package v1
import (
func windDir() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"N": "\033[1m↓\033[0m",
"NNE": "\033[1m↓\033[0m",
"NE": "\033[1m↙\033[0m",
"ENE": "\033[1m↙\033[0m",
"E": "\033[1m←\033[0m",
"ESE": "\033[1m←\033[0m",
"SE": "\033[1m↖\033[0m",
"SSE": "\033[1m↖\033[0m",
"S": "\033[1m↑\033[0m",
"SSW": "\033[1m↑\033[0m",
"SW": "\033[1m↗\033[0m",
"WSW": "\033[1m↗\033[0m",
"W": "\033[1m→\033[0m",
"WNW": "\033[1m→\033[0m",
"NW": "\033[1m↘\033[0m",
"NNW": "\033[1m↘\033[0m",
func (g *global) formatTemp(c cond) string {
color := func(temp int, explicitPlus bool) string {
var col int
if !g.config.Inverse {
// Extremely cold temperature must be shown with violet
// because dark blue is too dark
col = 165
switch temp {
case -15, -14, -13:
col = 171
case -12, -11, -10:
col = 33
case -9, -8, -7:
col = 39
case -6, -5, -4:
col = 45
case -3, -2, -1:
col = 51
case 0, 1:
col = 50
case 2, 3:
col = 49
case 4, 5:
col = 48
case 6, 7:
col = 47
case 8, 9:
col = 46
case 10, 11, 12:
col = 82
case 13, 14, 15:
col = 118
case 16, 17, 18:
col = 154
case 19, 20, 21:
col = 190
case 22, 23, 24:
col = 226
case 25, 26, 27:
col = 220
case 28, 29, 30:
col = 214
case 31, 32, 33:
col = 208
case 34, 35, 36:
col = 202
if temp > 0 {
col = 196
} else {
col = 16
switch temp {
case -15, -14, -13:
col = 17
case -12, -11, -10:
col = 18
case -9, -8, -7:
col = 19
case -6, -5, -4:
col = 20
case -3, -2, -1:
col = 21
case 0, 1:
col = 30
case 2, 3:
col = 28
case 4, 5:
col = 29
case 6, 7:
col = 30
case 8, 9:
col = 34
case 10, 11, 12:
col = 35
case 13, 14, 15:
col = 36
case 16, 17, 18:
col = 40
case 19, 20, 21:
col = 59
case 22, 23, 24:
col = 100
case 25, 26, 27:
col = 101
case 28, 29, 30:
col = 94
case 31, 32, 33:
col = 166
case 34, 35, 36:
col = 52
if temp > 0 {
col = 196
if g.config.Imperial {
temp = (temp*18 + 320) / 10
if explicitPlus {
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[38;5;%03dm+%d\033[0m", col, temp)
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[38;5;%03dm%d\033[0m", col, temp)
t := c.TempC
if t == 0 {
t = c.TempC2
// hyphen := " - "
// if (config.Lang == "sl") {
// hyphen = "-"
// }
// hyphen = ".."
explicitPlus1 := false
explicitPlus2 := false
if c.FeelsLikeC != t {
if t > 0 {
explicitPlus1 = true
if c.FeelsLikeC > 0 {
explicitPlus2 = true
if explicitPlus1 {
explicitPlus2 = false
return g.pad(
fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s) °%s",
color(t, explicitPlus1),
color(c.FeelsLikeC, explicitPlus2),
return g.pad(fmt.Sprintf("%s °%s", color(c.FeelsLikeC, false), unitTemp()[g.config.Imperial]), 15)
func (g *global) formatWind(c cond) string {
windInRightUnits := func(spd int) int {
if g.config.WindMS {
spd = (spd * 1000) / 3600
} else if g.config.Imperial {
spd = (spd * 1000) / 1609
return spd
color := func(spd int) string {
col := 46
switch spd {
case 1, 2, 3:
col = 82
case 4, 5, 6:
col = 118
case 7, 8, 9:
col = 154
case 10, 11, 12:
col = 190
case 13, 14, 15:
col = 226
case 16, 17, 18, 19:
col = 220
case 20, 21, 22, 23:
col = 214
case 24, 25, 26, 27:
col = 208
case 28, 29, 30, 31:
col = 202
if spd > 0 {
col = 196
spd = windInRightUnits(spd)
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[38;5;%03dm%d\033[0m", col, spd)
unitWindString := unitWind(0, g.config.Lang)
if g.config.WindMS {
unitWindString = unitWind(2, g.config.Lang)
} else if g.config.Imperial {
unitWindString = unitWind(1, g.config.Lang)
// if (config.Lang == "sl") {
// hyphen = "-"
// }
hyphen := "-"
cWindGustKmph := color(c.WindGustKmph)
cWindspeedKmph := color(c.WindspeedKmph)
if windInRightUnits(c.WindGustKmph) > windInRightUnits(c.WindspeedKmph) {
return g.pad(
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s%s %s", windDir()[c.Winddir16Point], cWindspeedKmph, hyphen, cWindGustKmph, unitWindString),
return g.pad(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", windDir()[c.Winddir16Point], cWindspeedKmph, unitWindString), 15)
func (g *global) formatVisibility(c cond) string {
if g.config.Imperial {
c.VisibleDistKM = (c.VisibleDistKM * 621) / 1000
return g.pad(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", c.VisibleDistKM, unitVis(g.config.Imperial, g.config.Lang)), 15)
func (g *global) formatRain(c cond) string {
rainUnit := c.PrecipMM
if g.config.Imperial {
rainUnit = c.PrecipMM * 0.039
if c.ChanceOfRain != "" {
return g.pad(fmt.Sprintf(
"%.1f %s | %s%%",
unitRain(g.config.Imperial, g.config.Lang),
c.ChanceOfRain), 15)
return g.pad(fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %s", rainUnit, unitRain(g.config.Imperial, g.config.Lang)), 15)
func (g *global) formatCond(cur []string, c cond, current bool) []string {
var (
ret []string
icon []string
if i, ok := codes()[c.WeatherCode]; !ok {
icon = getIcon("iconUnknown")
} else {
icon = i
if g.config.Inverse {
// inverting colors
for i := range icon {
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;226", "38;5;94")
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;250", "38;5;243")
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;21", "38;5;18")
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;255", "38;5;245")
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;111", "38;5;63")
icon[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(icon[i], "38;5;251", "38;5;238")
// desc := fmt.Sprintf("%-15.15v", c.WeatherDesc[0].Value)
desc := c.WeatherDesc[0].Value
if g.config.RightToLeft {
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) < 15 {
desc = " " + desc
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) > 15 {
_, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(desc)
desc = desc[size:]
} else {
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) < 15 {
desc += " "
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) > 15 {
_, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(desc)
desc = desc[:len(desc)-size]
if current {
if g.config.RightToLeft {
desc = c.WeatherDesc[0].Value
if runewidth.StringWidth(desc) < 15 {
desc = strings.Repeat(" ", 15-runewidth.StringWidth(desc)) + desc
} else {
desc = c.WeatherDesc[0].Value
} else {
if g.config.RightToLeft {
if frstRune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(desc); frstRune != ' ' {
desc = "…" + desc[size:]
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) < 15 {
desc = " " + desc
} else {
if lastRune, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(desc); lastRune != ' ' {
desc = desc[:len(desc)-size] + "…"
// for numberOfSpaces < runewidth.StringWidth(fmt.Sprintf("%c", lastRune)) - 1 {
for runewidth.StringWidth(desc) < 15 {
desc += " "
if g.config.RightToLeft {
ret = append(
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[0], desc, icon[0]),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[1], g.formatTemp(c), icon[1]),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[2], g.formatWind(c), icon[2]),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[3], g.formatVisibility(c), icon[3]),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[4], g.formatRain(c), icon[4]))
} else {
ret = append(
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[0], icon[0], desc),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[1], icon[1], g.formatTemp(c)),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[2], icon[2], g.formatWind(c)),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[3], icon[3], g.formatVisibility(c)),
fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", cur[4], icon[4], g.formatRain(c)))
return ret
func justifyCenter(s string, width int) string {
appendSide := 0
for runewidth.StringWidth(s) <= width {
if appendSide == 1 {
s += " "
appendSide = 0
} else {
s = " " + s
appendSide = 1
return s
func reverse(s string) string {
r := []rune(s)
for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < len(r)/2; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i]
return string(r)
func (g *global) pad(s string, mustLen int) string {
var ret string
ret = s
realLen := utf8.RuneCountInString(g.ansiEsc.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, ""))
delta := mustLen - realLen
if delta > 0 {
if g.config.RightToLeft {
ret = strings.Repeat(" ", delta) + ret + "\033[0m"
} else {
ret += "\033[0m" + strings.Repeat(" ", delta)
} else if delta < 0 {
toks := g.ansiEsc.Split(s, 2)
tokLen := utf8.RuneCountInString(toks[0])
esc := g.ansiEsc.FindString(s)
if tokLen > mustLen {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%.*s\033[0m", mustLen, toks[0])
} else {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", toks[0], esc, g.pad(toks[1], mustLen-tokLen))
return ret