// QueryParams.java
// -----------------------
// part of YACY
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// Created: 10.10.2005
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.search.query ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.net.URLEncoder ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.SortedSet ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.ORDER ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Classification ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Classification.ContentDomain ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.YaCySchema ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy ;
import net.yacy.cora.geo.GeoLocation ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.document.Condenser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.AbstractScraper ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.CharacterCoding ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceRow ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowHandleSet ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Bitfield ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.SetTools ;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed ;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment ;
import net.yacy.search.index.SolrConfiguration ;
import net.yacy.search.ranking.RankingProfile ;
public final class QueryParams {
public enum Searchdom {
public String toString ( ) {
if ( this = = LOCAL ) return "local" ;
else if ( this = = CLUSTER ) return "global" ; // yes thats right: global, not cluster because a cluster search is a global search
else if ( this = = GLOBAL ) return "global" ;
return "local" ;
private static final String [ ] defaultfacetfields = new String [ ] {
YaCySchema . host_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ,
YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ,
YaCySchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ,
YaCySchema . author . getSolrFieldName ( ) } ;
private static final int defaultmaxfacets = 30 ;
private static final String ampersand = "&" ;
public static class Modifier {
private String s ;
private Modifier ( final String modifier ) {
this . s = modifier ;
public String getModifier ( ) {
return this . s ;
public static final Bitfield empty_constraint = new Bitfield ( 4 , "AAAAAA" ) ;
public static final Pattern catchall_pattern = Pattern . compile ( ".*" ) ;
private static final Pattern matchnothing_pattern = Pattern . compile ( "" ) ;
public final String queryString ;
public final HandleSet query_include_hashes , query_exclude_hashes , query_all_hashes ;
private final Collection < String > query_include_words , query_exclude_words , query_all_words ;
public int itemsPerPage ;
public int offset ;
public final Pattern urlMask , prefer ;
final boolean urlMask_isCatchall ;
public final Classification . ContentDomain contentdom ;
public final String targetlang ;
protected final Collection < Tagging . Metatag > metatags ;
public final Searchdom domType ;
private final int zonecode ;
public final int maxDistance ;
public final Bitfield constraint ;
final boolean allofconstraint ;
protected CacheStrategy snippetCacheStrategy ;
public final RankingProfile ranking ;
private final Segment indexSegment ;
public final String clienthost ; // this is the client host that starts the query, not a site operator
public final String nav_sitehost ; // this is a domain name which is used to navigate to that host
public final String nav_sitehash ; // this is a domain hash, 6 bytes long or null
protected final Set < String > siteexcludes ; // set of domain hashes that are excluded if not included by sitehash
public final String authorhash ;
public final Modifier modifier ;
public Seed remotepeer ;
public final long starttime ; // the time when the query started, how long it should take and the time when the timeout is reached (milliseconds)
protected final long maxtime ;
protected final long timeout ;
// values that are set after a search:
public int transmitcount ; // number of results that had been shown to the user
public long searchtime , urlretrievaltime , snippetcomputationtime ; // time to perform the search, to get all the urls, and to compute the snippets
public final String userAgent ;
protected boolean filterfailurls ;
protected double lat , lon , radius ;
public String [ ] facetfields ;
public int maxfacets ;
// the following values are filled during the search process as statistics for the search
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_available ; // the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in rwi index
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_stored ; // the number of existing hits by the local search in rwi index
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_available ; // the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in solr
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_stored ; // the number of existing hits by the local search in solr
public final AtomicInteger remote_available ; // the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed)
public final AtomicInteger remote_stored ; // the number of existing hits at remote site
public final AtomicInteger remote_peerCount ; // the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result
public final SortedSet < byte [ ] > misses ; // url hashes that had been sorted out because of constraints in postranking
public QueryParams (
final String queryString ,
final int itemsPerPage ,
final Bitfield constraint ,
final Segment indexSegment ,
final RankingProfile ranking ,
final String userAgent ) {
byte [ ] queryHash ;
if ( ( queryString . length ( ) = = 12 ) & & ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . wellformed ( queryHash = UTF8 . getBytes ( queryString ) ) ) ) {
this . queryString = null ;
this . query_include_words = null ;
this . query_exclude_words = null ;
this . query_all_words = null ;
this . query_include_hashes = new RowHandleSet ( WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . primaryKeyLength , WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
this . query_exclude_hashes = new RowHandleSet ( WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . primaryKeyLength , WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
this . query_all_hashes = new RowHandleSet ( WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . primaryKeyLength , WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
try {
this . query_include_hashes . put ( queryHash ) ;
this . query_all_hashes . put ( queryHash ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
} else {
this . queryString = queryString ;
final Collection < String > [ ] cq = cleanQuery ( queryString ) ;
this . query_include_words = cq [ 0 ] ;
this . query_exclude_words = cq [ 1 ] ;
this . query_all_words = cq [ 2 ] ;
this . query_include_hashes = Word . words2hashesHandles ( cq [ 0 ] ) ;
this . query_exclude_hashes = Word . words2hashesHandles ( cq [ 1 ] ) ;
this . query_all_hashes = Word . words2hashesHandles ( cq [ 2 ] ) ;
this . ranking = ranking ;
this . modifier = new Modifier ( "" ) ;
this . maxDistance = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
this . urlMask = catchall_pattern ;
this . urlMask_isCatchall = true ;
this . prefer = matchnothing_pattern ;
this . contentdom = ContentDomain . ALL ;
this . itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage ;
this . offset = 0 ;
this . targetlang = "en" ;
this . metatags = new ArrayList < Tagging . Metatag > ( 0 ) ;
this . domType = Searchdom . LOCAL ;
this . zonecode = DigestURI . TLD_any_zone_filter ;
this . constraint = constraint ;
this . allofconstraint = false ;
this . snippetCacheStrategy = null ;
this . clienthost = null ;
this . nav_sitehash = null ;
this . nav_sitehost = null ;
this . siteexcludes = null ;
this . authorhash = null ;
this . remotepeer = null ;
this . starttime = Long . valueOf ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
this . maxtime = 10000 ;
this . timeout = this . starttime + this . timeout ;
this . indexSegment = indexSegment ;
this . userAgent = userAgent ;
this . transmitcount = 0 ;
this . filterfailurls = false ;
this . lat = 0.0d ;
this . lon = 0.0d ;
this . radius = 0.0d ;
this . local_rwi_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of results in the local peer after filtering
this . local_rwi_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . local_solr_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . local_solr_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . remote_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . remote_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of result contributions from all the remote peers
this . remote_peerCount = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of remote peers that have contributed
this . misses = Collections . synchronizedSortedSet ( new TreeSet < byte [ ] > ( URIMetadataRow . rowdef . objectOrder ) ) ;
this . facetfields = defaultfacetfields ;
this . maxfacets = defaultmaxfacets ;
public QueryParams (
final String queryString ,
final Collection < String > queryWords ,
final Collection < String > excludeWords ,
final Collection < String > fullqueryWords ,
final HandleSet queryHashes ,
final HandleSet excludeHashes ,
final HandleSet fullqueryHashes ,
final String modifier ,
final int maxDistance , final String prefer , final ContentDomain contentdom ,
final String language ,
final Collection < Tagging . Metatag > metatags ,
final CacheStrategy snippetCacheStrategy ,
final int itemsPerPage , final int offset , final String urlMask ,
final Searchdom domType , final int domMaxTargets ,
final Bitfield constraint , final boolean allofconstraint ,
final String nav_sitehash ,
final String nav_sitehost ,
final Set < String > siteexcludes ,
final String authorhash ,
final int domainzone ,
final String host ,
final boolean specialRights ,
final Segment indexSegment ,
final RankingProfile ranking ,
final String userAgent ,
final boolean filterfailurls ,
final double lat , final double lon , final double radius ) {
this . queryString = queryString ;
this . query_include_words = queryWords ;
this . query_exclude_words = excludeWords ;
this . query_all_words = fullqueryWords ;
this . query_include_hashes = queryHashes ;
this . query_exclude_hashes = excludeHashes ;
this . query_all_hashes = fullqueryHashes ;
this . modifier = new Modifier ( modifier = = null ? "" : modifier ) ;
this . ranking = ranking ;
this . maxDistance = maxDistance ;
this . contentdom = contentdom ;
this . itemsPerPage = Math . min ( ( specialRights ) ? 10000 : 1000 , itemsPerPage ) ;
this . offset = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( ( specialRights ) ? 10000 - this . itemsPerPage : 1000 - this . itemsPerPage , offset ) ) ;
try {
this . urlMask = Pattern . compile ( urlMask . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException ex ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Not a valid regular expression: " + urlMask , ex ) ;
this . urlMask_isCatchall = this . urlMask . toString ( ) . equals ( catchall_pattern . toString ( ) ) ;
try {
this . prefer = Pattern . compile ( prefer ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException ex ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Not a valid regular expression: " + prefer , ex ) ;
this . prefer . toString ( ) . equals ( matchnothing_pattern . toString ( ) ) ;
assert language ! = null ;
this . targetlang = language ;
this . metatags = metatags ;
this . domType = domType ;
this . zonecode = domainzone ;
this . constraint = constraint ;
this . allofconstraint = allofconstraint ;
this . nav_sitehash = nav_sitehash ; assert nav_sitehash = = null | | nav_sitehash . length ( ) = = 6 ;
this . nav_sitehost = nav_sitehost ;
this . siteexcludes = siteexcludes ! = null & & siteexcludes . isEmpty ( ) ? null : siteexcludes ;
this . authorhash = authorhash ; assert authorhash = = null | | ! authorhash . isEmpty ( ) ;
this . snippetCacheStrategy = snippetCacheStrategy ;
this . clienthost = host ;
this . remotepeer = null ;
this . starttime = Long . valueOf ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
this . maxtime = 10000 ;
this . timeout = this . starttime + this . timeout ;
this . indexSegment = indexSegment ;
this . userAgent = userAgent ;
this . transmitcount = 0 ;
this . filterfailurls = filterfailurls ;
// we normalize here the location and radius because that should cause a better caching
// and as surplus it will increase privacy
this . lat = Math . floor ( lat * this . kmNormal ) / this . kmNormal ;
this . lon = Math . floor ( lon * this . kmNormal ) / this . kmNormal ;
this . radius = Math . floor ( radius * this . kmNormal + 1 ) / this . kmNormal ;
this . local_rwi_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of results in the local peer after filtering
this . local_rwi_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . local_solr_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . local_solr_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . remote_stored = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
this . remote_available = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of result contributions from all the remote peers
this . remote_peerCount = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ; // the number of remote peers that have contributed
this . misses = Collections . synchronizedSortedSet ( new TreeSet < byte [ ] > ( URIMetadataRow . rowdef . objectOrder ) ) ;
this . facetfields = defaultfacetfields ;
this . maxfacets = defaultmaxfacets ;
private double kmNormal = 100.d ; // 100 =ca 40000.d / 360.d == 111.11 - if lat/lon is multiplied with this, rounded and diveded by this, the location is normalized to a 1km grid
public Segment getSegment ( ) {
return this . indexSegment ;
public int neededResults ( ) {
// the number of result lines that must be computed
return this . offset + this . itemsPerPage ;
public int itemsPerPage ( ) {
// the number of result lines that are displayed at once (size of result page)
return this . itemsPerPage ;
public int getResultCount ( ) {
return this . local_rwi_available . get ( ) + this . local_solr_stored . get ( ) - this . misses . size ( ) ;
public void setOffset ( final int newOffset ) {
this . offset = newOffset ;
public boolean isLocal ( ) {
return this . domType = = Searchdom . LOCAL ;
public static HandleSet hashes2Set ( final String query ) {
final HandleSet keyhashes = new RowHandleSet ( WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . primaryKeyLength , WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
if ( query ! = null ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( query . length ( ) / Word . commonHashLength ) ; i + + ) try {
keyhashes . put ( ASCII . getBytes ( query . substring ( i * Word . commonHashLength , ( i + 1 ) * Word . commonHashLength ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return keyhashes ;
public static HandleSet hashes2Handles ( final String query ) {
final HandleSet keyhashes = new RowHandleSet ( WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . primaryKeyLength , WordReferenceRow . urlEntryRow . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
if ( query ! = null ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( query . length ( ) / Word . commonHashLength ) ; i + + ) try {
keyhashes . put ( ASCII . getBytes ( query . substring ( i * Word . commonHashLength , ( i + 1 ) * Word . commonHashLength ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return keyhashes ;
public static String hashSet2hashString ( final HandleSet hashes ) {
final byte [ ] bb = new byte [ hashes . size ( ) * Word . commonHashLength ] ;
int p = 0 ;
for ( final byte [ ] b : hashes ) {
assert b . length = = Word . commonHashLength : "hash = " + ASCII . String ( b ) ;
System . arraycopy ( b , 0 , bb , p , Word . commonHashLength ) ;
p + = Word . commonHashLength ;
return ASCII . String ( bb ) ;
public static String hashSet2hashString ( final Set < String > hashes ) {
final byte [ ] bb = new byte [ hashes . size ( ) * Word . commonHashLength ] ;
int p = 0 ;
for ( final String s : hashes ) {
assert s . length ( ) = = Word . commonHashLength : "hash = " + s ;
System . arraycopy ( ASCII . getBytes ( s ) , 0 , bb , p , Word . commonHashLength ) ;
p + = Word . commonHashLength ;
return ASCII . String ( bb ) ;
public static String anonymizedQueryHashes ( final HandleSet hashes ) {
// create a more anonymized representation of a query hashes for logging
final Iterator < byte [ ] > i = hashes . iterator ( ) ;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( hashes . size ( ) * ( Word . commonHashLength + 2 ) + 2 ) ;
sb . append ( "[" ) ;
byte [ ] hash ;
if ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = i . next ( ) ;
sb . append ( ASCII . String ( hash ) . substring ( 0 , 3 ) ) . append ( "........." ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = i . next ( ) ;
sb . append ( ", " ) . append ( ASCII . String ( hash ) . substring ( 0 , 3 ) ) . append ( "........." ) ;
sb . append ( "]" ) ;
return sb . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* check if the given text matches with the query
* this checks inclusion and exclusion words
* @param text
* @return true if the query matches with the given text
* /
private final boolean matchesText ( final String text ) {
boolean ret = false ;
final HandleSet wordhashes = Word . words2hashesHandles ( Condenser . getWords ( text , null ) . keySet ( ) ) ;
if ( ! SetTools . anymatch ( wordhashes , this . query_exclude_hashes ) ) {
ret = SetTools . totalInclusion ( this . query_include_hashes , wordhashes ) ;
return ret ;
protected static final boolean anymatch ( final String text , final HandleSet keyhashes ) {
// returns true if any of the word hashes in keyhashes appear in the String text
// to do this, all words in the string must be recognized and transcoded to word hashes
if ( keyhashes = = null | | keyhashes . isEmpty ( ) ) return false ;
final HandleSet wordhashes = Word . words2hashesHandles ( Condenser . getWords ( text , null ) . keySet ( ) ) ;
return SetTools . anymatch ( wordhashes , keyhashes ) ;
private static String seps = "'.,/&_" ; static { seps + = '"' ; }
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
public static Collection < String > [ ] cleanQuery ( String querystring ) {
// returns three sets: a query set, an exclude set and a full query set
final Collection < String > query_include_words = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Collection < String > query_exclude_words = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
final Collection < String > query_all_words = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( ( querystring ! = null ) & & ( ! querystring . isEmpty ( ) ) ) {
// convert Umlaute
querystring = AbstractScraper . stripAll ( querystring . toCharArray ( ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
int c ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < seps . length ( ) ; i + + ) {
while ( ( c = querystring . indexOf ( seps . charAt ( i ) ) ) > = 0 ) {
querystring = querystring . substring ( 0 , c ) + ( ( ( c + 1 ) < querystring . length ( ) ) ? ( " " + querystring . substring ( c + 1 ) ) : "" ) ;
String s ;
int l ;
// the string is clean now, but we must generate a set out of it
final String [ ] queries = querystring . split ( " " ) ;
for ( String quer : queries ) {
if ( quer . startsWith ( "-" ) ) {
String x = quer . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! query_exclude_words . contains ( x ) ) query_exclude_words . add ( x ) ;
} else {
while ( ( c = quer . indexOf ( '-' ) ) > = 0 ) {
s = quer . substring ( 0 , c ) ;
l = s . length ( ) ;
if ( l > = Condenser . wordminsize & & ! query_include_words . contains ( s ) ) { query_include_words . add ( s ) ; }
if ( l > 0 & & ! query_all_words . contains ( s ) ) { query_all_words . add ( s ) ; }
quer = quer . substring ( c + 1 ) ;
l = quer . length ( ) ;
if ( l > = Condenser . wordminsize & & ! query_include_words . contains ( quer ) ) { query_include_words . add ( quer ) ; }
if ( l > 0 & & ! query_all_words . contains ( quer ) ) { query_all_words . add ( quer ) ; }
return new Collection [ ] { query_include_words , query_exclude_words , query_all_words } ;
public String queryString ( final boolean encodeHTML ) {
final String ret ;
if ( encodeHTML ) {
ret = CharacterCoding . unicode2html ( this . queryString , true ) ;
} else {
ret = this . queryString ;
return ret ;
private final static YaCySchema [ ] fields = new YaCySchema [ ] {
YaCySchema . sku , YaCySchema . title , YaCySchema . h1_txt , YaCySchema . h2_txt ,
YaCySchema . author , YaCySchema . description , YaCySchema . keywords , YaCySchema . text_t , YaCySchema . synonyms_sxt
} ;
private final static Map < YaCySchema , Float > boosts = new LinkedHashMap < YaCySchema , Float > ( ) ;
static {
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . sku , 20.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . url_paths_sxt , 20.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . title , 15.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . h1_txt , 11.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . h2_txt , 10.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . author , 8.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . description , 5.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . keywords , 2.0f ) ;
boosts . put ( YaCySchema . text_t , 1.0f ) ;
public SolrQuery solrQuery ( ) {
if ( this . query_include_words = = null | | this . query_include_words . size ( ) = = 0 ) return null ;
// get text query
final StringBuilder q = solrQueryString ( this . query_include_words , this . query_exclude_words , this . indexSegment . fulltext ( ) . getSolrScheme ( ) ) ;
// add constraints
if ( this . nav_sitehash = = null & & this . nav_sitehost = = null ) {
if ( this . siteexcludes ! = null ) {
for ( String ex : this . siteexcludes ) {
q . append ( " -" ) . append ( YaCySchema . host_id_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( ex ) ;
} else {
if ( this . nav_sitehost ! = null )
q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . host_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ":\"" ) . append ( this . nav_sitehost ) . append ( '\"' ) ;
q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . host_id_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ":\"" ) . append ( this . nav_sitehash ) . append ( '\"' ) ;
String urlMaskPattern = this . urlMask . pattern ( ) ;
// translate filetype navigation
int extm = urlMaskPattern . indexOf ( ".*\\." ) ;
if ( extm > = 0 ) {
String ext = urlMaskPattern . substring ( extm + 4 ) ;
q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( ext ) ;
// translate protocol navigation
if ( urlMaskPattern . startsWith ( "http://.*" ) ) q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( "http" ) ;
else if ( urlMaskPattern . startsWith ( "https://.*" ) ) q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( "https" ) ;
else if ( urlMaskPattern . startsWith ( "ftp://.*" ) ) q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( "ftp" ) ;
else if ( urlMaskPattern . startsWith ( "smb://.*" ) ) q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( "smb" ) ;
else if ( urlMaskPattern . startsWith ( "file://.*" ) ) q . append ( " AND " ) . append ( YaCySchema . url_protocol_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( "file" ) ;
// construct query
final SolrQuery params = new SolrQuery ( ) ;
params . setQuery ( q . toString ( ) ) ;
params . setStart ( this . offset ) ;
params . setRows ( this . itemsPerPage ) ;
params . setFacet ( false ) ;
if ( this . radius > 0.0d & & this . lat ! = 0.0d & & this . lon ! = 0.0d ) {
// localtion search, no special ranking
// try http://localhost:8090/solr/select?q=*:*&fq={!bbox sfield=coordinate_p pt=50.17,8.65 d=1}
//params.setQuery("!bbox " + q.toString());
//params.set("sfield", YaCySchema.coordinate_p.name());
//params.set("pt", Double.toString(this.lat) + "," + Double.toString(this.lon));
//params.set("d", GeoLocation.degreeToKm(this.radius));
params . setFilterQueries ( "{!bbox sfield=" + YaCySchema . coordinate_p . getSolrFieldName ( ) + " pt=" + Double . toString ( this . lat ) + "," + Double . toString ( this . lon ) + " d=" + GeoLocation . degreeToKm ( this . radius ) + "}" ) ;
} else {
// set ranking
if ( this . ranking . coeff_date = = RankingProfile . COEFF_MAX ) {
// set a most-recent ordering
params . setSortField ( YaCySchema . last_modified . getSolrFieldName ( ) , ORDER . desc ) ;
// prepare result
Log . logInfo ( "Protocol" , "SOLR QUERY: " + params . toString ( ) ) ;
return params ;
public static StringBuilder solrQueryString ( Collection < String > include , Collection < String > exclude , SolrConfiguration configuration ) {
final StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder ( 80 ) ;
// add text query
int wc = 0 ;
StringBuilder w = new StringBuilder ( 80 ) ;
for ( String s : include ) {
if ( wc > 0 ) w . append ( " AND " ) ;
w . append ( s ) ;
wc + + ;
for ( String s : exclude ) {
if ( wc > 0 ) w . append ( " AND -" ) ;
w . append ( s ) ;
wc + + ;
if ( wc > 1 ) { w . insert ( 0 , '(' ) ; w . append ( ')' ) ; }
// combine these queries for all relevant fields
wc = 0 ;
Float boost ;
for ( YaCySchema field : fields ) {
if ( configuration ! = null & & ! configuration . contains ( field . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ) continue ;
if ( wc > 0 ) q . append ( " OR " ) ;
q . append ( '(' ) ;
q . append ( field . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ':' ) . append ( w ) ;
boost = boosts . get ( field ) ;
if ( boost ! = null ) q . append ( '^' ) . append ( boost . toString ( ) ) ;
q . append ( ')' ) ;
wc + + ;
q . insert ( 0 , '(' ) ;
q . append ( ')' ) ;
// add filter to prevent that results come from failed urls
q . append ( " AND -" ) . append ( YaCySchema . failreason_t . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) . append ( ":[* TO *]" ) ;
return q ;
public String queryStringForUrl ( ) {
try {
return URLEncoder . encode ( this . queryString , "UTF-8" ) ;
} catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return this . queryString ;
public Collection < String > [ ] queryWords ( ) {
return cleanQuery ( this . queryString ) ;
public void filterOut ( final SortedSet < String > blueList ) {
// filter out words that appear in this set
// this is applied to the queryHashes
final HandleSet blues = Word . words2hashesHandles ( blueList ) ;
for ( final byte [ ] b : blues ) this . query_include_hashes . remove ( b ) ;
public final Map < MultiProtocolURI , String > separateMatches ( final Map < MultiProtocolURI , String > links ) {
final Map < MultiProtocolURI , String > matcher = new HashMap < MultiProtocolURI , String > ( ) ;
final Iterator < Map . Entry < MultiProtocolURI , String > > i = links . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Map . Entry < MultiProtocolURI , String > entry ;
MultiProtocolURI url ;
String anchorText ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = i . next ( ) ;
url = entry . getKey ( ) ;
anchorText = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( matchesText ( anchorText ) ) {
matcher . put ( url , anchorText ) ;
i . remove ( ) ;
return matcher ;
private volatile String idCacheAnon = null , idCache = null ;
final static private char asterisk = '*' ;
public String id ( final boolean anonymized ) {
if ( anonymized ) {
if ( this . idCacheAnon ! = null ) return this . idCacheAnon ;
} else {
if ( this . idCache ! = null ) return this . idCache ;
synchronized ( this ) {
// do a Double-Checked Locking
if ( anonymized ) {
if ( this . idCacheAnon ! = null ) return this . idCacheAnon ;
} else {
if ( this . idCache ! = null ) return this . idCache ;
// generate a string that identifies a search so results can be re-used in a cache
final StringBuilder context = new StringBuilder ( 180 ) ;
if ( anonymized ) {
context . append ( anonymizedQueryHashes ( this . query_include_hashes ) ) ;
context . append ( '-' ) ;
context . append ( anonymizedQueryHashes ( this . query_exclude_hashes ) ) ;
} else {
context . append ( hashSet2hashString ( this . query_include_hashes ) ) ;
context . append ( '-' ) ;
context . append ( hashSet2hashString ( this . query_exclude_hashes ) ) ;
context . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . contentdom ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . zonecode ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( ASCII . String ( Word . word2hash ( this . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) ) ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeString ( this . prefer . toString ( ) ) ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeString ( this . urlMask . toString ( ) ) ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . nav_sitehash ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . siteexcludes ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . authorhash ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . targetlang ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . constraint ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . maxDistance ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . modifier . s ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . lat ) . append ( asterisk ) . append ( this . lon ) . append ( asterisk ) . append ( this . radius ) . append ( asterisk ) ;
context . append ( this . snippetCacheStrategy = = null ? "null" : this . snippetCacheStrategy . name ( ) ) ;
String result = context . toString ( ) ;
if ( anonymized ) {
this . idCacheAnon = result ;
} else {
this . idCache = result ;
return result ;
/ * *
* make a query anchor tag
* @param page
* @param theQuery
* @param originalUrlMask
* @param addToQuery
* @return
* /
public static StringBuilder navurl (
final String ext , final int page , final QueryParams theQuery ,
final String newQueryString , final String originalUrlMask ) {
final StringBuilder sb = navurlBase ( ext , theQuery , newQueryString , originalUrlMask ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "startRecord=" ) ;
sb . append ( page * theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ) ;
return sb ;
public static StringBuilder navurlBase (
final String ext , final QueryParams theQuery ,
final String newQueryString , final String originalUrlMask ) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( 120 ) ;
sb . append ( "/yacysearch." ) ;
sb . append ( ext ) ;
sb . append ( "?query=" ) ;
sb . append ( newQueryString = = null ? theQuery . queryStringForUrl ( ) : newQueryString ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "maximumRecords=" ) ;
sb . append ( theQuery . itemsPerPage ( ) ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "resource=" ) ;
sb . append ( ( theQuery . isLocal ( ) ) ? "local" : "global" ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "verify=" ) ;
sb . append ( theQuery . snippetCacheStrategy = = null ? "false" : theQuery . snippetCacheStrategy . toName ( ) ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "urlmaskfilter=" ) ;
sb . append ( originalUrlMask ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "prefermaskfilter=" ) ;
sb . append ( theQuery . prefer ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "cat=href" ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "constraint=" ) ;
sb . append ( ( theQuery . constraint = = null ) ? "" : theQuery . constraint . exportB64 ( ) ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "contentdom=" ) ;
sb . append ( theQuery . contentdom . toString ( ) ) ;
sb . append ( ampersand ) ;
sb . append ( "former=" ) ;
sb . append ( theQuery . queryStringForUrl ( ) ) ;
return sb ;