@ -5064,13 +5064,18 @@ bool static ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, string strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv,
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETADDR)
// This asymmetric behavior for inbound and outbound connections was introduced
// to prevent a fingerprinting attack: an attacker can send specific fake addresses
// to users' AddrMan and later request them by sending getaddr messages.
// Making nodes which are behind NAT and can only make outgoing connections ignore
// the getaddr message mitigates the attack.
else if ((strCommand == NetMsgType::GETADDR) && (pfrom->fInbound))
if (!pfrom->fInbound) {
LogPrint("net", "Ignoring \"getaddr\" from outbound connection. peer=%d\n", pfrom->id);
return true;
vector<CAddress> vAddr = addrman.GetAddr();
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddress &addr, vAddr)