@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ ap.add_argument("-no-strip", dest="strip", action="store_false", default=True, h
ap.add_argument("-sign", dest="sign", action="store_true", default=False, help="sign .app bundle with codesign tool")
ap.add_argument("-dmg", nargs="?", const="", metavar="basename", help="create a .dmg disk image; if basename is not specified, a camel-cased version of the app name is used")
ap.add_argument("-fancy", nargs=1, metavar="plist", default=[], help="make a fancy looking disk image using the given plist file with instructions; requires -dmg to work")
ap.add_argument("-add-qt-tr", nargs=1, metavar="languages", default=[], help="add Qt translation files to the bundle's ressources; the language list must be separated with commas, not with whitespace")
ap.add_argument("-add-qt-tr", nargs=1, metavar="languages", default=[], help="add Qt translation files to the bundle's resources; the language list must be separated with commas, not with whitespace")
ap.add_argument("-translations-dir", nargs=1, metavar="path", default=None, help="Path to Qt's translation files")
ap.add_argument("-add-resources", nargs="+", metavar="path", default=[], help="list of additional files or folders to be copied into the bundle's resources; must be the last argument")
ap.add_argument("-volname", nargs=1, metavar="volname", default=[], help="custom volume name for dmg")