diff --git a/lib/translations.py b/lib/translations.py index f2c85f0..f53f989 100644 --- a/lib/translations.py +++ b/lib/translations.py @@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ MESSAGE = { We were unable to find your location, so we have brought you to Oymyakon, one of the coldest permanently inhabited locales on the planet. +""", + 'ca': u""" +Hem estat incapaços de trobar la seva ubicació, +és per aquest motiu que l'hem portat fins Oymyakon, +un dels llocs més freds inhabitats de manera permanent al planeta. """, 'cs': u""" Nepodařilo se nám najít vaši polohu, @@ -140,6 +145,7 @@ Umid qilamizki, sizda bugungi ob-havo bundan yaxshiroq! 'UNKNOWN_LOCATION': { 'en': u'Unknown location', + 'ca': u'Localització desconeguda', 'cs': u'Neznámá poloha', 'cy': u'Lleoliad anhysbys', 'de': u'Unbekannter Ort', @@ -163,6 +169,7 @@ Umid qilamizki, sizda bugungi ob-havo bundan yaxshiroq! 'LOCATION': { 'en': u'Location', + 'ca': u'Localització', 'cs': u'Poloha', 'cy': u'Lleoliad', 'de': u'Ort', @@ -190,6 +197,13 @@ Here is the weather report for the default city (just to show you, how it looks We will get new queries as soon as possible. You can follow https://twitter.com/igor_chubin for the updates ====================================================================================== +""", + 'ca': u""" +Disculpi'ns, ens hem quedat sense consultes al servei meteorològic momentàniament. +Aquí li oferim l'informe del temps a la ciutat per defecte (només per mostrar, quin aspecte té). +Obtindrem noves consultes tan aviat com ens sigui possible. +Pot seguir https://twitter.com/igor_chubin per noves actualitzacions +====================================================================================== """, 'mk': u""" Извинете, ни снемуваат барања за до сервисот кој ни нуди временска прогноза во моментот. @@ -213,6 +227,7 @@ You can follow https://twitter.com/igor_chubin for the updates 'NEW_FEATURE': { 'en': u'New feature: multilingual location names \033[92mwttr.in/станция+Восток\033[0m (in UTF-8) and location search \033[92mwttr.in/~Kilimanjaro\033[0m (just add ~ before)', + 'ca': u'Noves funcionalitats: noms d\'ubicació multilingües \033[92mwttr.in/станция+Восток\033 [0m (en UTF-8) i la ubicació de recerca \ 033 [92mwttr.in/~Kilimanjaro\033 [0m (només cal afegir ~ abans)', 'mk': u'Нова функција: повеќе јазично локациски имиња \033[92mwttr.in/станция+Восток\033[0m (во UTF-8) и локациско пребарување \033[92mwttr.in/~Kilimanjaro\033[0m (just add ~ before)', 'cy': u'Nodwedd newydd: enwau lleoliad amlieithog \033[92mwttr.in/станция+Восток\033[0m (yn UTF-8) a chwilio lleoliad \033[92mwttr.in/~Kilimanjaro\033[0m (ychwanegwch ~ yn gyntaf)', 'ru': u'Попробуйте: названия мест на любом языке \033[92mwttr.in/станция+Восток\033[0m (в UTF-8) и поиск мест \033[92mwttr.in/~Kilimanjaro\033[0m (нужно добавить ~ спереди)', @@ -221,6 +236,7 @@ You can follow https://twitter.com/igor_chubin for the updates 'FOLLOW_ME': { 'en': u'Follow \033[46m\033[30m@igor_chubin\033[0m for wttr.in updates', + 'ca': u'Seguiu \033[46m\033[30m@igor_chubin\033[0m per actualitzacions de wttr.in', 'cy': u'Dilyn \033[46m\033[30m@igor_Chubin\033[0m am diweddariadau wttr.in', 'mk': u'Следете \033[46m\033[30m@igor_chubin\033[0m за wttr.in новости', 'ru': u'Все новые фичи публикуются здесь: \033[46m\033[30m@igor_chubin\033[0m', diff --git a/share/translations/ca.txt b/share/translations/ca.txt index 772e1cd..ed469cd 100644 --- a/share/translations/ca.txt +++ b/share/translations/ca.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 113 : Assolellat : Sunny 116 : Parcialment ennuvolat : Partly cloudy 119 : Ennuvolat : Cloudy -122 : Ennuvolat : Overcast +122 : Molt ennuvolat : Overcast 143 : Boirina : Mist 176 : Possible pluja intermitent : Patchy rain possible 179 : Possible neu intermitent : Patchy snow possible