You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

678 lines
31 KiB

// -----------------------
// part of YACY
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
// first published on
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// Created: 10.10.2005
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.SortClause;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.FacetParams;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.Ranking;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy;
import net.yacy.cora.geo.GeoLocation;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException;
import net.yacy.document.Condenser;
import net.yacy.document.LibraryProvider;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowHandleSet;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Bitfield;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.SetTools;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed;
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
public final class QueryParams {
public enum Searchdom {
public String toString() {
if (this == LOCAL) return "local";
else if (this == CLUSTER) return "global"; // yes thats right: global, not cluster because a cluster search is a global search
else if (this == GLOBAL) return "global";
return "local";
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
private static final CollectionSchema[] defaultfacetfields = new CollectionSchema[]{
CollectionSchema.host_s, CollectionSchema.url_protocol_s, CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s, CollectionSchema.author_sxt};
private static final int defaultmaxfacets = 30;
private static final String ampersand = "&";
public static final Bitfield empty_constraint = new Bitfield(4, "AAAAAA");
public static final Pattern catchall_pattern = Pattern.compile(".*");
private static final Pattern matchnothing_pattern = Pattern.compile("");
private final QueryGoal queryGoal;
public int itemsPerPage;
public int offset;
public Pattern urlMask;
public final Pattern prefer;
public final String tld, inlink;
boolean urlMask_isCatchall;
public final Classification.ContentDomain contentdom;
public final String targetlang;
protected final Collection<Tagging.Metatag> metatags;
public final Searchdom domType;
private final int zonecode;
public final int maxDistance;
public final Bitfield constraint;
public final boolean allofconstraint;
protected CacheStrategy snippetCacheStrategy;
public final RankingProfile ranking;
private final Segment indexSegment;
public final String clienthost; // this is the client host that starts the query, not a site operator
protected final Set<String> siteexcludes; // set of domain hashes that are excluded if not included by sitehash
public final QueryModifier modifier;
public Seed remotepeer;
public final long starttime; // the time when the query started, how long it should take and the time when the timeout is reached (milliseconds)
protected final long maxtime;
private final long timeout;
// values that are set after a search:
public int transmitcount; // number of results that had been shown to the user
public long searchtime, urlretrievaltime, snippetcomputationtime; // time to perform the search, to get all the urls, and to compute the snippets
public final String userAgent;
protected boolean filterfailurls, filterscannerfail;
protected double lat, lon, radius;
public LinkedHashSet<String> facetfields;
public int maxfacets;
private SolrQuery cachedQuery;
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
private CollectionConfiguration solrSchema;
public QueryParams(
final String query_original,
final String query_words,
final int itemsPerPage,
final Bitfield constraint,
final Segment indexSegment,
final RankingProfile ranking,
final String userAgent) {
this.queryGoal = new QueryGoal(query_original, query_words);
this.ranking = ranking;
this.modifier = new QueryModifier();
this.maxDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.urlMask = catchall_pattern;
this.urlMask_isCatchall = true;
this.tld = null;
this.inlink = null;
this.prefer = matchnothing_pattern;
this.contentdom = ContentDomain.ALL;
this.itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage;
this.offset = 0;
this.targetlang = "en";
this.metatags = new ArrayList<Tagging.Metatag>(0);
this.domType = Searchdom.LOCAL;
this.zonecode = DigestURI.TLD_any_zone_filter;
this.constraint = constraint;
this.allofconstraint = false;
this.snippetCacheStrategy = null;
this.clienthost = null;
this.siteexcludes = null;
this.remotepeer = null;
this.starttime = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
this.maxtime = 10000;
this.timeout = this.starttime + this.timeout;
this.indexSegment = indexSegment;
this.userAgent = userAgent;
this.transmitcount = 0;
this.filterfailurls = false;
this.filterscannerfail = false; = 0.0d;
this.lon = 0.0d;
this.radius = 0.0d;
this.facetfields = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
this.solrSchema = indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration();
for (CollectionSchema f: defaultfacetfields) {
if (solrSchema.contains(f)) facetfields.add(f.getSolrFieldName());
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
for (Tagging v: LibraryProvider.autotagging.getVocabularies()) this.facetfields.add(CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_PREFIX + v.getName() + CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_SUFFIX);
this.maxfacets = defaultmaxfacets;
this.cachedQuery = null;
public QueryParams(
final QueryGoal queryGoal,
final QueryModifier modifier,
final int maxDistance,
final String prefer,
final ContentDomain contentdom,
final String language,
final Collection<Tagging.Metatag> metatags,
final CacheStrategy snippetCacheStrategy,
final int itemsPerPage,
final int offset,
final String urlMask,
final String tld,
final String inlink,
final Searchdom domType,
final Bitfield constraint,
final boolean allofconstraint,
final Set<String> siteexcludes,
final int domainzone,
final String host,
final boolean specialRights,
final Segment indexSegment,
final RankingProfile ranking,
final String userAgent,
final boolean filterfailurls,
final boolean filterscannerfail,
final double lat,
final double lon,
final double radius
) {
this.queryGoal = queryGoal;
this.modifier = modifier;
this.ranking = ranking;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.contentdom = contentdom;
this.itemsPerPage = Math.min((specialRights) ? 10000 : 1000, itemsPerPage);
this.offset = Math.max(0, Math.min((specialRights) ? 10000 - this.itemsPerPage : 1000 - this.itemsPerPage, offset));
try {
this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(urlMask.toLowerCase());
} catch (final PatternSyntaxException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid regular expression: " + urlMask, ex);
this.urlMask_isCatchall = this.urlMask.toString().equals(catchall_pattern.toString());
if (this.urlMask_isCatchall) {
if (modifier.protocol != null) {
this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(modifier.protocol + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
if (tld != null) {
this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(".*" + tld + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
if (modifier.filetype != null) {
this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(".*" + modifier.filetype + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
this.tld = tld;
this.inlink = inlink;
try {
this.prefer = Pattern.compile(prefer);
} catch (final PatternSyntaxException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid regular expression: " + prefer, ex);
assert language != null;
this.targetlang = language;
this.metatags = metatags;
this.domType = domType;
this.zonecode = domainzone;
this.constraint = constraint;
this.allofconstraint = allofconstraint;
this.siteexcludes = siteexcludes != null && siteexcludes.isEmpty() ? null: siteexcludes;
this.snippetCacheStrategy = snippetCacheStrategy;
this.clienthost = host;
this.remotepeer = null;
this.starttime = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
this.maxtime = 10000;
this.timeout = this.starttime + this.timeout;
this.indexSegment = indexSegment;
this.userAgent = userAgent;
this.transmitcount = 0;
this.filterfailurls = filterfailurls;
this.filterscannerfail = filterscannerfail;
// we normalize here the location and radius because that should cause a better caching
// and as surplus it will increase privacy = Math.floor(lat * this.kmNormal) / this.kmNormal;
this.lon = Math.floor(lon * this.kmNormal) / this.kmNormal;
this.radius = Math.floor(radius * this.kmNormal + 1) / this.kmNormal;
this.facetfields = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
this.solrSchema = indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration();
for (CollectionSchema f: defaultfacetfields) {
if (solrSchema.contains(f)) facetfields.add(f.getSolrFieldName());
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
for (Tagging v: LibraryProvider.autotagging.getVocabularies()) this.facetfields.add(CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_PREFIX + v.getName() + CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_SUFFIX);
this.maxfacets = defaultmaxfacets;
this.cachedQuery = null;
private double kmNormal = 100.d; // 100 =ca 40000.d / 360.d == 111.11 - if lat/lon is multiplied with this, rounded and diveded by this, the location is normalized to a 1km grid
public Segment getSegment() {
return this.indexSegment;
public int neededResults() {
// the number of result lines that must be computed
return this.offset + this.itemsPerPage;
public int itemsPerPage() {
// the number of result lines that are displayed at once (size of result page)
return this.itemsPerPage;
public void setOffset(final int newOffset) {
this.offset = newOffset;
public boolean isLocal() {
return this.domType == Searchdom.LOCAL;
public static HandleSet hashes2Set(final String query) {
final HandleSet keyhashes = new RowHandleSet(WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.primaryKeyLength, WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.objectOrder, 0);
if (query != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < (query.length() / Word.commonHashLength); i++) try {
keyhashes.put(ASCII.getBytes(query.substring(i * Word.commonHashLength, (i + 1) * Word.commonHashLength)));
} catch (final SpaceExceededException e) {
return keyhashes;
public static String hashSet2hashString(final HandleSet hashes) {
final byte[] bb = new byte[hashes.size() * Word.commonHashLength];
int p = 0;
for (final byte[] b : hashes) {
assert b.length == Word.commonHashLength : "hash = " + ASCII.String(b);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, bb, p, Word.commonHashLength);
p += Word.commonHashLength;
return ASCII.String(bb);
public static String hashSet2hashString(final Set<String> hashes) {
final byte[] bb = new byte[hashes.size() * Word.commonHashLength];
int p = 0;
for (final String s : hashes) {
assert s.length() == Word.commonHashLength : "hash = " + s;
System.arraycopy(ASCII.getBytes(s), 0, bb, p, Word.commonHashLength);
p += Word.commonHashLength;
return ASCII.String(bb);
public static String anonymizedQueryHashes(final HandleSet hashes) {
// create a more anonymized representation of a query hashes for logging
final Iterator<byte[]> i = hashes.iterator();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(hashes.size() * (Word.commonHashLength + 2) + 2);
byte[] hash;
if (i.hasNext()) {
hash =;
sb.append(ASCII.String(hash).substring(0, 3)).append(".........");
while (i.hasNext()) {
hash =;
sb.append(", ").append(ASCII.String(hash).substring(0, 3)).append(".........");
return sb.toString();
* check if the given text matches with the query
* this checks inclusion and exclusion words
* @param text
* @return true if the query matches with the given text
private final boolean matchesText(final String text) {
boolean ret = false;
final HandleSet wordhashes = Word.words2hashesHandles(Condenser.getWords(text, null).keySet());
if (!SetTools.anymatch(wordhashes, this.queryGoal.getExcludeHashes())) {
ret = SetTools.totalInclusion(this.queryGoal.getIncludeHashes(), wordhashes);
return ret;
protected static final boolean anymatch(final String text, final HandleSet keyhashes) {
// returns true if any of the word hashes in keyhashes appear in the String text
// to do this, all words in the string must be recognized and transcoded to word hashes
if (keyhashes == null || keyhashes.isEmpty()) return false;
final HandleSet wordhashes = Word.words2hashesHandles(Condenser.getWords(text, null).keySet());
return SetTools.anymatch(wordhashes, keyhashes);
public SolrQuery solrQuery(boolean getFacets) {
if (this.cachedQuery != null) {
return this.cachedQuery;
if (this.queryGoal.getIncludeStrings().size() == 0) return null;
// construct query
final SolrQuery params = new SolrQuery();
int rankingProfile = this.ranking.coeff_date == RankingProfile.COEFF_MAX ? 1 : (this.modifier.sitehash != null || this.modifier.sitehost != null) ? 2 : 0;
params.setQuery(this.queryGoal.collectionQueryString(this.indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration(), rankingProfile).toString());
params.setParam("defType", "edismax");
Ranking ranking = indexSegment.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration().getRanking(rankingProfile); // for a by-date ranking select different ranking profile
String bq = ranking.getBoostQuery();
String bf = ranking.getBoostFunction();
if (bq.length() > 0) params.setParam("bq", bq);
if (bf.length() > 0) params.setParam("boost", bf); // a boost function extension, see
// add site facets
final StringBuilder fq = new StringBuilder();
if (this.modifier.sitehash == null && this.modifier.sitehost == null) {
if (this.siteexcludes != null) {
for (String ex: this.siteexcludes) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND -").append(CollectionSchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(':').append(ex);
} else {
if (this.modifier.sitehost != null) {
// consider to search for hosts with 'www'-prefix, if not already part of the host name
if (this.modifier.sitehost.startsWith("www.")) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost.substring(4)).append('\"');
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append("\")");
} else {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append('\"');
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"www.").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append("\")");
} else
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehash).append('\"');
// add vocabulary facets
for (Tagging.Metatag tag: this.metatags) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_PREFIX).append(tag.getVocabularyName()).append(CollectionSchema.VOCABULARY_SUFFIX).append(":\"").append(tag.getObject()).append('\"');
// add author facets
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
if ( != null && > 0 && this.solrSchema.contains(CollectionSchema.author_sxt)) {
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append('\"');
if (this.modifier.protocol != null) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(':').append(this.modifier.protocol);
if (this.tld != null) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.host_dnc_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.tld).append('\"');
if (this.modifier.filetype != null) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.filetype).append('\"');
if (this.contentdom == ContentDomain.IMAGE) {
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"jpg\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"tif\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"tiff\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"png\")");
if (this.contentdom == ContentDomain.AUDIO) {
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"aif\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"aiff\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"mp3\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"ogg\")");
if (this.contentdom == ContentDomain.VIDEO) {
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"mpg\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"avi\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"mp4\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"mkv\")");
if (this.contentdom == ContentDomain.APP) {
fq.append(" AND (").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"apk\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"exe\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"dmg\"");
fq.append(" OR ").append(CollectionSchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"gz\")");
if (this.inlink != null) {
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.outboundlinks_urlstub_txt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.inlink).append('\"');
if (!this.urlMask_isCatchall) {
// add a filter query on urls
String urlMaskPattern = this.urlMask.pattern();
// solr doesn't like slashes, backslashes or doublepoints; remove them // urlmask = ".*\\." + ft + "(\\?.*)?";
int p;
while ((p = urlMaskPattern.indexOf(':')) >= 0) urlMaskPattern = urlMaskPattern.substring(0, p) + "." + urlMaskPattern.substring(p + 1);
while ((p = urlMaskPattern.indexOf('/')) >= 0) urlMaskPattern = urlMaskPattern.substring(0, p) + "." + urlMaskPattern.substring(p + 1);
while ((p = urlMaskPattern.indexOf('\\')) >= 0) urlMaskPattern = urlMaskPattern.substring(0, p) + "." + urlMaskPattern.substring(p + 2);
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.sku.getSolrFieldName() + ":/" + urlMaskPattern + "/");
if (this.radius > 0.0d && != 0.0d && this.lon != 0.0d) {
// localtion search, no special ranking
// try http://localhost:8090/solr/select?q=*:*&fq={!bbox sfield=coordinate_p pt=50.17,8.65 d=1}
//params.setQuery("!bbox " + q.toString());
//params.set("pt", Double.toString( + "," + Double.toString(this.lon));
//params.set("d", GeoLocation.degreeToKm(this.radius));
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
fq.append(" AND ").append("{!bbox sfield=" + CollectionSchema.coordinate_p.getSolrFieldName() + " pt=" + Double.toString( + "," + Double.toString(this.lon) + " d=" + GeoLocation.degreeToKm(this.radius) + "}");
} else {
// set ranking
if (this.ranking.coeff_date == RankingProfile.COEFF_MAX) {
// set a most-recent ordering
params.setSort(new SortClause(CollectionSchema.last_modified.getSolrFieldName(), SolrQuery.ORDER.desc));
//params.setSortField(CollectionSchema.last_modified.getSolrFieldName(), ORDER.desc); // deprecated in Solr 4.2
if (this.modifier.collection != null && this.modifier.collection.length() > 0) {
fq.append(" AND ").append(QueryModifier.parseCollectionExpression(this.modifier.collection));
if (fq.length() > 0) {
// set facet query attributes
if (getFacets && this.facetfields.size() > 0) {
for (String field: this.facetfields) params.addFacetField(field);
} else {
params.setFields("*", "score"); // we need the score for post-ranking
// prepare result
Log.logInfo("Protocol", "SOLR QUERY: " + params.toString());
this.cachedQuery = params;
return params;
public QueryGoal getQueryGoal() {
return this.queryGoal;
public final Map<DigestURI, String> separateMatches(final Map<DigestURI, String> links) {
final Map<DigestURI, String> matcher = new HashMap<DigestURI, String>();
final Iterator <Map.Entry<DigestURI, String>> i = links.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<DigestURI, String> entry;
DigestURI url;
String anchorText;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
url = entry.getKey();
anchorText = entry.getValue();
if (matchesText(anchorText)) {
matcher.put(url, anchorText);
return matcher;
13 years ago
private volatile String idCacheAnon = null, idCache = null;
final static private char asterisk = '*';
public String id(final boolean anonymized) {
if (anonymized) {
if (this.idCacheAnon != null) return this.idCacheAnon;
} else {
if (this.idCache != null) return this.idCache;
13 years ago
synchronized (this) {
// do a Double-Checked Locking
if (anonymized) {
if (this.idCacheAnon != null) return this.idCacheAnon;
} else {
if (this.idCache != null) return this.idCache;
// generate a string that identifies a search so results can be re-used in a cache
final StringBuilder context = new StringBuilder(180);
if (anonymized) {
13 years ago
13 years ago
} else {
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
context.append(this.snippetCacheStrategy == null ? "null" :;
String result = context.toString();
if (anonymized) {
this.idCacheAnon = result;
} else {
this.idCache = result;
return result;
* make a query anchor tag
* @param page
* @param theQuery
* @param originalUrlMask
* @param addToQuery
* @return
public static StringBuilder navurl(final String ext, final int page, final QueryParams theQuery, final String newQueryString) {
final StringBuilder sb = navurlBase(ext, theQuery, newQueryString);
sb.append(page * theQuery.itemsPerPage());
return sb;
public static StringBuilder navurlBase(final String ext, final QueryParams theQuery, final String newQueryString) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(120);
sb.append(newQueryString == null ? theQuery.getQueryGoal().getOriginalQueryString(true) : newQueryString);
sb.append((theQuery.isLocal()) ? "local" : "global");
sb.append(theQuery.snippetCacheStrategy == null ? "false" : theQuery.snippetCacheStrategy.toName());
sb.append((theQuery.constraint == null) ? "" : theQuery.constraint.exportB64());
return sb;