package net.yacy ;
// -----------------------
// (C) by Alexander Schier
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import ;
import ;
import ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Locale ;
import java.util.Set ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Digest ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.TimeoutRequest ;
import ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.BusyThread ;
import ;
import ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.LukeResponse.FieldInfo ;
public class migration {
//SVN constants (version & revision format = v.vvv0rrrr)
public static final double TAGDB_WITH_TAGHASH = 0.43101635 ; //tagDB keys are tagHashes instead of plain tagname.
public static final double NEW_OVERLAYS = 0.56504422 ;
public static final double IDX_HOST_VER = 0.99007724 ; // api for index retrieval: host index
/ * *
* Migrates older configuratin to current version
* @param sb
* @param fromVer the long version & revision ( example 1.83009123 )
* @param toRev to current version
* /
public static void migrate ( final Switchboard sb , final double fromVer , final double toVer ) {
if ( fromVer < toVer ) {
if ( fromVer < TAGDB_WITH_TAGHASH ) {
migrateBookmarkTagsDB ( sb ) ;
if ( fromVer < NEW_OVERLAYS ) {
migrateDefaultFiles ( sb ) ;
// use String.format to cut-off small rounding errors
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Migrating from " + String . format ( Locale . US , "%.8f" , fromVer ) + " to " + String . format ( Locale . US , "%.8f" , toVer ) ) ;
if ( fromVer < 0.47d ) {
presetPasswords ( sb ) ;
migrateSwitchConfigSettings ( sb ) ;
migrateWorkFiles ( sb ) ;
if ( fromVer < 0.431d ) installSkins ( sb ) ;
// ssl/https support currently on hardcoded default port 8443 (v1.67/9563)
// make sure YaCy can start (disable ssl/https support if port is used)
if ( sb . getConfigBool ( "server.https" , false ) ) {
if ( TimeoutRequest . ping ( "" , 8443 , 3000 ) ) {
sb . setConfig ( "server.https" , false ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "disabled https support (reason: default port 8443 already used)" ) ;
/ *
* remove the static defaultfiles . We use them through a overlay now .
* /
public static void migrateDefaultFiles ( final Switchboard sb ) {
File file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "share/dir.html" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "share/dir.class" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "share/" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "www/welcome.html" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "www/" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
file = new File ( sb . htDocsPath , "www/welcome.class" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) )
delete ( file ) ;
/ *
* copy skins from the release to DATA / SKINS .
* /
public static void installSkins ( final Switchboard sb ) {
final File skinsPath = sb . getDataPath ( "skinPath" , SwitchboardConstants . SKINS_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
final File defaultSkinsPath = new File ( sb . getAppPath ( ) , "skins" ) ;
if ( defaultSkinsPath . exists ( ) ) {
final List < String > skinFiles = FileUtils . getDirListing ( defaultSkinsPath . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
mkdirs ( skinsPath ) ;
for ( final String skinFile : skinFiles ) {
if ( skinFile . endsWith ( ".css" ) ) {
final File from = new File ( defaultSkinsPath , skinFile ) ;
final File to = new File ( skinsPath , skinFile ) ;
if ( from . lastModified ( ) > to . lastModified ( ) ) try {
Files . copy ( from , to ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) { }
String skin = sb . getConfig ( "currentSkin" , "default" ) ;
if ( skin . equals ( "" ) ) {
skin = "default" ;
final File skinsDir = sb . getDataPath ( "skinPath" , SwitchboardConstants . SKINS_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
final File skinFile = new File ( skinsDir , skin + ".css" ) ;
final File htdocsPath = new File ( sb . getDataPath ( SwitchboardConstants . HTDOCS_PATH , SwitchboardConstants . HTROOT_PATH_DEFAULT ) , "env" ) ;
final File styleFile = new File ( htdocsPath , "style.css" ) ;
if ( ! skinFile . exists ( ) ) {
if ( styleFile . exists ( ) ) {
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Skin " + skin + " not found. Keeping old skin." ) ;
} else {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "MIGRATION" , "Skin " + skin + " and no existing Skin found." ) ;
} else {
try {
mkdirs ( styleFile . getParentFile ( ) ) ;
Files . copy ( skinFile , styleFile ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "copied new Skinfile" ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . severe ( "MIGRATION" , "Cannot copy skinfile." ) ;
/ * *
* @param path
* /
private static void mkdirs ( final File path ) {
if ( ! path . exists ( ) ) {
if ( ! path . mkdirs ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "MIGRATION" , "could not create directories for " + path ) ;
public static void migrateBookmarkTagsDB ( final Switchboard sb ) {
if ( sb . bookmarksDB ! = null ) sb . bookmarksDB . close ( ) ;
final File tagsDBFile = new File ( sb . workPath , "bookmarkTags.db" ) ;
if ( tagsDBFile . exists ( ) ) {
delete ( tagsDBFile ) ;
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Migrating bookmarkTags.db to use wordhashs as keys." ) ;
try {
sb . initBookmarks ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
/ * *
* @param filename
* /
private static void delete ( final File filename ) {
if ( ! filename . delete ( ) )
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "MIGRATION" , "could not delete " + filename ) ;
public static void migrateWorkFiles ( final Switchboard sb ) {
File file = new File ( sb . getDataPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/wiki.db" ) ;
File file2 ;
if ( file . exists ( ) ) {
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Migrating wiki.db to " + sb . workPath ) ;
sb . wikiDB . close ( ) ;
file2 = new File ( sb . workPath , "wiki.db" ) ;
try {
Files . copy ( file , file2 ) ;
file . delete ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
file = new File ( sb . getDataPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/wiki-bkp.db" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) ) {
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Migrating wiki-bkp.db to " + sb . workPath ) ;
file2 = new File ( sb . workPath , "wiki-bkp.db" ) ;
try {
Files . copy ( file , file2 ) ;
file . delete ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) { }
try {
sb . initWiki ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
file = new File ( sb . getDataPath ( ) , "DATA/SETTINGS/message.db" ) ;
if ( file . exists ( ) ) {
ConcurrentLog . info ( "MIGRATION" , "Migrating message.db to " + sb . workPath ) ;
sb . messageDB . close ( ) ;
file2 = new File ( sb . workPath , "message.db" ) ;
try {
Files . copy ( file , file2 ) ;
file . delete ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) { }
try {
sb . initMessages ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
public static void presetPasswords ( final Switchboard sb ) {
// set preset accounts/passwords
String acc ;
if ( ( acc = sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . ADMIN_ACCOUNT , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5 , Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( Base64Order . standardCoder . encodeString ( acc ) ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . ADMIN_ACCOUNT , "" ) ;
// fix unsafe old passwords
if ( ( acc = sb . getConfig ( "proxyAccountBase64" , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( "proxyAccountBase64MD5" , Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( acc ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "proxyAccountBase64" , "" ) ;
if ( ( acc = sb . getConfig ( "uploadAccountBase64" , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( "uploadAccountBase64MD5" , Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( acc ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "uploadAccountBase64" , "" ) ;
if ( ( acc = sb . getConfig ( "downloadAccountBase64" , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( "downloadAccountBase64MD5" , Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( acc ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "downloadAccountBase64" , "" ) ;
public static void migrateSwitchConfigSettings ( final Switchboard sb ) {
// migration for additional parser settings
String value = "" ;
//Locales in DATA, because DATA must be writable, htroot not.
if ( sb . getConfig ( "locale.translated_html" , "DATA/LOCALE/htroot" ) . equals ( "htroot/locale" ) ) {
sb . setConfig ( "locale.translated_html" , "DATA/LOCALE/htroot" ) ;
// migration for blacklists
if ( ( value = sb . getConfig ( "proxyBlackListsActive" , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( "proxy.BlackLists" , value ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "crawler.BlackLists" , value ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "dht.BlackLists" , value ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "search.BlackLists" , value ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "surftips.BlackLists" , value ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "BlackLists.Shared" , sb . getConfig ( "proxyBlackListsShared" , "" ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "proxyBlackListsActive" , "" ) ;
// migration of http specific crawler settings
if ( ( value = sb . getConfig ( "crawler.acceptLanguage" , "" ) ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
sb . setConfig ( "crawler.http.acceptEncoding" , sb . getConfig ( "crawler.acceptEncoding" , "gzip,deflate" ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "crawler.http.acceptLanguage" , sb . getConfig ( "crawler.acceptLanguage" , "en-us,en;q=0.5" ) ) ;
sb . setConfig ( "crawler.http.acceptCharset" , sb . getConfig ( "crawler.acceptCharset" , "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" ) ) ;
// patch the blacklist because of a release strategy change from 0.7 and up
if ( ( value = sb . getConfig ( "update.blacklist" , "" ) ) . equals ( "....[123]" ) ) {
value = "" ; // no default (remove prev. setting "...[123]" as it hits "1.71" release, added 2014-04-13)
sb . setConfig ( "update.blacklist" , value ) ;
/ * *
* Reindex embedded solr index
* - all documents with inactive fields ( according to current schema )
* - all documents with obsolete fields
* A worker thread is initialized with fieldnames or a solr query which selects the documents for reindexing
* implemented via deployed BusyThread which is called repeatedly by system
* reindexes a fixed chunk of documents per cycle ( allowing to easy interrupt process after completion of a chunck )
* and monitoring in default process monitor ( PerformanceQueues_p . html )
* /
public static int reindexToschema ( final Switchboard sb ) {
BusyThread bt = sb . getThread ( ReindexSolrBusyThread . THREAD_NAME ) ;
// a reindex job is already running
if ( bt ! = null ) {
return bt . getJobCount ( ) ;
boolean lukeCheckok = false ;
Set < String > omitFields = new HashSet < String > ( 4 ) ;
omitFields . add ( CollectionSchema . author_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ; // special fields to exclude from disabled check
omitFields . add ( CollectionSchema . coordinate_p_0_coordinate . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
omitFields . add ( CollectionSchema . coordinate_p_1_coordinate . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
omitFields . add ( "_version_" ) ; // exclude internal Solr std. field from obsolete check
CollectionConfiguration colcfg = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . index . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConfiguration ( ) ;
ReindexSolrBusyThread reidx = new ReindexSolrBusyThread ( null ) ; // ("*:*" would reindex all);
try { // get all fields contained in index
Collection < FieldInfo > solrfields = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . index . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultEmbeddedConnector ( ) . getFields ( ) ;
for ( FieldInfo solrfield : solrfields ) {
if ( ! colcfg . contains ( solrfield . getName ( ) ) & & ! omitFields . contains ( solrfield . getName ( ) ) & & ! solrfield . getName ( ) . startsWith ( CollectionSchema . VOCABULARY_PREFIX ) ) { // add found fields not in config for reindexing but omit the vocabulary fields
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( solrfield . getName ( ) ) ;
lukeCheckok = true ;
} catch ( final SolrServerException ex ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( ex ) ;
if ( ! lukeCheckok ) { // if luke failed alternatively use config and manual list
// add all disabled fields
Iterator < Entry > itcol = colcfg . entryIterator ( ) ;
while ( itcol . hasNext ( ) ) { // check for disabled fields in config
Entry etr = itcol . next ( ) ;
if ( ! etr . enabled ( ) & & ! omitFields . contains ( etr . key ( ) ) ) {
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( etr . key ( ) ) ;
// add obsolete fields (not longer part of main index)
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "author_s" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "css_tag_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "css_url_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "scripts_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "images_tag_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "images_urlstub_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "canonical_t" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "frames_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "iframes_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_tag_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_relflags_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_name_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_rel_sxt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_text_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_text_chars_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_text_words_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "inboundlinks_alttag_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_tag_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_relflags_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_name_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_rel_sxt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_text_txt" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_text_chars_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_text_words_val" ) ;
reidx . addSelectFieldname ( "outboundlinks_alttag_txt" ) ;
sb . deployThread ( ReindexSolrBusyThread . THREAD_NAME , "Reindex Solr" , "reindex documents with obsolete fields in embedded Solr index" , "/IndexReIndexMonitor_p.html" , reidx , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;