# vim: set encoding=utf-8 # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position """ Main view (wttr.in) implementation. The module is a wrapper for the modified Wego program. """ import sys import re from gevent.subprocess import Popen, PIPE sys.path.insert(0, "..") from translations import get_message, SUPPORTED_LANGS from globals import ( WEGO, TRANSLATION_TABLE, NOT_FOUND_LOCATION, DEFAULT_LOCATION, ANSI2HTML, error, remove_ansi, ) def get_wetter(parsed_query): location = parsed_query["location"] html = parsed_query["html_output"] lang = parsed_query["lang"] location_not_found = False if location == NOT_FOUND_LOCATION: location_not_found = True stderr = "" returncode = 0 if not location_not_found: stdout, stderr, returncode = _wego_wrapper(location, parsed_query) first_line, stdout = _wego_postprocessing(location, parsed_query, stdout) if location_not_found or ( returncode != 0 and ( "Unable to find any matching weather" " location to the parsed_query submitted" ) in stderr ): stdout, stderr, returncode = _wego_wrapper(DEFAULT_LOCATION, parsed_query) location_not_found = True not_found_header = """ >>> _ _ ___ _ _ >>> | || | / _ \| || | >>> | || |_| | | | || |_ >>> |__ _| |_| |__ _| >>> |_| \___/ |_| >>> >>> 404 %s: %s >>> """ % ( get_message("UNKNOWN_LOCATION", lang).upper(), parsed_query["override_location_name"], ) not_found_header = "\n".join( "\033[48;5;91m" + x + " \033[0m" for x in not_found_header.splitlines()[1:] ) not_found_footer = get_message("NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE", lang) not_found_footer = ( "\n".join( "\033[48;5;91m " + x + " \033[0m" for x in not_found_footer.splitlines() if x ) + "\n" ) first_line, stdout = _wego_postprocessing(location, parsed_query, stdout) stdout = not_found_header + "\n----\n" + stdout + not_found_footer if html: return _htmlize(stdout, first_line, parsed_query) return stdout def _wego_wrapper(location, parsed_query): lang = parsed_query["lang"] if location == DEFAULT_LOCATION: location_name = DEFAULT_LOCATION.capitalize() else: location_name = parsed_query["override_location_name"] cmd = [WEGO, "--city=%s" % location] if parsed_query.get("inverted_colors"): cmd += ["-inverse"] if parsed_query.get("use_ms_for_wind"): cmd += ["-wind_in_ms"] if parsed_query.get("narrow"): cmd += ["-narrow"] if lang and lang in SUPPORTED_LANGS: cmd += ["-lang=%s" % lang] if parsed_query.get("use_imperial", False): cmd += ["-imperial"] if location_name: cmd += ["-location_name", location_name] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") return stdout, stderr, proc.returncode def _wego_postprocessing(location, parsed_query, stdout): full_address = parsed_query["full_address"] lang = parsed_query["lang"] if "days" in parsed_query: if parsed_query["days"] == "0": stdout = "\n".join(stdout.splitlines()[:7]) + "\n" if parsed_query["days"] == "1": stdout = "\n".join(stdout.splitlines()[:17]) + "\n" if parsed_query["days"] == "2": stdout = "\n".join(stdout.splitlines()[:27]) + "\n" lines = stdout.splitlines() if not lines: lines = [""] first = lines[0] rest = lines[1:] if parsed_query.get("no-caption", False): if ":" in first: first = first.split(":", 1)[1] stdout = "\n".join([first.strip()] + rest) + "\n" if parsed_query.get("no-terminal", False): stdout = remove_ansi(stdout) if parsed_query.get("no-city", False): stdout = "\n".join(stdout.splitlines()[2:]) + "\n" if parsed_query.get("dumb", False): stdout = stdout.translate(TRANSLATION_TABLE) if ( full_address and parsed_query.get("format", "txt") != "png" and ( not parsed_query.get("no-city") and not parsed_query.get("no-caption") and not parsed_query.get("days") == "0" ) ): line = "%s: %s [%s]\n" % (get_message("LOCATION", lang), full_address, location) stdout += line if parsed_query.get("padding", False): lines = [x.rstrip() for x in stdout.splitlines()] max_l = max(len(remove_ansi(x)) for x in lines) last_line = " " * max_l + " .\n" stdout = " \n" + "\n".join(" %s " % x for x in lines) + "\n" + last_line return first, stdout def _htmlize(ansi_output, title, parsed_query): """Return HTML representation of `ansi_output`. Use `title` as the title of the page. Format page according to query parameters from `parsed_query`.""" cmd = ["bash", ANSI2HTML, "--palette=solarized"] if not parsed_query.get("inverted_colors"): cmd += ["--bg=dark"] proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(ansi_output.encode("utf-8")) stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") if proc.returncode != 0: error(stdout + stderr) if parsed_query.get("inverted_colors"): stdout = stdout.replace( '
', '' ) title = "