package v1 import ( "math" "time" "" ) func slotTimes() []int { return []int{9 * 60, 12 * 60, 18 * 60, 22 * 60} } //nolint:funlen,gocognit,cyclop func (g *global) printDay(w weather) ([]string, error) { var ( ret = []string{} dateName string names string ) hourly := w.Hourly for i := range ret { ret[i] = "│" } // find hourly data which fits the desired times of day best var slots [slotcount]cond for _, h := range hourly { c := int(math.Mod(float64(h.Time), 100)) + 60*(h.Time/100) for i, s := range slots { if math.Abs(float64(c-slotTimes()[i])) < math.Abs(float64(s.Time-slotTimes()[i])) { h.Time = c slots[i] = h } } } if g.config.RightToLeft { slots[0], slots[3] = slots[3], slots[0] slots[1], slots[2] = slots[2], slots[1] } for i, s := range slots { if g.config.Narrow { if i == 0 || i == 2 { continue } } ret = g.formatCond(ret, s, false) for i := range ret { ret[i] += "│" } } d, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", w.Date) // dateFmt := "┤ " + d.Format("Mon 02. Jan") + " ├" if val, ok := locale()[g.config.Lang]; ok { err := lctime.SetLocale(val) if err != nil { return nil, err } } else { err := lctime.SetLocale("en_US") if err != nil { return nil, err } } if g.config.RightToLeft { dow := lctime.Strftime("%a", d) day := lctime.Strftime("%d", d) month := lctime.Strftime("%b", d) dateName = reverse(month) + " " + day + " " + reverse(dow) } else { dateName = lctime.Strftime("%a %d %b", d) if g.config.Lang == "ko" { dateName = lctime.Strftime("%b %d일 %a", d) } if g.config.Lang == "zh" || g.config.Lang == "zh-tw" || g.config.Lang == "zh-cn" { dateName = lctime.Strftime("%b%d日%A", d) } } dateFmt := "┤" + justifyCenter(dateName, 12) + "├" trans := daytimeTranslation()["en"] if t, ok := daytimeTranslation()[g.config.Lang]; ok { trans = t } if g.config.Narrow { names := "│ " + justifyCenter(trans[1], 16) + "└──────┬──────┘" + justifyCenter(trans[3], 16) + " │" ret = append([]string{ " ┌─────────────┐ ", "┌───────────────────────" + dateFmt + "───────────────────────┐", names, "├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤", }, ret...) return append(ret, "└──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘"), nil } if g.config.RightToLeft { names = "│" + justifyCenter(trans[3], 29) + "│ " + justifyCenter(trans[2], 16) + "└──────┬──────┘" + justifyCenter(trans[1], 16) + " │" + justifyCenter(trans[0], 29) + "│" } else { names = "│" + justifyCenter(trans[0], 29) + "│ " + justifyCenter(trans[1], 16) + "└──────┬──────┘" + justifyCenter(trans[2], 16) + " │" + justifyCenter(trans[3], 29) + "│" } //nolint:lll ret = append([]string{ " ┌─────────────┐ ", "┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────" + dateFmt + "───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐", names, "├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤", }, ret...) //nolint:lll return append(ret, "└──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘"), nil }