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< head >
< title > YaCy '#[clientname]#': Surftips< / title >
< meta name = "keywords" content = "YaCy P2P peer-to-peer Surftips Social Bookmarking Link Voting" / >
< meta name = "description" content = "Surftips provided by the YaCy peer-to-peer network using public bookmarks, link votes and crawl start points" / >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
//< ![CDATA[
function pcomment(link) {
var c = window.prompt("Please enter a comment to your link recommendation. (Your Vote is also considered without a comment.)", "");
return link + "& comment=" + c;
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "/js/yacysearch.js" > < / script >
< / head >
< body id = "Surftips" >
< h2 class = "yacy" > Surftips< / h2 >
Surftips are switched off< br / >
< a href = "/Surftips.html?surftips=1" > Show surftips< / a >
<!-- link begin -->
< div class = "searchresults" >
< div class = "urlactions" >
< a href = "/Bookmarks.html?edit=#[urlhash]#" class = "bookmarklink" title = "bookmark" > < img src = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" title = "bookmark" alt = "Add to bookmarks" class = "bookmarkIcon" / > < / a >
< img src = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" title = "" alt = "" class = "recommendIcon" / >
< img src = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" title = "" alt = "" class = "deleteIcon" / >
< a href = "#[positiveVoteLink]#" title = "positive vote" class = "recommendlink" onclick = "this.href=pcomment('#[positiveVoteLink]#')" > < img src = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" title = "positive vote" alt = "Give positive vote" class = "recommendIcon" / > < / a >
< a href = "#[negativeVoteLink]#" title = "negative vote" class = "deletelink" > < img src = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" title = "negative vote" alt = "Give negative vote" class = "deleteIcon" / > < / a >
< / div >
< h4 class = "linktitle" > < a href = "#[url]#" > #[title]#< / a > < / h4 >
< p class = "snippet" > #[description]#< / p >
< / div >
<!-- link end -->
< p class = "aftersurftips" >
...provided by YaCy peers using public bookmarks, link votes and crawl start points< br / >
< a href = "/Surftips.html?surftips=0" > Hide surftips< / a >
< / p >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
< / script >
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