@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException;
public class RowCollection implements Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public static final long growfactor100 = 140L;
public static final long growfactorLarge100 = 140L;
public static final long growfactorSmall100 = 120L;
private static final int isortlimit = 20;
private static int availableCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
@ -202,13 +203,25 @@ public class RowCollection implements Iterable<Row.Entry> {
return this.rowdef;
protected final void ensureSize(final int elements) {
protected final long neededSpaceForEnsuredSize(final int elements, boolean forcegc) {
assert elements > 0 : "elements = " + elements;
final long needed = elements * rowdef.objectsize;
if (chunkcache.length >= needed) return;
if (chunkcache.length >= needed) return 0;
assert needed > 0 : "needed = " + needed;
assert needed * growfactor100 / 100L > 0 : "elements = " + elements + ", new = " + (needed * growfactor100 / 100L);
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[(int) (needed * growfactor100 / 100L)]; // increase space
long allocram = needed * growfactorLarge100 / 100L;
assert allocram > 0 : "elements = " + elements + ", new = " + allocram;
if (MemoryControl.request(allocram, false)) return allocram;
allocram = needed * growfactorSmall100 / 100L;
assert allocram > 0 : "elements = " + elements + ", new = " + allocram;
if (MemoryControl.request(allocram, forcegc)) return allocram;
return needed;
protected final void ensureSize(final int elements) {
long allocram = neededSpaceForEnsuredSize(elements, true);
if (allocram == 0) return;
assert allocram > chunkcache.length : "wrong alloc computation: allocram = " + allocram + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length;
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[(int) allocram]; // increase space
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, chunkcache.length);
chunkcache = newChunkcache;
@ -220,13 +233,13 @@ public class RowCollection implements Iterable<Row.Entry> {
* @return
public final long memoryNeededForGrow() {
return (((long) (chunkcount + 1)) * ((long) rowdef.objectsize)) * growfactor100 / 100L;
return neededSpaceForEnsuredSize(chunkcount + 1, false);
public synchronized void trim(final boolean plusGrowFactor) {
if (chunkcache.length == 0) return;
int needed = chunkcount * rowdef.objectsize;
if (plusGrowFactor) needed = (int) (((long) needed) * growfactor100 / 100L);
long needed = chunkcount * rowdef.objectsize;
if (plusGrowFactor) needed = neededSpaceForEnsuredSize(chunkcount, false);
if (needed >= chunkcache.length)
return; // in case that the growfactor causes that the cache would
// grow instead of shrink, simply ignore the growfactor
@ -234,7 +247,7 @@ public class RowCollection implements Iterable<Row.Entry> {
return; // if the swap buffer is not available, we must give up.
// This is not critical. Otherwise we provoke a serious
// problem with OOM
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[needed];
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[(int) needed];
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, Math.min(
chunkcache.length, newChunkcache.length));
chunkcache = newChunkcache;