You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package ip
import (
// Location information.
type Location struct {
IP string `db:"ip,key"`
CountryCode string `db:"countryCode"`
Country string `db:"country"`
Region string `db:"region"`
City string `db:"city"`
Latitude float64 `db:"latitude"`
Longitude float64 `db:"longitude"`
func (l *Location) String() string {
if l.Latitude == -1000 {
return fmt.Sprintf(
l.CountryCode, l.CountryCode, l.Region, l.City)
return fmt.Sprintf(
l.CountryCode, l.CountryCode, l.Region, l.City, l.Latitude, l.Longitude)
// Cache provides access to the IP Geodata cache.
type Cache struct {
config *config.Config
db *godb.DB
// NewCache returns new cache reader for the specified config.
func NewCache(config *config.Config) (*Cache, error) {
db, err := godb.Open(sqlite.Adapter, config.Geo.IPCacheDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Needed for "upsert" implementation in Put()
return &Cache{
config: config,
db: db,
}, nil
// Read returns location information from the cache, if found,
// or types.ErrNotFound if not found. If the entry is found, but its format
// is invalid, types.ErrInvalidCacheEntry is returned.
// Format:
// [CountryCode];Country;Region;City;[Latitude];[Longitude]
// Example:
// DE;Germany;Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg;Hamburg;53.5736;9.9782
func (c *Cache) Read(addr string) (*Location, error) {
if c.config.Geo.IPCacheType == types.CacheTypeDB {
return c.readFromCacheDB(addr)
return c.readFromCacheFile(addr)
func (c *Cache) readFromCacheFile(addr string) (*Location, error) {
bytes, err := os.ReadFile(c.cacheFile(addr))
if err != nil {
return nil, types.ErrNotFound
return NewLocationFromString(addr, string(bytes))
func (c *Cache) readFromCacheDB(addr string) (*Location, error) {
result := Location{}
err := c.db.Select(&result).
Where("IP = ?", addr).
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
func (c *Cache) Put(addr string, loc *Location) error {
if c.config.Geo.IPCacheType == types.CacheTypeDB {
return c.putToCacheDB(addr, loc)
return c.putToCacheFile(addr, loc)
func (c *Cache) putToCacheDB(addr string, loc *Location) error {
err := c.db.Insert(loc).Do()
// it should work like this:
// target := dberror.UniqueConstraint{}
// if errors.As(err, &target) {
// See:
// But for some reason it does not work,
// so the dirty hack is used:
if strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(err), "UNIQUE constraint failed") {
return c.db.Update(loc).Do()
return err
func (c *Cache) putToCacheFile(addr string, loc *Location) error {
return os.WriteFile(c.cacheFile(addr), []byte(loc.String()), 0644)
// cacheFile retuns path to the cache entry for addr.
func (c *Cache) cacheFile(addr string) string {
return path.Join(c.config.Geo.IPCache, addr)
// NewLocationFromString parses the location cache entry s,
// and return location, or error, if the cache entry is invalid.
func NewLocationFromString(addr, s string) (*Location, error) {
var (
lat float64 = -1000
long float64 = -1000
err error
parts := strings.Split(s, ";")
if len(parts) < 4 {
return nil, types.ErrInvalidCacheEntry
if len(parts) >= 6 {
lat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(parts[4], 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, types.ErrInvalidCacheEntry
long, err = strconv.ParseFloat(parts[5], 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, types.ErrInvalidCacheEntry
return &Location{
IP: addr,
CountryCode: parts[0],
Country: parts[1],
Region: parts[2],
City: parts[3],
Latitude: lat,
Longitude: long,
}, nil
// Reponse provides routing interface to the geo cache.
// Temporary workaround to switch IP addresses handling to the Go server.
// Handles two queries:
// /:geo-ip-put?ip=IP&value=VALUE
// /:geo-ip-get?ip=IP
func (c *Cache) Response(r *http.Request) *routing.Cadre {
var (
respERR = &routing.Cadre{Body: []byte("ERR")}
respOK = &routing.Cadre{Body: []byte("OK")}
if ip := util.ReadUserIP(r); ip != "" {
log.Printf("geoIP access from %s rejected\n", ip)
return nil
if r.URL.Path == "/:geo-ip-put" {
ip := r.URL.Query().Get("ip")
value := r.URL.Query().Get("value")
if !validIP4(ip) || value == "" {
log.Printf("invalid geoIP put query: ip='%s' value='%s'\n", ip, value)
return respERR
location, err := NewLocationFromString(ip, value)
if err != nil {
return respERR
err = c.Put(ip, location)
if err != nil {
return respERR
return respOK
if r.URL.Path == "/:geo-ip-get" {
ip := r.URL.Query().Get("ip")
if !validIP4(ip) {
return respERR
result, err := c.Read(ip)
if result == nil || err != nil {
return respERR
return &routing.Cadre{Body: []byte(result.String())}
return nil
func validIP4(ipAddress string) bool {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$`)
return re.MatchString(strings.Trim(ipAddress, " "))