#vim: fileencoding=utf-8 """ One-line output mode. Initial implementation of one-line output mode. [ ] forecast [ ] spark [ ] several locations [ ] location handling [ ] more preconfigured format lines [ ] add information about this mode to /:help """ import sys import re import datetime import json import requests from astral import LocationInfo from astral import moon from astral.sun import sun import pytz from constants import WWO_CODE, WEATHER_SYMBOL, WEATHER_SYMBOL_WI_NIGHT, WEATHER_SYMBOL_WI_DAY, WIND_DIRECTION, WIND_DIRECTION_WI, WEATHER_SYMBOL_WIDTH_VTE, WEATHER_SYMBOL_PLAIN from weather_data import get_weather_data from . import v2 from . import v3 from . import prometheus PRECONFIGURED_FORMAT = { '1': r'%c %t\n', '2': r'%c šŸŒ”ļø%t šŸŒ¬ļø%w\n', '3': r'%l: %c %t\n', '4': r'%l: %c šŸŒ”ļø%t šŸŒ¬ļø%w\n', '69': r'nice', } MOON_PHASES = ( u"šŸŒ‘", u"šŸŒ’", u"šŸŒ“", u"šŸŒ”", u"šŸŒ•", u"šŸŒ–", u"šŸŒ—", u"šŸŒ˜" ) def convert_to_fahrenheit(temp): "Convert Celcius `temp` to Fahrenheit" return (temp*9.0/5)+32 def render_temperature(data, query): """ temperature (t) """ if query.get('use_imperial', False): temperature = u'%sĀ°F' % data['temp_F'] else: temperature = u'%sĀ°C' % data['temp_C'] if temperature[0] != '-': temperature = '+' + temperature return temperature def render_feel_like_temperature(data, query): """ feel like temperature (f) """ if query.get('use_imperial', False): temperature = u'%sĀ°F' % data['FeelsLikeF'] else: temperature = u'%sĀ°C' % data['FeelsLikeC'] if temperature[0] != '-': temperature = '+' + temperature return temperature def render_condition(data, query): """Emoji encoded weather condition (c) """ if query.get("view") == "v2n": weather_condition = WEATHER_SYMBOL_WI_NIGHT.get( WWO_CODE.get( data['weatherCode'], "Unknown")) spaces = " " elif query.get("view") == "v2d": weather_condition = WEATHER_SYMBOL_WI_DAY.get( WWO_CODE.get( data['weatherCode'], "Unknown")) spaces = " " else: weather_condition = WEATHER_SYMBOL.get( WWO_CODE.get( data['weatherCode'], "Unknown")) spaces = " "*(3 - WEATHER_SYMBOL_WIDTH_VTE.get(weather_condition, 1)) return weather_condition + spaces def render_condition_fullname(data, query): """ condition_fullname (C) """ found = None for key, val in data.items(): if key.startswith('lang_'): found = val break if not found: found = data['weatherDesc'] try: weather_condition = found[0]['value'] except KeyError: weather_condition = '' return weather_condition def render_condition_plain(data, query): """Plain text weather condition (x) """ weather_condition = WEATHER_SYMBOL_PLAIN[WWO_CODE[data['weatherCode']]] return weather_condition def render_condition_int(data, query): """Weather condition code as integer (i) """ return data['weatherCode'] def render_humidity(data, query): """ humidity (h) """ humidity = data.get('humidity', '') if humidity: humidity += '%' return humidity def render_precipitation(data, query): """ precipitation (p) """ answer = data.get('precipMM', '') if answer: answer += 'mm' return answer def render_precipitation_chance(data, query): """ precipitation chance (o) """ answer = data.get('chanceofrain', '') if answer: answer += '%' return answer def render_pressure(data, query): """ pressure (P) """ answer = data.get('pressure', '') if answer: answer += 'hPa' return answer def render_uv_index(data, query): """ UV Index (u) """ answer = data.get('uvIndex', '') return answer def render_wind(data, query): """ wind (w) """ try: degree = data["winddirDegree"] except KeyError: degree = "" try: degree = int(degree) except ValueError: degree = "" if degree: if query.get("view") in ["v2n", "v2d"]: wind_direction = WIND_DIRECTION_WI[int(((degree+22.5)%360)/45.0)] else: wind_direction = WIND_DIRECTION[int(((degree+22.5)%360)/45.0)] else: wind_direction = "" if query.get('use_ms_for_wind', False): unit = 'm/s' wind = u'%s%.1f%s' % (wind_direction, float(data['windspeedKmph'])/36.0*10.0, unit) elif query.get('use_imperial', False): unit = 'mph' wind = u'%s%s%s' % (wind_direction, data['windspeedMiles'], unit) else: unit = 'km/h' wind = u'%s%s%s' % (wind_direction, data['windspeedKmph'], unit) return wind def render_location(data, query): """ location (l) """ return (data['override_location'] or data['location']) def render_moonphase(_, query): """moonpahse(m) A symbol describing the phase of the moon """ moon_phase = moon.phase(date=datetime.datetime.today()) moon_index = int(int(32.0*moon_phase/28+2)%32/4) return MOON_PHASES[moon_index] def render_moonday(_, query): """moonday(M) An number describing the phase of the moon (days after the New Moon) """ moon_phase = moon.phase(date=datetime.datetime.today()) return str(int(moon_phase)) ################################## # this part should be rewritten # this is just a temporary solution def get_geodata(location): # text = requests.get("http://localhost:8004/%s" % location).text text = requests.get("" % location).text return json.loads(text) def render_dawn(data, query, local_time_of): """dawn (D) Local time of dawn""" return local_time_of("dawn") def render_dusk(data, query, local_time_of): """dusk (d) Local time of dusk""" return local_time_of("dusk") def render_sunrise(data, query, local_time_of): """sunrise (S) Local time of sunrise""" return local_time_of("sunrise") def render_sunset(data, query, local_time_of): """sunset (s) Local time of sunset""" return local_time_of("sunset") def render_zenith(data, query, local_time_of): """zenith (z) Local time of zenith""" return local_time_of("noon") def render_local_time(data, query, local_time_of): """local_time (T) Local time""" return "%{{NOW("+ local_time_of("TZ") +")}}" def render_local_timezone(data, query, local_time_of): """local_time (Z) Local time""" return local_time_of("TZ") ################################## FORMAT_SYMBOL = { 'c': render_condition, 'C': render_condition_fullname, 'x': render_condition_plain, 'i': render_condition_int, 'h': render_humidity, 't': render_temperature, 'f': render_feel_like_temperature, 'w': render_wind, 'l': render_location, 'm': render_moonphase, 'M': render_moonday, 'p': render_precipitation, 'o': render_precipitation_chance, 'P': render_pressure, "u": render_uv_index, } FORMAT_SYMBOL_ASTRO = { 'D': render_dawn, 'd': render_dusk, 'S': render_sunrise, 's': render_sunset, 'z': render_zenith, 'T': render_local_time, 'Z': render_local_timezone, } def render_line(line, data, query): """ Render format `line` using `data` """ def get_local_time_of(): location = data["location"] geo_data = get_geodata(location) city = LocationInfo() city.latitude = geo_data["latitude"] city.longitude = geo_data["longitude"] city.timezone = geo_data["timezone"] timezone = city.timezone local_tz = pytz.timezone(timezone) datetime_day_start = datetime.datetime.now()\ .replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) current_sun = sun(city.observer, date=datetime_day_start) local_time_of = lambda x: city.timezone if x == "TZ" else \ current_sun[x]\ .replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)\ .astimezone(local_tz)\ .strftime("%H:%M:%S") return local_time_of def render_symbol(match): """ Render one format symbol from re `match` using `data` from external scope. """ symbol_string = match.group(0) symbol = symbol_string[-1] if symbol in FORMAT_SYMBOL: render_function = FORMAT_SYMBOL[symbol] return render_function(data, query) if symbol in FORMAT_SYMBOL_ASTRO and local_time_of is not None: render_function = FORMAT_SYMBOL_ASTRO[symbol] return render_function(data, query, local_time_of) return '' template_regexp = r'%[a-zA-Z]' for template_code in re.findall(template_regexp, line): if template_code.lstrip("%") in FORMAT_SYMBOL_ASTRO: local_time_of = get_local_time_of() break return re.sub(template_regexp, render_symbol, line) def render_json(data): output = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) output = "\n".join( re.sub('"[^"]*worldweatheronline[^"]*"', '""', line) if "worldweatheronline" in line else line for line in output.splitlines()) + "\n" return output def format_weather_data(query, parsed_query, data): """ Format information about current weather `data` for `location` with specified in `format_line` format """ if 'data' not in data: return 'Unknown location; please try ~%s' % parsed_query["location"] format_line = parsed_query.get("view", "") if format_line in PRECONFIGURED_FORMAT: format_line = PRECONFIGURED_FORMAT[format_line] if format_line in ["j1", "j2"]: # j2 is a lightweight j1, without 'hourly' in 'weather' (weather forecast) if "weather" in data["data"] and format_line == "j2": for i in range(len(data["data"]["weather"])): del data["data"]["weather"][i]["hourly"] return render_json(data['data']) if format_line == "p1": return prometheus.render_prometheus(data['data']) if format_line[:2] == "v2": return v2.main(query, parsed_query, data) if format_line[:2] == "v3": return v3.main(query, parsed_query, data) current_condition = data['data']['current_condition'][0] current_condition['location'] = parsed_query["location"] current_condition['override_location'] = parsed_query["override_location_name"] output = render_line(format_line, current_condition, query) output = output.rstrip("\n").replace(r"\n", "\n") return output def wttr_line(query, parsed_query): """ Return 1line weather information for `location` in format `line_format` """ location = parsed_query['location'] lang = parsed_query['lang'] data = get_weather_data(location, lang) output = format_weather_data(query, parsed_query, data) return output def main(): """ Function for standalone module usage """ location = sys.argv[1] query = { 'line': sys.argv[2], } parsed_query = { "location": location, "orig_location": location, "language": "en", "format": "v2", } sys.stdout.write(wttr_line(query, parsed_query)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()