@ -1146,6 +1146,32 @@ CBlockIndex* FindBlockByHeight(int nHeight)
return vBlockIndexByHeight[nHeight];
bool WriteBlockToDisk(CBlock& block, CDiskBlockPos& pos)
// Open history file to append
CAutoFile fileout = CAutoFile(OpenBlockFile(pos), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (!fileout)
return error("WriteBlockToDisk() : OpenBlockFile failed");
// Write index header
unsigned int nSize = fileout.GetSerializeSize(block);
fileout << FLATDATA(Params().MessageStart()) << nSize;
// Write block
long fileOutPos = ftell(fileout);
if (fileOutPos < 0)
return error("WriteBlockToDisk() : ftell failed");
pos.nPos = (unsigned int)fileOutPos;
fileout << block;
// Flush stdio buffers and commit to disk before returning
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload())
return true;
bool CBlock::ReadFromDisk(const CBlockIndex* pindex)
if (!ReadFromDisk(pindex->GetBlockPos()))