![Picture with weather data](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C69-wsIW0AAcAD5.jpg)
You can embed a special wttr.in widget, that disaplays the weather condition for the current or a selected location, into a HTML page using the [wttr-switcher](https://github.com/midzer/wttr-switcher). That is how it looks like: [wttr-switcher-example](https://midzer.github.io/wttr-switcher/) or on a real world web site: https://feuerwehr-eisolzried.de/.
You can embed a special wttr.in widget, that displays the weather condition for the current or a selected location, into a HTML page using the [wttr-switcher](https://github.com/midzer/wttr-switcher). That is how it looks like: [wttr-switcher-example](https://midzer.github.io/wttr-switcher/) or on a real world web site: https://feuerwehr-eisolzried.de/.
![Embedded wttr.in example at feuerwehr-eisolzried.de](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3875145/65265457-50eac180-db11-11e9-8f9b-2e1711dfc436.png)