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// -----------------------
// part of YaCy
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
// first published on
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// last major change: 12.02.2004
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
Class documentation:
This class has two purposes:
1. provide a object that carries path and header information
that shall be used as objects within a scheduler's stack
2. static methods for a cache control and cache aging
the class shall also be used to do a cache-cleaning and index creation
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper;
import de.anomic.http.httpHeader;
import de.anomic.http.httpc;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroDyn;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMScoreCluster;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMap;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverInstantThread;
import de.anomic.server.serverLog;
public final class plasmaHTCache {
private static final int stackLimit = 150; // if we exceed that limit, we do not check idle
private static final long idleDelay = 2000; // 2 seconds no hits until we think that we idle
private static final long oneday = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // milliseconds of a day
private final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard;
private kelondroMap responseHeaderDB = null;
private final LinkedList cacheStack;
private final TreeMap cacheAge; // a <date+hash, cache-path> - relation
public long currCacheSize;
public long maxCacheSize;
private long lastAcc;
private final File cachePath;
public static serverLog log;
public static final int CACHE_UNFILLED = 0; // default case without assignment
public static final int CACHE_FILL = 1; // this means: update == true
public static final int CACHE_HIT = 2; // the best case: reading from Cache
public static final int CACHE_STALE_NO_RELOAD = 3; // this shall be treated as a rare case that should not appear
public static final int CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD = 4; // this means: update == true
public static final int CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD = 5; // this updates only the responseHeader, not the content
public static final int CACHE_PASSING = 6; // does not touch cache, just passing
public plasmaHTCache(plasmaSwitchboard switchboard, int bufferkb) {
this.switchboard = switchboard;
int loglevel = Integer.parseInt(switchboard.getConfig("plasmaLoglevel", "2"));
this.log = new serverLog("HTCACHE", loglevel);
// set cache path
cachePath = new File(switchboard.getRootPath(),switchboard.getConfig("proxyCache","HTCACHE"));
if (!(cachePath.exists())) {
// make the cache path
if (!(cachePath.isDirectory())) {
// if the cache does not exists or is a file and not a directory, panic
System.out.println("the cache path " + cachePath.toString() + " is not a directory or does not exists and cannot be created");
// open the response header database
File dbfile = new File(cachePath, "responseHeader.db");
try {
if (dbfile.exists())
responseHeaderDB = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(dbfile, bufferkb * 0x400));
responseHeaderDB = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(dbfile, bufferkb * 0x400, plasmaCrawlLURL.urlHashLength, 150));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("the request header database could not be opened: " + e.getMessage());
// init stack
cacheStack = new LinkedList();
// init idle check
lastAcc = System.currentTimeMillis();
// init cache age and size management
cacheAge = new TreeMap();
currCacheSize = 0;
maxCacheSize = Long.parseLong(switchboard.getConfig("proxyCacheSize", "2")); // this is megabyte
maxCacheSize = maxCacheSize * 1024 * 1024; // now it's the number of bytes
// start the cache startup thread
// this will collect information about the current cache size and elements
serverInstantThread.oneTimeJob(this, "cacheScan", log, 5000);
public void close() throws IOException {
private String ageString(long date, File f) {
String s = Integer.toHexString(f.hashCode());
while (s.length() < 8) s = "0" + s;
s = Long.toHexString(date) + s;
while (s.length() < 24) s = "0" + s;
return s;
public void cacheScan() {
kelondroMScoreCluster doms = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
int c = 0;
enumerateFiles ef = new enumerateFiles(cachePath, true, false, true);
File f;
while (ef.hasMoreElements()) {
f = (File) ef.nextElement();
long d = f.lastModified();
//System.out.println("Cache: " + dom(f));
currCacheSize += f.length();
cacheAge.put(ageString(d, f), f);
//System.out.println("%" + (String) cacheAge.firstKey() + "=" + cacheAge.get(cacheAge.firstKey()));
long ageHours = (System.currentTimeMillis() -
Long.parseLong(((String) cacheAge.firstKey()).substring(0, 16), 16)) / 3600000;
log.logSystem("CACHE SCANNED, CONTAINS " + c +
" FILES = " + currCacheSize/1048576 + "MB, OLDEST IS " +
((ageHours < 24) ? (ageHours + " HOURS") : ((ageHours / 24) + " DAYS")) +
" OLD");
// start to prefetch ip's from dns
String dom;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String ip, result = "";
c = 0;
while ((doms.size() > 0) && (c < 50) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < 60000)) {
dom = (String) doms.getMaxObject();
ip = httpc.dnsResolve(dom);
if (ip == null) break;
result += ", " + dom + "=" + ip;
log.logSystem("PRE-FILLED " + dom + "=" + ip);
// wait a short while to prevent that this looks like a DoS
try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(100);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (result.length() > 2) log.logSystem("PRE-FILLED DNS CACHE, FETCHED " + c +
" ADDRESSES: " + result.substring(2));
private String dom(File f) {
String s = f.toString().substring(cachePath.toString().length() + 1);
int p = s.indexOf("/");
if (p < 0) p = s.indexOf("\\");
if (p < 0) return null;
return s.substring(0, p);
public httpHeader getCachedResponse(String urlHash) throws IOException {
httpHeader header = new httpHeader(null, responseHeaderDB.get(urlHash));
//System.out.println("DEBUG: getCachedResponse hash=" + urlHash + ", header=" + header.toString());
return header;
public boolean idle() {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() > (idleDelay + lastAcc));
public boolean full() {
return (cacheStack.size() > stackLimit);
public boolean empty() {
return (cacheStack.size() == 0);
synchronized public void stackProcess(Entry entry) throws IOException {
lastAcc = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (full())
synchronized public void stackProcess(Entry entry, byte[] cacheArray) throws IOException {
lastAcc = System.currentTimeMillis();
entry.cacheArray = cacheArray;
if (full())
public int size() {
return cacheStack.size();
synchronized public void process(Entry entry) throws IOException {
if (entry == null) return;
// store response header
if ((entry.status == CACHE_FILL) ||
(entry.status == CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD) ||
(entry.status == CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD)) {
responseHeaderDB.set(entry.nomalizedURLHash, entry.responseHeader);
// work off unwritten files and undone parsing
String storeError = null;
if (((entry.status == CACHE_FILL) || (entry.status == CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD)) &&
((storeError = entry.shallStoreCache()) == null)) {
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
// write file if not written yet
if (entry.cacheArray != null) try {
if (entry.cacheFile.exists()) {
currCacheSize -= entry.cacheFile.length();
log.logInfo("WRITE FILE (" + entry.cacheArray.length + " bytes) " + entry.cacheFile);
serverFileUtils.write(entry.cacheArray, entry.cacheFile);
log.logDebug("AFTER WRITE cacheArray = " + entry.cacheFile + ": " + ((entry.cacheArray == null) ? "empty" : "full"));
//entry.cacheArray = null;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// this is the case of a "(Not a directory)" error, which should be prohibited
// by the shallStoreCache() property. However, sometimes the error still occurs
// In this case do nothing.
log.logError("File storage failed: " + e.getMessage());
// update statistics
currCacheSize += entry.cacheFile.length();
cacheAge.put(ageString(entry.cacheFile.lastModified(), entry.cacheFile), entry.cacheFile);
// enqueue in switchboard
} else if (entry.status == CACHE_PASSING) {
// even if the file should not be stored in the cache, it can be used to be indexed
if (storeError != null) log.logDebug("NOT STORED " + entry.cacheFile + ":" + storeError);
// enqueue in switchboard
// write log
switch (entry.status) {
log.logInfo("CACHE UNFILLED: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("CACHE FILL: " + entry.cacheFile +
((entry.cacheArray == null) ? "" : " (cacheArray is filled)") +
((entry.scraper == null) ? "" : " (scraper is filled)"));
log.logInfo("CACHE HIT: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("CACHE STALE, NO RELOAD: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("CACHE STALE, NECESSARY RELOAD: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("CACHE STALE, SUPERFLUOUS RELOAD: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("PASSING: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
log.logInfo("CACHE STATE UNKNOWN: " + entry.cacheFile); break;
public boolean job() {
if (empty()) return false;
try {
File f;
int workoff;
workoff = 1 + cacheStack.size() / 10;
// we want to work off always 10 % to prevent that we collaps
while ((workoff-- > 0) && (!(empty()))) {
process((Entry) cacheStack.removeFirst());
// loop until we are not idle or nothing more to do
while ((!empty()) && (idle())) {
// work off stack and store entries to file system
process((Entry) cacheStack.removeFirst());
// clean up cache to have enough space for next entries
while (currCacheSize > maxCacheSize) {
f = (File) cacheAge.remove(cacheAge.firstKey());
if (f.exists()) {
currCacheSize -= f.length();
log.logInfo("DELETED OLD CACHE : " + f.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("The proxy cache manager has died because of an IO-problem: " + e.getMessage());
return true;
public static boolean isPicture(httpHeader response) {
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
Object ct = response.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE);
if (ct == null) return false;
return ((String)ct).toUpperCase().startsWith("IMAGE");
public static boolean isText(httpHeader response) {
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
// Object ct = response.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE);
// if (ct == null) return false;
// String t = ((String)ct).toLowerCase();
// return ((t.startsWith("text")) || (t.equals("application/xhtml+xml")));
return plasmaParser.supportedMimeTypesContains(response.mime());
public static boolean noIndexingURL(String urlString) {
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if (urlString == null) return false;
urlString = urlString.toLowerCase();
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
// return (
// (urlString.endsWith(".gz")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".msi")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".doc")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".zip")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".tgz")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".rar")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".pdf")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".ppt")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".xls")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".log")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".java")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".c")) ||
// (urlString.endsWith(".p"))
// );
int idx = urlString.indexOf("?");
if (idx > 0) urlString = urlString.substring(0,idx);
idx = urlString.lastIndexOf(".");
if (idx > 0) urlString = urlString.substring(idx+1);
return plasmaParser.mediaExtContains(urlString);
// this method creates from a given host and path a cache path
public File getCachePath(URL url) {
// from a given host (which may also be an IPv4 - number, but not IPv6 or
// a domain; all without leading 'http://') and a path (which must start
// with a leading '/', and may also end in an '/') a path to a file
// in the file system with root as given in cachePath is constructed
// it will also be ensured, that the complete path exists; if necessary
// that path will be generated
//System.out.println("DEBUG: getCachedPath=" + url.toString());
String remotePath = url.getPath();
if (!(remotePath.startsWith("/"))) remotePath = "/" + remotePath;
if (remotePath.endsWith("/")) remotePath = remotePath + "ndx";
if (remotePath.indexOf('#') > 0) remotePath.substring(0, remotePath.indexOf('#'));
remotePath = remotePath.replace('?', '_'); remotePath = remotePath.replace('&', '_'); // yes this is not reversible, but that is not needed
int port = url.getPort();
if (port < 0) port = 80;
return new File(this.cachePath, url.getHost() + ((port == 80) ? "" : ("+" + port)) + remotePath);
public static URL getURL(File cachePath, File f) {
// this is the reverse function to getCachePath: it constructs the url as string
// from a given storage path
String s = f.toString().replace('\\', '/');
String c = cachePath.toString().replace('\\', '/');
//System.out.println("DEBUG: getURL for c=" + c + ", s=" + s);
int p = s.lastIndexOf(c);
if (p >= 0) {
s = s.substring(p + c.length());
while (s.startsWith("/")) s = s.substring(1);
if ((p = s.indexOf("+")) >= 0) {
s = s.substring(0, p) + ":" + s.substring(p + 1);
} else {
p = s.indexOf("/");
if (p < 0)
s = s + ":80/";
s = s.substring(0, p) + ":80" + s.substring(p);
if (s.endsWith("ndx")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 3);
//System.out.println("DEBUG: getURL url=" + s);
try {
return new URL("http://" + s);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return null;
public static boolean isPOST(String urlString) {
return ((urlString.indexOf("?") >= 0) ||
(urlString.indexOf("&") >= 0));
public static boolean isCGI(String urlString) {
return ((urlString.toLowerCase().indexOf(".cgi") >= 0) ||
(urlString.toLowerCase().indexOf(".exe") >= 0));
public Entry newEntry(Date initDate, int depth, URL url,
httpHeader requestHeader,
String responseStatus, httpHeader responseHeader,
String initiator,
plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile) {
//System.out.println("NEW ENTRY: " + url.toString()); // DEBUG
return new Entry(initDate, depth, url, requestHeader, responseStatus, responseHeader, initiator, profile);
public final class Entry {
// the class objects
public Date initDate; // the date when the request happened; will be used as a key
public int depth; // the depth of prefetching
public httpHeader requestHeader; // we carry also the header to prevent too many file system access
public String responseStatus;
public httpHeader responseHeader; // we carry also the header to prevent too many file system access
public File cacheFile; // the cache file
public byte[] cacheArray; // or the cache as byte-array
public URL url;
public String nomalizedURLHash;
public String nomalizedURLString;
public int status; // cache load/hit/stale etc status
public Date lastModified;
public char doctype;
public String language;
public plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile;
private String initiator;
public htmlFilterContentScraper scraper;
public Entry(Date initDate, int depth, URL url,
httpHeader requestHeader,
String responseStatus, httpHeader responseHeader,
String initiator,
plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile) {
// normalize url
this.nomalizedURLString = htmlFilterContentScraper.urlNormalform(url);
try {
this.url = new URL(nomalizedURLString);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.out.println("internal error at httpdProxyCache.Entry: " + e);
this.cacheFile = getCachePath(this.url);
this.nomalizedURLHash = plasmaCrawlLURL.urlHash(nomalizedURLString);
// assigned:
this.initDate = initDate;
this.depth = depth;
this.requestHeader = requestHeader;
this.responseStatus = responseStatus;
this.responseHeader = responseHeader;
this.profile = profile;
this.initiator = (initiator == null) ? null : ((initiator.length() == 0) ? null: initiator);
// calculated:
if (responseHeader == null) {
try {
throw new RuntimeException("RESPONSE HEADER = NULL");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("RESPONSE HEADER = NULL in " + url);
lastModified = new Date();
} else {
lastModified = responseHeader.lastModified();
if (lastModified == null) lastModified = new Date(); // does not exist in header
this.doctype = plasmaWordIndexEntry.docType(nomalizedURLString);
this.language = plasmaWordIndexEntry.language(url);
// to be defined later:
this.cacheArray = null;
this.status = CACHE_UNFILLED;
this.scraper = null;
public String initiator() {
return initiator;
public boolean proxy() {
return initiator() == null;
public long size() {
if (cacheArray == null) return 0; else return cacheArray.length;
public URL referrerURL() {
if (requestHeader == null) return null;
try {
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
return new URL((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.REFERER, ""));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public boolean update() {
return ((status == CACHE_FILL) || (status == CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD));
// the following three methods for cache read/write granting shall be as loose as possible
// but also as strict as necessary to enable caching of most items
public String shallStoreCache() {
// returns NULL if the answer is TRUE
// in case of FALSE, the reason as String is returned
// check profile
if (!(profile.storeHTCache())) return "storage_not_wanted";
// decide upon header information if a specific file should be stored to the cache or not
// if the storage was requested by prefetching, the request map is null
// check status code
if (!((responseStatus.startsWith("200")) || (responseStatus.startsWith("203")))) return "bad_status_" + responseStatus.substring(0,3);
// check storage location
// sometimes a file name is equal to a path name in the same directory;
// or sometimes a file name is equal a directory name created earlier;
// we cannot match that here in the cache file path and therefore omit writing into the cache
if ((cacheFile.getParentFile().isFile()) || (cacheFile.isDirectory())) return "path_ambiguous";
if (cacheFile.toString().indexOf("..") >= 0) return "path_dangerous";
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((isPOST(nomalizedURLString)) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) return "dynamic_post";
if (isCGI(nomalizedURLString)) return "dynamic_cgi";
// -authorization cases in request
// authorization makes pages very individual, and therefore we cannot use the
// content in the cache
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((requestHeader != null) && (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION))) return "personalized";
// -ranges in request and response
// we do not cache partial content
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((requestHeader != null) && (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.RANGE))) return "partial";
if ((responseHeader != null) && (responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_RANGE))) return "partial";
// -if-modified-since in request
// we do not care about if-modified-since, because this case only occurres if the
// cache file does not exist, and we need as much info as possible for the indexing
// -cookies in request
// we do not care about cookies, because that would prevent loading more pages
// from one domain once a request resulted in a client-side stored cookie
// -set-cookie in response
// we do not care about cookies in responses, because that info comes along
// any/many pages from a server and does not express the validity of the page
// in modes of life-time/expiration or individuality
// -pragma in response
// if we have a pragma non-cache, we don't cache. usually if this is wanted from
// the server, it makes sense
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.PRAGMA)) &&
(((String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.PRAGMA)).toUpperCase().equals("NO-CACHE"))) return "controlled_no_cache";
// -expires in response
// we do not care about expires, because at the time this is called the data is
// obvious valid and that header info is used in the indexing later on
// -cache-control in response
// the cache-control has many value options.
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
String cacheControl = (String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL);
if (cacheControl != null) {
cacheControl = cacheControl.trim().toUpperCase();
if (cacheControl.startsWith("MAX-AGE=")) {
// we need also the load date
Date date =;
if (date == null) return "stale_no_date_given_in_response";
try {
long ttl = 1000 * Long.parseLong(cacheControl.substring(8)); // milliseconds to live
if ((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime() > ttl) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because cache-control");
return "stale_expired";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "stale_error_" + e.getMessage() + ")";
return null;
public boolean shallUseCache() {
// decide upon header information if a specific file should be taken from the cache or not
//System.out.println("SHALL READ CACHE: requestHeader = " + requestHeader.toString() + ", responseHeader = " + responseHeader.toString());
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
if (isPOST(nomalizedURLString)) return false;
if (isCGI(nomalizedURLString)) return false;
// -authorization cases in request
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION)) return false;
// -ranges in request
// we do not cache partial content
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((requestHeader != null) && (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.RANGE))) return false;
//Date d1, d2;
// -if-modified-since in request
// The entity has to be transferred only if it has
// been modified since the date given by the If-Modified-Since header.
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) {
// checking this makes only sense if the cached response contains
// a Last-Modified field. If the field does not exist, we go the safe way
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if (!(responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED))) return false;
// parse date
Date d1, d2;
d2 = responseHeader.lastModified(); if (d2 == null) d2 = new Date();
d1 = requestHeader.ifModifiedSince(); if (d1 == null) d1 = new Date();
// finally, we shall treat the cache as stale if the modification time is after the if-.. time
if (d2.after(d1)) return false;
boolean isNotPicture = !isPicture(responseHeader);
// -cookies in request
// unfortunately, we should reload in case of a cookie
// but we think that pictures can still be considered as fresh
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.COOKIE)) && (isNotPicture)) return false;
// -set-cookie in cached response
// this is a similar case as for COOKIE.
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.SET_COOKIE)) && (isNotPicture)) return false; // too strong
if ((responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.SET_COOKIE2)) && (isNotPicture)) return false; // too strong
// -pragma in cached response
// logically, we would not need to care about no-cache pragmas in cached response headers,
// because they cannot exist since they are not written to the cache.
// So this IF should always fail..
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.PRAGMA)) &&
(((String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.PRAGMA)).toUpperCase().equals("NO-CACHE"))) return false;
// calculate often needed values for freshness attributes
Date date =;
Date expires = responseHeader.expires();
Date lastModified = responseHeader.lastModified();
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
String cacheControl = (String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL);
// see for documentation also:
// look for freshnes information
// if we don't have any freshnes indication, we treat the file as stale.
// no handle for freshness control:
if ((expires == null) && (cacheControl == null) && (lastModified == null)) return false;
// -expires in cached response
// the expires value gives us a very easy hint when the cache is stale
if (expires != null) {
Date yesterday = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - oneday);
if (expires.before(yesterday)) return false;
// -lastModified in cached response
// we can apply a TTL (Time To Live) heuristic here. We call the time delta between the last read
// of the file and the last modified date as the age of the file. If we consider the file as
// middel-aged then, the maximum TTL would be cache-creation plus age.
// This would be a TTL factor of 100% we want no more than 10% TTL, so that a 10 month old cache
// file may only be treated as fresh for one more month, not more.
if (lastModified != null) {
if (date == null) date = new Date();
long age = date.getTime() - lastModified.getTime();
if (age < 0) return false;
// TTL (Time-To-Live) is age/10 = (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / 10
// the actual living-time is new Date().getTime() - d2.getTime()
// therefore the cache is stale, if Date().getTime() - d2.getTime() > age/10
if ((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime() > age / 10) return false;
// -cache-control in cached response
// the cache-control has many value options.
if (cacheControl != null) {
cacheControl = cacheControl.trim().toUpperCase();
if (cacheControl.startsWith("PUBLIC")) {
// ok, do nothing
} else if ((cacheControl.startsWith("PRIVATE")) ||
(cacheControl.startsWith("NO-CACHE")) ||
(cacheControl.startsWith("NO-STORE"))) {
// easy case
return false;
} else if (cacheControl.startsWith("MAX-AGE=")) {
// we need also the load date
if (date == null) return false;
try {
long ttl = 1000 * Long.parseLong(cacheControl.substring(8)); // milliseconds to live
if ((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime() > ttl) {
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public String shallIndexCacheForProxy() {
// decide upon header information if a specific file should be indexed
// this method returns null if the answer is 'YES'!
// if the answer is 'NO' (do not index), it returns a string with the reason
// to reject the crawling demand in clear text
// check profile
if (!(profile.localIndexing())) return "Indexing_Not_Allowed";
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
if ((isPOST(nomalizedURLString)) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) return "Dynamic_(POST)";
if ((isCGI(nomalizedURLString)) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) return "Dynamic_(CGI)";
// -authorization cases in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// -ranges in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// a picture cannot be indexed
if (isPicture(responseHeader)) return "Media_Content_(Picture)";
if (!(isText(responseHeader))) return "Media_Content_(not_text)";
if (noIndexingURL(nomalizedURLString)) return "Media_Content_(forbidden)";
// -if-modified-since in request
// if the page is fresh at the very moment we can index it
if ((requestHeader != null) &&
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
(requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) &&
(responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED))) {
// parse date
Date d1, d2;
d2 = responseHeader.lastModified(); if (d2 == null) d2 = new Date();
d1 = requestHeader.ifModifiedSince(); if (d1 == null) d1 = new Date();
// finally, we shall treat the cache as stale if the modification time is after the if-.. time
if (d2.after(d1)) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because if-modified-since");
return "Stale_(Last-Modified>Modified-Since)";
// -cookies in request
// unfortunately, we cannot index pages which have been requested with a cookie
// because the returned content may be special for the client
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((requestHeader != null) && (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.COOKIE))) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because cookie");
return "Dynamic_(Requested_With_Cookie)";
// -set-cookie in response
// the set-cookie from the server does not indicate that the content is special
// thus we do not care about it here for indexing
// -pragma in cached response
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((responseHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.PRAGMA)) &&
(((String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.PRAGMA)).toUpperCase().equals("NO-CACHE"))) return "Denied_(pragma_no_cache)";
// see for documentation also:
// calculate often needed values for freshness attributes
Date date =;
Date expires = responseHeader.expires();
Date lastModified = responseHeader.lastModified();
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
String cacheControl = (String) responseHeader.get(httpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL);
// look for freshnes information
// -expires in cached response
// the expires value gives us a very easy hint when the cache is stale
// sometimes, the expires date is set to the past to prevent that a page is cached
// we use that information to see if we should index it
if (expires != null) {
Date yesterday = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - oneday);
if (expires.before(yesterday)) return "Stale_(Expired)";
// -lastModified in cached response
// this information is too weak to use it to prevent indexing
// even if we can apply a TTL heuristic for cache usage
// -cache-control in cached response
// the cache-control has many value options.
if (cacheControl != null) {
cacheControl = cacheControl.trim().toUpperCase();
/* we have the following cases for cache-control:
"public" -- can be indexed
"private", "no-cache", "no-store" -- cannot be indexed
"max-age=<delta-seconds>" -- stale/fresh dependent on date
if (cacheControl.startsWith("PUBLIC")) {
// ok, do nothing
} else if ((cacheControl.startsWith("PRIVATE")) ||
(cacheControl.startsWith("NO-CACHE")) ||
(cacheControl.startsWith("NO-STORE"))) {
// easy case
return "Stale_(denied_by_cache-control=" + cacheControl+ ")";
} else if (cacheControl.startsWith("MAX-AGE=")) {
// we need also the load date
if (date == null) return "Stale_(no_date_given_in_response)";
try {
long ttl = 1000 * Long.parseLong(cacheControl.substring(8)); // milliseconds to live
if ((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime() > ttl) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because cache-control");
return "Stale_(expired_by_cache-control)";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "Error_(" + e.getMessage() + ")";
return null;
public String shallIndexCacheForCrawler() {
// decide upon header information if a specific file should be indexed
// this method returns null if the answer is 'YES'!
// if the answer is 'NO' (do not index), it returns a string with the reason
// to reject the crawling demand in clear text
// check profile
if (!(profile.localIndexing())) return "Indexing_Not_Allowed";
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
if ((isPOST(nomalizedURLString)) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) return "Dynamic_(POST)";
if ((isCGI(nomalizedURLString)) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) return "Dynamic_(CGI)";
// -authorization cases in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// -ranges in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// a picture cannot be indexed
if (isPicture(responseHeader)) return "Media_Content_(Picture)";
if (!(isText(responseHeader))) return "Media_Content_(not_text)";
if (noIndexingURL(nomalizedURLString)) return "Media_Content_(forbidden)";
// -if-modified-since in request
// if the page is fresh at the very moment we can index it
// -> this does not apply for the crawler
// -cookies in request
// unfortunately, we cannot index pages which have been requested with a cookie
// because the returned content may be special for the client
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -set-cookie in response
// the set-cookie from the server does not indicate that the content is special
// thus we do not care about it here for indexing
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -pragma in cached response
// -> in the crawler we ignore this
// look for freshnes information
// -expires in cached response
// the expires value gives us a very easy hint when the cache is stale
// sometimes, the expires date is set to the past to prevent that a page is cached
// we use that information to see if we should index it
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -lastModified in cached response
// this information is too weak to use it to prevent indexing
// even if we can apply a TTL heuristic for cache usage
// -cache-control in cached response
// the cache-control has many value options.
// -> in the crawler we ignore this
return null;