Merge branch 'master' into v2

Igor Chubin 5 years ago
commit dd200a460b

@ -401,6 +401,19 @@ in your language.
![Queries to in various languages](
## Windows Users
There are currently two Windows related issues that prevent the examples found on this page from working exactly as expected out of the box. Until Microsoft fixes the issues, there are a few workarounds. To circumvent both issues you may use a shell such as `bash` on the [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)]( or read on for alternative solutions.
### Garbage characters in the output
There is a limitation of the current Win32 version of `curl`. Until the [Win32 curl issue]( is resolved and rolled out in a future Windows release, it is recommended that you use Powershells `Invoke-Web-Request` command instead:
- `(Invoke-WebRequest`
### Missing or double wide diagonal wind direction characters
The second issue is regarding the width of the diagonal arrow glyphs that some Windows Terminal Applications such as the default `conhost.exe` use. At the time of writing this, `ConEmu.exe`, `ConEmu64.exe` and Terminal Applications built on top of ConEmu such as Cmder (`cmder.exe`) use these double-wide glyphs by default. The result is the same with all of these programs, either a missing character for certain wind directions or a broken table in the output or both. Some third-party Terminal Applications have addressed the wind direction glyph issue but that fix depends on the font and the Terminal Application you are using.
One way to display the diagonal wind direction glyphs in your Terminal Application is to use [Windows Terminal]( which is currently available in the [Microsoft Store]( Windows Terminal is currently a preview release and will be rolled out as the default Terminal Application in an upcoming release. If your output is still skewed after using Windows Terminal then try maximizing the terminal window.
Another way you can display the diagonal wind direction is to swap out the problematic characters with forward and backward slashes as shown [here](
## Installation
To install the application:

@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ Wir hoffen, dass Sie besseres Wetter haben!
No hemos logrado encontrar tu ubicación,
asi que hemos decidido enseñarte el tiempo en Oymyakon,
uno de los sitios más fríos y permanentemente deshabitados del planeta.
'eu': u"""
Ezin izan dugu zure kokapena aurkitu,
beraz eguraldia Oymyakonen erakustea erabaki dugu,
munduko lekurik hotz eta hutseneraiko bat
'fa': u"""
ما نتونستیم مکان شما رو پیدا کنیم. به همین خاطر شما رو به اویمیاکن بردیم

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
$ curl # eguraldia zure kokapenean
$ curl # eguraldia Municheko aireportuan
Onartzen diren kokapen motak:
/paris # hiri baten izena
/~Eiffel+tower # leku famatu baten izena
/Москва # Edozein lekuko edozein hizkuntzako Unicode izena
/muc # aeroportu baten kodea (3 letra)
/ # web domeinu baten izena
/94107 # area kode bat
/-78.46,106.79 # GPS koordenadak
Leku bereziak:
/moon # ilargiaran aldia (gehitu ,+US o ,+France herrialde hauetarako)
/moon@2016-10-25 # ilargiaren aldia data konkretu batean (@2016-10-25)
?m # metrikak (SI) (leku guztietako estandarra, AEB ezik)
?u # Lurra sailkatzeko sistema batua edo LSSB (AEB estandarra)
?M # haizeko abiadura erakutsi (m/s)
Bistaratzeko aukerak:
?0 # oraingo eguraldia bakarrik
?1 # oraingo eguraldia + egun bateko iragarpena
?2 # oraingo eguraldia + bi egunerako iragarpena
?n # bertsio laburra (eguna eta gaua bakarrik)
?q # bertsio isila ("Eguraldia..." textua barik)
?Q # bertsio super isila ("Eguraldia ..." eta hiriaren izenik ez)
?T # terminalaren sekuentziak desaktibatu (kolorerik ez)
PNG aukerak:
/paris.png # irudi PNG bat sortzen du
?p # irudiaren inguruan ertz bat gehitzen du
?t # 150 gardentasuna
transparency=... # 0tik 255era gardentasuna (255 = gardentasunik ez)
Elkarrekin erabili daiteken aukerak:
/Paris_0pq.png # PNG-an aukerak _ karakteren ondoren zehazten dira
/Rome_0pq_lang=it.png # aukera sekuentzia luze bat _ karakterearekin bereiz daiteke
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl -H "Accept-Language: fr"
Onartzen diren hizkuntzak:
URL bereziak:
/:help # orrialde hau erakutsi
/:bash.function # wttr() funtzio bat bash-en iradokitzen du
/:translation # itzultzaileei buruzko informazioa erakusten du

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
114: Oskarbia: Clear
113: Eguzkitsu: Sunny
116: Neurri batean hodeitsu: Partly cloudy
119: Hodeitsu: Cloudy
122: Iluna: Overcast
143: Lanbroa: Mist
176: Posible euri irregularra: Patchy rain possible
179: Posible elurbusti irregularra: Patchy snow possible
182: Posible elurbusti irregularra: Patchy sleet possible
185: Posible zirimiri hotz irregularra: Patchy freezing drizzle possible
200: Posible ekaitz agerraldi: Thundery outbreaks possible
227: Elur-ekaitza: Blowing snow
230: Elur-ekaitza: Blizzard
248: Lainoa: Fog
260: Laino hotza: Freezing fog
263: Garo irregularra: Patchy light drizzle
266: Garoa: Light drizzle
281: Garo hotza: Freezing drizzle
284: Zirimiri hotz-hotza: Heavy freezing drizzle
293: Zirimiri irregularra: Patchy light rain
296: Zirimiri: Light rain
299: Noizbehinkako euri ertaina: Moderate rain at times
302: Euri ertaina: Moderate rain
305: Noizbehinkako euri-zaparrada: Heavy rain at times
308: Euri-zaparrada: Heavy rain
311: Zirimiri hotza: Light freezing rain
314: Euri ertain edo zaparrada hotza: Moderate or heavy freezing rain
317: Elurbusti arina: Light sleet
320: Elurbusti ertain edo gogorra: Moderate or heavy sleet
323: Gazura irregularra: Patchy light snow
326: Gazura: Light snow
329: Noizbehinkako elur ertaina: Patchy moderate snow
332: Elur ertaina: Moderate snow
335: Nieve pesada irregular: Patchy heavy snow
338: Nieve pesada: Heavy snow
350: Txingorra: Ice pellets
353: Zaparrada arina: Light rain shower
356: Zaparrada ertain edo gogorra: Moderate or heavy rain shower
359: Uholde-zaparrada: Torrential rain shower
362: Elurbusti zaparrada arina: Light sleet showers
365: Elurbusti zaparrada ertaina edo gogorra: Moderate or heavy sleet showers
368: Elur zaparrada arina: Light snow showers
371: Elur zaparrada ertaina edo gogorra: Moderate or heavy snow showers
386: Zirimiri irregularra trumoiekin: Patchy light rain with thunder
389: Euri ertaina edo gogorra trumoiekin: Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
392: Elur arina irregularra trumoiekin: Patchy light snow with thunder
395: Elur ertaina edo gogorra trumoiekin: Moderate or heavy snow with thunder