// Crawler_p.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 18.12.2006 on http://www.anomic.de
// this file was created using the an implementation from IndexCreate_p.java, published 02.12.2004
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.Writer ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader ;
import net.yacy.cora.services.federated.yacy.CacheStrategy ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlProfile ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlQueues ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ZURL.FailCategory ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.SitemapImporter ;
import net.yacy.data.BookmarkHelper ;
import net.yacy.data.BookmarksDB ;
import net.yacy.data.ListManager ;
import net.yacy.data.WorkTables ;
import net.yacy.data.ymark.YMarkTables ;
import net.yacy.document.Document ;
import net.yacy.document.Parser.Failure ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.ContentScraper ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.TransformerWriter ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool ;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist.BlacklistType ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects ;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch ;
public class Crawler_p {
// this servlet does NOT create the Crawler servlet page content!
// this servlet starts a web crawl. The interface for entering the web crawl parameters is in IndexCreate_p.html
public static serverObjects respond ( @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) final RequestHeader header , final serverObjects post , final serverSwitch env ) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
final Switchboard sb = ( Switchboard ) env ;
// inital values for AJAX Elements (without JavaScript)
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
prop . put ( "rejected" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "urlpublictextSize" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "rwipublictextSize" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "list" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "loaderSize" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "loaderMax" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "list-loader" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "localCrawlSize" , sb . crawlQueues . coreCrawlJobSize ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "localCrawlState" , "" ) ;
prop . put ( "limitCrawlSize" , sb . crawlQueues . limitCrawlJobSize ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "limitCrawlState" , "" ) ;
prop . put ( "remoteCrawlSize" , sb . crawlQueues . remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "remoteCrawlState" , "" ) ;
prop . put ( "noloadCrawlSize" , sb . crawlQueues . noloadCrawlJobSize ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "noloadCrawlState" , "" ) ;
prop . put ( "list-remote" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "forwardToCrawlStart" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "info" , "0" ) ;
if ( post ! = null ) {
String c = post . toString ( ) ;
if ( c . length ( ) < 1000 ) Log . logInfo ( "Crawl Start" , c ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "continue" ) ) {
// continue queue
final String queue = post . get ( "continue" , "" ) ;
if ( "localcrawler" . equals ( queue ) ) {
sb . continueCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
} else if ( "remotecrawler" . equals ( queue ) ) {
sb . continueCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "pause" ) ) {
// pause queue
final String queue = post . get ( "pause" , "" ) ;
if ( "localcrawler" . equals ( queue ) ) {
sb . pauseCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
} else if ( "remotecrawler" . equals ( queue ) ) {
sb . pauseCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "terminate" ) ) try {
final String handle = post . get ( "handle" , "" ) ;
// termination of a crawl: shift the crawl from active to passive
final CrawlProfile p = sb . crawler . getActive ( handle . getBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( p ! = null ) sb . crawler . putPassive ( handle . getBytes ( ) , p ) ;
// delete all entries from the crawl queue that are deleted here
sb . crawler . removeActive ( handle . getBytes ( ) ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . noticeURL . removeByProfileHandle ( handle , 10000 ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "crawlingstart" ) ) {
// init crawl
if ( sb . peers = = null ) {
prop . put ( "info" , "3" ) ;
} else {
// remove crawlingFileContent before we record the call
String crawlingFileName = post . get ( "crawlingFile" ) ;
final File crawlingFile ;
if ( crawlingFileName = = null | | crawlingFileName . isEmpty ( ) ) {
crawlingFile = null ;
} else {
if ( crawlingFileName . startsWith ( "file://" ) ) crawlingFileName = crawlingFileName . substring ( 7 ) ;
crawlingFile = new File ( crawlingFileName ) ;
if ( crawlingFile ! = null & & crawlingFile . exists ( ) ) {
post . remove ( "crawlingFile$file" ) ;
// prepare some filter that are adjusted in case that this is wanted
boolean storeHTCache = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "storeHTCache" , "on" ) ) ;
String newcrawlingMustMatch = post . get ( "mustmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ;
String newcrawlingMustNotMatch = post . get ( "mustnotmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ;
if ( newcrawlingMustMatch . length ( ) < 2 ) newcrawlingMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ; // avoid that all urls are filtered out if bad value was submitted
final boolean fullDomain = "domain" . equals ( post . get ( "range" , "wide" ) ) ; // special property in simple crawl start
final boolean subPath = "subpath" . equals ( post . get ( "range" , "wide" ) ) ; // special property in simple crawl start
String crawlingStart0 = post . get ( "crawlingURL" , "" ) . trim ( ) ; // the crawljob start url
String [ ] rootURLs0 = crawlingStart0 . indexOf ( '\n' ) > 0 | | crawlingStart0 . indexOf ( '\r' ) > 0 ? crawlingStart0 . split ( "[\\r\\n]+" ) : crawlingStart0 . split ( Pattern . quote ( "|" ) ) ;
Set < DigestURI > rootURLs = new HashSet < DigestURI > ( ) ;
String crawlName = "" ;
if ( crawlingFile = = null ) for ( String crawlingStart : rootURLs0 ) {
if ( crawlingStart = = null | | crawlingStart . length ( ) = = 0 ) continue ;
// add the prefix http:// if necessary
int pos = crawlingStart . indexOf ( "://" , 0 ) ;
if ( pos = = - 1 ) {
if ( crawlingStart . startsWith ( "www" ) ) crawlingStart = "http://" + crawlingStart ;
if ( crawlingStart . startsWith ( "ftp" ) ) crawlingStart = "ftp://" + crawlingStart ;
try {
DigestURI crawlingStartURL = new DigestURI ( crawlingStart ) ;
rootURLs . add ( crawlingStartURL ) ;
crawlName + = crawlingStartURL . getHost ( ) + "_" ;
if ( fullDomain ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = CrawlProfile . mustMatchFilterFullDomain ( crawlingStartURL ) ;
if ( subPath ) newcrawlingMustMatch = newcrawlingMustMatch . substring ( 0 , newcrawlingMustMatch . length ( ) - 2 ) + crawlingStartURL . getPath ( ) + ".*" ;
if ( crawlingStart ! = null & & subPath & & ( pos = crawlingStart . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) > 0 ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = crawlingStart . substring ( 0 , pos + 1 ) + ".*" ;
if ( crawlingStartURL ! = null & & ( crawlingStartURL . isFile ( ) | | crawlingStartURL . isSMB ( ) ) ) storeHTCache = false ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
if ( crawlName . length ( ) > 80 ) crawlName = crawlName . substring ( 0 , 80 ) ;
if ( crawlName . endsWith ( "_" ) ) crawlName = crawlName . substring ( 0 , crawlName . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
// set the crawl filter
String ipMustMatch = post . get ( "ipMustmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ;
final String ipMustNotMatch = post . get ( "ipMustnotmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ;
if ( ipMustMatch . length ( ) < 2 ) ipMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ;
final String countryMustMatch = post . getBoolean ( "countryMustMatchSwitch" ) ? post . get ( "countryMustMatchList" , "" ) : "" ;
sb . setConfig ( "crawlingIPMustMatch" , ipMustMatch ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "crawlingIPMustNotMatch" , ipMustNotMatch ) ;
if ( countryMustMatch . length ( ) > 0 ) sb . setConfig ( "crawlingCountryMustMatch" , countryMustMatch ) ;
String crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch = post . get ( "crawlingDepthExtension" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ;
final String indexUrlMustMatch = post . get ( "indexmustmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ) ;
final String indexUrlMustNotMatch = post . get ( "indexmustnotmatch" , CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ) ;
final boolean crawlOrder = post . get ( "crawlOrder" , "off" ) . equals ( "on" ) ;
env . setConfig ( "crawlOrder" , crawlOrder ) ;
if ( crawlOrder ) crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ; // without limitation the crawl order does not work
int newcrawlingdepth = post . getInt ( "crawlingDepth" , 8 ) ;
env . setConfig ( "crawlingDepth" , Integer . toString ( newcrawlingdepth ) ) ;
if ( ( crawlOrder ) & & ( newcrawlingdepth > 8 ) ) newcrawlingdepth = 8 ;
boolean directDocByURL = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "directDocByURL" , "on" ) ) ; // catch also all linked media documents without loading them
env . setConfig ( "crawlingDirectDocByURL" , directDocByURL ) ;
final String collection = post . get ( "collection" , sb . getConfig ( "collection" , "user" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "collection" , collection ) ;
// recrawl
final String recrawl = post . get ( "recrawl" , "nodoubles" ) ; // nodoubles, reload, scheduler
boolean crawlingIfOlderCheck = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "crawlingIfOlderCheck" , "off" ) ) ;
int crawlingIfOlderNumber = post . getInt ( "crawlingIfOlderNumber" , - 1 ) ;
String crawlingIfOlderUnit = post . get ( "crawlingIfOlderUnit" , "year" ) ; // year, month, day, hour
int repeat_time = post . getInt ( "repeat_time" , - 1 ) ;
final String repeat_unit = post . get ( "repeat_unit" , "seldays" ) ; // selminutes, selhours, seldays
if ( "scheduler" . equals ( recrawl ) & & repeat_time > 0 ) {
// set crawlingIfOlder attributes that are appropriate for scheduled crawling
crawlingIfOlderCheck = true ;
crawlingIfOlderNumber = "selminutes" . equals ( repeat_unit ) ? 1 : "selhours" . equals ( repeat_unit ) ? repeat_time / 2 : repeat_time * 12 ;
crawlingIfOlderUnit = "hour" ;
} else if ( "reload" . equals ( recrawl ) ) {
repeat_time = - 1 ;
crawlingIfOlderCheck = true ;
} else if ( "nodoubles" . equals ( recrawl ) ) {
repeat_time = - 1 ;
crawlingIfOlderCheck = false ;
final long crawlingIfOlder = recrawlIfOlderC ( crawlingIfOlderCheck , crawlingIfOlderNumber , crawlingIfOlderUnit ) ;
env . setConfig ( "crawlingIfOlder" , crawlingIfOlder ) ;
// store this call as api call
if ( repeat_time > 0 ) {
// store as scheduled api call
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , "Crawler_p.html" , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER , "crawl start for " + ( ( rootURLs . size ( ) = = 0 ) ? post . get ( "crawlingFile" , "" ) : rootURLs . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) , repeat_time , repeat_unit . substring ( 3 ) ) ;
} else {
// store just a protocol
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , "Crawler_p.html" , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER , "crawl start for " + ( ( rootURLs . size ( ) = = 0 ) ? post . get ( "crawlingFile" , "" ) : rootURLs . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ) ;
final boolean crawlingDomMaxCheck = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "crawlingDomMaxCheck" , "off" ) ) ;
final int crawlingDomMaxPages = ( crawlingDomMaxCheck ) ? post . getInt ( "crawlingDomMaxPages" , - 1 ) : - 1 ;
env . setConfig ( "crawlingDomMaxPages" , Integer . toString ( crawlingDomMaxPages ) ) ;
boolean crawlingQ = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "crawlingQ" , "off" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "crawlingQ" , crawlingQ ) ;
final boolean indexText = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "indexText" , "on" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "indexText" , indexText ) ;
final boolean indexMedia = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "indexMedia" , "on" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "indexMedia" , indexMedia ) ;
env . setConfig ( "storeHTCache" , storeHTCache ) ;
CacheStrategy cachePolicy = CacheStrategy . parse ( post . get ( "cachePolicy" , "iffresh" ) ) ;
if ( cachePolicy = = null ) cachePolicy = CacheStrategy . IFFRESH ;
final boolean xsstopw = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "xsstopw" , "off" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "xsstopw" , xsstopw ) ;
final boolean xdstopw = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "xdstopw" , "off" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "xdstopw" , xdstopw ) ;
final boolean xpstopw = "on" . equals ( post . get ( "xpstopw" , "off" ) ) ;
env . setConfig ( "xpstopw" , xpstopw ) ;
String crawlingMode = post . get ( "crawlingMode" , "url" ) ;
if ( "file" . equals ( crawlingMode ) & & post . containsKey ( "crawlingFile" ) ) {
newcrawlingMustNotMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ;
directDocByURL = false ;
if ( "sitemap" . equals ( crawlingMode ) ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ;
newcrawlingMustNotMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ;
newcrawlingdepth = 0 ;
directDocByURL = false ;
crawlingQ = true ;
if ( "sitelist" . equals ( crawlingMode ) ) {
newcrawlingMustNotMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER_STRING ;
Set < DigestURI > newRootURLs = new HashSet < DigestURI > ( ) ;
for ( DigestURI sitelistURL : rootURLs ) {
// download document
Document scraper ;
try {
scraper = sb . loader . loadDocument ( sitelistURL , CacheStrategy . IFFRESH , BlacklistType . CRAWLER , CrawlQueues . queuedMinLoadDelay ) ;
// get links and generate filter
for ( MultiProtocolURI u : scraper . getAnchors ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
newRootURLs . add ( new DigestURI ( u ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
rootURLs = newRootURLs ;
crawlingMode = "url" ;
if ( ( fullDomain | | subPath ) & & newcrawlingdepth > 0 ) newcrawlingMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING ; // to prevent that there is a restriction on the original urls
// compute mustmatch filter according to rootURLs
if ( ( fullDomain | | subPath ) & & newcrawlingdepth > 0 ) {
String siteFilter = ".*" ;
if ( fullDomain ) {
siteFilter = siteFilter ( rootURLs ) ;
} else if ( subPath ) {
siteFilter = subpathFilter ( rootURLs ) ;
newcrawlingMustMatch = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL_STRING . equals ( newcrawlingMustMatch ) ? siteFilter : "(?=(" + newcrawlingMustMatch + "))(" + siteFilter + ")" ;
// check if the crawl filter works correctly
try {
Pattern . compile ( newcrawlingMustMatch ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) {
prop . put ( "info" , "4" ) ; // crawlfilter does not match url
prop . putHTML ( "info_newcrawlingfilter" , newcrawlingMustMatch ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_error" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
Pattern . compile ( newcrawlingMustNotMatch ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) {
prop . put ( "info" , "4" ) ; // crawlfilter does not match url
prop . putHTML ( "info_newcrawlingfilter" , newcrawlingMustNotMatch ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_error" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// prepare a new crawling profile
final CrawlProfile profile = new CrawlProfile (
crawlName ,
newcrawlingMustMatch ,
newcrawlingMustNotMatch ,
ipMustMatch ,
ipMustNotMatch ,
countryMustMatch ,
crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch ,
indexUrlMustMatch ,
indexUrlMustNotMatch ,
newcrawlingdepth ,
directDocByURL ,
crawlingIfOlder ,
crawlingDomMaxPages ,
crawlingQ ,
indexText ,
indexMedia ,
storeHTCache ,
crawlOrder ,
xsstopw ,
xdstopw ,
xpstopw ,
cachePolicy ,
collection ) ;
byte [ ] handle = ASCII . getBytes ( profile . handle ( ) ) ;
if ( "url" . equals ( crawlingMode ) ) {
if ( rootURLs . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
prop . put ( "info" , "5" ) ; //Crawling failed
prop . putHTML ( "info_crawlingURL" , "(no url given)" ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_reasonString" , "you must submit at least one crawl url" ) ;
} else {
// stack requests
sb . crawler . putActive ( handle , profile ) ;
sb . pauseCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
Set < DigestURI > successurls = new HashSet < DigestURI > ( ) ;
Map < DigestURI , String > failurls = new HashMap < DigestURI , String > ( ) ;
String failreason ;
for ( DigestURI url : rootURLs ) {
if ( ( failreason = stackUrl ( sb , profile , url ) ) = = null ) successurls . add ( url ) ; else failurls . put ( url , failreason ) ;
if ( failurls . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
// liftoff!
prop . put ( "info" , "8" ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_crawlingURL" , post . get ( "crawlingURL" ) ) ;
// generate a YaCyNews if the global flag was set
if ( ! sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) & & crawlOrder ) {
final Map < String , String > m = new HashMap < String , String > ( profile ) ; // must be cloned
m . remove ( "specificDepth" ) ;
m . remove ( "indexText" ) ;
m . remove ( "indexMedia" ) ;
m . remove ( "remoteIndexing" ) ;
m . remove ( "xsstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "xpstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "xdstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "storeTXCache" ) ;
m . remove ( "storeHTCache" ) ;
m . remove ( "generalFilter" ) ;
m . remove ( "specificFilter" ) ;
m . put ( "intention" , post . get ( "intention" , "" ) . replace ( ',' , '/' ) ) ;
sb . peers . newsPool . publishMyNews ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) , NewsPool . CATEGORY_CRAWL_START , m ) ;
} else {
StringBuilder fr = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < DigestURI , String > failure : failurls . entrySet ( ) ) {
sb . crawlQueues . errorURL . push (
new Request (
sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
failure . getKey ( ) ,
null ,
"" ,
new Date ( ) ,
profile . handle ( ) ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ) ,
sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
new Date ( ) ,
1 ,
failure . getValue ( ) , - 1 ) ;
fr . append ( failure . getValue ( ) ) . append ( '/' ) ;
prop . put ( "info" , "5" ) ; //Crawling failed
prop . putHTML ( "info_crawlingURL" , ( post . get ( "crawlingURL" ) ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_reasonString" , fr . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( successurls . size ( ) > 0 ) sb . continueCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
} else if ( "sitemap" . equals ( crawlingMode ) ) {
final String sitemapURLStr = post . get ( "sitemapURL" , "" ) ;
try {
final DigestURI sitemapURL = new DigestURI ( sitemapURLStr ) ;
sb . crawler . putActive ( handle , profile ) ;
final SitemapImporter importer = new SitemapImporter ( sb , sitemapURL , profile ) ;
importer . start ( ) ;
sb . continueCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// mist
prop . put ( "info" , "6" ) ; //Error with url
prop . putHTML ( "info_crawlingStart" , sitemapURLStr ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_error" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
Log . logException ( e ) ;
} else if ( "file" . equals ( crawlingMode ) ) {
if ( post . containsKey ( "crawlingFile" ) ) {
final String crawlingFileContent = post . get ( "crawlingFile$file" , "" ) ;
try {
// check if the crawl filter works correctly
Pattern . compile ( newcrawlingMustMatch ) ;
final ContentScraper scraper = new ContentScraper ( new DigestURI ( crawlingFile ) , 10000 ) ;
final Writer writer = new TransformerWriter ( null , null , scraper , null , false ) ;
if ( crawlingFile ! = null & & crawlingFile . exists ( ) ) {
FileUtils . copy ( new FileInputStream ( crawlingFile ) , writer ) ;
} else {
FileUtils . copy ( crawlingFileContent , writer ) ;
writer . close ( ) ;
// get links and generate filter
final Map < MultiProtocolURI , Properties > hyperlinks = scraper . getAnchors ( ) ;
if ( newcrawlingdepth > 0 ) {
if ( fullDomain ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = siteFilter ( hyperlinks . keySet ( ) ) ;
} else if ( subPath ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = subpathFilter ( hyperlinks . keySet ( ) ) ;
sb . crawler . putActive ( handle , profile ) ;
sb . pauseCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
sb . crawlStacker . enqueueEntriesAsynchronous ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) , profile . handle ( ) , hyperlinks ) ;
} catch ( final PatternSyntaxException e ) {
prop . put ( "info" , "4" ) ; // crawlfilter does not match url
prop . putHTML ( "info_newcrawlingfilter" , newcrawlingMustMatch ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_error" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// mist
prop . put ( "info" , "7" ) ; // Error with file
prop . putHTML ( "info_crawlingStart" , crawlingFileName ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "info_error" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
Log . logException ( e ) ;
sb . continueCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
if ( post ! = null & & post . containsKey ( "crawlingPerformance" ) ) {
setPerformance ( sb , post ) ;
// performance settings
final long LCbusySleep = env . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_BUSYSLEEP , 1000L ) ;
final int LCppm = ( int ) ( 60000L / Math . max ( 1 , LCbusySleep ) ) ;
prop . put ( "crawlingSpeedMaxChecked" , ( LCppm > = 30000 ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "crawlingSpeedCustChecked" , ( ( LCppm > 10 ) & & ( LCppm < 30000 ) ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "crawlingSpeedMinChecked" , ( LCppm < = 10 ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "customPPMdefault" , Integer . toString ( LCppm ) ) ;
// generate crawl profile table
int count = 0 ;
boolean dark = true ;
final int domlistlength = ( post = = null ) ? 160 : post . getInt ( "domlistlength" , 160 ) ;
CrawlProfile profile ;
// put active crawls into list
for ( final byte [ ] h : sb . crawler . getActive ( ) ) {
profile = sb . crawler . getActive ( h ) ;
if ( CrawlProfile . ignoreNames . contains ( profile . name ( ) ) ) continue ;
profile . putProfileEntry ( "crawlProfilesShow_list_" , prop , true , dark , count , domlistlength ) ;
dark = ! dark ;
count + + ;
prop . put ( "crawlProfilesShow_list" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "crawlProfilesShow" , count = = 0 ? 0 : 1 ) ;
// return rewrite properties
return prop ;
/ * *
* stack the url to the crawler
* @param sb
* @param profile
* @param url
* @return null if this was ok . If this failed , return a string with a fail reason
* /
private static String stackUrl ( Switchboard sb , CrawlProfile profile , DigestURI url ) {
byte [ ] handle = ASCII . getBytes ( profile . handle ( ) ) ;
// remove url from the index to be prepared for a re-crawl
final byte [ ] urlhash = url . hash ( ) ;
sb . index . fulltext ( ) . remove ( urlhash ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . noticeURL . removeByURLHash ( urlhash ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . errorURL . remove ( urlhash ) ;
// special handling of ftp protocol
if ( url . isFTP ( ) ) {
try {
sb . crawler . putActive ( handle , profile ) ;
sb . pauseCrawlJob ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL ) ;
sb . crawlStacker . enqueueEntriesFTP ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) , profile . handle ( ) , url . getHost ( ) , url . getPort ( ) , false ) ;
return null ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// mist
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return "problem crawling an ftp site: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
// get a scraper to get the title
Document scraper ;
try {
scraper = sb . loader . loadDocument ( url , CacheStrategy . IFFRESH , BlacklistType . CRAWLER , CrawlQueues . queuedMinLoadDelay ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return "scraper cannot load URL: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
final String title = scraper = = null ? url . toNormalform ( true , true ) : scraper . dc_title ( ) ;
final String description = scraper . dc_description ( ) ;
// add the url to the crawl stack
sb . crawler . removePassive ( handle ) ; // if there is an old entry, delete it
sb . crawler . putActive ( handle , profile ) ;
final String reasonString = sb . crawlStacker . stackCrawl ( new Request (
sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
url ,
null ,
new Date ( ) ,
profile . handle ( ) ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
) ) ;
if ( reasonString ! = null ) return reasonString ;
// create a bookmark from crawl start url
//final Set<String> tags=ListManager.string2set(BookmarkHelper.cleanTagsString(post.get("bookmarkFolder","/crawlStart")));
final Set < String > tags = ListManager . string2set ( BookmarkHelper . cleanTagsString ( "/crawlStart" ) ) ;
tags . add ( "crawlStart" ) ;
final String [ ] keywords = scraper . dc_subject ( ) ;
if ( keywords ! = null ) {
for ( final String k : keywords ) {
final String kk = BookmarkHelper . cleanTagsString ( k ) ;
if ( kk . length ( ) > 0 ) tags . add ( kk ) ;
String tagStr = tags . toString ( ) ;
if ( tagStr . length ( ) > 2 & & tagStr . startsWith ( "[" ) & & tagStr . endsWith ( "]" ) ) tagStr = tagStr . substring ( 1 , tagStr . length ( ) - 2 ) ;
// we will create always a bookmark to use this to track crawled hosts
final BookmarksDB . Bookmark bookmark = sb . bookmarksDB . createBookmark ( url . toNormalform ( true , false ) , "admin" ) ;
if ( bookmark ! = null ) {
bookmark . setProperty ( BookmarksDB . Bookmark . BOOKMARK_TITLE , title ) ;
bookmark . setProperty ( BookmarksDB . Bookmark . BOOKMARK_DESCRIPTION , description ) ;
bookmark . setOwner ( "admin" ) ;
bookmark . setPublic ( false ) ;
bookmark . setTags ( tags , true ) ;
sb . bookmarksDB . saveBookmark ( bookmark ) ;
// do the same for ymarks
// TODO: could a non admin user add crawls?
try {
sb . tables . bookmarks . createBookmark ( sb . loader , url , YMarkTables . USER_ADMIN , true , "crawlStart" , "/Crawl Start" ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
} catch ( Failure e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
// that was ok
return null ;
private static long recrawlIfOlderC ( final boolean recrawlIfOlderCheck , final int recrawlIfOlderNumber , final String crawlingIfOlderUnit ) {
if ( ! recrawlIfOlderCheck ) return 0 L ;
if ( "year" . equals ( crawlingIfOlderUnit ) ) return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - recrawlIfOlderNumber * 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 365L ;
if ( "month" . equals ( crawlingIfOlderUnit ) ) return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - recrawlIfOlderNumber * 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 30L ;
if ( "day" . equals ( crawlingIfOlderUnit ) ) return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - recrawlIfOlderNumber * 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L ;
if ( "hour" . equals ( crawlingIfOlderUnit ) ) return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - recrawlIfOlderNumber * 1000L * 60L * 60L ;
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - recrawlIfOlderNumber ;
private static void setPerformance ( final Switchboard sb , final serverObjects post ) {
final String crawlingPerformance = post . get ( "crawlingPerformance" , "custom" ) ;
final long LCbusySleep = sb . getConfigLong ( SwitchboardConstants . CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_BUSYSLEEP , 1000L ) ;
int wantedPPM = ( LCbusySleep = = 0 ) ? 30000 : ( int ) ( 60000L / LCbusySleep ) ;
try {
wantedPPM = post . getInt ( "customPPM" , wantedPPM ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { }
if ( "minimum" . equals ( crawlingPerformance . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) wantedPPM = 10 ;
if ( "maximum" . equals ( crawlingPerformance . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) wantedPPM = 30000 ;
sb . setPerformance ( wantedPPM ) ;
private static String siteFilter ( final Set < ? extends MultiProtocolURI > uris ) {
final StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
final Set < String > filterSet = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
for ( final MultiProtocolURI uri : uris ) {
filterSet . add ( new StringBuilder ( ) . append ( uri . getProtocol ( ) ) . append ( "://" ) . append ( uri . getHost ( ) ) . append ( ".*" ) . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( ! uri . getHost ( ) . startsWith ( "www." ) ) {
filterSet . add ( new StringBuilder ( ) . append ( uri . getProtocol ( ) ) . append ( "://www." ) . append ( uri . getHost ( ) ) . append ( ".*" ) . toString ( ) ) ;
for ( final String element : filterSet ) {
filter . append ( '|' ) . append ( element ) ;
return filter . length ( ) > 0 ? filter . substring ( 1 ) : "" ;
private static String subpathFilter ( final Set < ? extends MultiProtocolURI > uris ) {
final StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
final Set < String > filterSet = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
for ( final MultiProtocolURI uri : uris ) {
filterSet . add ( new StringBuilder ( ) . append ( uri . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) . append ( ".*" ) . toString ( ) ) ;
for ( final String element : filterSet ) {
filter . append ( '|' ) . append ( element ) ;
return filter . length ( ) > 0 ? filter . substring ( 1 ) : "" ;