@ -23,18 +23,11 @@
package de.anomic.data ;
import java.io.BufferedReader ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException ;
import java.io.FileReader ;
import java.io.FileWriter ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStreamReader ;
import java.io.Serializable ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.Comparator ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
@ -42,24 +35,15 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.MapHeap ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.NaturalOrder ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.DateFormatter ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.BusyThread ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.InstantBusyThread ;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile ;
import de.anomic.crawler.retrieval.Request ;
import de.anomic.search.Segments ;
import de.anomic.search.Switchboard ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsPool ;
public class bookmarksDB {
// ------------------------------------
// Declaration of Class-Attributes
// ------------------------------------
@ -67,7 +51,6 @@ public class bookmarksDB {
//final static int SORT_ALPHA = 1;
private final static int SORT_SIZE = 2 ;
private final static int SHOW_ALL = - 1 ;
private final static String SLEEP_TIME = "3600000" ; // default sleepTime: check for recrawls every hour
// bookmarks
private MapHeap bookmarks ;
@ -75,9 +58,6 @@ public class bookmarksDB {
// tags
private ConcurrentHashMap < String , Tag > tags ;
// autoReCrawl
private final BusyThread autoReCrawl ;
private BookmarkDate dates ;
// ------------------------------------
@ -120,15 +100,6 @@ public class bookmarksDB {
//this.datesTable = new MapView(BLOBTree.toHeap(datesFile, true, true, 20, 256, '_', NaturalOrder.naturalOrder, datesFileNew), 500, '_');
this . dates = new BookmarkDate ( datesFile ) ;
if ( ! datesExisted ) this . dates . init ( new bookmarkIterator ( true ) ) ;
// autoReCrawl
final Switchboard sb = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) ;
this . autoReCrawl = new InstantBusyThread ( this , "autoReCrawl" , null , null , Long . MIN_VALUE , Long . MAX_VALUE , Long . MIN_VALUE , Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
final long sleepTime = Long . parseLong ( sb . getConfig ( "autoReCrawl_idlesleep" , SLEEP_TIME ) ) ;
sb . deployThread ( "autoReCrawl" , "autoReCrawl Scheduler" , "simple scheduler for automatic re-crawls of bookmarked urls" , null , autoReCrawl , 120000 ,
sleepTime , sleepTime , Long . parseLong ( sb . getConfig ( "autoReCrawl_memprereq" , "-1" ) )
) ;
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - serverBusyThread initialized checking every " + ( sleepTime / 1000 / 60 ) + " minutes for recrawls" ) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------
@ -141,163 +112,6 @@ public class bookmarksDB {
dates . close ( ) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// bookmarksDB's functions for autoReCrawl
// -----------------------------------------------------
public boolean autoReCrawl ( ) {
// read crontab
final File file = new File ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/autoReCrawl.conf" ) ;
String s ;
try {
final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( new FileInputStream ( file ) ) ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - reading schedules from " + file ) ;
while ( null ! = ( s = in . readLine ( ) ) ) {
if ( s . length ( ) > 0 & & s . charAt ( 0 ) ! = '#' ) {
final String parser [ ] = s . split ( "\t" ) ;
if ( parser . length = = 13 ) {
folderReCrawl ( Long . parseLong ( parser [ 0 ] ) , parser [ 1 ] , parser [ 2 ] , Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 3 ] ) , Long . parseLong ( parser [ 4 ] ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 5 ] ) , Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 6 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 7 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 8 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 9 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 10 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 11 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 12 ] ) , CrawlProfile . CacheStrategy . IFFRESH
) ;
if ( parser . length = = 14 ) {
folderReCrawl ( Long . parseLong ( parser [ 0 ] ) , parser [ 1 ] , parser [ 2 ] , Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 3 ] ) , Long . parseLong ( parser [ 4 ] ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 5 ] ) , Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 6 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 7 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 8 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 9 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 10 ] ) , Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 11 ] ) ,
Boolean . parseBoolean ( parser [ 12 ] ) , CrawlProfile . CacheStrategy . decode ( Integer . parseInt ( parser [ 13 ] ) )
) ;
in . close ( ) ;
} catch ( FileNotFoundException ex ) {
try {
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - creating new autoReCrawl.conf" ) ;
final File inputFile = new File ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getRootPath ( ) , "defaults/autoReCrawl.conf" ) ;
final File outputFile = new File ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getRootPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/autoReCrawl.conf" ) ;
final FileReader i = new FileReader ( inputFile ) ;
final FileWriter o = new FileWriter ( outputFile ) ;
int c ;
while ( ( c = i . read ( ) ) ! = - 1 ) {
o . write ( c ) ;
i . close ( ) ;
o . close ( ) ;
autoReCrawl ( ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - file not found error: defaults/autoReCrawl.conf" , e ) ;
return false ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logSevere ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - IOException: defaults/autoReCrawl.conf" , e ) ;
return false ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
Log . logSevere ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - error reading " + file , ex ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public void folderReCrawl ( long schedule , String folder , String crawlingfilter , int newcrawlingdepth , long crawlingIfOlder ,
int crawlingDomFilterDepth , int crawlingDomMaxPages , boolean crawlingQ , boolean indexText , boolean indexMedia ,
boolean crawlOrder , boolean xsstopw , boolean storeHTCache , CrawlProfile . CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ) {
final Switchboard sb = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) ;
final Iterator < String > bit = getBookmarksIterator ( folder , true ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - processing: " + folder ) ;
final boolean xdstopw = xsstopw ;
final boolean xpstopw = xsstopw ;
while ( bit . hasNext ( ) ) {
final Bookmark bm = getBookmark ( bit . next ( ) ) ;
final long sleepTime = Long . parseLong ( sb . getConfig ( "autoReCrawl_idlesleep" , SLEEP_TIME ) ) ;
final long interTime = ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - bm . getTimeStamp ( ) ) % schedule ;
final Date date = new Date ( bm . getTimeStamp ( ) ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - checking schedule for: " + "[" + DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( date ) + "] " + bm . getUrl ( ) ) ;
if ( interTime > = 0 & & interTime < sleepTime ) {
try {
int pos = 0 ;
// set crawlingStart to BookmarkUrl
final String crawlingStart = bm . getUrl ( ) ;
String newcrawlingMustMatch = crawlingfilter ;
final DigestURI crawlingStartURL = new DigestURI ( crawlingStart , null ) ;
// set the crawling filter
if ( newcrawlingMustMatch . length ( ) < 2 ) newcrawlingMustMatch = ".*" ; // avoid that all urls are filtered out if bad value was submitted
if ( crawlingStartURL ! = null & & newcrawlingMustMatch . equals ( "dom" ) ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = ".*" + crawlingStartURL . getHost ( ) + ".*" ;
if ( crawlingStart ! = null & & newcrawlingMustMatch . equals ( "sub" ) & & ( pos = crawlingStart . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) ) > 0 ) {
newcrawlingMustMatch = crawlingStart . substring ( 0 , pos + 1 ) + ".*" ;
// check if the crawl filter works correctly
Pattern . compile ( newcrawlingMustMatch ) ;
final byte [ ] urlhash = crawlingStartURL . hash ( ) ;
sb . indexSegments . urlMetadata ( Segments . Process . LOCALCRAWLING ) . remove ( urlhash ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . noticeURL . removeByURLHash ( urlhash ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . errorURL . remove ( urlhash ) ;
// stack url
sb . crawler . profilesPassiveCrawls . removeEntry ( crawlingStartURL . hash ( ) ) ; // if there is an old entry, delete it
final CrawlProfile . entry pe = sb . crawler . profilesActiveCrawls . newEntry (
folder + "/" + crawlingStartURL , crawlingStartURL ,
newcrawlingMustMatch ,
CrawlProfile . MATCH_BAD_URL ,
newcrawlingdepth ,
sb . crawler . profilesActiveCrawls . getRecrawlDate ( crawlingIfOlder ) , crawlingDomFilterDepth , crawlingDomMaxPages ,
crawlingQ ,
indexText , indexMedia ,
storeHTCache , true , crawlOrder , xsstopw , xdstopw , xpstopw , cacheStrategy ) ;
sb . crawlStacker . enqueueEntry ( new Request (
sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
crawlingStartURL ,
null ,
new Date ( ) ,
pe . handle ( ) ,
0 ,
0 ,
) ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "BOOKMARKS" , "autoReCrawl - adding crawl profile for: " + crawlingStart ) ;
// serverLog.logInfo("BOOKMARKS", "autoReCrawl - crawl filter is set to: " + newcrawlingfilter);
// generate a YaCyNews if the global flag was set
if ( crawlOrder ) {
Map < String , String > m = new HashMap < String , String > ( pe . map ( ) ) ; // must be cloned
m . remove ( "specificDepth" ) ;
m . remove ( "indexText" ) ;
m . remove ( "indexMedia" ) ;
m . remove ( "remoteIndexing" ) ;
m . remove ( "xsstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "xpstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "xdstopw" ) ;
m . remove ( "storeTXCache" ) ;
m . remove ( "storeHTCache" ) ;
m . remove ( "generalFilter" ) ;
m . remove ( "specificFilter" ) ;
m . put ( "intention" , "Automatic ReCrawl!" ) ;
sb . peers . newsPool . publishMyNews ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) , yacyNewsPool . CATEGORY_CRAWL_START , m ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e1 ) { }
} // if
} // while(bit.hasNext())
} // } autoReCrawl()
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// bookmarksDB's functions for bookmarksTable / bookmarkCache
// -----------------------------------------------------------