You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

371 lines
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// ----------------------------------
// (C) 22.10.2008 by Michael Peter Christen;
// first published on
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2008
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.document.parser.html;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
12 years ago
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Contains methods to convert between Unicode and XML/HTML encoding.
public final class CharacterCoding {
12 years ago
/** Ampersand pattern */
public final static Pattern ampPattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("&amp;"));
/** Ampersand character in unicode encoding. */
private static final char AMP_UNICODE = "\u0026".charAt(0);
/** Ampersand character in HTML encoding. */
private static final String AMP_HTML = "&amp;";
/** Space character in HTML encoding. */
private static final String SPACE_HTML = "&nbsp;";
/** Special characters which have to be mapped for XML. */
private static final String[] MAPPING4XML = {
"\"", "&quot;", //quotation mark
"\u003C", "&lt;", //less than
"\u003E", "&gt;", //greater than
/** Special characters which have to be mapped for HTML. */
private static final String[] MAPPING4HTML = {
"\\", "&#092;", // Backslash
"\u005E", "&#094;", // Caret
"\u0060", "&#096;", // Accent Grave `
"\u007B", "&#123;", // {
"\u007C", "&#124;", // |
"\u007D", "&#125;", // }
"\u007E", "&#126;", // ~
"\u0082", "&#130;",
"\u0083", "&#131;",
"\u0084", "&#132;",
"\u0085", "&#133;",
"\u0086", "&#134;",
"\u0087", "&#135;",
"\u0088", "&#136;",
"\u0089", "&#137;",
"\u008A", "&#138;",
"\u008B", "&#139;",
"\u008C", "&#140;",
"\u008D", "&#141;",
"\u008E", "&#142;",
"\u0091", "&#145;",
"\u0092", "&#146;",
"\u0093", "&#147;",
"\u0094", "&#148;",
"\u0095", "&#149;",
"\u0096", "&#150;",
"\u0097", "&#151;",
"\u0098", "&#152;",
"\u0099", "&#153;",
"\u009A", "&#154;",
"\u009B", "&#155;",
"\u009C", "&#156;",
"\u009D", "&#157;",
"\u009E", "&#158;",
"\u009F", "&#159;",
"\u00A1", "&iexcl;", //inverted (spanish) exclamation mark
"\u00A2", "&cent;", //cent
"\u00A3", "&pound;", //pound
"\u00A4", "&curren;", //currency
"\u00A5", "&yen;", //yen
"\u00A6", "&brvbar;", //broken vertical bar
"\u00A7", "&sect;", //section sign
"\u00A8", "&uml;", //diaeresis (umlaut)
"\u00A9", "&copy;", //copyright sign
"\u00AA", "&ordf;", //feminine ordinal indicator
"\u00AB", "&laquo;", //left-pointing double angle quotation mark
"\u00AC", "&not;", //not sign
"\u00AD", "&shy;", //soft hyphen
"\u00AE", "&reg;", //registered sign
"\u00AF", "&macr;", //macron
"\u00B0", "&deg;", //degree sign
"\u00B1", "&plusmn;", //plus-minus sign
"\u00B2", "&sup2;", //superscript two
"\u00B3", "&sup3;", //superscript three
"\u00B4", "&acute;", //acute accent
"\u00B5", "&micro;", //micro sign
"\u00B6", "&para;", //paragraph sign
"\u00B7", "&middot;", //middle dot
"\u00B8", "&cedil;", //cedilla
"\u00B9", "&sup1;", //superscript one
"\u00BA", "&ordm;", //masculine ordinal indicator
"\u00BB", "&raquo;", //right-pointing double angle quotation mark
"\u00BC", "&frac14;", //fraction 1/4
"\u00BD", "&frac12;", //fraction 1/2
"\u00BE", "&frac34;", //fraction 3/4
"\u00BF", "&iquest;", //inverted (spanisch) questionmark
"\u00C0", "&Agrave;",
"\u00C1", "&Aacute;",
"\u00C2", "&Acirc;",
"\u00C3", "&Atilde;",
"\u00C4", "&Auml;",
"\u00C5", "&Aring;",
"\u00C6", "&AElig;",
"\u00C7", "&Ccedil;",
"\u00C8", "&Egrave;",
"\u00C9", "&Eacute;",
"\u00CA", "&Ecirc;",
"\u00CB", "&Euml;",
"\u00CC", "&Igrave;",
"\u00CD", "&Iacute;",
"\u00CE", "&Icirc;",
"\u00CF", "&Iuml;",
"\u00D0", "&ETH;",
"\u00D1", "&Ntilde;",
"\u00D2", "&Ograve;",
"\u00D3", "&Oacute;",
"\u00D4", "&Ocirc;",
"\u00D5", "&Otilde;",
"\u00D6", "&Ouml;",
"\u00D7", "&times;",
"\u00D8", "&Oslash;",
"\u00D9", "&Ugrave;",
"\u00DA", "&Uacute;",
"\u00DB", "&Ucirc;",
"\u00DC", "&Uuml;",
"\u00DD", "&Yacute;",
"\u00DE", "&THORN;",
"\u00DF", "&szlig;",
"\u00E0", "&agrave;",
"\u00E1", "&aacute;",
"\u00E2", "&acirc;",
"\u00E3", "&atilde;",
"\u00E4", "&auml;",
"\u00E5", "&aring;",
"\u00E6", "&aelig;",
"\u00E7", "&ccedil;",
"\u00E8", "&egrave;",
"\u00E9", "&eacute;",
"\u00EA", "&ecirc;",
"\u00EB", "&euml;",
"\u00EC", "&igrave;",
"\u00ED", "&iacute;",
"\u00EE", "&icirc;",
"\u00EF", "&iuml;",
"\u00F0", "&eth;",
"\u00F1", "&ntilde;",
"\u00F2", "&ograve;",
"\u00F3", "&oacute;",
"\u00F4", "&ocirc;",
"\u00F5", "&otilde;",
"\u00F6", "&ouml;",
"\u00F7", "&divide;",
"\u00F8", "&oslash;",
"\u00F9", "&ugrave;",
"\u00FA", "&uacute;",
"\u00FB", "&ucirc;",
"\u00FC", "&uuml;",
"\u00FD", "&yacute;",
"\u00FE", "&thorn;",
"\u00FF", "&yuml;"
/** Mapping for XML to unicode. */
private static final Map<String, Character> HTML2UNICODE4XML =
new HashMap<String, Character>(MAPPING4XML.length * 2);
/** Mapping for HTML to unicode. */
private static final Map<String, Character> HTML2UNICODE4HTML =
new HashMap<String, Character>(MAPPING4HTML.length * 2);
/** Mapping for unicode to XML. */
private static final Map<Character, String> UNICODE2HTML4XML =
new HashMap<Character, String>(MAPPING4XML.length * 2);
/** Mapping for unicode to HTML. */
private static final Map<Character, String> UNICODE2HTML4HTML =
new HashMap<Character, String>(MAPPING4HTML.length * 2);
static {
Character c;
for (int i = 0; i < MAPPING4HTML.length; i += 2) {
c = Character.valueOf(MAPPING4HTML[i].charAt(0));
for (int i = 0; i < MAPPING4XML.length; i += 2) {
c = Character.valueOf(MAPPING4XML[i].charAt(0));
/** Private constructor to avoid instantiation of utility
* class with only static methods.
private CharacterCoding() { }
* Replaces characters which have special representation in XML.
* @param text text with character to replace
* @param amp true if ampersands shall be replaced, else false
* @return text with replaced characters
public static String unicode2xml(final String text, final boolean amp) {
return unicode2html(text, amp, false);
* Replaces characters which have special representation in HTML.
* @param text text with character to replace
* @param amp true if ampersands shall be replaced, else false
* @return text with replaced characters
public static String unicode2html(final String text, final boolean amp) {
return unicode2html(text, amp, true);
* Replaces characters which have special representation in HTML or XML.
* @param text text with character to replace
* @param amp true if ampersands shall be replaced, else false
* @param html true if characters shall be replaced for embedding in
* HTML, false for XML (far more characters are replaced for HTML,
* compare {@link #MAPPING4HTML} with {@link #MAPPING4XML}
* @return text with replaced characters
private static String unicode2html(
final String text, final boolean amp, final boolean html) {
if (text == null) return null;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length() * 12 / 10);
int textpos = 0;
String r;
char c;
while (textpos < text.length()) {
// find a (forward) mapping
c = text.charAt(textpos);
if (amp && c == AMP_UNICODE) {
if ((r = UNICODE2HTML4XML.get(c)) != null) {
if (html && (r = UNICODE2HTML4HTML.get(c)) != null) {
return sb.toString();
12 years ago
* Replaces HTML-encoded characters with unicode representation.
* @param text text with character to replace
* @return text with replaced characters
12 years ago
public static String html2unicode(String text) {
if (text == null) return null;
12 years ago
text = ampPattern.matcher(text).replaceAll("&"); // sometimes a double-replacement is necessary.
int p = 0, p1, q;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length());
String s;
Character r;
while (p < text.length()) {
p1 = text.indexOf('&', p);
if (p1 < 0) {
sb.append(text, p, text.length());
sb.append(text, p, p1);
p = p1;
if (p >= text.length()) {
q = text.indexOf(';', p);
if (q < 0) {
// if there is now no semicolon, then this will also fail when another ampersand is found afterwards
// we are finished here
sb.append(text, p, text.length());
s = text.substring(p, q + 1);
p = q + 1;
if (s.equals(AMP_HTML)) {
if (s.equals(SPACE_HTML)) {
sb.append(" ");
if ((r = HTML2UNICODE4XML.get(s)) != null) {
if ((r = HTML2UNICODE4HTML.get(s)) != null) {
if (s.charAt(1) == '#') {
if (s.charAt(2) == 'x' || s.charAt(2) == 'X') {
sb.append(new char[] {(char) Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, s.length() - 1), 16)});
String ucs = s.substring(2, s.length() - 1);
try {
int uc = Integer.parseInt(ucs);
sb.append(new char[] {(char) uc});
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) { }
// the entity is unknown, skip it
return sb.toString();
* Test method. Ignore it if you don't need it.
* @param args will be ignored
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final String text =
"Test-Text mit & um zyklische &uuml; &amp; Ersetzungen auszuschliessen";
final String txet = unicode2html(text, true);
if (html2unicode(txet).equals(text)) {
final String text2 = "encodeUnicode2xml: & \" < >";
System.out.println(unicode2xml(text2, true));
final String text3 = "space&nbsp;t&auml;st";