fix v0.21.2 release-notes

losh11 2 years ago committed by Loshan T
parent d314b5cd9f
commit bb242e3355

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Credits
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- [The Bitcoin Core Developers]
- [The Bitcoin Core Developers](
- DavidBurkett
- hectorchu
- losh11

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
0.21.1 Release Notes
Litecoin Core version 0.21.2 is now available from:
In this update to Litecoin Core, Taproot has been activated, enhancing Litecoins security, privacy and scalability. Litecoin Core 0.21.1 is the most significant update in years - with performance improvements, new features (like Taproot), bug fixes and updated translations - and sets the foundations for MWEBs imminent arrival.
This is the largest update ever, providing full node, wallet, and mining support for MWEB.
Litecoin Core 0.21.1 is available now, right here: <>.
Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
As always, we welcome the expertise of the community. To report bugs please use the issue tracker at GitHub - < > - and to get security and update notifications subscribe via <!forum/litecoin-dev>.
Anyone can contribute to Litecoin Core. Please scroll down to How to contribute to Litecoin Core for details.
To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:
By downloading or upgrading Litecoin Core, youre helping to secure the network, so thank you and enjoy the upgrade!
How to upgrade:
@ -34,358 +33,80 @@ Litecoin Core is supported and extensively tested on operating systems using the
Litecoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems, but is not as frequently tested on them.
From Litecoin Core 0.21.1 onwards, macOS versions earlier than 10.12 are no longer supported. Additionally, Litecoin Core doesnt yet change appearance when macOS "dark mode" is activated.
MWEB fields added to BlockIndex, and block serialization format has changed. Downgrading to older versions is unsafe.
The node's known peers are persisted to disk in a file called `peers.dat`. The format of this file has been changed in a backwards-incompatible way in order to accommodate the storage of Tor v3 and other BIP155 addresses. This means that if the file is modified by 0.21 or newer then older versions will not be able to read it. Those old versions, in the event of a downgrade, will log an error message - "incorrect keysize in addrman deserialization" and will continue normal operation as if the file was missing, creating a new empty one. (#19954, #20284)
If upgrading to 0.21.2 *after* MWEB has activated, you must resync to download MWEB blocks.
Notable changes:
Notable changes
P2P and network changes
- The mempool now tracks whether transactions submitted via the wallet or RPCs
have been successfully broadcast. Every 10-15 minutes, the node will try to
announce unbroadcast transactions until a peer requests it via a `getdata`
message or the transaction is removed from the mempool for other reasons.
The node will not track the broadcast status of transactions submitted to the
node using P2P relay. This version reduces the initial broadcast guarantees
for wallet transactions submitted via P2P to a node running the wallet. (#18038)
- The size of the set of transactions that peers have announced and we consider
for requests has been reduced from 100000 to 5000 (per peer), and further
announcements will be ignored when that limit is reached. If you need to dump
(very) large batches of transactions, exceptions can be made for trusted
peers using the "relay" network permission. For localhost for example it can
be enabled using the command line option `-whitelist=relay@`.
- This release adds support for Tor version 3 hidden services, and rumoring them
over the network to other peers using
Version 2 hidden services are still fully supported by Litecoin Core, but the
Tor network will start
[deprecating]( them in the
coming months. (#19954)
- The Tor onion service that is automatically created by setting the
`-listenonion` configuration parameter will now be created as a Tor v3 service
instead of Tor v2. The private key that was used for Tor v2 (if any) will be
left untouched in the `onion_private_key` file in the data directory (see
`-datadir`) and can be removed if not needed. Litecoin Core will no longer
attempt to read it. The private key for the Tor v3 service will be saved in a
file named `onion_v3_private_key`. To use the deprecated Tor v2 service (not
recommended), the `onion_private_key` can be copied over
`onion_v3_private_key`, e.g: `cp -f onion_private_key onion_v3_private_key`. (#19954)
- The client writes a file (`anchors.dat`) at shutdown with the network addresses
of the nodes two outbound block-relay-only peers (so called "anchors"). The
next time the node starts, it reads this file and attempts to reconnect to those
same two peers. This prevents an attacker from using node restarts to trigger a
complete change in peers, which would be something they could use as part of an
eclipse attack. (#17428)
- This release adds support for serving
[BIP157]( compact
filters to peers on the network when enabled using
`-blockfilterindex=1 -peercfilters=1`. (#16442)
- This release implements
wtxid relay. When negotiated, transactions are announced using their wtxid
instead of their txid. (#18044).
- This release implements the proposed Taproot consensus rules
([BIP341]( and
without activation on mainnet. (#19553)
Updated RPCs
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC has a new `network` field that provides the type of
network ("ipv4", "ipv6", or "onion") that the peer connected through. (#20002)
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC now has additional `last_block` and `last_transaction`
fields that return the UNIX epoch time of the last block and the last *valid*
transaction received from each peer. (#19731)
- `getnetworkinfo` now returns two new fields, `connections_in` and
`connections_out`, that provide the number of inbound and outbound peer
connections. These new fields are in addition to the existing `connections`
field, which returns the total number of peer connections. (#19405)
- Exposed transaction version numbers are now treated as unsigned 32-bit
integers instead of signed 32-bit integers. This matches their treatment in
consensus logic. Versions greater than 2 continue to be non-standard
(matching previous behavior of smaller than 1 or greater than 2 being
non-standard). Note that this includes the `joinpsbt` command, which combines
partially-signed transactions by selecting the highest version number.
- `getmempoolinfo` now returns an additional `unbroadcastcount` field. The
mempool tracks locally submitted transactions until their initial broadcast
is acknowledged by a peer. This field returns the count of transactions
waiting for acknowledgement.
- Mempool RPCs such as `getmempoolentry` and `getrawmempool` with
`verbose=true` now return an additional `unbroadcast` field. This indicates
whether initial broadcast of the transaction has been acknowledged by a
peer. `getmempoolancestors` and `getmempooldescendants` are also updated.
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC no longer returns the `banscore` field unless the configuration
option `-deprecatedrpc=banscore` is used. The `banscore` field will be fully
removed in the next major release. (#19469)
- The `testmempoolaccept` RPC returns `vsize` and a `fees` object with the `base` fee
if the transaction would pass validation. (#19940)
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC now returns a `connection_type` field. This indicates
the type of connection established with the peer. It will return one of six
options. For more information, see the `getpeerinfo` help documentation.
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC no longer returns the `addnode` field by default. This
field will be fully removed in the next major release. It can be accessed
with the configuration option `-deprecatedrpc=getpeerinfo_addnode`. However,
it is recommended to instead use the `connection_type` field (it will return
`manual` when addnode is true). (#19725)
- The `getpeerinfo` RPC no longer returns the `whitelisted` field by default.
This field will be fully removed in the next major release. It can be accessed
with the configuration option `-deprecatedrpc=getpeerinfo_whitelisted`. However,
it is recommended to instead use the `permissions` field to understand if specific
privileges have been granted to the peer. (#19770)
- The `walletcreatefundedpsbt` RPC call will now fail with
`Insufficient funds` when inputs are manually selected but are not enough to cover
the outputs and fee. Additional inputs can automatically be added through the
new `add_inputs` option. (#16377)
- The `fundrawtransaction` RPC now supports `add_inputs` option that when `false`
prevents adding more inputs if necessary and consequently the RPC fails.
Changes to Wallet or GUI related RPCs can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below.
New RPCs
- The `getindexinfo` RPC returns the actively running indices of the node,
including their current sync status and height. It also accepts an `index_name`
to specify returning the status of that index only. (#19550)
Consensus changes
- This release implements the proposed MWEB consensus rules
[LIP003](, and
Updated settings
- The same ZeroMQ notification (e.g. `-zmqpubhashtx=address`) can now be
specified multiple times to publish the same notification to different ZeroMQ
sockets. (#18309)
- The `-banscore` configuration option, which modified the default threshold for
disconnecting and discouraging misbehaving peers, has been removed as part of
changes in 0.20.1 and in this release to the handling of misbehaving peers.
Refer to "Changes regarding misbehaving peers" in the 0.20.1 release notes for
details. (#19464)
P2P and network changes
- The `-debug=db` logging category, which was deprecated in 0.20 and replaced by
`-debug=walletdb` to distinguish it from `coindb`, has been removed. (#19202)
- A new service flag, NODE_MWEB (1 << 24), was added to signal to peers that the node supports MWEB.
When connected peers both advertise this capability, they are expected to provide all MWEB data when
sharing transactions, blocks, and compact blocks with each other.
- A `download` permission has been extracted from the `noban` permission. For
compatibility, `noban` implies the `download` permission, but this may change
in future releases. Refer to the help of the affected settings `-whitebind`
and `-whitelist` for more details. (#19191)
- Nodes now announce compact block version 3 support, informing peers that they can provide MWEB data
in compact blocks.
- Netmasks that contain 1-bits after 0-bits (the 1-bits are not contiguous on
the left side, e.g. are no longer accepted. They are invalid
according to RFC 4632. Netmasks are used in the `-rpcallowip` and `-whitelist`
configuration options and in the `setban` RPC. (#19628)
- The `-blocksonly` setting now completely disables fee estimation. (#18766)
Updated RPCs
Changes to Wallet or GUI related settings can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below.
Tools and Utilities
- `getblockheader` now returns an additional `mweb_header` field containing
all of the MWEB header data, and an `mweb_amount` field containing the total
number of coins pegged-in to the MWEB after applying the block.
- A new `Litecoin-cli -netinfo` command provides a network peer connections
dashboard that displays data from the `getpeerinfo` and `getnetworkinfo` RPCs
in a human-readable format. An optional integer argument from `0` to `4` may
be passed to see increasing levels of detail. (#19643)
- `getblock` now returns an additional `mweb` field containing MWEB header info,
and all of the inputs, outputs, and kernels in the MWEB block.
- A new `Litecoin-cli -generate` command, equivalent to RPC `generatenewaddress`
followed by `generatetoaddress`, can generate blocks for command line testing
purposes. This is a client-side version of the former `generate` RPC. See the
help for details. (#19133)
- Added `mwebweight`, `descendantmwebweight`, `ancestormwebweight`, and `mweb`
fields to `getrawmempool`, `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`,
and `getmempoolentry`.
- The `Litecoin-cli -getinfo` command now displays the wallet name and balance for
each of the loaded wallets when more than one is loaded (e.g. in multiwallet
mode) and a wallet is not specified with `-rpcwallet`. (#18594)
- Added new fields to describe MWEB transaction inputs, outputs, and kernels
for `getrawtransaction`.
- The `connections` field of `Litecoin-cli -getinfo` is now expanded to return a JSON
object with `in`, `out` and `total` numbers of peer connections. It previously
returned a single integer value for the total number of peer connections. (#19405)
Changes to Wallet or GUI related RPCs can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below.
New settings
- The `startupnotify` option is used to specify a command to
execute when Litecoin Core has finished with its startup
sequence. (#15367)
- Backwards compatibility has been dropped for two `getaddressinfo` RPC
deprecations, as notified in the 0.20 release notes. The deprecated `label`
field has been removed as well as the deprecated `labels` behavior of
returning a JSON object containing `name` and `purpose` key-value pairs. Since
0.20, the `labels` field returns a JSON array of label names. (#19200)
- To improve wallet privacy, the frequency of wallet rebroadcast attempts is
reduced from approximately once every 15 minutes to once every 12-36 hours.
To maintain a similar level of guarantee for initial broadcast of wallet
transactions, the mempool tracks these transactions as a part of the newly
introduced unbroadcast set. See the "P2P and network changes" section for
more information on the unbroadcast set. (#18038)
- The `sendtoaddress` and `sendmany` RPCs accept an optional `verbose=True`
argument to also return the fee reason about the sent tx. (#19501)
- The wallet can create a transaction without change even when the keypool is
empty. Previously it failed. (#17219)
- The `-salvagewallet` startup option has been removed. A new `salvage` command
has been added to the `Litecoin-wallet` tool which performs the salvage
operations that `-salvagewallet` did. (#18918)
- A new configuration flag `-maxapsfee` has been added, which sets the max
allowed avoid partial spends (APS) fee. It defaults to 0 (i.e. fee is the
same with and without APS). Setting it to -1 will disable APS, unless
`-avoidpartialspends` is set. (#14582)
- The wallet will now avoid partial spends (APS) by default, if this does not
result in a difference in fees compared to the non-APS variant. The allowed
fee threshold can be adjusted using the new `-maxapsfee` configuration
option. (#14582)
- The `createwallet`, `loadwallet`, and `unloadwallet` RPCs now accept
`load_on_startup` options to modify the settings list. Unless these options
are explicitly set to true or false, the list is not modified, so the RPC
methods remain backwards compatible. (#15937)
- A new `send` RPC with similar syntax to `walletcreatefundedpsbt`, including
support for coin selection and a custom fee rate, is added. The `send` RPC is
experimental and may change in subsequent releases. (#16378)
- The `estimate_mode` parameter is now case-insensitive in the `bumpfee`,
`fundrawtransaction`, `sendmany`, `sendtoaddress`, `send` and
`walletcreatefundedpsbt` RPCs. (#11413)
- The `bumpfee` RPC now uses `conf_target` rather than `confTarget` in the
options. (#11413)
- `fundrawtransaction` and `walletcreatefundedpsbt` when used with the
`lockUnspents` argument now lock manually selected coins, in addition to
automatically selected coins. Note that locked coins are never used in
automatic coin selection, but can still be manually selected. (#18244)
- The `-zapwallettxes` startup option has been removed and its functionality
removed from the wallet. This option was originally intended to allow for
rescuing wallets which were affected by a malleability attack. More recently,
it has been used in the fee bumping of transactions that did not signal RBF.
This functionality has been superseded with the abandon transaction feature. (#19671)
- The error code when no wallet is loaded, but a wallet RPC is called, has been
changed from `-32601` (method not found) to `-18` (wallet not found).
### Automatic wallet creation removed
Litecoin Core will no longer automatically create new wallets on startup. It will
load existing wallets specified by `-wallet` options on the command line or in
`Litecoin.conf` or `settings.json` files. And by default it will also load a
top-level unnamed ("") wallet. However, if specified wallets don't exist,
Litecoin Core will now just log warnings instead of creating new wallets with
new keys and addresses like previous releases did.
New wallets can be created through the GUI (which has a more prominent create
wallet option), through the `Litecoin-cli createwallet` or `Litecoin-wallet
create` commands, or the `createwallet` RPC. (#15454, #20186)
### Wallet RPC changes
- The `upgradewallet` RPC replaces the `-upgradewallet` command line option.
- The `settxfee` RPC will fail if the fee was set higher than the `-maxtxfee`
command line setting. The wallet will already fail to create transactions
with fees higher than `-maxtxfee`. (#18467)
- A new `fee_rate` parameter/option denominated in satoshis per vbyte (sat/vB)
is introduced to the `sendtoaddress`, `sendmany`, `fundrawtransaction` and
`walletcreatefundedpsbt` RPCs as well as to the experimental new `send`
RPC. The legacy `feeRate` option in `fundrawtransaction` and
`walletcreatefundedpsbt` still exists for setting a fee rate in BTC per 1,000
vbytes (BTC/kvB), but it is expected to be deprecated soon to avoid
confusion. For these RPCs, the fee rate error message is updated from BTC/kB
to sat/vB and the help documentation in BTC/kB is updated to BTC/kvB. The
`send` and `sendtoaddress` RPC examples are updated to aid users in creating
transactions with explicit fee rates. (#20305, #11413)
- The `bumpfee` RPC `fee_rate` option is changed from BTC/kvB to sat/vB and the
help documentation is updated. Users are warned that this is a breaking API
change, but it should be relatively benign: the large (100,000 times)
difference between BTC/kvB and sat/vB units means that a transaction with a
fee rate mistakenly calculated in BTC/kvB rather than sat/vB should raise an
error due to the fee rate being set too low. In the worst case, the
transaction may send at 1 sat/vB, but as Replace-by-Fee (BIP125 RBF) is active
by default when an explicit fee rate is used, the transaction fee can be
bumped. (#20305)
- Added "fMWEBFeatures" option for enabling the new "Advanced MWEB Features"
GUI changes
Wallet Database
- Wallets created or loaded in the GUI will now be automatically loaded on
startup, so they don't need to be manually reloaded next time Litecoin Core is
started. The list of wallets to load on startup is stored in
`\<datadir\>/settings.json` and augments any command line or `Litecoin.conf`
`-wallet=` settings that specify more wallets to load. Wallets that are
unloaded in the GUI get removed from the settings list so they won't load
again automatically next startup. (#19754)
- Added "mweb_coin" type which stores MWEB coins and their derived keys.
- The GUI Peers window no longer displays a "Ban Score" field. This is part of
changes in 0.20.1 and in this release to the handling of misbehaving
peers. Refer to "Changes regarding misbehaving peers" in the 0.20.1 release
notes for details. (#19512)
- Added CHDChain version 4 which includes an MWEB key index counter and
the stealth address scan key.
Low-level changes
- Added CKeyMetadata version 14 which includes the MWEB key index.
- Added FEATURE_MWEB = 210000 minimum database version.
- To make RPC `sendtoaddress` more consistent with `sendmany` the following error
`sendtoaddress` codes were changed from `-4` to `-6`:
- Insufficient funds
- Fee estimation failed
- Transaction has too long of a mempool chain
Wallet RPC changes
- The `sendrawtransaction` error code for exceeding `maxfeerate` has been changed from
`-26` to `-25`. The error string has been changed from "absurdly-high-fee" to
"Fee exceeds maximum configured by user (e.g. -maxtxfee, maxfeerate)." The
`testmempoolaccept` RPC returns `max-fee-exceeded` rather than `absurdly-high-fee`
as the `reject-reason`. (#19339)
- Added 'listwallettransactions' which matches the transaction list display values.
- To make wallet and rawtransaction RPCs more consistent, the error message for
exceeding maximum feerate has been changed to "Fee exceeds maximum configured by user (e.g. -maxtxfee, maxfeerate)." (#19339)
GUI changes
- The `generateblock` RPC allows testers using regtest mode to
generate blocks that consist of a custom set of transactions. (#17693)
- Added an "Advanced MWEB Features" control for testing. Its only available
when the "-debug" argument is supplied, and the option is turned on in the
settings dialog.
@ -393,8 +114,7 @@ Credits
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- [The Bitcoin Core Developers]
- Adrian Gallagher
- David Burkett
- [The Bitcoin Core Developers](
- DavidBurkett
- hectorchu
- losh11

@ -1,112 +1,88 @@
Litecoin Core version 0.21.2 is now available from:
0.21.2 Release Notes
Bitcoin Core version 0.21.2 is now available from:
This is the largest update ever, providing full node, wallet, and mining support for MWEB.
This minor release includes various bug fixes and performance
improvements, as well as updated translations.
Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:
How to upgrade:
How to Upgrade
Firstly, thank you for running Litecoin Core and helping secure the network!
If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes in some cases), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).
As youre running an older version of Litecoin Core, shut it down. Wait until its completely shut down - which might take a few minutes for older versions - then follow these simple steps:
For Windows: simply run the installer
For Mac: copy over to `/Applications/Litecoin-Qt`
For Linux: copy cover `litecoind`/`litecoin-qt`.
Upgrading directly from a version of Bitcoin Core that has reached its EOL is
possible, but it might take some time if the data directory needs to be migrated. Old
wallet versions of Bitcoin Core are generally supported.
NB: upgrading directly from an end of life version of Litecoin Core is possible, but it might take a while if the data directory needs to be migrated. Old wallet versions of Litecoin Core are generally supported.
Litecoin Core is supported and extensively tested on operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS 10.10+, Windows 7 and newer. Its not recommended to use Litecoin Core on unsupported systems.
Litecoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems, but is not as frequently tested on them.
MWEB fields added to BlockIndex, and block serialization format has changed. Downgrading to older versions is unsafe.
If upgrading to 0.21.2 *after* MWEB has activated, you must resync to download MWEB blocks.
Notable changes
Consensus changes
- This release implements the proposed MWEB consensus rules
[LIP003](, and
P2P and network changes
- A new service flag, NODE_MWEB (1 << 24), was added to signal to peers that the node supports MWEB.
When connected peers both advertise this capability, they are expected to provide all MWEB data when
sharing transactions, blocks, and compact blocks with each other.
- Nodes now announce compact block version 3 support, informing peers that they can provide MWEB data
in compact blocks.
Bitcoin Core is supported and extensively tested on operating systems
using the Linux kernel, macOS 10.12+, and Windows 7 and newer. Bitcoin
Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not as
frequently tested on them. It is not recommended to use Bitcoin Core on
unsupported systems.
Updated RPCs
From Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 onwards, macOS versions earlier than 10.12 are no
longer supported. Additionally, Bitcoin Core does not yet change appearance
when macOS "dark mode" is activated.
- `getblockheader` now returns an additional `mweb_header` field containing
all of the MWEB header data, and an `mweb_amount` field containing the total
number of coins pegged-in to the MWEB after applying the block.
- `getblock` now returns an additional `mweb` field containing MWEB header info,
and all of the inputs, outputs, and kernels in the MWEB block.
0.21.2 change log
- Added `mwebweight`, `descendantmwebweight`, `ancestormwebweight`, and `mweb`
fields to `getrawmempool`, `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`,
and `getmempoolentry`.
### P2P protocol and network code
- Added new fields to describe MWEB transaction inputs, outputs, and kernels
for `getrawtransaction`.
- #21644 use NetPermissions::HasFlag() in CConnman::Bind() (jonatack)
- #22569 Rate limit the processing of rumoured addresses (sipa)
Changes to Wallet or GUI related RPCs can be found in the GUI or Wallet section below.
### Wallet
New settings
- #21907 Do not iterate a directory if having an error while accessing it (hebasto)
- Added "fMWEBFeatures" option for enabling the new "Advanced MWEB Features"
### RPC
Wallet Database
- #19361 Reset scantxoutset progress before inferring descriptors (prusnak)
- Added "mweb_coin" type which stores MWEB coins and their derived keys.
### Build System
- Added CHDChain version 4 which includes an MWEB key index counter and
the stealth address scan key.
- #21932 depends: update Qt 5.9 source url (kittywhiskers)
- #22017 Update Windows code signing certificate (achow101)
- #22191 Use custom MacOS code signing tool (achow101)
- #22713 Fix build with Boost 1.77.0 (sizeofvoid)
- Added CKeyMetadata version 14 which includes the MWEB key index.
### Tests and QA
- Added FEATURE_MWEB = 210000 minimum database version.
- #20182 Build with --enable-werror by default, and document exceptions (hebasto)
- #20535 Fix intermittent feature_taproot issue (MarcoFalke)
- #21663 Fix macOS brew install command (hebasto)
- #22279 add missing ECCVerifyHandle to base_encode_decode (apoelstra)
- #22730 Run fuzzer task for the master branch only (hebasto)
Wallet RPC changes
### GUI
- Added 'listwallettransactions' which matches the transaction list display values.
- #277 Do not use QClipboard::Selection on Windows and macOS. (hebasto)
- #280 Remove user input from URI error message (prayank23)
- #365 Draw "eye" sign at the beginning of watch-only addresses (hebasto)
GUI changes
### Miscellaneous
- Added an "Advanced MWEB Features" control for testing. Its only available
when the "-debug" argument is supplied, and the option is turned on in the
settings dialog.
- #22002 Fix crash when parsing command line with -noincludeconf=0 (MarcoFalke)
- #22137 util: Properly handle -noincludeconf on command line (take 2) (MarcoFalke)
@ -114,7 +90,20 @@ Credits
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
- [The Bitcoin Core Developers]
- DavidBurkett
- hectorchu
- losh11
- Andrew Chow
- Andrew Poelstra
- fanquake
- Hennadii Stepanov
- Jon Atack
- Kittywhiskers Van Gogh
- Luke Dashjr
- MarcoFalke
- Pavol Rusnak
- Pieter Wuille
- prayank23
- Rafael Sadowski
- W. J. van der Laan
As well as to everyone that helped with translations on
