<li>#(statusPassword)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png"> Please set a password for your peer to protect your settings (> 3 characters); if this is successful you will be asked to log in with these values immediately.::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/ok.png"height="32px"width="32px"> Password is set#(/statusPassword)#<br>
<li>#(statusName)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png"> Your peer name has not been customized; please set your own peer name::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/ok.png"height="32px"width="32px"> You have a nice peer name#(/statusName)#<br>
<li>#(statusPort)#<imgsrc="/env/grafics/warning.png"> Your peer cannot be reached from outside (which is not fatal, but would be good for the YaCy network); please open your firewall for this port and/or set a virtual server option in your router to allow connections on this port.::<imgsrc="/env/grafics/ok.png"height="32px"width="32px"> Your peer can be reached by other peers#(/statusPort)#<br>
Your Peer name is a default name; please set another peer name. If this does not work, the name is probably taken by someone else. Please try to choose another one.::
You did not open a port in your firewall or your router does not forward the server port to your peer. This is needed if you want to fully participate in the YaCy network. You can also use your peer without opening it, but this is not recomended.::
<!-- [4]: reconnect to different port -->
The peer port was changed successfully. Your browser will be redirected to the new <ahref="#(sslSupport)#http::https#(/sslSupport)#://#[host]#:#[port]#/ConfigBasic.html">location</a> in 10 seconds.