To add **** to systemd as a service, do the following steps. 1. **Create a systemd service file**: You’ll need to create a service file in `~/.config/systemd/user/` (for user-level) or `/etc/systemd/system/` (for system-wide) directory. Let’s create it for a user. Create the directory if it doesn’t exist: ```bash mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/ ``` Then, create the service file called `myscript.service`: ```bash cp share/systemd/wttrin.service ~/.config/systemd/user/wttrin.service ``` 2. **Reload the systemd daemon**: This will ensure systemd recognizes the new service. ```bash systemctl --user daemon-reload ``` 4. **Enable and start your service**: To start the service immediately, run: ```bash systemctl --user start wttrin.service ``` 5. **Check the status**: To verify that your service is running correctly, you can check its status: ```bash systemctl --user status wttrin.service ``` 6. **Start service automatically**: This will ensure the service is running after reboot. To enable it to start automatically at boot, run: ```bash systemctl --user enable wttrin.service ``` Enable user services even if the user is not logged in (specify the user name instead of `USER`): ```bash sudo loginctl enable-linger USER ```