import re
import json
import zlib
import base64
def serialize(parsed_query):
return base64.b64encode(
def deserialize(url):
string = url[2:]
extension = None
if "." in string:
string, extension = string.split(".", 1)
result = json.loads(
base64.b64decode(string, altchars=b"-_")).decode("utf-8"))
except zlib.error:
return None
if extension == "png":
result["png_filename"] = url
result["html_output"] = False
return result
def metric_or_imperial(query, lang, us_ip=False):
# what units should be used
# metric or imperial
# based on query and location source (imperial for US by default)
if query.get('use_metric', False) and not query.get('use_imperial', False):
query['use_imperial'] = False
query['use_metric'] = True
elif query.get('use_imperial', False) and not query.get('use_metric', False):
query['use_imperial'] = True
query['use_metric'] = False
elif lang == 'us':
# slack uses m by default, to override it speciy us.wttr.in
query['use_imperial'] = True
query['use_metric'] = False
if us_ip:
query['use_imperial'] = True
query['use_metric'] = False
query['use_imperial'] = False
query['use_metric'] = True
return query
def parse_query(args):
result = {}
reserved_args = ["lang"]
q = ""
for key, val in args.items():
if len(val) == 0:
q += key
if val == 'True':
val = True
if val == 'False':
val = False
result[key] = val
if q is None:
return result
if 'A' in q:
result['force-ansi'] = True
if 'd' in q:
result['dumb'] = True
if 'n' in q:
result['narrow'] = True
if 'm' in q:
result['use_metric'] = True
if 'M' in q:
result['use_metric'] = True
result['use_ms_for_wind'] = True
if 'u' in q:
result['use_imperial'] = True
if 'I' in q:
result['inverted_colors'] = True
if 't' in q:
result['transparency'] = '150'
if 'T' in q:
result['no-terminal'] = True
if 'p' in q:
result['padding'] = True
for days in "0123":
if days in q:
result['days'] = days
if 'q' in q:
result['no-caption'] = True
if 'Q' in q:
result['no-city'] = True
if 'F' in q:
result['no-follow-line'] = True
for key, val in args.items():
if val == 'True':
val = True
if val == 'False':
val = False
if val:
result[key] = val
# currently `view` is alias for `format`
if "format" in result and not result.get("view"):
result["view"] = result["format"]
del result["format"]
return result
def parse_wttrin_png_name(name):
Parse the PNG filename and return the result as a dictionary.
For example:
input = City_200x_lang=ru.png
output = {
"lang": "ru",
"width": "200",
"filetype": "png",
"location": "City"
parsed = {}
to_be_parsed = {}
if name.lower()[-4:] == '.png':
parsed['filetype'] = 'png'
name = name[:-4]
parts = name.split('_')
parsed['location'] = parts[0]
one_letter_options = ""
for part in parts[1:]:
if re.match('(?:[0-9]+)x', part):
parsed['width'] = part[:-1]
elif re.match('x(?:[0-9]+)', part):
parsed['height'] = part[1:]
elif re.match(part, '(?:[0-9]+)x(?:[0-9]+)'):
parsed['width'], parsed['height'] = part.split('x', 1)
elif '=' in part:
arg, val = part.split('=', 1)
to_be_parsed[arg] = val
one_letter_options += part
for letter in one_letter_options:
to_be_parsed[letter] = ''
# currently `view` is alias for `format`
if "format" in parsed and not parsed.get("view"):
parsed["view"] = parsed["format"]
del parsed["format"]
return parsed