You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

377 lines
20 KiB

//part of YaCy
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen;
//first published on
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005
//last major change: 16.02.2005
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//You must compile this file with
//javac -classpath .:../classes
//if the shell's current path is HTROOT
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Formatter;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.OS;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.BusyThread;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.WorkflowThread;
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
public class PerformanceQueues_p {
* list of pre-defined settings: filename -> description
private final static Map<String, String> performanceProfiles = new HashMap<String, String>(4, 0.9f);
static {
// no sorted output!
performanceProfiles.put("defaults/yacy.init", "default (crawl)");
performanceProfiles.put("defaults/performance_dht.profile", "prefer DHT");
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
File defaultSettingsFile = new File(sb.getAppPath(), "defaults/yacy.init");
// get segment
Segment indexSegment = null;
if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment")) {
String segmentName = post.get("segment");
if (sb.indexSegments.segmentExist(segmentName)) {
indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
} else {
// take default segment
indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
if(post != null) {
// TODO check file-path!
final File value = new File(sb.getAppPath(), post.get("defaultFile", "defaults/yacy.init"));
// check if value is readable file
if(value.exists() && value.isFile() && value.canRead()) {
defaultSettingsFile = value;
if (post.containsKey("Xmx")) {
int xmx = post.getInt("Xmx", 500); // default maximum heap size
if (OS.isWin32) xmx = Math.min(2000, xmx);
int xms = xmx / 4;
sb.setConfig("javastart_Xmx", "Xmx" + xmx + "m");
sb.setConfig("javastart_Xms", "Xms" + xms + "m");
prop.put("setStartupCommit", "1");
if(post.containsKey("diskFree")) {
int diskFree = 3000; // default
try { diskFree = Integer.parseInt(post.get("diskFree", Integer.toString(diskFree))); } catch (final NumberFormatException e){}
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.DISK_FREE, diskFree);
if(post.containsKey("diskFreeHardlimit")) {
int diskFreeHardlimit = 1000; // default
try { diskFreeHardlimit = Integer.parseInt(post.get("diskFreeHardlimit", Integer.toString(diskFreeHardlimit))); } catch (final NumberFormatException e){}
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.DISK_FREE_HARDLIMIT, diskFreeHardlimit);
if(post.containsKey("memoryAcceptDHT")) {
int memoryAcceptDHT = 50000; // default
try { memoryAcceptDHT = Integer.parseInt(post.get("memoryAcceptDHT", Integer.toString(memoryAcceptDHT))); } catch (final NumberFormatException e){}
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.MEMORY_ACCEPTDHT, memoryAcceptDHT);
if(post.containsKey("resetObserver")) {
final Map<String, String> defaultSettings = ((post == null) || (!(post.containsKey("submitdefault")))) ? null : FileUtils.loadMap(defaultSettingsFile);
Iterator<String> threads = sb.threadNames();
String threadName;
BusyThread thread;
final boolean xml = (header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH)).endsWith(".xml");
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
// calculate totals
long blocktime_total = 0, sleeptime_total = 0, exectime_total = 0;
while (threads.hasNext()) {
threadName =;
thread = sb.getThread(threadName);
blocktime_total += thread.getBlockTime();
sleeptime_total += thread.getSleepTime();
exectime_total += thread.getExecTime();
if (blocktime_total == 0) blocktime_total = 1;
if (sleeptime_total == 0) sleeptime_total = 1;
if (exectime_total == 0) exectime_total = 1;
// set templates for latest news from the threads
long blocktime, sleeptime, exectime;
long idlesleep, busysleep, memuse, memprereq;
int queuesize;
threads = sb.threadNames();
int c = 0;
long idleCycles, busyCycles, memshortageCycles;
// set profile?
final double multiplier = (post != null) && post.containsKey("profileSpeed") ? 100.0 / post.getDouble("profileSpeed", 100.0) : 1.0;
final boolean setProfile = (post != null && post.containsKey("submitdefault"));
final boolean setDelay = (post != null) && (post.containsKey("submitdelay"));
// save used settings file to config
if (setProfile && post != null){
sb.setConfig("performanceProfile", post.get("defaultFile", "defaults/yacy.init"));
sb.setConfig("performanceSpeed", post.getInt("profileSpeed", 100));
while (threads.hasNext()) {
threadName =;
thread = sb.getThread(threadName);
// set values to templates
prop.put("table_" + c + "_threadname", threadName);
prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_hasurl_shortdescr", thread.getShortDescription());
if(thread.getMonitorURL() == null) {
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.put("table_"+c+"_hasurl", "0");
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.put("table_"+c+"_hasurl", "1");
prop.put("table_" + c + "_hasurl_url", thread.getMonitorURL());
prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_longdescr", thread.getLongDescription());
queuesize = thread.getJobCount();
prop.put("table_" + c + "_queuesize", (queuesize == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? "unlimited" : Formatter.number(queuesize, !xml));
blocktime = thread.getBlockTime();
sleeptime = thread.getSleepTime();
exectime = thread.getExecTime();
memuse = thread.getMemoryUse();
idleCycles = thread.getIdleCycles();
busyCycles = thread.getBusyCycles();
memshortageCycles = thread.getOutOfMemoryCycles();
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blocktime", blocktime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blockpercent", 100 * blocktime / blocktime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeptime", sleeptime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercent", 100 * sleeptime / sleeptime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_exectime", exectime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercent", 100 * exectime / exectime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_totalcycles", idleCycles + busyCycles + memshortageCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_idlecycles", idleCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_busycycles", busyCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memscycles", memshortageCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercycle", ((idleCycles + busyCycles) == 0) ? -1 : sleeptime / (idleCycles + busyCycles));
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : exectime / busyCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memusepercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : memuse / busyCycles / 1024);
// load with old values
idlesleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_idlesleep" , 1000);
busysleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_busysleep", 100);
memprereq = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
if (setDelay && post != null) {
// load with new values
idlesleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
busysleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
memprereq = post.getLong(threadName + "_memprereq", memprereq) * 1024;
if (memprereq == 0) memprereq = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
// check values to prevent short-cut loops
if (idlesleep < 1000) idlesleep = 1000;
if (threadName.equals("10_httpd")) { idlesleep = 0; busysleep = 0; memprereq = 0; }
sb.setThreadPerformance(threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq);
idlesleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
busysleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
if (setProfile) {
if (threadName.equals(SwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING) ||
threadName.equals(SwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD) ||
threadName.equals(SwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP)) {
/* do not change any values */
} else if (threadName.equals(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER) ||
threadName.equals(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL)) {
sb.setRemotecrawlPPM(Math.max(1, (int) (sb.getConfigLong("network.unit.remotecrawl.speed", 60) / multiplier)));
else {
// load with new values
idlesleep = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_idlesleep"), String.valueOf(idlesleep))) * multiplier);
busysleep = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_busysleep"), String.valueOf(busysleep))) * multiplier);
//memprereq = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_memprereq"), String.valueOf(memprereq))) * multiplier);
// check values to prevent short-cut loops
if (idlesleep < 1000) idlesleep = 1000;
if (threadName.equals("10_httpd")) { idlesleep = 0; busysleep = 0; memprereq = 0; }
//if (threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL) && (busysleep < 50)) busysleep = 50;
sb.setThreadPerformance(threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_busysleep", busysleep);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_memprereq", memprereq / 1024);
// disallow setting of memprereq for indexer to prevent db from throwing OOMs
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.put("table_" + c + "_disabled", /*(threadName.endsWith("_indexing")) ? 1 :*/ "0");
prop.put("table_" + c + "_recommendation", threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? "1" : "0");
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_recommendation_value", threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? (indexSegment.termIndex().minMem() / 1024) : 0);
prop.put("table", c);
// performance profiles
c = 0;
final String usedfile = sb.getConfig("performanceProfile", "defaults/yacy.init");
for(final String filename: performanceProfiles.keySet()) {
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_filename", filename);
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_description", performanceProfiles.get(filename));
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_used", usedfile.equalsIgnoreCase(filename) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("profile", c);
c = 0;
final int[] speedValues = {200,150,100,50,25,10};
final int usedspeed = Integer.parseInt(sb.getConfig("performanceSpeed", "100"));
for(final int speed: speedValues){
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_value", speed);
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_label", speed + " %");
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_used", (speed == usedspeed) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("speed", c);
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("cacheSizeSubmit"))) {
final int wordCacheMaxCount = post.getInt("wordCacheMaxCount", 20000);
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, Integer.toString(wordCacheMaxCount));
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("poolConfig"))) {
* configuring the crawler pool
// get the current crawler pool configuration
int maxBusy = Integer.parseInt(post.get("Crawler Pool_maxActive","8"));
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
// storing the new values into configfile
* configuring the http pool
final WorkflowThread httpd = sb.getThread("10_httpd");
try {
maxBusy = Integer.parseInt(post.get("httpd Session Pool_maxActive","8"));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
maxBusy = 8;
// storing the new values into configfile
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("PrioritySubmit"))) {
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("onlineCautionSubmit"))) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseProxy", 30000)));
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseLocalsearch", 30000)));
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseRemotesearch", 30000)));
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("minimumDeltaSubmit"))) {
final long minimumLocalDelta = post.getLong("minimumLocalDelta", sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumLocalDelta());
final long minimumGlobalDelta = post.getLong("minimumGlobalDelta", sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumGlobalDelta());
sb.setConfig("minimumLocalDelta", minimumLocalDelta);
sb.setConfig("minimumGlobalDelta", minimumGlobalDelta);
sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.setMinimumDelta(minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
// delta settings
prop.put("minimumLocalDelta", sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumLocalDelta());
prop.put("minimumGlobalDelta", sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumGlobalDelta());
// table cache settings
prop.putNum("urlCacheSize", indexSegment.urlMetadata().writeCacheSize());
prop.putNum("wordCacheSize", indexSegment.termIndex().getBufferSize());
prop.putNum("wordCacheSizeKBytes", indexSegment.termIndex().getBufferSizeBytes()/1024);
prop.putNum("maxURLinCache", indexSegment.termIndex().getBufferMaxReferences());
prop.putNum("maxAgeOfCache", indexSegment.termIndex().getBufferMaxAge() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("minAgeOfCache", indexSegment.termIndex().getBufferMinAge() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("maxWaitingWordFlush", sb.getConfigLong("maxWaitingWordFlush", 180));
prop.put("wordCacheMaxCount", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 20000));
prop.put("crawlPauseProxy", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.put("crawlPauseLocalsearch", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.put("crawlPauseRemotesearch", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.putNum("crawlPauseProxyCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.proxyLastAccess) / 1000);
prop.putNum("crawlPauseLocalsearchCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.localSearchLastAccess) / 1000);
prop.putNum("crawlPauseRemotesearchCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.remoteSearchLastAccess) / 1000);
// table thread pool settings
prop.put("pool_0_name","Crawler Pool");
prop.put("pool_0_maxActive", sb.getConfigLong("crawler.MaxActiveThreads", 0));
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
final WorkflowThread httpd = sb.getThread("10_httpd");
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.put("pool_1_name", "httpd Session Pool");
prop.put("pool_1_maxActive", ((serverCore)httpd).getMaxSessionCount());
prop.put("pool_1_numActive", ((serverCore)httpd).getJobCount());
prop.put("pool", "2");
final long curr_prio = sb.getConfigLong("javastart_priority",0);
* Complete number localization and provide a more reasonable interface to serverObjects: - put(key, value) methods are now used if a value added to the map should be kept as it is. Numbers are transformed (but not formatted) to an equivalent String representation. - putASIS(...) have been removed, now done with simple put(...) (see above). - puNum(...) can be used for number values which should be stored in a formatted way, either depending on the current locale setting for yacy (default) or in a "none" locale (see javadocs and setLocalize()). - putHTML(...) escapes special characters into corresponding HTML enities ('<' => '&lt;') which was done with put(...) before and so was called too often, becauses it is necessary only for very few cases. Additionally there is a "forXML" mode which only replaces < > & ". In short: Use put(...) for almost everything, use putXY(...) if you need some special transformation of the value. A few bugs have been fixed as well, and there should be a small performance improvement for complex pages with a lot of values. * added additional Sum/Avg rows to access tracker pages, see * removed duplicate code (mostly related to the big changes above). TODO: - make sure, number formats work as expected _everywhere_, report overseen stuff - probably a good idea to add special putDate() methods as they are used in many pages and create duplicated formatting code + maybe some centralized handling for memory value formatting. - further improve the speed of page creation for the WatchCrawler. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
18 years ago
prop.put("priority_normal",(curr_prio==0) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("priority_below",(curr_prio==10) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("priority_low",(curr_prio==20) ? "1" : "0");
Multiple updates regarding the yacy seedUpload facility, optional content parsers, thread pool configuration ... Please help me testing if everything works correct. *) Migration of yacy seedUpload functionality See: - new uploaders can now be easily introduced because of a new modulare uploader system - default uploaders are: none, file, ftp - adding optional uploader for scp - each uploader provides its own configuration file that will be included into the settings page using the new template include feature - Each uploader can define its libx dependencies. If not all needed libs are available, the uploader is deactivated automatically. *) Migration of optional parsers See: - Parsers can now also define there libx dependencies - adding parser for bzip compressed content - adding parser for gzip compressed content - adding parser for zip files - adding parser for tar files - adding parser to detect the mime-type of a file this is needed by the bzip/gzip - adding parser for rtf files - removing extra configuration file yacy.parser the list of enabled parsers is now stored in the main config file *) Adding configuration option in the performance dialog to configure See: - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for httpd-session-threadpool - maxActive / maxIdle / minIdle values for crawler-threadpool *) Changing Crawling Filter behaviour See: *) Replacing some hardcoded strings with the proper constants of the httpHeader class *) Adding new libs to libx directory. This libs are - needed by new content parsers - needed by new optional seed uploader - needed by SOAP API (which will be committed later) git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
20 years ago
// parse initialization memory settings
final String Xmx = sb.getConfig("javastart_Xmx", "Xmx500m").substring(3);
prop.put("Xmx", Xmx.substring(0, Xmx.length() - 1));
final String Xms = sb.getConfig("javastart_Xms", "Xms500m").substring(3);
prop.put("Xms", Xms.substring(0, Xms.length() - 1));
final String diskFree = sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.DISK_FREE, "3000");
final String diskFreeHardlimit = sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.DISK_FREE_HARDLIMIT, "1000");
final String memoryAcceptDHT = sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.MEMORY_ACCEPTDHT, "50000");
final boolean observerTrigger = !MemoryControl.getDHTallowed();
prop.put("diskFree", diskFree);
prop.put("diskFreeHardlimit", diskFreeHardlimit);
prop.put("memoryAcceptDHT", memoryAcceptDHT);
if(observerTrigger) prop.put("observerTrigger", "1");
// return rewrite values for templates
return prop;
private static String d(final String a, final String b) {
return (a == null) ? b : a;