#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set encoding=utf-8 import gevent from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer from gevent.queue import Queue from gevent.monkey import patch_all from gevent.subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT patch_all() import sys import logging import os import re import requests import socket import time import json import geoip2.database import jinja2 from flask import Flask, request, render_template, send_from_directory, send_file, make_response app = Flask(__name__) MYDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname('__file__') )) sys.path.append("%s/lib/" % MYDIR) import wttrin_png, parse_query from translations import get_message, FULL_TRANSLATION, PARTIAL_TRANSLATION, SUPPORTED_LANGS from buttons import TWITTER_BUTTON, GITHUB_BUTTON, GITHUB_BUTTON_2, GITHUB_BUTTON_3, GITHUB_BUTTON_FOOTER from globals import GEOLITE, \ IP2LCACHE, ALIASES, BLACKLIST, \ get_help_file, BASH_FUNCTION_FILE, TRANSLATION_FILE, LOG_FILE, TEST_FILE, \ TEMPLATES, STATIC, \ NOT_FOUND_LOCATION, \ MALFORMED_RESPONSE_HTML_PAGE, \ IATA_CODES_FILE, \ log, error from wttr import get_wetter, get_moon if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(LOG_FILE)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(LOG_FILE)) logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILE, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') my_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ app.jinja_loader, jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATES), ]) app.jinja_loader = my_loader class Limits: def __init__( self ): self.intervals = ['min', 'hour', 'day'] self.divisor = { 'min': 60, 'hour': 3600, 'day': 86400, } self.counter = { 'min': {}, 'hour': {}, 'day': {}, } self.limit = { 'min': 30, 'hour': 600, 'day': 1000, } self.last_update = { 'min': 0, 'hour': 0, 'day': 0, } self.clear_counters() def check_ip(self, ip): if ip == '': return self.clear_counters() for interval in self.intervals: if ip not in self.counter[interval]: self.counter[interval][ip] = 0 self.counter[interval][ip] += 1 if self.limit[interval] <= self.counter[interval][ip]: log("Too many queries: %s in %s for %s" % (self.limit[interval], interval, ip) ) raise RuntimeError("Not so fast! Number of queries per %s is limited to %s" % (interval, self.limit[interval])) def clear_counters( self ): t = int( time.time() ) for interval in self.intervals: if t / self.divisor[interval] != self.last_update[interval]: self.counter[interval] = {} self.last_update[interval] = t / self.divisor[interval] limits = Limits() def error(text): print text raise RuntimeError(text) def log(text): print text.encode('utf-8') logging.info( text.encode('utf-8') ) def is_ip(ip): if re.match('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip) is None: return False try: socket.inet_aton(ip) return True except socket.error: return False def location_normalize(location): #translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '!@#$*;'), None) def remove_chars( c, s ): return ''.join(x for x in s if x not in c ) location = location.lower().replace('_', ' ').replace('+', ' ').strip() if not location.startswith('moon@'): location = remove_chars(r'!@#$*;:\\', location) return location def load_aliases(aliases_filename): aliases_db = {} with open(aliases_filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): from_, to_ = line.decode('utf-8').split(':', 1) aliases_db[location_normalize(from_)] = location_normalize(to_) return aliases_db def load_iata_codes(iata_codes_filename): with open(iata_codes_filename, 'r') as f: result = [] for line in f.readlines(): result.append(line.strip()) return set(result) location_alias = load_aliases(ALIASES) location_black_list = [x.strip() for x in open(BLACKLIST, 'r').readlines()] iata_codes = load_iata_codes(IATA_CODES_FILE) print "IATA CODES LOADED: %s" % len(iata_codes) def location_canonical_name(location): location = location_normalize(location) if location in location_alias: return location_alias[location.lower()] return location def ascii_only(s): try: for i in range(5): s = s.encode('utf-8') return True except: return False def geolocator(location): try: geo = requests.get('http://localhost:8004/%s' % location).text except Exception as e: print "ERROR: %s" % e return if geo == "": return try: answer = json.loads(geo.encode('utf-8')) return answer except Exception as e: print "ERROR: %s" % e return None def ip2location(ip): cached = os.path.join(IP2LCACHE, ip) if not os.path.exists(IP2LCACHE): os.makedirs(IP2LCACHE) if os.path.exists(cached): location = open(cached, 'r').read() return location try: t = requests.get( 'http://api.ip2location.com/?ip=%s&key=%s&package=WS10' % (IP2LOCATION_KEY, ip)).text if ';' in t: location = t.split(';')[3] open(cached, 'w').write(location) print "ip2location says: %s" % location return location except: pass reader = geoip2.database.Reader(GEOLITE) def get_location(ip_addr): response = reader.city(ip_addr) if location == NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location_not_found = True location = DEFAULT_LOCATION else: location_not_found = False p = Popen( [ WEGO, '-location=%s' % location ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: error( stdout + stderr ) dirname = os.path.dirname( filename ) if not os.path.exists( dirname ): os.makedirs( dirname ) if location_not_found: stdout += NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE open( filename, 'w' ).write( stdout ) p = Popen( [ "bash", ANSI2HTML, "--palette=solarized", "--bg=dark" ], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate( stdout ) if p.returncode != 0: error( stdout + stderr ) open( filename+'.html', 'w' ).write( stdout ) def get_filename( location ): location = location.replace('/', '_') timestamp = time.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H", time.localtime() ) return "%s/%s/%s" % ( CACHEDIR, location, timestamp ) def get_wetter(location, ip, html=False): filename = get_filename( location ) if not os.path.exists( filename ): limits.check_ip( ip ) save_weather_data( location, filename ) if html: filename += '.html' return open(filename).read() def get_location( ip_addr ): response = reader.city( ip_addr ) city = response.city.name if city is None and response.location: coord = "%s, %s" % (response.location.latitude, response.location.longitude) location = geolocator.reverse(coord, language='en') city = location.raw.get('address', {}).get('city') if city is None: print ip_addr city = ip2location( ip_addr ) return city or NOT_FOUND_LOCATION def load_aliases( aliases_filename ): aliases_db = {} with open( aliases_filename, 'r' ) as f: for line in f.readlines(): from_, to_ = line.split(':', 1) aliases_db[ from_.strip().lower() ] = to_.strip() return aliases_db location_alias = load_aliases( ALIASES ) def location_canonical_name( location ): if location.lower() in location_alias: return location_alias[location.lower()] return location def parse_accept_language(acceptLanguage): languages = acceptLanguage.split(",") locale_q_pairs = [] for language in languages: try: if language.split(";")[0] == language: # no q => q = 1 locale_q_pairs.append((language.strip(), "1")) else: locale = language.split(";")[0].strip() q = language.split(";")[1].split("=")[1] locale_q_pairs.append((locale, q)) except: pass return locale_q_pairs def find_supported_language(accepted_languages): for p in accepted_languages: lang = p[0] if '-' in lang: lang = lang.split('-',1)[0] if lang in SUPPORTED_LANGS: return lang return None def show_help(location, lang): text = "" if location == ":help": text = open(get_help_file(lang), 'r').read() text = text.replace('FULL_TRANSLATION', ' '.join(FULL_TRANSLATION)) text = text.replace('PARTIAL_TRANSLATION', ' '.join(PARTIAL_TRANSLATION)) elif location == ":bash.function": text = open(BASH_FUNCTION_FILE, 'r').read() elif location == ":translation": text = open(TRANSLATION_FILE, 'r').read() text = text.replace('NUMBER_OF_LANGUAGES', str(len(SUPPORTED_LANGS))).replace('SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES', ' '.join(SUPPORTED_LANGS)) return text.decode('utf-8') show_help.pages = [':help', ':bash.function', ':translation' ] @app.route('/files/') def send_static(path): return send_from_directory(STATIC, path) @app.route('/favicon.ico') def send_favicon(): return send_from_directory(STATIC, 'favicon.ico') @app.route('/malformed-response.html') def send_malformed(): return send_from_directory(STATIC, 'malformed-response.html') @app.route("/") @app.route("/") def wttr(location = None): user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower() html_output = not any(agent in user_agent for agent in PLAIN_TEXT_AGENTS) if location in show_help.pages: help_ = show_help(location, lang) if html_output: return render_template('index.html', body=help_) else: return help_ orig_location = location if request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"): ip = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0] if ip.startswith('::ffff:'): ip = ip[7:] else: ip = request.remote_addr try: if location is None: location = get_location( ip ) if is_ip( location ): location = get_location( location ) if location.startswith('@'): try: loc = dns.resolver.query( location[1:], 'LOC' ) location = str("%.7f,%.7f" % (loc[0].float_latitude, loc[0].float_longitude)) except DNSException, e: location = get_location( socket.gethostbyname( location[1:] ) ) location = location_canonical_name( location ) log("%s %s %s %s" % (ip, user_agent, orig_location, location)) return get_wetter( location, ip, html=html_output ) except Exception, e: if 'Malformed response' in str(e) or 'API key has reached calls per day allowed limit' in str(e): if html_output: return MALFORMED_RESPONSE_HTML_PAGE else: return get_message('CAPACITY_LIMIT_REACHED', lang).encode('utf-8') logging.error("Exception has occured", exc_info=1) return "ERROR" server = WSGIServer((LISTEN_HOST, LISTEN_PORT), app) server.serve_forever()