@ -461,15 +461,11 @@ These can be run from anywhere, but just in case change to "cd /boot/uboot"
Updated with a custom uImage and modules? Run "./tools/rebuild_uinitrd.sh" to regenerate the uInitrd used on boot...
Updated with a custom uImage and modules or modified the boot.cmd/user.com files with new boot args? Run "./tools/update_boot_files.sh" to regenerate all boot files...
Modified boot.cmd or user.cmd and want to run your new boot args? Run "./tools/rebuild_uinitrd.sh" to regenerate boot.scr/user.scr...
Early zippy2 boards had the wrong id in eeprom (zippy1).. Put a jumper on eeprom pin and run "./tools/fix_zippy2.sh" to update the eeprom contents for zippy2.
Early zippy2 boards had the wrong id in eeprom (zippy1).. Put a jumper on eeprom pin and run "./tools/fix_zippy2.sh" to update the eeprom contents for zippy2.