// CrawlQueues.java
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 29.10.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.crawler.data ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Hit ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSFeed ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ConnectionInfo ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.crawler.HarvestProcess ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.NoticedURL.StackType ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ZURL.FailCategory ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response ;
import net.yacy.crawler.robots.RobotsTxtEntry ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.WorkflowJob ;
import net.yacy.peers.DHTSelection ;
import net.yacy.peers.Protocol ;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed ;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist.BlacklistType ;
import net.yacy.search.IndexingQueueEntry ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
public class CrawlQueues {
private static final String ERROR_DB_FILENAME = "urlError4.db" ;
private static final String DELEGATED_DB_FILENAME = "urlDelegated4.db" ;
private Switchboard sb ;
private ConcurrentLog log ;
private Map < Integer , Loader > workers ; // mapping from url hash to Worker thread object
private final ArrayList < String > remoteCrawlProviderHashes ;
public NoticedURL noticeURL ;
public ZURL errorURL , delegatedURL ;
public CrawlQueues ( final Switchboard sb , final File queuePath ) {
this . sb = sb ;
this . log = new ConcurrentLog ( "CRAWLER" ) ;
this . workers = new ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , Loader > ( ) ;
this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
// start crawling management
this . log . config ( "Starting Crawling Management" ) ;
this . noticeURL = new NoticedURL ( queuePath , sb . peers . myBotIDs ( ) , sb . useTailCache , sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
FileUtils . deletedelete ( new File ( queuePath , ERROR_DB_FILENAME ) ) ;
this . errorURL = new ZURL ( sb . index . fulltext ( ) , queuePath , ERROR_DB_FILENAME , false , sb . useTailCache , sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
this . delegatedURL = new ZURL ( sb . index . fulltext ( ) , queuePath , DELEGATED_DB_FILENAME , true , sb . useTailCache , sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
public void relocate ( final File newQueuePath ) {
close ( ) ;
this . workers = new ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , Loader > ( ) ;
this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . clear ( ) ;
this . noticeURL = new NoticedURL ( newQueuePath , this . sb . peers . myBotIDs ( ) , this . sb . useTailCache , this . sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
FileUtils . deletedelete ( new File ( newQueuePath , ERROR_DB_FILENAME ) ) ;
this . errorURL = new ZURL ( this . sb . index . fulltext ( ) , newQueuePath , ERROR_DB_FILENAME , false , this . sb . useTailCache , this . sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
this . delegatedURL = new ZURL ( this . sb . index . fulltext ( ) , newQueuePath , DELEGATED_DB_FILENAME , true , this . sb . useTailCache , this . sb . exceed134217727 ) ;
public synchronized void close ( ) {
// wait for all workers to finish
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
w . interrupt ( ) ;
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
try {
w . join ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
this . noticeURL . close ( ) ;
this . errorURL . close ( ) ;
this . delegatedURL . close ( ) ;
public void clear ( ) {
// wait for all workers to finish
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) w . interrupt ( ) ;
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) try { w . join ( 10 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e1 ) { }
this . workers . clear ( ) ;
this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . clear ( ) ;
this . noticeURL . clear ( ) ;
try {
this . errorURL . clear ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
try {
this . delegatedURL . clear ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
/ * *
* tests if hash occurs in any database
* @param hash
* @return if the hash exists , the name of the database is returned , otherwise null is returned
* /
public HarvestProcess urlExists ( final byte [ ] hash ) {
if ( this . delegatedURL . exists ( hash ) ) {
return HarvestProcess . DELEGATED ;
if ( this . errorURL . exists ( hash ) ) {
return HarvestProcess . ERRORS ;
//if (this.noticeURL.existsInStack(hash)) {
// return HarvestProcess.CRAWLER;
//} // this is disabled because it prevents propert crawling of smb shares. The cause is unknown
for ( final Loader worker : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
if ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . equal ( worker . request . url ( ) . hash ( ) , hash ) ) {
return HarvestProcess . WORKER ;
return null ;
public void urlRemove ( final byte [ ] hash ) {
this . noticeURL . removeByURLHash ( hash ) ;
this . delegatedURL . remove ( hash ) ;
this . errorURL . remove ( hash ) ;
public DigestURI getURL ( final byte [ ] urlhash ) {
assert urlhash ! = null ;
if ( urlhash = = null | | urlhash . length = = 0 ) {
return null ;
ZURL . Entry ee = this . delegatedURL . get ( urlhash ) ;
if ( ee ! = null ) {
return ee . url ( ) ;
ee = this . errorURL . get ( urlhash ) ;
if ( ee ! = null ) {
return ee . url ( ) ;
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
if ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . equal ( w . request . url ( ) . hash ( ) , urlhash ) ) {
return w . request . url ( ) ;
final Request ne = this . noticeURL . get ( urlhash ) ;
if ( ne ! = null ) {
return ne . url ( ) ;
return null ;
private void cleanup ( ) {
// wait for all workers to finish
final int timeout = ( int ) this . sb . getConfigLong ( "crawler.clientTimeout" , 10000 ) ;
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
if ( w . age ( ) > timeout ) {
w . interrupt ( ) ;
public Request [ ] activeWorkerEntries ( ) {
synchronized ( this . workers ) {
final Request [ ] e = new Request [ this . workers . size ( ) ] ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( final Loader w : this . workers . values ( ) ) {
if ( i > = e . length ) {
break ;
e [ i + + ] = w . request ;
return e ;
public int coreCrawlJobSize ( ) {
return this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) + this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) ;
public boolean coreCrawlJob ( ) {
final boolean robinsonPrivateCase = ( this . sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) & &
! this . sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) . equals ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ) ;
if ( ( robinsonPrivateCase | | coreCrawlJobSize ( ) < = 20 ) & & limitCrawlJobSize ( ) > 0 ) {
// move some tasks to the core crawl job so we have something to do
final int toshift = Math . min ( 10 , limitCrawlJobSize ( ) ) ; // this cannot be a big number because the balancer makes a forced waiting if it cannot balance
for ( int i = 0 ; i < toshift ; i + + ) {
this . noticeURL . shift ( NoticedURL . StackType . GLOBAL , NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL , this . sb . crawler , this . sb . robots ) ;
this . log . info ( "shifted " + toshift + " jobs from global crawl to local crawl (coreCrawlJobSize()=" + coreCrawlJobSize ( ) +
", limitCrawlJobSize()=" + limitCrawlJobSize ( ) + ", cluster.mode=" + this . sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) +
", robinsonMode=" + ( ( this . sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) ) ? "on" : "off" ) ) ;
final String queueCheckCore = loadIsPossible ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) ;
final String queueCheckNoload = loadIsPossible ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) ;
if ( queueCheckCore ! = null & & queueCheckNoload ! = null ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "omitting de-queue/local: " + queueCheckCore + ":" + queueCheckNoload ) ;
return false ;
if ( isPaused ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "omitting de-queue/local: paused" ) ;
return false ;
// do a local crawl
Request urlEntry ;
while ( this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) > 0 | | this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) > 0 ) {
final String stats = "LOCALCRAWL[" +
this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) + ", " +
this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) + ", " +
this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . GLOBAL ) +
", " + this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE ) + "]" ;
try {
if ( this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) > 0 ) {
// get one entry that will not be loaded, just indexed
urlEntry = this . noticeURL . pop ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD , true , this . sb . crawler , this . sb . robots ) ;
if ( urlEntry = = null ) {
continue ;
final String profileHandle = urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) ;
if ( profileHandle = = null ) {
this . log . severe ( stats + ": NULL PROFILE HANDLE '" + urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) + "' for URL " + urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
return true ;
final CrawlProfile profile = this . sb . crawler . getActive ( ASCII . getBytes ( profileHandle ) ) ;
if ( profile = = null ) {
this . log . severe ( stats + ": NULL PROFILE HANDLE '" + urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) + "' for URL " + urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
return true ;
this . sb . indexingDocumentProcessor . enQueue ( new IndexingQueueEntry ( new Response ( urlEntry , profile ) , null , null ) ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "CrawlQueues" , "placed NOLOAD URL on indexing queue: " + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
return true ;
urlEntry = this . noticeURL . pop ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL , true , this . sb . crawler , this . sb . robots ) ;
if ( urlEntry = = null ) {
continue ;
final String profileHandle = urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) ;
// System.out.println("DEBUG plasmaSwitchboard.processCrawling:
// profileHandle = " + profileHandle + ", urlEntry.url = " + urlEntry.url());
if ( profileHandle = = null ) {
this . log . severe ( stats + ": NULL PROFILE HANDLE '" + urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) + "' for URL " + urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
return true ;
load ( urlEntry , stats , profileHandle ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
this . log . severe ( stats + ": CANNOT FETCH ENTRY: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
if ( e . getMessage ( ) . indexOf ( "hash is null" , 0 ) > 0 ) {
this . noticeURL . clear ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Make some checks if crawl is valid and start it
* @param urlEntry
* @param profileHandle
* @param stats String for log prefixing
* @return
* /
private void load ( final Request urlEntry , final String stats , final String profileHandle ) {
final CrawlProfile profile = this . sb . crawler . getActive ( UTF8 . getBytes ( profileHandle ) ) ;
if ( profile ! = null ) {
// check if the protocol is supported
final DigestURI url = urlEntry . url ( ) ;
final String urlProtocol = url . getProtocol ( ) ;
if ( this . sb . loader . isSupportedProtocol ( urlProtocol ) ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( stats + ": URL=" + urlEntry . url ( )
+ ", initiator=" + ( ( urlEntry . initiator ( ) = = null ) ? "" : ASCII . String ( urlEntry . initiator ( ) ) )
+ ", crawlOrder=" + ( ( profile . remoteIndexing ( ) ) ? "true" : "false" )
+ ", depth=" + urlEntry . depth ( )
+ ", crawlDepth=" + profile . depth ( )
+ ", must-match=" + profile . urlMustMatchPattern ( ) . toString ( )
+ ", must-not-match=" + profile . urlMustNotMatchPattern ( ) . toString ( )
+ ", permission=" + ( ( this . sb . peers = = null ) ? "undefined" : ( ( ( this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . isSenior ( ) ) | | ( this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . isPrincipal ( ) ) ) ? "true" : "false" ) ) ) ;
// work off one Crawl stack entry
if ( urlEntry = = null | | urlEntry . url ( ) = = null ) {
this . log . info ( stats + ": urlEntry = null" ) ;
} else {
if ( ! this . workers . containsKey ( Integer . valueOf ( urlEntry . hashCode ( ) ) ) ) {
Loader loader = new Loader ( urlEntry ) ;
this . workers . put ( loader . code , loader ) ;
try {
loader . start ( ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "CrawlQueues" , "crawlWorker sequential fail-over: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
loader . run ( ) ;
} else {
this . log . severe ( "Unsupported protocol in URL '" + url . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) this . log . fine ( stats + ": LOST PROFILE HANDLE '" + urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) + "' for URL " + urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* if crawling was paused we have to wait until we were notified to continue
* blocks until pause is ended
* @param crawljob
* @return
* /
private boolean isPaused ( final String crawljob ) {
final Object [ ] status = this . sb . crawlJobsStatus . get ( crawljob ) ;
boolean pauseEnded = false ;
synchronized ( status [ SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_SYNC ] ) {
if ( ( ( Boolean ) status [ SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_STATUS ] ) . booleanValue ( ) ) {
try {
status [ SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_SYNC ] . wait ( ) ;
catch ( final InterruptedException e ) { pauseEnded = true ; }
return pauseEnded ;
/ * *
* Checks if crawl queue has elements and new crawl will not exceed thread - limit
* @param stackType
* @return
* /
private String loadIsPossible ( final StackType stackType ) {
//System.out.println("stacksize = " + noticeURL.stackSize(stackType));
if ( this . noticeURL . stackSize ( stackType ) = = 0 ) {
//log.logDebug("GlobalCrawl: queue is empty");
return "stack is empty" ;
// check the worker threads
final int maxWorkers = ( int ) this . sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX , 10 ) ;
if ( this . workers . size ( ) > = maxWorkers ) {
// too many worker threads, try a cleanup
cleanup ( ) ;
// check again
if ( this . workers . size ( ) > = maxWorkers ) {
return "too many workers active: " + this . workers . size ( ) ;
final String cautionCause = this . sb . onlineCaution ( ) ;
if ( cautionCause ! = null ) {
return "online caution: " + cautionCause ;
return null ;
public boolean remoteCrawlLoaderJob ( ) {
// check if we are allowed to crawl urls provided by other peers
if ( ! this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl ( ) ) {
//this.log.logInfo("remoteCrawlLoaderJob: not done, we are not allowed to do that");
return false ;
// check if we are a senior peer
if ( ! this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . isActive ( ) ) {
//this.log.logInfo("remoteCrawlLoaderJob: not done, this should be a senior or principal peer");
return false ;
if ( this . workers . size ( ) > = this . sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX , 20 ) ) {
// try a cleanup
cleanup ( ) ;
// check again
if ( this . workers . size ( ) > = this . sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX , 20 ) ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "remoteCrawlLoaderJob: too many processes in loader queue, dismissed (" + "cacheLoader=" + this . workers . size ( ) + "), httpClients = " + ConnectionInfo . getCount ( ) ) ;
return false ;
final String cautionCause = this . sb . onlineCaution ( ) ;
if ( cautionCause ! = null ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "remoteCrawlLoaderJob: online caution for " + cautionCause + ", omitting processing" ) ;
return false ;
if ( remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize ( ) > 200 ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "remoteCrawlLoaderJob: the remote-triggered crawl job queue is filled, omitting processing" ) ;
return false ;
if ( coreCrawlJobSize ( ) > 0 /*&& sb.indexingStorageProcessor.queueSize() > 0*/ ) {
if ( this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
this . log . fine ( "remoteCrawlLoaderJob: a local crawl is running, omitting processing" ) ;
return false ;
// check if we have an entry in the provider list, otherwise fill the list
Seed seed ;
if ( this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( this . sb . peers ! = null & & this . sb . peers . sizeConnected ( ) > 0 ) {
final Iterator < Seed > e = DHTSelection . getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs ( this . sb . peers ) ;
while ( e . hasNext ( ) ) {
seed = e . next ( ) ;
if ( seed ! = null ) {
this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . add ( seed . hash ) ;
if ( this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return false ;
// take one entry from the provider list and load the entries from the remote peer
seed = null ;
String hash = null ;
while ( seed = = null & & ! this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) {
hash = this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . remove ( this . remoteCrawlProviderHashes . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
if ( hash = = null ) {
continue ;
seed = this . sb . peers . get ( hash ) ;
if ( seed = = null ) {
continue ;
// check if the peer is inside our cluster
if ( ( this . sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) ) & & ( ! this . sb . isInMyCluster ( seed ) ) ) {
seed = null ;
continue ;
if ( seed = = null ) {
return false ;
// we know a peer which should provide remote crawl entries. load them now.
final RSSFeed feed = Protocol . queryRemoteCrawlURLs ( this . sb . peers , seed , 60 , 10000 ) ;
if ( feed = = null | | feed . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// something is wrong with this provider. To prevent that we get not stuck with this peer
// we remove it from the peer list
this . sb . peers . peerActions . peerDeparture ( seed , "no results from provided remote crawls" ) ;
// try again and ask another peer
return remoteCrawlLoaderJob ( ) ;
// parse the rss
DigestURI url , referrer ;
Date loaddate ;
for ( final Hit item : feed ) {
//System.out.println("URL=" + item.getLink() + ", desc=" + item.getDescription() + ", pubDate=" + item.getPubDate());
// put url on remote crawl stack
try {
url = new DigestURI ( item . getLink ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
continue ;
try {
referrer = new DigestURI ( item . getReferrer ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
referrer = null ;
loaddate = item . getPubDate ( ) ;
final String urlRejectReason = this . sb . crawlStacker . urlInAcceptedDomain ( url ) ;
if ( urlRejectReason = = null ) {
// stack url
if ( this . sb . getLog ( ) . isFinest ( ) ) {
this . sb . getLog ( ) . finest ( "crawlOrder: stack: url='" + url + "'" ) ;
this . sb . crawlStacker . enqueueEntry ( new Request (
ASCII . getBytes ( hash ) ,
url ,
( referrer = = null ) ? null : referrer . hash ( ) ,
item . getDescription ( ) ,
loaddate ,
this . sb . crawler . defaultRemoteProfile . handle ( ) ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
item . getSize ( )
) ) ;
} else {
this . log . warn ( "crawlOrder: Rejected URL '" + urlToString ( url ) + "': " + urlRejectReason ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* @param url
* @return
* /
private static String urlToString ( final DigestURI url ) {
return ( url = = null ? "null" : url . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
public int limitCrawlJobSize ( ) {
return this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . GLOBAL ) ;
public int noloadCrawlJobSize ( ) {
return this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . NOLOAD ) ;
public int remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize ( ) {
return this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE ) ;
public boolean remoteTriggeredCrawlJob ( ) {
// work off crawl requests that had been placed by other peers to our crawl stack
// do nothing if either there are private processes to be done
// or there is no global crawl on the stack
final String queueCheck = loadIsPossible ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE ) ;
if ( queueCheck ! = null ) {
if ( this . log . isFinest ( ) ) {
this . log . finest ( "omitting de-queue/remote: " + queueCheck ) ;
return false ;
if ( isPaused ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL ) ) {
if ( this . log . isFinest ( ) ) {
this . log . finest ( "omitting de-queue/remote: paused" ) ;
return false ;
// we don't want to crawl a global URL globally, since WE are the global part. (from this point of view)
final String stats = "REMOTETRIGGEREDCRAWL[" + this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . LOCAL ) + ", " + this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . GLOBAL ) + ", "
+ this . noticeURL . stackSize ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE ) + "]" ;
try {
final Request urlEntry = this . noticeURL . pop ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE , true , this . sb . crawler , this . sb . robots ) ;
if ( urlEntry = = null ) return false ;
final String profileHandle = urlEntry . profileHandle ( ) ;
// System.out.println("DEBUG plasmaSwitchboard.processCrawling:
// profileHandle = " + profileHandle + ", urlEntry.url = " +
// urlEntry.url());
load ( urlEntry , stats , profileHandle ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
this . log . severe ( stats + ": CANNOT FETCH ENTRY: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
if ( e . getMessage ( ) . indexOf ( "hash is null" , 0 ) > 0 ) {
this . noticeURL . clear ( NoticedURL . StackType . REMOTE ) ;
return true ;
public int workerSize ( ) {
return this . workers . size ( ) ;
private final class Loader extends Thread {
private Request request ;
private final Integer code ;
private final long start ;
private Loader ( final Request entry ) {
this . start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
this . request = entry ;
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-initialized" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_INITIATED ) ;
this . code = Integer . valueOf ( entry . hashCode ( ) ) ;
this . setPriority ( Thread . MIN_PRIORITY ) ; // http requests from the crawler should not cause that other functions work worse
private long age ( ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . start ;
public void run ( ) {
try {
// checking robots.txt for http(s) resources
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-checkingrobots" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_STARTED ) ;
RobotsTxtEntry robotsEntry ;
if ( ( this . request . url ( ) . getProtocol ( ) . equals ( "http" ) | | this . request . url ( ) . getProtocol ( ) . equals ( "https" ) ) & &
( robotsEntry = CrawlQueues . this . sb . robots . getEntry ( this . request . url ( ) , CrawlQueues . this . sb . peers . myBotIDs ( ) ) ) ! = null & &
robotsEntry . isDisallowed ( this . request . url ( ) ) ) {
//if (log.isFine()) log.logFine("Crawling of URL '" + request.url().toString() + "' disallowed by robots.txt.");
CrawlQueues . this . errorURL . push (
this . request ,
ASCII . getBytes ( CrawlQueues . this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ) ,
new Date ( ) ,
1 ,
FailCategory . FINAL_ROBOTS_RULE ,
"denied by robots.txt" , - 1 ) ;
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-disallowed" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
} else {
// starting a load from the internet
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-loading" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_RUNNING ) ;
String result = null ;
// load a resource and push queue entry to switchboard queue
// returns null if everything went fine, a fail reason string if a problem occurred
try {
this . request . setStatus ( "loading" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_RUNNING ) ;
final CrawlProfile e = CrawlQueues . this . sb . crawler . getActive ( UTF8 . getBytes ( this . request . profileHandle ( ) ) ) ;
final Response response = CrawlQueues . this . sb . loader . load ( this . request , e = = null ? CacheStrategy . IFEXIST : e . cacheStrategy ( ) , BlacklistType . CRAWLER , ClientIdentification . minLoadDelay ( ) , ClientIdentification . DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ) ;
if ( response = = null ) {
this . request . setStatus ( "error" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
if ( CrawlQueues . this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
CrawlQueues . this . log . fine ( "problem loading " + this . request . url ( ) . toString ( ) + ": no content (possibly caused by cache policy)" ) ;
result = "no content (possibly caused by cache policy)" ;
} else {
this . request . setStatus ( "loaded" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_RUNNING ) ;
final String storedFailMessage = CrawlQueues . this . sb . toIndexer ( response ) ;
this . request . setStatus ( "enqueued-" + ( ( storedFailMessage = = null ) ? "ok" : "fail" ) , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
result = ( storedFailMessage = = null ) ? null : "not enqueued to indexer: " + storedFailMessage ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
this . request . setStatus ( "error" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
if ( CrawlQueues . this . log . isFine ( ) ) {
CrawlQueues . this . log . fine ( "problem loading " + this . request . url ( ) . toString ( ) + ": " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
result = "load error - " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
if ( result ! = null ) {
CrawlQueues . this . errorURL . push (
this . request ,
ASCII . getBytes ( CrawlQueues . this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ) ,
new Date ( ) ,
1 ,
"cannot load: " + result , - 1 ) ;
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-error" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
} else {
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-processed" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
CrawlQueues . this . errorURL . push (
this . request ,
ASCII . getBytes ( CrawlQueues . this . sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ) ,
new Date ( ) ,
1 ,
e . getMessage ( ) + " - in worker" , - 1 ) ;
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
this . request . setStatus ( "worker-exception" , WorkflowJob . STATUS_FINISHED ) ;
} finally {
CrawlQueues . this . workers . remove ( this . code ) ;