@ -3391,9 +3391,10 @@ static RPCHelpMan bumpfee_helper(std::string method_name)
"The command will fail if the wallet or mempool contains a transaction that spends one of T's outputs.\n"
"By default, the new fee will be calculated automatically using the estimatesmartfee RPC.\n"
"The user can specify a confirmation target for estimatesmartfee.\n"
"Alternatively, the user can specify a fee_rate (in " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB) for the new transaction.\n"
"Alternatively, the user can specify a fee rate in " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB for the new transaction.\n"
"At a minimum, the new fee rate must be high enough to pay an additional new relay fee (incrementalfee\n"
"returned by getnetworkinfo) to enter the node's mempool.\n",
"returned by getnetworkinfo) to enter the node's mempool.\n"
"* WARNING: before version 0.21, fee_rate was in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB. As of 0.21, fee_rate is in " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB. *\n",
{"txid", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The txid to be bumped"},
{"options", RPCArg::Type::OBJ, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED_NAMED_ARG, "",
@ -3402,7 +3403,8 @@ static RPCHelpMan bumpfee_helper(std::string method_name)
"or fee rate (for " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB and " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/B estimate modes)"},
{"fee_rate", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, /* default */ "not set, fall back to wallet fee estimation",
"\nSpecify a fee rate in " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB instead of relying on the built-in fee estimator.\n"
"Must be at least 1 " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB higher than the current transaction fee rate.\n"},
"Must be at least 1 " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB higher than the current transaction fee rate.\n"
"WARNING: before version 0.21, fee_rate was in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB. As of 0.21, fee_rate is in " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/vB.\n"},
{"replaceable", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "true", "Whether the new transaction should still be\n"
"marked bip-125 replaceable. If true, the sequence numbers in the transaction will\n"
"be left unchanged from the original. If false, any input sequence numbers in the\n"