@ -132,10 +132,12 @@ def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60):
if tips == [tips[0]] * len(tips):
if heights == [heights[0]] * len(heights):
raise AssertionError("Block sync failed: (Hashes don't match)")
raise AssertionError("Block sync failed, mismatched block hashes:{}".format(
"".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips)))
timeout -= wait
maxheight = max(heights)
raise AssertionError("Block sync failed with heights: {}".format(heights))
raise AssertionError("Block sync to height {} timed out:{}".format(
maxheight, "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips)))
def sync_chain(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60):