@ -48,16 +48,14 @@ import de.anomic.kelondro.io.AbstractRandomAccess;
import de.anomic.kelondro.io.RandomAccessInterface ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.ByteOrder ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.NaturalOrder ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.RotateIterator ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.EcoTable ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.FlexTable ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.FlexWidthArray ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.table.Tree ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.kelondroException ;
public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
public class BLOBTree {
private static final int counterlen = 8 ;
private static final int EcoFSBufferSize = 20 ;
@ -69,17 +67,14 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
private final ObjectIndex index ;
private ObjectBuffer buffer ;
private final Row rowdef ;
private File file ;
/ * *
* Deprecated Class . Please use kelondroBLOBHeap instead
* /
public BLOBTree ( final File file , final boolean useNodeCache , final boolean useObjectCache , final int key ,
private BLOBTree ( final File file , final boolean useNodeCache , final boolean useObjectCache , final int key ,
final int nodesize , final char fillChar , final ByteOrder objectOrder , final boolean usetree , final boolean writebuffer , final boolean resetOnFail ) {
// creates or opens a dynamic tree
rowdef = new Row ( "byte[] key-" + ( key + counterlen ) + ", byte[] node-" + nodesize , objectOrder ) ;
this . file = file ;
ObjectIndex fbi ;
if ( usetree ) {
try {
@ -117,57 +112,38 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
//this.segmentCount = 0;
//if (!(tree.fileExisted)) writeSegmentCount();
buffer = new ObjectBuffer ( file . toString ( ) ) ;
/ *
// debug
try {
kelondroCloneableIterator < byte [ ] > i = keys ( true , false ) ;
HashSet < String > t = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
byte [ ] b = i . next ( ) ;
String s = new String ( b ) ;
t . add ( s ) ;
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG BLOBTree " + file . getName ( ) + " KEY=" + s ) ;
Iterator < String > j = t . iterator ( ) ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
String s = j . next ( ) ;
byte [ ] r = this . get ( s . getBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( r = = null ) System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG BLOBTree " + file . getName ( ) + " KEY=" + s + " cannot be retrieved" ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
* /
public String name ( ) {
return this . file . getName ( ) ;
public static final void delete ( final File file ) {
if ( file . isFile ( ) ) {
FileUtils . deletedelete ( file ) ;
} else {
FlexWidthArray . delete ( file . getParentFile ( ) , file . getName ( ) ) ;
public static BLOBHeap toHeap ( final File file , final boolean useNodeCache , final boolean useObjectCache , final int key ,
final int nodesize , final char fillChar , final ByteOrder objectOrder , final boolean usetree , final boolean writebuffer , final boolean resetOnFail , final File blob ) throws IOException {
if ( blob . exists ( ) | | ! file . exists ( ) ) {
// open the blob file and ignore the tree
return new BLOBHeap ( blob , key , objectOrder , 1024 * 64 ) ;
public synchronized void clear ( ) throws IOException {
final String name = this . index . filename ( ) ;
this . index . clear ( ) ;
this . buffer = new ObjectBuffer ( name ) ;
public int keylength ( ) {
return this . keylen ;
public ByteOrder ordering ( ) {
return this . rowdef . objectOrder ;
public synchronized int size ( ) {
return index . size ( ) ;
// open a Tree and migrate everything to a Heap
BLOBTree tree = new BLOBTree ( file , useNodeCache , useObjectCache , key , nodesize , fillChar , objectOrder , usetree , writebuffer , resetOnFail ) ;
BLOBHeap heap = new BLOBHeap ( blob , key , objectOrder , 1024 * 64 ) ;
Iterator < byte [ ] > i = tree . keys ( true , false ) ;
byte [ ] k , kk = new byte [ key ] , v ;
String s ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
k = i . next ( ) ;
//assert k.length == key : "k.length = " + k.length + ", key = " + key;
if ( k = = null ) continue ;
v = tree . get ( k ) ;
if ( v = = null ) continue ;
s = new String ( v , "UTF-8" ) . trim ( ) ;
// enlarge entry key to fit into the given key length
if ( k . length = = key ) {
heap . put ( k , s . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} else {
System . arraycopy ( k , 0 , kk , 0 , k . length ) ;
for ( int j = k . length ; j < key ; j + + ) kk [ j ] = ( byte ) fillChar ;
heap . put ( kk , s . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
tree . close ( false ) ;
return heap ;
private static String counter ( final int c ) {
@ -187,7 +163,7 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
String origKey ( final byte [ ] rawKey ) {
private String origKey ( final byte [ ] rawKey ) {
int n = keylen - 1 ;
if ( n > = rawKey . length ) n = rawKey . length - 1 ;
while ( ( n > 0 ) & & ( rawKey [ n ] = = ( byte ) fillChar ) ) n - - ;
@ -198,12 +174,12 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
p ublic class keyIterator implements CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > {
p rivate class keyIterator implements CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > {
// the iterator iterates all keys
CloneableIterator < Row . Entry > ri ;
String nextKey ;
p ublic keyIterator ( final CloneableIterator < Row . Entry > iter ) {
p rivate keyIterator ( final CloneableIterator < Row . Entry > iter ) {
ri = iter ;
nextKey = n ( ) ;
@ -212,11 +188,11 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
return new keyIterator ( ri . clone ( modifier ) ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return nextKey ! = null ;
public byte [ ] next ( ) {
public byte [ ] next ( ) {
final String result = nextKey ;
nextKey = n ( ) ;
try {
@ -226,7 +202,7 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
public void remove ( ) {
public void remove ( ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "no remove in RawKeyIterator" ) ;
@ -263,17 +239,13 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
p ublic synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
p rivate synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final boolean rotating ) throws IOException {
// iterates only the keys of the Nodes
// enumerated objects are of type String
final keyIterator i = new keyIterator ( index . rows ( up , null ) ) ;
if ( rotating ) return new RotateIterator < byte [ ] > ( i , null , index . size ( ) ) ;
return i ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return new keyIterator ( index . rows ( up , firstKey ) ) ;
private byte [ ] getValueCached ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
@ -297,7 +269,7 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
synchronized int get ( final String key , final int pos ) throws IOException {
private synchronized int get ( final String key , final int pos ) throws IOException {
final int reccnt = pos / reclen ;
// read within a single record
final byte [ ] buf = getValueCached ( elementKey ( key , reccnt ) ) ;
@ -307,13 +279,13 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
return buf [ recpos ] & 0xFF ;
p ublic synchronized byte [ ] get ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
p rivate synchronized byte [ ] get ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
final RandomAccessInterface ra = getRA ( new String ( key , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
if ( ra = = null ) return null ;
return ra . readFully ( ) ;
synchronized byte [ ] get ( final String key , final int pos , final int len ) throws IOException {
private synchronized byte [ ] get ( final String key , final int pos , final int len ) throws IOException {
final int recpos = pos % reclen ;
final int reccnt = pos / reclen ;
byte [ ] segment1 ;
@ -356,12 +328,8 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
System . arraycopy ( segment2 , 0 , result , segment1 . length , segment2 . length ) ;
return result ;
public synchronized void put ( final byte [ ] key , final byte [ ] b ) throws IOException {
put ( new String ( key ) , 0 , b , 0 , b . length ) ;
synchronized void put ( final String key , final int pos , final byte [ ] b , final int off , final int len ) throws IOException {
private synchronized void put ( final String key , final int pos , final byte [ ] b , final int off , final int len ) throws IOException {
final int recpos = pos % reclen ;
final int reccnt = pos / reclen ;
byte [ ] buf ;
@ -397,7 +365,7 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
synchronized void put ( final String key , final int pos , final int b ) throws IOException {
private synchronized void put ( final String key , final int pos , final int b ) throws IOException {
final int recpos = pos % reclen ;
final int reccnt = pos / reclen ;
byte [ ] buf ;
@ -413,42 +381,21 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
buf [ recpos ] = ( byte ) b ;
setValueCached ( elementKey ( key , reccnt ) , buf ) ;
public synchronized void remove ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
// remove value in cache and tree
if ( key = = null ) return ;
int recpos = 0 ;
byte [ ] k ;
while ( index . get ( k = elementKey ( new String ( key , "UTF-8" ) , recpos ) ) ! = null ) {
index . remove ( k ) ;
buffer . remove ( k ) ;
recpos + + ;
//segmentCount--; writeSegmentCount();
public synchronized boolean has ( final byte [ ] key ) {
try {
return ( key ! = null ) & & ( getValueCached ( elementKey ( new String ( key ) , 0 ) ) ! = null ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return false ;
public synchronized RandomAccessInterface getRA ( final String filekey ) {
private synchronized RandomAccessInterface getRA ( final String filekey ) {
// this returns always a RARecord, even if no existed bevore
//return new kelondroBufferedRA(new RARecord(filekey), 512, 0);
return new RARecord ( filekey ) ;
p ublic class RARecord extends AbstractRandomAccess implements RandomAccessInterface {
private class RARecord extends AbstractRandomAccess implements RandomAccessInterface {
int seekpos = 0 ;
int compLength = - 1 ;
String filekey ;
p ublic RARecord ( final String filekey ) {
private RARecord ( final String filekey ) {
this . filekey = filekey ;
@ -500,62 +447,7 @@ public class BLOBTree implements BLOB {
p ublic synchronized void close ( boolean writeIDX ) {
p rivate synchronized void close ( boolean writeIDX ) {
index . close ( ) ;
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
// test app for DB functions
// reads/writes files to a database table
// arguments:
// {-f2db/-db2f} <db-name> <key> <filename>
if ( args . length = = 1 ) {
// open a db and list keys
try {
final BLOB kd = new BLOBTree ( new File ( args [ 0 ] ) , true , true , 4 , 100 , '_' , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder , true , false , false ) ;
System . out . println ( kd . size ( ) + " elements in DB" ) ;
final Iterator < byte [ ] > i = kd . keys ( true , false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) )
System . out . println ( new String ( i . next ( ) ) ) ;
kd . close ( true ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
public static int countElements ( final BLOBTree t ) {
int count = 0 ;
try {
final Iterator < byte [ ] > iter = t . keys ( true , false ) ;
while ( iter . hasNext ( ) ) { count + + ; if ( iter . next ( ) = = null ) System . out . println ( "ERROR! null element found" ) ; }
return count ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
return - 1 ;
public long length ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
byte [ ] b = get ( key ) ;
if ( b = = null ) return - 1 ;
return b . length ;
public long length ( ) throws IOException {
return this . file . length ( ) ;
public int replace ( byte [ ] key , Rewriter rewriter ) throws IOException {
byte [ ] b = get ( key ) ;
if ( b = = null ) {
remove ( key ) ;
return 0 ;
byte [ ] c = rewriter . rewrite ( b ) ;
int reduced = b . length - c . length ;
assert reduced > = 0 ;
put ( key , c ) ;
return reduced ;