@ -171,3 +171,36 @@ Threads
- BitcoinMiner : Generates bitcoins (if wallet is enabled).
- Shutdown : Does an orderly shutdown of everything.
Ignoring IDE/editor files
In closed-source environments in which everyone uses the same IDE it is common
to add temporary files it produces to the project-wide `.gitignore` file.
However, in open source software such as Bitcoin Core, where everyone uses
their own editors/IDE/tools, it is less common. Only you know what files your
editor produces and this may change from version to version. The canonical way
to do this is thus to create your local gitignore. Add this to `~/.gitconfig`:
excludesfile = /home/.../.gitignore_global
(alternatively, type the command `git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global`
on a terminal)
Then put your favourite tool's temporary filenames in that file, e.g.
# NetBeans
Another option is to create a per-repository excludes file `.git/info/exclude`.
These are not committed but apply only to one repository.
If a set of tools is used by the build system or scripts the repository (for
example, lcov) it is perfectly acceptable to add its files to `.gitignore`
and commit them.