " doubles" ) ;
// from all the doubles take one, put it back to the index and remove the others from the file
// first put back one element each
final byte [ ] record = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
key = new byte [ rowdef . primaryKeyLength ] ;
for ( final Long [ ] ds : doubles ) {
this . file . get ( ds [ 0 ] . intValue ( ) , record , 0 ) ;
System . arraycopy ( record , 0 , key , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
this . index . putUnique ( key , ds [ 0 ] . intValue ( ) ) ;
// then remove the other doubles by removing them from the table, but do a re-indexing while doing that
// first aggregate all the delete positions because the elements from the top positions must be removed first
final TreeSet < Long > delpos = new TreeSet < Long > ( ) ;
for ( final Long [ ] ds : doubles ) {
for ( int j = 1 ; j < ds . length ; j + + ) delpos . add ( ds [ j ] ) ;
// now remove the entries in a sorted way (top-down)
Long top ;
while ( ! delpos . isEmpty ( ) ) {
top = delpos . last ( ) ;
delpos . remove ( top ) ;
removeInFile ( top . intValue ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
// should never happen
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// track this table
tableTracker . put ( tablefile . toString ( ) , this ) ;
public long mem ( ) {
return index . mem ( ) + ( ( table = = null ) ? 0 : table . mem ( ) ) ;
private boolean abandonTable ( ) {
// check if not enough memory is there to maintain a memory copy of the table
return MemoryControl . available ( ) < minmemremaining ;
public byte [ ] smallestKey ( ) {
return this . index . smallestKey ( ) ;
public byte [ ] largestKey ( ) {
return this . index . largestKey ( ) ;
public static long tableSize ( final File tablefile , final int recordsize , boolean fixIfCorrupted ) throws kelondroException {
try {
return Records . tableSize ( tablefile , recordsize ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
if ( ! fixIfCorrupted ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "table size broken for file " + tablefile . toString ( ) , e ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "table size broken, try to fix " + tablefile . toString ( ) ) ;
try {
Records . fixTableSize ( tablefile , recordsize ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "Table" , "successfully fixed table file " + tablefile . toString ( ) ) ;
return Records . tableSize ( tablefile , recordsize ) ;
} catch ( final IOException ee ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "table size fix did not work" , ee ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public static final Iterator < String > filenames ( ) {
// iterates string objects; all file names from record tracker
return tableTracker . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
public static final Map < String , String > memoryStats ( final String filename ) {
// returns a map for each file in the tracker;
// the map represents properties for each record objects,
// i.e. for cache memory allocation
final Table theTABLE = tableTracker . get ( filename ) ;
return theTABLE . memoryStats ( ) ;
private final Map < String , String > memoryStats ( ) {
// returns statistical data about this object
synchronized ( this ) {
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
final HashMap < String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( 8 ) ;
map . put ( "tableSize" , Integer . toString ( index . size ( ) ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableKeyChunkSize" , Integer . toString ( index . row ( ) . objectsize ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableKeyMem" , Integer . toString ( index . row ( ) . objectsize * index . size ( ) ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableValueChunkSize" , ( table = = null ) ? "0" : Integer . toString ( table . row ( ) . objectsize ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableValueMem" , ( table = = null ) ? "0" : Integer . toString ( table . row ( ) . objectsize * table . size ( ) ) ) ;
return map ;
public boolean usesFullCopy ( ) {
return this . table ! = null ;
public static long staticRAMIndexNeed ( final File f , final Row rowdef ) {
return ( ( ( long ) ( rowdef . primaryKeyLength + 4 ) ) * tableSize ( f , rowdef . objectsize , true ) * RowCollection . growfactorLarge100 / 100L ) ;
public boolean consistencyCheck ( ) {
try {
return file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return false ;
public synchronized void addUnique ( final Entry row ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
final int i = ( int ) file . size ( ) ;
try {
index . putUnique ( row . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , i ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( table = = null ) throw e ; // in case the table is not used, there is no help here
table = null ;
// try again with less memory
index . putUnique ( row . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , i ) ;
if ( table ! = null ) {
assert table . size ( ) = = i ;
try {
table . addUnique ( taildef . newEntry ( row . bytes ( ) , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
table = null ;
if ( abandonTable ( ) ) table = null ;
file . add ( row . bytes ( ) , 0 ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
public synchronized void addUnique ( final List < Entry > rows ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
for ( Entry entry : rows ) {
try {
addUnique ( entry ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( this . table = = null ) throw e ;
table = null ;
addUnique ( entry ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
/ * *
* @throws RowSpaceExceededException
* remove double - entries from the table
* this process calls the underlying removeDoubles ( ) method from the table index
* and
* @throws
* /
public synchronized ArrayList < RowCollection > removeDoubles ( ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
final ArrayList < RowCollection > report = new ArrayList < RowCollection > ( ) ;
RowSet rows ;
final TreeSet < Long > d = new TreeSet < Long > ( ) ;
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
Long L ;
Row . Entry inconsistentEntry ;
// iterate over all entries that have inconsistent index references
long lastlog = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
ArrayList < Long [ ] > doubles ;
try {
doubles = index . removeDoubles ( ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( this . table = = null ) throw e ;
table = null ;
doubles = index . removeDoubles ( ) ;
for ( final Long [ ] is : doubles ) {
// 'is' is the set of all indexes, that have the same reference
// we collect that entries now here
rows = new RowSet ( this . rowdef , is . length ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < is . length ; j + + ) {
L = is [ j ] ;
assert L . intValue ( ) < file . size ( ) : "L.intValue() = " + L . intValue ( ) + ", file.size = " + file . size ( ) ; // prevent ooBounds Exception
d . add ( L ) ;
if ( L . intValue ( ) > = file . size ( ) ) continue ; // prevent IndexOutOfBoundsException
file . get ( L . intValue ( ) , b , 0 ) ; // TODO: fix IndexOutOfBoundsException here
inconsistentEntry = rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ;
try {
rows . addUnique ( inconsistentEntry ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( this . table = = null ) throw e ;
this . table = null ;
rows . addUnique ( inconsistentEntry ) ;
report . add ( rows ) ;
// finally delete the affected rows, but start with largest id first, otherwise we overwrite wrong entries
Long s ;
while ( ! d . isEmpty ( ) ) {
s = d . last ( ) ;
d . remove ( s ) ;
this . removeInFile ( s . intValue ( ) ) ;
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - lastlog > 30000 ) {
Log . logInfo ( "TABLE" , "removing " + d . size ( ) + " entries in " + this . filename ( ) ) ;
lastlog = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return report ;
public void close ( ) {
this . file . close ( ) ;
this . file = null ;
if ( this . table ! = null ) this . table . close ( ) ;
this . table = null ;
if ( this . index ! = null ) this . index . close ( ) ;
this . index = null ;
protected void finalize ( ) {
if ( this . file ! = null ) this . close ( ) ;
public String filename ( ) {
return this . file . filename ( ) . toString ( ) ;
public Entry get ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
if ( ( file = = null ) | | ( index = = null ) ) return null ;
synchronized ( this ) {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
Entry e = get0 ( key ) ;
if ( e ! = null & & this . rowdef . objectOrder . equal ( key , e . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ) return e ;
synchronized ( this ) {
e = get0 ( key ) ;
assert e = = null | | this . rowdef . objectOrder . equal ( key , e . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ;
return e ;
private Entry get0 ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
if ( ( file = = null ) | | ( index = = null ) ) return null ;
final int i = ( int ) index . get ( key ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) return null ;
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
if ( table = = null ) {
// read row from the file
file . get ( i , b , 0 ) ;
} else {
// construct the row using the copy in RAM
final Row . Entry v = table . get ( i , false ) ;
assert v ! = null ;
if ( v = = null ) return null ;
assert key . length = = rowdef . primaryKeyLength ;
System . arraycopy ( key , 0 , b , 0 , key . length ) ;
System . arraycopy ( v . bytes ( ) , 0 , b , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , rowdef . objectsize - rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
return rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ;
public boolean has ( final byte [ ] key ) {
/ *
try {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
* /
return index . has ( key ) ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return index . keys ( up , firstKey ) ;
public synchronized Entry replace ( final Entry row ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert row ! = null ;
assert row . bytes ( ) ! = null ;
if ( ( row = = null ) | | ( row . bytes ( ) = = null ) ) return null ;
final int i = ( int ) index . get ( row . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) {
try {
addUnique ( row ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( this . table = = null ) throw e ;
this . table = null ;
addUnique ( row ) ;
return null ;
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
if ( table = = null ) {
// read old value
file . get ( i , b , 0 ) ;
// write new value
file . put ( i , row . bytes ( ) , 0 ) ;
} else {
// read old value
final Row . Entry v = table . get ( i , false ) ;
assert v ! = null ;
System . arraycopy ( row . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , 0 , b , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
System . arraycopy ( v . bytes ( ) , 0 , b , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , rowdef . objectsize - rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
// write new value
try {
table . set ( i , taildef . newEntry ( row . bytes ( ) , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
table = null ;
if ( abandonTable ( ) ) table = null ;
file . put ( i , row . bytes ( ) , 0 ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
// return old value
return rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ;
public synchronized void put ( final Entry row ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert file = = null | | file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert row ! = null ;
assert row . bytes ( ) ! = null ;
if ( file = = null | | row = = null | | row . bytes ( ) = = null ) return ;
final int i = ( int ) index . get ( row . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) {
try {
addUnique ( row ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
if ( this . table = = null ) throw e ;
this . table = null ;
addUnique ( row ) ;
return ;
if ( table = = null ) {
// write new value
file . put ( i , row . bytes ( ) , 0 ) ;
} else {
// write new value
try {
table . set ( i , taildef . newEntry ( row . bytes ( ) , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
table = null ;
if ( abandonTable ( ) ) table = null ;
file . put ( i , row . bytes ( ) , 0 ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
public Entry put ( final Entry row , final Date entryDate ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
return replace ( row ) ;
/ * *
* remove one entry from the file
* @param i an index position within the file ( not a byte position )
* @throws IOException
* @throws RowSpaceExceededException
* /
private void removeInFile ( final int i ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
assert i > = 0 ;
final byte [ ] p = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
if ( this . table = = null ) {
if ( i = = this . index . size ( ) - 1 ) {
this . file . cleanLast ( ) ;
} else {
while ( this . file . size ( ) > 0 ) {
this . file . cleanLast ( p , 0 ) ;
if ( ! ( this . rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( p , 0 , this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ) ) {
continue ;
this . file . put ( i , p , 0 ) ;
final byte [ ] k = new byte [ this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ] ;
System . arraycopy ( p , 0 , k , 0 , this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
this . index . put ( k , i ) ;
break ;
} else {
if ( i = = index . size ( ) - 1 ) {
// special handling if the entry is the last entry in the file
table . removeRow ( i , false ) ;
file . cleanLast ( ) ;
} else {
// switch values
final Row . Entry te = table . removeOne ( ) ;
try {
table . set ( i , te ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
table = null ;
while ( file . size ( ) > 0 ) {
file . cleanLast ( p , 0 ) ;
final Row . Entry lr = rowdef . newEntry ( p ) ;
if ( lr = = null ) {
// in case that p is not well-formed lr may be null
// drop table copy because that becomes too complicated here
table . clear ( ) ;
table = null ;
continue ;
file . put ( i , p , 0 ) ;
index . put ( lr . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , i ) ;
break ;
public boolean delete ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
return remove ( key ) ! = null ;
public synchronized Entry remove ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert key . length = = rowdef . primaryKeyLength ;
final int i = ( int ) index . get ( key ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) return null ; // nothing to do
// prepare result
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
final byte [ ] p = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
final int sb = index . size ( ) ;
int ix ;
assert i < index . size ( ) ;
if ( table = = null ) {
if ( i = = index . size ( ) - 1 ) {
// element is at last entry position
ix = ( int ) index . remove ( key ) ;
assert index . size ( ) < i + 1 : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", i = " + i ;
assert ix = = i ;
file . cleanLast ( b , 0 ) ;
} else {
// remove entry from index
assert i < index . size ( ) - 1 : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", i = " + i ;
ix = ( int ) index . remove ( key ) ;
assert i < index . size ( ) : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", i = " + i ;
assert ix = = i ;
// read element that shall be removed
file . get ( i , b , 0 ) ;
// fill the gap with value from last entry in file
file . cleanLast ( p , 0 ) ;
file . put ( i , p , 0 ) ;
final byte [ ] k = new byte [ rowdef . primaryKeyLength ] ;
System . arraycopy ( p , 0 , k , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
try {
index . put ( k , i ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
throw new IOException ( "RowSpaceExceededException: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
} else {
// get result value from the table copy, so we don't need to read it from the file
final Row . Entry v = table . get ( i , false ) ;
System . arraycopy ( key , 0 , b , 0 , key . length ) ;
System . arraycopy ( v . bytes ( ) , 0 , b , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , taildef . objectsize ) ;
if ( i = = index . size ( ) - 1 ) {
// special handling if the entry is the last entry in the file
ix = ( int ) index . remove ( key ) ;
assert index . size ( ) < i + 1 : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", i = " + i ;
assert ix = = i ;
table . removeRow ( i , false ) ;
file . cleanLast ( ) ;
} else {
// remove entry from index
ix = ( int ) index . remove ( key ) ;
assert i < index . size ( ) : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", i = " + i ;
assert ix = = i ;
// switch values:
// remove last entry from the file copy to fill it in the gap
final Row . Entry te = table . removeOne ( ) ;
// fill the gap in file copy
try {
table . set ( i , te ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
table = null ;
// move entry from last entry in file to gap position
file . cleanLast ( p , 0 ) ;
file . put ( i , p , 0 ) ;
// set new index for moved entry in index
final Row . Entry lr = rowdef . newEntry ( p ) ;
try {
index . put ( lr . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , i ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
table = null ;
throw new IOException ( "RowSpaceExceededException: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert index . size ( ) + 1 = = sb : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", sb = " + sb ;
return rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ;
public synchronized Entry removeOne ( ) throws IOException {
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
final byte [ ] le = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
long fsb = file . size ( ) ;
assert fsb ! = 0 : "file.size() = " + fsb ;
file . cleanLast ( le , 0 ) ;
assert file . size ( ) < fsb : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) ;
final Row . Entry lr = rowdef . newEntry ( le ) ;
assert lr ! = null ;
assert lr . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ! = null ;
final int is = index . size ( ) ;
assert index . has ( lr . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ;
final int i = ( int ) index . remove ( lr . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ) ;
assert i < 0 | | index . size ( ) < is : "index.size() = " + index . size ( ) + ", is = " + is ;
assert i > = 0 ;
if ( table ! = null ) table . removeOne ( ) ;
assert file . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
assert table = = null | | table . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return lr ;
public List < Row . Entry > top ( int count ) throws IOException {
ArrayList < Row . Entry > list = new ArrayList < Row . Entry > ( ) ;
if ( ( file = = null ) | | ( index = = null ) ) return list ;
long i = file . size ( ) - 1 ;
while ( count > 0 & & i > = 0 ) {
byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
file . get ( i , b , 0 ) ;
list . add ( rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ) ;
i - - ;
count - - ;
return list ;
public synchronized void clear ( ) throws IOException {
final File f = file . filename ( ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
FileUtils . deletedelete ( f ) ;
// make new file
FileOutputStream fos = null ;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream ( f ) ;
} catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
// should not happen
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
if ( fos ! = null ) try { fos . close ( ) ; } catch ( final IOException e ) { }
// open an existing table file
try {
this . file = new BufferedRecords ( new Records ( f , rowdef . objectsize ) , this . buffersize ) ;
} catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
// should never happen
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
// initialize index and copy table
table = ( table = = null ) ? null : new RowSet ( taildef ) ;
index . clear ( ) ;
public Row row ( ) {
return this . rowdef ;
public int size ( ) {
return index . size ( ) ;
public boolean isEmpty ( ) {
return index . isEmpty ( ) ;
public Iterator < Entry > iterator ( ) {
try {
return rows ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return null ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < Entry > rows ( ) throws IOException {
this . file . flushBuffer ( ) ;
return new rowIteratorNoOrder ( ) ;
private class rowIteratorNoOrder implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
private final Iterator < byte [ ] > ri ;
public rowIteratorNoOrder ( ) throws IOException {
ri = new ChunkIterator ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , rowdef . objectsize ) ;
public CloneableIterator < Entry > clone ( Object modifier ) {
try {
return new rowIteratorNoOrder ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
return null ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return ri . hasNext ( ) ;
public Entry next ( ) {
byte [ ] r = ri . next ( ) ;
return rowdef . newEntry ( r ) ;
public void remove ( ) {
ri . remove ( ) ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < Entry > rows ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return new rowIterator ( up , firstKey ) ;
private class rowIterator implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
private Iterator < byte [ ] > i ;
private boolean up ;
private byte [ ] fk ;
private int c ;
private rowIterator ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) {
this . up = up ;
this . fk = firstKey ;
this . i = index . keys ( up , firstKey ) ;
this . c = - 1 ;
public CloneableIterator < Entry > clone ( final Object modifier ) {
return new rowIterator ( up , fk ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return i . hasNext ( ) ;
public Entry next ( ) {
final byte [ ] k = i . next ( ) ;
assert k ! = null ;
if ( k = = null ) return null ;
this . c = ( int ) index . get ( k ) ;
if ( this . c < 0 ) throw new ConcurrentModificationException ( ) ; // this should only happen if the table was modified during the iteration
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
if ( table = = null ) {
// read from file
try {
file . get ( this . c , b , 0 ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "Table" , "" , e ) ;
return null ;
} else {
// compose from table and key
final Row . Entry v = table . get ( this . c , false ) ;
assert v ! = null ;
if ( v = = null ) return null ;
System . arraycopy ( k , 0 , b , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
System . arraycopy ( v . bytes ( ) , 0 , b , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , taildef . objectsize ) ;
return rowdef . newEntry ( b ) ;
public void remove ( ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "no remove in Table.rowIterator" ) ;
private static byte [ ] testWord ( final char c ) {
return new byte [ ] { ( byte ) c , 32 , 32 , 32 } ;
private static String [ ] permutations ( final int letters ) {
String p = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < letters ; i + + ) p = p + ( ( char ) ( ( 'A' ) + i ) ) ;
return permutations ( p ) ;
private static String [ ] permutations ( final String source ) {
if ( source . length ( ) = = 0 ) return new String [ 0 ] ;
if ( source . length ( ) = = 1 ) return new String [ ] { source } ;
final char c = source . charAt ( 0 ) ;
final String [ ] recres = permutations ( source . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
final String [ ] result = new String [ source . length ( ) * recres . length ] ;
for ( int perm = 0 ; perm < recres . length ; perm + + ) {
result [ perm * source . length ( ) ] = c + recres [ perm ] ;
for ( int pos = 1 ; pos < source . length ( ) - 1 ; pos + + ) {
result [ perm * source . length ( ) + pos ] = recres [ perm ] . substring ( 0 , pos ) + c + recres [ perm ] . substring ( pos ) ;
result [ perm * source . length ( ) + source . length ( ) - 1 ] = recres [ perm ] + c ;
return result ;
private static Table testTable ( final File f , final String testentities , final boolean useTailCache , final boolean exceed134217727 ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
if ( f . exists ( ) ) FileUtils . deletedelete ( f ) ;
final Row rowdef = new Row ( "byte[] a-4, byte[] b-4" , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder ) ;
final Table tt = new Table ( f , rowdef , 100 , 0 , useTailCache , exceed134217727 ) ;
byte [ ] b ;
final Row . Entry row = rowdef . newEntry ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testentities . length ( ) ; i + + ) {
b = testWord ( testentities . charAt ( i ) ) ;
row . setCol ( 0 , b ) ;
row . setCol ( 1 , b ) ;
tt . put ( row ) ;
return tt ;
private static int countElements ( final Table t ) {
int count = 0 ;
for ( Row . Entry row : t ) {
count + + ;
if ( row = = null ) System . out . println ( "ERROR! null element found" ) ;
// else System.out.println("counted element: " + new
// String(n.getKey()));
return count ;
public static void bigtest ( final int elements , final File testFile , final boolean useTailCache , final boolean exceed134217727 ) {
System . out . println ( "starting big test with " + elements + " elements:" ) ;
final long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
final String [ ] s = permutations ( elements ) ;
Table tt ;
int count ;
try {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s . length ; i + + ) {
System . out . println ( "*** probing tree " + i + " for permutation " + s [ i ] ) ;
// generate tree and delete elements
tt = testTable ( testFile , s [ i ] , useTailCache , exceed134217727 ) ;
count = countElements ( tt ) ;
if ( count ! = tt . size ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "wrong size for " + s [ i ] + ": count = " + count + ", size() = " + tt . size ( ) ) ;
tt . close ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < s . length ; j + + ) {
tt = testTable ( testFile , s [ i ] , useTailCache , exceed134217727 ) ;
// delete by permutation j
for ( int elt = 0 ; elt < s [ j ] . length ( ) ; elt + + ) {
tt . remove ( testWord ( s [ j ] . charAt ( elt ) ) ) ;
count = countElements ( tt ) ;
if ( count ! = tt . size ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "ERROR! wrong size for probe tree " + s [ i ] + "; probe delete " + s [ j ] + "; position " + elt + "; count = " + count + ", size() = " + tt . size ( ) ) ;
tt . close ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "FINISHED test after " + ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) / 1000 ) + " seconds." ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
System . out . println ( "TERMINATED" ) ;
public void print ( ) throws IOException {
System . out . println ( "PRINTOUT of table, length=" + size ( ) ) ;
Entry row ;
byte [ ] key ;
CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > i = keys ( true , null ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
System . out . print ( "row " + i + ": " ) ;
key = i . next ( ) ;
row = get ( key ) ;
System . out . println ( row . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "EndOfTable" ) ;
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
// open a file, add one entry and exit
final File f = new File ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
System . out . println ( "========= Testcase: no tail cache:" ) ;
bigtest ( 5 , f , false , false ) ;
System . out . println ( "========= Testcase: with tail cache:" ) ;
bigtest ( 5 , f , true , true ) ;
/ *
kelondroRow row = new kelondroRow ( "byte[] key-4, byte[] x-5" , kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder , 0 ) ;
try {
kelondroTABLE t = new kelondroTABLE ( f , row ) ;
kelondroRow . Entry entry = row . newEntry ( ) ;
entry . setCol ( 0 , "abcd" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
entry . setCol ( 1 , "dummy" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
t . put ( entry ) ;
t . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
* /
public void deleteOnExit ( ) {
this . file . deleteOnExit ( ) ;