#vim: fileencoding=utf-8 """ The proxy server acts as a backend for the wttr.in service. It caches the answers and handles various data sources transforming their answers into format supported by the wttr.in service. """ from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from gevent.monkey import patch_all patch_all() # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order import sys import os import time import json import requests import cyrtranslit from flask import Flask, request APP = Flask(__name__) MYDIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname('__file__'))) sys.path.append("%s/lib/" % MYDIR) from globals import PROXY_CACHEDIR, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT from translations import PROXY_LANGS # pylint: enable=wrong-import-position def load_translations(): """ load all translations """ translations = {} for f_name in PROXY_LANGS: f_name = 'share/translations/%s.txt' % f_name translation = {} lang = f_name.split('/')[-1].split('.', 1)[0] with open(f_name, "r") as f_file: for line in f_file: if ':' not in line: continue if line.count(':') == 3: _, trans, orig, _ = line.strip().split(':', 4) else: _, trans, orig = line.strip().split(':', 3) trans = trans.strip() orig = orig.strip() translation[orig] = trans translations[lang] = translation return translations TRANSLATIONS = load_translations() def _find_srv_for_query(path, query): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return 'http://api.worldweatheronline.com/' def _load_content_and_headers(path, query): timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H", time.localtime()) cache_file = os.path.join(PROXY_CACHEDIR, timestamp, path, query) try: return (open(cache_file, 'r').read(), json.loads(open(cache_file+".headers", 'r').read())) except IOError: return None, None def _save_content_and_headers(path, query, content, headers): timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H", time.localtime()) cache_file = os.path.join(PROXY_CACHEDIR, timestamp, path, query) cache_dir = os.path.dirname(cache_file) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) open(cache_file + ".headers", 'w').write(json.dumps(headers)) open(cache_file, 'w').write(content) def translate(text, lang): """ Translate `text` into `lang` """ translated = TRANSLATIONS.get(lang, {}).get(text, text) if text.encode('utf-8') == translated: print "%s: %s" % (lang, text) return translated def cyr(to_translate): """ Transliterate `to_translate` from latin into cyrillic """ return cyrtranslit.to_cyrillic(to_translate) def _patch_greek(original): return original.decode('utf-8').replace(u"Ηλιόλουστη/ο", u"Ηλιόλουστη").encode('utf-8') def add_translations(content, lang): """ Add `lang` translation to `content` (JSON) returned by the data source """ languages_to_translate = TRANSLATIONS.keys() try: d = json.loads(content) # pylint: disable=invalid-name except ValueError as exception: print "---" print exception print "---" try: weather_condition = d['data']['current_condition'][0]['weatherDesc'][0]['value'] if lang in languages_to_translate: d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': translate(weather_condition, lang)}] elif lang == 'sr': d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': cyr( d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang][0]['value']\ .encode('utf-8'))}] elif lang == 'el': d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': _patch_greek( d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang][0]['value']\ .encode('utf-8'))}] elif lang == 'sr-lat': d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value':d['data']['current_condition'][0]['lang_sr'][0]['value']\ .encode('utf-8')}] fixed_weather = [] for w in d['data']['weather']: # pylint: disable=invalid-name fixed_hourly = [] for h in w['hourly']: # pylint: disable=invalid-name weather_condition = h['weatherDesc'][0]['value'] if lang in languages_to_translate: h['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': translate(weather_condition, lang)}] elif lang == 'sr': h['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': cyr(h['lang_%s' % lang][0]['value'].encode('utf-8'))}] elif lang == 'el': h['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': _patch_greek(h['lang_%s' % lang][0]['value'].encode('utf-8'))}] elif lang == 'sr-lat': h['lang_%s' % lang] = \ [{'value': h['lang_sr'][0]['value'].encode('utf-8')}] fixed_hourly.append(h) w['hourly'] = fixed_hourly fixed_weather.append(w) d['data']['weather'] = fixed_weather content = json.dumps(d) except (IndexError, ValueError) as exception: print exception return content @APP.route("/<path:path>") def proxy(path): """ Main proxy function. Handles incoming HTTP queries. """ lang = request.args.get('lang', 'en') query_string = request.query_string query_string = query_string.replace('sr-lat', 'sr') content, headers = _load_content_and_headers(path, query_string) if content is None: srv = _find_srv_for_query(path, query_string) url = '%s/%s?%s' % (srv, path, query_string) print url attempts = 5 while attempts: response = requests.get(url, timeout=10) try: json.loads(response.content) break except ValueError: attempts -= 1 headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = response.headers['content-type'] content = add_translations(response.content, lang) _save_content_and_headers(path, query_string, content, headers) return content, 200, headers if __name__ == "__main__": #app.run(host='', port=5001, debug=False) #app.debug = True SERVER = WSGIServer((PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT), APP) SERVER.serve_forever()