@ -66,9 +66,21 @@ platform.
Notable changes
Example item
Updated RPCs
Note: some low-level RPC changes mainly useful for testing are described in the
Low-level Changes section below.
* The `sendmany` RPC had an argument `minconf` that was not well specified and
would lead to RPC errors even when the wallet's coin selection would succeed.
The `sendtoaddress` RPC never had this check, so to normalize the behavior,
`minconf` is now ignored in `sendmany`. If the coin selection does not
succeed due to missing coins, it will still throw an RPC error. Be reminded
that coin selection is influenced by the `-spendzeroconfchange`,
`-limitancestorcount`, `-limitdescendantcount` and `-walletrejectlongchains`
command line arguments.
Low-level changes