@ -347,7 +347,12 @@ RPCHelpMan keypoolrefill()
RPCHelpMan newkeypool()
return RPCHelpMan{"newkeypool",
"\nEntirely clears and refills the keypool."+
"\nEntirely clears and refills the keypool.\n"
"WARNING: On non-HD wallets, this will require a new backup immediately, to include the new keys.\n"
"When restoring a backup of an HD wallet created before the newkeypool command is run, funds received to\n"
"new addresses may not appear automatically. They have not been lost, but the wallet may not find them.\n"
"This can be fixed by running the newkeypool command on the backup and then rescanning, so the wallet\n"
"re-generates the required keys." +
RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NONE, "", ""},