@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// attach possible yacy-sublevel-domain
if ((yAddress != null) &&
((pos = yAddress.indexOf("/")) >= 0) &&
(!(remotePath.startsWith("/env"))) // this is the special path, staying always at root-level
) remotePath = yAddress.substring(pos) + remotePath;
((pos = yAddress.indexOf("/")) >= 0) &&
(!(remotePath.startsWith("/env"))) // this is the special path, staying always at root-level
) remotePath = yAddress.substring(pos) + remotePath;
// decide wether to use a cache entry or connect to the network
File cacheFile = cacheManager.getCachePath(url);
String urlHash = plasmaCrawlLURL.urlHash(url);
httpHeader cachedResponseHeader = null;
boolean cacheExists = ((cacheFile.exists()) && (cacheFile.isFile()) &&
((cachedResponseHeader = cacheManager.getCachedResponse(urlHash)) != null));
((cachedResponseHeader = cacheManager.getCachedResponse(urlHash)) != null));
// why are files unzipped upon arrival? why not zip all files in cache?
// This follows from the following premises
@ -381,9 +381,9 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
// 4. cache stale - refill - superfluous
// in two of these cases we trigger a scheduler to handle newly arrived files:
// case 1 and case 3
plasmaHTCache.Entry hpc;
plasmaHTCache.Entry cacheEntry;
if ((cacheExists) &&
((hpc = cacheManager.newEntry(requestDate, 0, url, requestHeader, "200 OK",
((cacheEntry = cacheManager.newEntry(requestDate, 0, url, requestHeader, "200 OK",
cachedResponseHeader, null,
switchboard.defaultProxyProfile)).shallUseCache())) {
// we respond on the request by using the cache, the cache is fresh
@ -466,29 +466,34 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
long contentLength = res.responseHeader.contentLength();
// reserver cache entry
hpc = cacheManager.newEntry(requestDate, 0, url, requestHeader, res.status, res.responseHeader, null, switchboard.defaultProxyProfile);
cacheEntry = cacheManager.newEntry(requestDate, 0, url, requestHeader, res.status, res.responseHeader, null, switchboard.defaultProxyProfile);
// handle file types
if (((ext == null) || (!(switchboard.extensionBlack.contains(ext)))) &&
(httpd.isTextMime(res.responseHeader.mime(), switchboard.mimeWhite))) {
// this is a file that is a possible candidate for parsing by the indexer
if (transformer.isIdentityTransformer()) {
log.logDebug("create passthrough (parse candidate) for url " + url);
// no transformation, only passthrough
// this is especially the case if the bluelist is empty
// in that case, the content is not scraped here but later
hfos = respond;
} else {
// make a scraper and transformer
log.logDebug("create scraper for url " + url);
scraper = new htmlFilterContentScraper(url);
hfos = new htmlFilterOutputStream(respond, scraper, transformer, (ext.length() == 0));
if (((htmlFilterOutputStream) hfos).binarySuspect()) {
scraper = null; // forget it, may be rubbish
log.logDebug("Content of " + url + " is probably binary. deleted scraper.");
hpc.scraper = scraper;
cacheEntry.scraper = scraper;
} else {
log.logDebug("Resource " + url + " has wrong extension (" + ext + ") or wrong mime-type (" + res.responseHeader.mime() + "). not scraped");
scraper = null;
hfos = respond;
hpc.scraper = scraper;
cacheEntry.scraper = scraper;
// handle incoming cookies
@ -498,47 +503,52 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
try {
respondHeader(respond, res.status, res.responseHeader);
String storeError;
if ((storeError = hpc.shallStoreCache()) == null) {
if ((storeError = cacheEntry.shallStoreCache()) == null) {
// we write a new cache entry
if ((contentLength > 0) && // known
(contentLength < 1048576)) {// 1 MB
// ok, we don't write actually into a file, only to RAM, and schedule writing the file.
byte[] cacheArray;
cacheArray = res.writeContent(hfos);
byte[] cacheArray = res.writeContent(hfos);
log.logDebug("writeContent of " + url + " produced cacheArray = " + ((cacheArray == null) ? "null" : ("size=" + cacheArray.length)));
if (hfos instanceof htmlFilterOutputStream) ((htmlFilterOutputStream) hfos).finalize();
if (sizeBeforeDelete == -1) {
// totally fresh file
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_FILL; // it's an insert
cacheManager.stackProcess(hpc, cacheArray);
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_FILL; // it's an insert
cacheManager.stackProcess(cacheEntry, cacheArray);
} else if (sizeBeforeDelete == cacheArray.length) {
// before we came here we deleted a cache entry
cacheArray = null;
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(hpc); // unnecessary update
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(cacheEntry); // unnecessary update
} else {
// before we came here we deleted a cache entry
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(hpc, cacheArray); // necessary update, write response header to cache
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(cacheEntry, cacheArray); // necessary update, write response header to cache
} else {
// the file is too big to cache it in the ram, write to file right here
// the file is too big to cache it in the ram, or the size is unknown
// write to file right here.
res.writeContent(hfos, cacheFile);
if (hfos instanceof htmlFilterOutputStream) ((htmlFilterOutputStream) hfos).finalize();
log.logDebug("for write-file of " + url + ": contentLength = " + contentLength + ", sizeBeforeDelete = " + sizeBeforeDelete);
if (sizeBeforeDelete == -1) {
// totally fresh file
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_FILL; // it's an insert
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_FILL; // it's an insert
} else if (sizeBeforeDelete == cacheFile.length()) {
// before we came here we deleted a cache entry
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(hpc); // unnecessary update
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_BAD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(cacheEntry); // unnecessary update
} else {
// before we came here we deleted a cache entry
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(hpc); // necessary update, write response header to cache
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_RELOAD_GOOD;
cacheManager.stackProcess(cacheEntry); // necessary update, write response header to cache
// beware! all these writings will not fill the cacheEntry.cacheArray
// that means they are not available for the indexer (except they are scraped before)
} else {
// no caching
@ -547,12 +557,12 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
if (hfos instanceof htmlFilterOutputStream) ((htmlFilterOutputStream) hfos).finalize();
if (sizeBeforeDelete == -1) {
// no old file and no load. just data passing
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_PASSING;
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_PASSING;
} else {
// before we came here we deleted a cache entry
hpc.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_NO_RELOAD;
cacheEntry.status = plasmaHTCache.CACHE_STALE_NO_RELOAD;
} catch (SocketException e) {