lang: name: English code: "en" issue: "" translators: - "Igor Chubin @igor_chubin" locale: "en_US" translated: help: true weather: true messages: true messages: caption: 'Weather report for:' location: Location unknown_location: Unknown location capacity_limit_reached: |2 Sorry, we are running out of queries to the weather service at the moment. Here is the weather report for the default city (just to show you what it looks like). We will get new queries as soon as possible. You can follow for the updates. ====================================================================================== follow_me: |- Follow \\e[46m\\e[30m@igor_chubin\\e[0m for updates new_feature: |- New feature: multilingual location names \\e[станция+Восток\\e[0m (in UTF-8) and location search \\e[\\e[0m (just add ~ before) not_found_message: |2 We were unable to find your location so we have brought you to Oymyakon, one of the coldest permanently inhabited locales on the planet. views: v1: morning: "Morning" noon: "Noon" evening: "Evening" night: "Night" v2: weather_report_for: "Weather report for:" weather: "Weather" timezone: "Timezone" now: "Now" dawn: "Dawn" sunrise: "Sunrise" zenith: "Zenith" sunset: "Sunset" dusk: "Dusk"