@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
This is a web frontend for a console weather application wego, using it as a backend.
wttr.in — the right way to check the weather.
wttr.in is a console oriented weather forecast service, that supports various information representation
like terminal oriented ANSI-sequences for the console HTTP clients such as curl, httpie or wget;
HTML for web browsers; or PNG for graphical viewers.
wttr.in uses [wego](http://github.com/schachmat/wego) to visualize weather forecast information
and various weather data sources.
You can check it at [wttr.in](http://wttr.in).
## Usage
@ -17,7 +25,8 @@ You can access the service from a shell or from a Web browser:
That is how the actual weather report for your location looks like (it is live!):


You can specify the location, for that you want to get the weather information.
If you omit the location name, you will get the information for you current location,
@ -38,10 +47,36 @@ as a location specificator:
$ curl wttr.in/@github.com
$ curl wttr.in/@msu.ru
To get this information online, you can access the `:help` page:
To get detailed information online, you can access the [/:help](http://wttr.in/:help) page:
$ curl wttr.in/:help
## Special pages
wttr.in can be used not only to check the wheather, but some other purposes also:
$ curl wttr.in/Moon
To see the current Moon phase (uses [pyphoon](https://github.com/chubin/pyphoon) as the backend).
$ curl wttr.in/Moon@2016-12-25
To the Moon phase for the specified date (2016-12-25).
## Translations
wttr.in is currently translated in more than 30 languages.
The preferred language is detected automatically basing on the query headers (Accept-Language)
which is automatically set by the browser or can be set in curl using the -H key ("-H Accept-Language: fr").
The preferred language can be forced using the `lang` option:
$ curl wttr.in/Berlin?lang=de
See [/:translation](http://wttr.in/:translation) to learn more about the translation process,
to see the list of the supported languages, or if you want to help to translate wttr.in in your language.
## Installation
To install the program you need: