- This update should be reviewed with a reindex-chainstate with assumevalid=0 to catch any defect
that causes rejection of blocks in the past history.
- Clear the release notes and move them to the wiki (see "Write the release notes" below).
- Translations on Transifex
- Translations on Transifex:
- Pull translations from Transifex into the master branch.
- Create [a new resource](https://www.transifex.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/content/) named after the major version with the slug `[bitcoin.qt-translation-<RRR>x]`, where `RRR` is the major branch number padded with zeros. Use `src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf` to create it.
- In the project workflow settings, ensure that [Translation Memory Fill-up](https://docs.transifex.com/translation-memory/enabling-autofill) is enabled and that [Translation Memory Context Matching](https://docs.transifex.com/translation-memory/translation-memory-with-context) is disabled.
- Update the Transifex slug in [`.tx/config`](/.tx/config) to the slug of the resource created in the first step. This identifies which resource the translations will be synchronized from.