queries=( / /Kiev /Kiev.png /?T /Киев /Kiev?2 "/Kiev?format=1" "/Kiev?format=2" "/Kiev?format=3" "/Kiev?format=4" "/Kiev?format=v2" "/Kiev?format=%s" "/Kiev?format=%S" "/Kiev?format=%D+%S+%z+%s+%d" "/:help" "/Kiev?T" "/Kiev?p" "/Kiev?q" "/Kiev?Q" "/Kiev_text=no_view=v2.png" "/Kiev.png?1nqF" "/Kiev_1nqF.png" ) options=$(cat <<EOF -A firefox -H Accept-Language:ru -H X-Forwarded-For: EOF ) server="" if [ "$1" = update ]; then UPDATE=yes fi if [[ $UPDATE = yes ]]; then true > test-data/signatures fi result_tmp=$(mktemp wttrin-test-XXXXX) while read -r -a args do for q in "${queries[@]}"; do signature=$(echo "${args[@]}" "$q" | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}') curl -ks "${args[@]}" "$server$q" > "$result_tmp" result=$(sha1sum "$result_tmp" | awk '{print $1}') # this must be moved to the server # but for the moment we just clean up # the cache after each call rm -rf "/wttr.in/cache" if grep -Eq "(we are running out of queries|500 Internal Server Error)" "$result_tmp"; then echo "$q" fi if [[ $UPDATE = yes ]]; then printf "%s %s %s\\n" "$signature" "$result" "${args[*]} $q" >> test-data/signatures elif ! grep -q "$signature $result" test-data/signatures; then echo "FAILED: curl -ks ${args[*]} $server$q" fi done done <<< "${options}" rm "$result_tmp"